Example #1
void BCubeTopology::init_network() {
    QueueLoggerSampling* queueLogger;


    for (int i=0; i<NUM_SRV; i++) {
        for (int k=0; k<K; k++) {
            for (int j=0; j<NUM_SW; j++) {
                pipes_srv_switch[i][j][k] = NULL;
                queues_srv_switch[i][j][k] = NULL;
                pipes_switch_srv[j][i][k] = NULL;
                queues_switch_srv[j][i][k] = NULL;

    //  addresses[i][k] = ADDRESS(i,k);

    for (int k=0; k<=K; k++) {
        //create links for level K
        for (int i=0; i<NUM_SRV; i++) {
            int j;

            j = SWITCH_ID(i,k);

            //printf("SWITCH ID for server %d level %d is %d\n",i,k,j);

            //index k of the address

            queueLogger = new QueueLoggerSampling(timeFromMs(1000), *eventlist);
            //queueLogger = NULL;

            queues_srv_switch[i][j][k] = new RandomQueue(speedFromPktps(HOST_NIC), memFromPkt(SWITCH_BUFFER + RANDOM_BUFFER), *eventlist, queueLogger, memFromPkt(RANDOM_BUFFER));
            queues_srv_switch[i][j][k]->setName("SRV_" + ntoa(i) + "(level_" + ntoa(k)+"))_SW_" +ntoa(j));

            pipes_srv_switch[i][j][k] = new Pipe(timeFromUs(RTT), *eventlist);
            pipes_srv_switch[i][j][k]->setName("Pipe-SRV_" + ntoa(i) + "(level_" + ntoa(k)+")-SW_" +ntoa(j));

            queueLogger = new QueueLoggerSampling(timeFromMs(1000), *eventlist);
            //queueLogger = NULL;

            queues_switch_srv[j][i][k] = new RandomQueue(speedFromPktps(HOST_NIC), memFromPkt(SWITCH_BUFFER + RANDOM_BUFFER), *eventlist, queueLogger, memFromPkt(RANDOM_BUFFER));
            queues_switch_srv[j][i][k]->setName("SW_" + ntoa(j) + "(level_" + ntoa(k)+")-SRV_" +ntoa(i));

            pipes_switch_srv[j][i][k] = new Pipe(timeFromUs(RTT), *eventlist);
            pipes_switch_srv[j][i][k]->setName("Pipe-SW_" + ntoa(j) + "(level_" + ntoa(k)+")-SRV_" +ntoa(i));
Int CVisDemoSorterClassifier::CalculateEjectionTime( const CVisFixpoint & pos_y, const Int nLane )
	#define g 9.81f

	float fConveyorPosition = m_pModel->GetConveyorPosition().GetFloatValue();
	float fEjectionPosition = m_pModel->GetEjectionPosition( nLane ).GetFloatValue();

	// Calculate the total time an object need to fall from the conveyor to the ejectors
	float fFallT;
	fFallT = sqrtf( (2.0f / g) * ( fConveyorPosition - fEjectionPosition ) );
	// Calculate the time the object is already on its way from the conveyor.
	float fDeltaT;
	fDeltaT = sqrtf( (2.0f / g) * fabs( fConveyorPosition - pos_y.GetFloatValue() ) );

	// The ejection time is the total fall time minus the time the object is already airborn.
	float fEjectionTime = fFallT - fDeltaT;

	// Convert the seconds to the high res timing units
	Uint32 unDeltaEjectionTime;
#ifndef _WINDOWS
	unDeltaEjectionTime = timeFromUs((int)(1000000.0f * fEjectionTime) );
	unDeltaEjectionTime = (Uint32)(1000000.0f * fEjectionTime);

	// Return it.
	return unDeltaEjectionTime;
Example #3
void StarTopology::init_network() {
    QueueLoggerSampling* queueLogger;

    for (int i=0; i<NSRV; i++) {
        pipe_in_ns[i] = NULL;
        pipe_out_ns[i] = NULL;
        queue_in_ns[i] = NULL;
        queue_out_ns[i] = NULL;

    for (int j = 0; j < NSRV; j++) {
        // Downlink
        queueLogger = new QueueLoggerSampling(timeFromMs(1000), *eventlist);
        //queueLogger = NULL;

        queue_in_ns[j] = new RandomQueue(speedFromPktps(HOST_NIC), memFromPkt(SWITCH_BUFFER + RANDOM_BUFFER), *eventlist, queueLogger, memFromPkt(RANDOM_BUFFER));
        queue_in_ns[j]->setName("IN_" + ntoa(j));

        pipe_in_ns[j] = new Pipe(timeFromUs(RTT), *eventlist);
        pipe_in_ns[j]->setName("Pipe-in-" + ntoa(j));

        queueLogger = new QueueLoggerSampling(timeFromMs(1000), *eventlist);
        //queueLogger = NULL;
        queue_out_ns[j] = new RandomQueue(speedFromPktps(HOST_NIC), memFromPkt(SWITCH_BUFFER + RANDOM_BUFFER), *eventlist, queueLogger, memFromPkt(RANDOM_BUFFER));
        queue_out_ns[j]->setName("OUT_" + ntoa(j));

        pipe_out_ns[j] = new Pipe(timeFromUs(RTT), *eventlist);
        pipe_out_ns[j]->setName("Pipe-out-" + ntoa(j));

        if (ff) {
Example #4
main (int argc, char **argv)
        eventlist.setEndtime (timeFromSec (200));
        Clock c (timeFromSec (50 / 100.), eventlist);
        int algo = COUPLED_EPSILON;
        double epsilon = 1;
        int param = 0;
        stringstream filename (ios_base::out);
        uint64_t pktperflow = 1048576LL/1000 + 1;
        if (argc > 1) {
                int i = 1;

                if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-o")) {
                        filename << argv[2];
                        i += 2;
                } else {
                        filename << "logout.dat";

                if (argc > i && !strcmp (argv[i], "-sub")) {
                        subflow_count = atoi (argv[i + 1]);
                        i += 2;

                if (argc > i && !strcmp (argv[i], "-flowM")) {
                        pktperflow = atoi (argv[i + 1])*1048576LL/1000;
                        i += 2;
                        cout << "Using subflow count " << subflow_count << endl;
                if (argc > i && !strcmp (argv[i], "-param")) {
                        param = atoi (argv[i + 1]);
                        i += 2;
                        cout << "Using subflow count " << subflow_count << endl;

                if (argc > i) {
                        epsilon = -1;

                        if (!strcmp (argv[i], "UNCOUPLED")) {
                                algo = UNCOUPLED;
                        } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "COUPLED_INC")) {
                                algo = COUPLED_INC;
                        } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "FULLY_COUPLED")) {
                                algo = FULLY_COUPLED;
                        } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "COUPLED_TCP")) {
                                algo = COUPLED_TCP;
                        } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "COUPLED_SCALABLE_TCP")) {
                                algo = COUPLED_SCALABLE_TCP;
                        } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "COUPLED_EPSILON")) {
                                algo = COUPLED_EPSILON;

                                if (argc > i + 1) {
                                        epsilon = atof (argv[i + 1]);

                                printf ("Using epsilon %f\n", epsilon);
                        } else {
                                exit_error (argv[0]);

        srand (time (NULL));
        cout << "Using algo=" << algo << " epsilon=" << epsilon << endl;
        // prepare the loggers
        cout << "Logging to " << filename.str () << endl;
        Logfile logfile (filename.str (), eventlist);
        filename << ".paths";
        cout << "Logging path choices to " << filename.str () << endl;
        std::ofstream paths (filename.str ().c_str ());

        if (!paths) {
                cout << "Can't open for writing paths file!" << endl;
                exit (1);

        int tot_subs = 0;
        int cnt_con = 0;
        lg = &logfile;
        logfile.setStartTime (timeFromSec (0));
        SinkLoggerSampling sinkLogger =
                SinkLoggerSampling (timeFromMs (1000), eventlist);
        logfile.addLogger (sinkLogger);
        //TcpLoggerSimple logTcp;logfile.addLogger(logTcp);
        TcpSrc *tcpSrc;
        TcpSink *tcpSnk;
        //CbrSrc* cbrSrc;
        //CbrSink* cbrSnk;
        route_t *routeout, *routein;
        double extrastarttime;
        TcpRtxTimerScanner tcpRtxScanner (timeFromMs (10), eventlist);
        MultipathTcpSrc *mtcp;
        vector<MultipathTcpSrc*> mptcpVector;
        int dest;

        if (subflow_count == 1) {
                ff = new FirstFit (timeFromMs (FIRST_FIT_INTERVAL), eventlist);

#ifdef FAT_TREE
        FatTreeTopology *top = new FatTreeTopology (&logfile, &eventlist, ff);
#ifdef OV_FAT_TREE
        OversubscribedFatTreeTopology *top =
                new OversubscribedFatTreeTopology (&logfile, &eventlist, ff);
#ifdef MH_FAT_TREE
        MultihomedFatTreeTopology *top =
                new MultihomedFatTreeTopology (&logfile, &eventlist, ff);
#ifdef STAR
        StarTopology *top = new StarTopology (&logfile, &eventlist, ff);
#ifdef BCUBE
        BCubeTopology *top = new BCubeTopology (&logfile, &eventlist, ff);
        cout << "BCUBE " << K << endl;
#ifdef VL2
        VL2Topology *top = new VL2Topology (&logfile, &eventlist, ff);
        vector < route_t * >***net_paths;
        net_paths = new vector < route_t * >**[N];
        int *is_dest = new int[N];

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                is_dest[i] = 0;
                net_paths[i] = new vector < route_t * >*[N];

                for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
                        net_paths[i][j] = NULL;

        if (ff) {
                ff->net_paths = net_paths;

        vector < int >*destinations;
        // Permutation connections
        ConnectionMatrix *conns = new ConnectionMatrix (N);
        //cout << "Running perm with " << param << " connections" << endl;
//    conns->setHotspot(param,512/param);
        conns->setStride (3,0);
        map < int, vector < int >*>::iterator it;
        int connID = 0;

        for (it = conns->connections.begin (); it != conns->connections.end ();
             it++) {
                int src = (*it).first;
                destinations = (vector < int >*) (*it).second;
                vector < int >subflows_chosen;

                for (unsigned int dst_id = 0; dst_id < destinations->size (); dst_id++) {
                        dest = destinations->at (dst_id);

                        if (!net_paths[src][dest]) {
                                net_paths[src][dest] = top->get_paths (src, dest);

                        /*bool cbr = 1;
                           if (cbr){
                           cbrSrc = new CbrSrc(eventlist,speedFromPktps(7999),timeFromMs(0),timeFromMs(0));
                           cbrSnk = new CbrSink();

                           cbrSrc->setName("cbr_" + ntoa(src) + "_" + ntoa(dest)+"_"+ntoa(dst_id));

                           cbrSnk->setName("cbr_sink_" + ntoa(src) + "_" + ntoa(dest)+"_"+ntoa(dst_id));

                           // tell it the route
                           if (net_paths[src][dest]->size()==1){
                           choice = 0;
                           else {
                           choice = rand()%net_paths[src][dest]->size();

                           routeout = new route_t(*(net_paths[src][dest]->at(choice)));

                           cbrSrc->connect(*routeout, *cbrSnk, timeFromMs(0));
                           } */
                                //we should create multiple connections. How many?
                                //if (connID%3!=0)
                                for (int connection = 0; connection < 1; connection++) {
                                        if (algo == COUPLED_EPSILON) {
                                                mtcp = new MultipathTcpSrc (algo, eventlist, NULL, epsilon);
                                        } else {
                                                mtcp = new MultipathTcpSrc (algo, eventlist, NULL);

                                        //uint64_t bb = generateFlowSize();
                                        //      if (subflow_control)
                                        subflows_chosen.clear ();
                                        int it_sub;
                                        int crt_subflow_count = subflow_count;
                                        tot_subs += crt_subflow_count;
                                        it_sub =
                                                crt_subflow_count >
                                                size ()? net_paths[src][dest]->size () : crt_subflow_count;
                                        int use_all = it_sub == net_paths[src][dest]->size ();

                                        //if (connID%10!=0)
                                        //it_sub = 1;
                                        uint64_t pktpersubflow = pktperflow / it_sub;

                                        for (int inter = 0; inter < it_sub; inter++) {
                                                //              if (connID%10==0){
                                                tcpSrc = new TcpSrc (NULL, NULL, eventlist);
                                                tcpSnk = new TcpSink ();
                                                   else {
                                                   tcpSrc = new TcpSrcTransfer(NULL,NULL,eventlist,bb,net_paths[src][dest]);
                                                   tcpSnk = new TcpSinkTransfer();
                                                   } */
                                                //if (connection==1)
                                                tcpSrc->setName ("mtcp_" + ntoa (src) + "_" +
                                                                 ntoa (inter) + "_" + ntoa (dest) + "(" +
                                                                 ntoa (connection) + ")");
                                                logfile.writeName (*tcpSrc);
                                                tcpSnk->setName ("mtcp_sink_" + ntoa (src) + "_" +
                                                                 ntoa (inter) + "_" + ntoa (dest) + "(" +
                                                                 ntoa (connection) + ")");
                                                logfile.writeName (*tcpSnk);
                                                tcpRtxScanner.registerTcp (*tcpSrc);
                                                /*int found;
                                                   do {
                                                   found = 0;

                                                   //if (net_paths[src][dest]->size()==K*K/4 && it_sub <= K/2)
                                                   //choice = rand()%(K/2);
                                                   choice = rand()%net_paths[src][dest]->size();

                                                   for (unsigned int cnt = 0;cnt<subflows_chosen.size();cnt++){
                                                   if (subflows_chosen.at(cnt)==choice){
                                                   found = 1;
                                                   // */
                                                int choice = 0;
#ifdef FAT_TREE
                                                choice = rand () % net_paths[src][dest]->size ();
#ifdef OV_FAT_TREE
                                                choice = rand () % net_paths[src][dest]->size ();
#ifdef MH_FAT_TREE

                                                if (use_all) {
                                                        choice = inter;
                                                } else {
                                                        choice = rand () % net_paths[src][dest]->size ();

#ifdef VL2
                                                choice = rand () % net_paths[src][dest]->size ();
#ifdef STAR
                                                choice = 0;
#ifdef BCUBE
                                                //choice = inter;
                                                int min = -1, max = -1, minDist = 1000, maxDist = 0;

                                                if (subflow_count == 1) {
                                                        //find shortest and longest path
                                                        for (int dd = 0; dd < net_paths[src][dest]->size ();
                                                             dd++) {
                                                                if (net_paths[src][dest]->at (dd)->size () <
                                                                    minDist) {
                                                                        minDist =
                                                                                net_paths[src][dest]->at (dd)->size ();
                                                                        min = dd;

                                                                if (net_paths[src][dest]->at (dd)->size () >
                                                                    maxDist) {
                                                                        maxDist =
                                                                                net_paths[src][dest]->at (dd)->size ();
                                                                        max = dd;

                                                        choice = min;
                                                } else {
                                                        choice = rand () % net_paths[src][dest]->size ();

                                                //cout << "Choice "<<choice<<" out of "<<net_paths[src][dest]->size();
                                                subflows_chosen.push_back (choice);

                                                /*if (net_paths[src][dest]->size()==K*K/4 && it_sub<=K/2){
                                                   int choice2 = rand()%(K/2); */
                                                if (choice >= net_paths[src][dest]->size ()) {
                                                        printf ("Weird path choice %d out of %u\n", choice,
                                                                net_paths[src][dest]->size ());
                                                        exit (1);

                                                paths << "Route from " << ntoa (src) << " to " <<
                                                      ntoa (dest) << "  (" << choice << ") -> ";
                                                print_path (paths, net_paths[src][dest]->at (choice));
                                                routeout =
                                                        new route_t (*(net_paths[src][dest]->at (choice)));
                                                routeout->push_back (tcpSnk);
                                                routein = new route_t ();
                                                routein->push_back (tcpSrc);
                                                extrastarttime = 50 * drand ();
                                                //join multipath connection
                                                mtcp->addSubflow (tcpSrc);

                                                if (inter == 0) {
                                                        mtcp->setName ("multipath" + ntoa (src) + "_" +
                                                                       ntoa (dest) + "(" + ntoa (connection) +
                                                        logfile.writeName (*mtcp);

                                                tcpSrc->connect (*routeout, *routein, *tcpSnk,
                                                                 timeFromMs (extrastarttime));
                                                tcpSrc->set_paths (net_paths[src][dest]);
                                                cout << "Using PACKET SCATTER!!!!" << endl << end;

                                                if (ff && !inter) {
                                                        ff->add_flow (src, dest, tcpSrc);

                                                sinkLogger.monitorSink (tcpSnk);

        //ShortFlows* sf = new ShortFlows(2560, eventlist, net_paths,conns,lg, &tcpRtxScanner);
        cout << "Mean number of subflows " << ntoa ((double) tot_subs /
                        cnt_con) << endl;
        // Record the setup
        int pktsize = TcpPacket::DEFAULTDATASIZE;
        logfile.write ("# pktsize=" + ntoa (pktsize) + " bytes");
        logfile.write ("# subflows=" + ntoa (subflow_count));
        logfile.write ("# hostnicrate = " + ntoa (HOST_NIC) + " pkt/sec");
        logfile.write ("# corelinkrate = " + ntoa (HOST_NIC * CORE_TO_HOST) +
                       " pkt/sec");
        //logfile.write("# buffer = " + ntoa((double) (queues_na_ni[0][1]->_maxsize) / ((double) pktsize)) + " pkt");
        double rtt = timeAsSec (timeFromUs (RTT));
        logfile.write ("# rtt =" + ntoa (rtt));
        // GO!
        double last = 0.0;

        while (eventlist.doNextEvent ()) {
                if (timeAsMs(eventlist.now())>last+10.0) {
                        cout << (last =  timeAsMs(eventlist.now()))   << endl;

                        for (vector<MultipathTcpSrc*>::iterator iA = mptcpVector.begin(); iA!=mptcpVector.end(); iA++) {
                                cout << (*iA)->compute_total_bytes()*0.001*0.001 <<" ";

                        cout << endl;