Example #1
static DDS_boolean
PP_seq_handler (
    unsigned int nof_cycles
    DDS_SampleInfoSeq     infoList = { 0, 0, NULL, FALSE };
    int                   amount;
    DDS_boolean           result = FALSE;
    DDS_ReturnCode_t      dds_result;

    /* printf "PING: PING_seq arrived\n"); */

    preTakeTime = timeGet ();
    dds_result = pingpong_PP_seq_msgDataReader_take (
    postTakeTime = timeGet ();

    amount = PP_seq_dataList._length;
    if (amount != 0) {
        if (amount > 1) {
            printf ("PING: Ignore excess messages : %d msg received\n", amount);
        if (PP_seq_dataList._buffer[0].count < nof_cycles) {
            preWriteTime = timeGet ();
            dds_result = pingpong_PP_seq_msgDataWriter_write (PP_seq_writer, &PP_seq_dataList._buffer[0], DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
            postWriteTime = timeGet ();
            add_stats (&write_access, 1E6 * timeToReal (timeSub (postWriteTime, preWriteTime)));
        } else {
            result = TRUE;
        add_stats (&read_access, 1E6 * timeToReal (timeSub (postTakeTime, preTakeTime)));
        add_stats (&roundtrip,   1E6 * timeToReal (timeSub (postTakeTime, roundTripTime)));
        roundTripTime = preWriteTime;
        dds_result = pingpong_PP_seq_msgDataReader_return_loan (PP_seq_reader, &PP_seq_dataList, &infoList);
    } else {
        printf ("PING: PING_seq triggered, but no data available\n");

    return result;
Example #2
main (
    int argc,
    char *argv[]
    DDS_ConditionSeq                        *conditionList;
    DDS_WaitSet                              w;
    DDS_Condition                            exp_condition;
    pong_handler                            *active_handler;

    DDS_DomainParticipantQos                 *dpQos;
    DDS_TopicQos                             *tQos;
    DDS_PublisherQos                         *pQos;
    DDS_DataWriterQos                        *dwQos;
    DDS_SubscriberQos                        *sQos;
    DDS_DataReaderQos                        *drQos;
    time_t                                   clock = time (NULL);
    DDS_Duration_t                           wait_timeout = {3,0};

    DDS_ReturnCode_t                         result;
    DDS_boolean                              finish_flag = FALSE;
    DDS_boolean                              timeout_flag = FALSE;
    DDS_boolean                              terminate = FALSE;

    int                                      imax = 1;
    int                                      i;
    unsigned int                             block;

     * init timing statistics 
    init_stats (&roundtrip,    "round_trip");
    init_stats (&write_access, "write_access");
    init_stats (&read_access,  "read_access");

     * Evaluate cmdline arguments
    if (argc != 1) {
        if (argc != 6) {
            printf ("Invalid.....\n Usage: %s [blocks blocksize topic_id WRITE_PARTITION READ_PARTITION]\n", argv[0]);
            exit (1);
        nof_blocks      = atoi (argv[1]);
        nof_cycles      = atoi (argv[2]);
        topic_id        = argv[3][0];
        write_partition = argv[4];
        read_partition  = argv[5];

     * Create WaitSet
    w = DDS_WaitSet__alloc ();
     * Initialize Qos variables
    dpQos = DDS_DomainParticipantQos__alloc();
    tQos  = DDS_TopicQos__alloc();
    pQos  = DDS_PublisherQos__alloc();
    dwQos = DDS_DataWriterQos__alloc();
    sQos  = DDS_SubscriberQos__alloc();
    drQos = DDS_DataReaderQos__alloc();
     * Initialize condition list
    conditionList = NULL;

     * Create participant
    dpf = DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_get_instance ();
	dp = DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant (dpf, myDomain, DDS_PARTICIPANT_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    if (dp == DDS_HANDLE_NIL) {
        printf ("%s PING: ERROR - Splice Daemon not running", argv[0]);
        exit (1);

     * Create PING publisher
    DDS_DomainParticipant_get_default_publisher_qos (dp, pQos);
    pQos->partition.name._length = 1;
    pQos->partition.name._maximum = 1;
    pQos->partition.name._buffer = DDS_StringSeq_allocbuf (1);
    pQos->partition.name._buffer[0] = DDS_string_alloc (strlen(write_partition) + 1);
    strcpy (pQos->partition.name._buffer[0], write_partition);
    p = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_publisher (dp, pQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    DDS_free (pQos);

     * Create PONG subscriber
    DDS_DomainParticipant_get_default_subscriber_qos (dp, sQos);
    sQos->partition.name._length = 1;
    sQos->partition.name._maximum = 1;
    sQos->partition.name._buffer = DDS_StringSeq_allocbuf (1);
    sQos->partition.name._buffer[0] = DDS_string_alloc (strlen(read_partition) + 1);
    strcpy (sQos->partition.name._buffer[0], read_partition);
    s = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_subscriber (dp, sQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    DDS_free (sQos);

     * PP_min_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_min_dt = pingpong_PP_min_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_min_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_min_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_min_msg");
    PP_min_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_min_topic", "pingpong::PP_min_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_min_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_min_topic, DDS_DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_min_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_min_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_min_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_min_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_min_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    result = DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_min_sc);

     * PP_seq_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_seq_dt = pingpong_PP_seq_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_seq_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_seq_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_seq_msg");
    PP_seq_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_seq_topic", "pingpong::PP_seq_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_seq_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_seq_topic, DDS_DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_seq_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_seq_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_seq_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_seq_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_seq_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    result = DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_seq_sc);
     * PP_string_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_string_dt = pingpong_PP_string_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_string_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_string_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_string_msg");
    PP_string_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_string_topic", "pingpong::PP_string_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_string_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_string_topic, DDS_DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_string_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_string_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_string_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_string_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_string_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    result = DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_string_sc);
     * PP_fixed_msg
    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_fixed_dt = pingpong_PP_fixed_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_fixed_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_fixed_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg");
    PP_fixed_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_fixed_topic", "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_fixed_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_fixed_topic, DDS_DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_fixed_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_fixed_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_fixed_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_fixed_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_fixed_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    result = DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_fixed_sc);
     * PP_array_msg
    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_array_dt = pingpong_PP_array_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_array_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_array_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_array_msg");
    PP_array_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_array_topic", "pingpong::PP_array_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_array_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_array_topic, DDS_DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_array_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_array_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_array_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_array_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_array_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    result = DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_array_sc);

     * PP_quit_msg
    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_quit_dt = pingpong_PP_quit_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_quit_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_quit_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_quit_msg");
    PP_quit_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_quit_topic", "pingpong::PP_quit_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_quit_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_quit_topic, DDS_DATAWRITER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    for (block = 0; block < nof_blocks ; block++) {
        while (!finish_flag) {
             * Send Initial message
            timeout_flag = FALSE;
            switch(topic_id) {
                case 'm':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_min\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_min_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_min_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_min_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_min_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        result = pingpong_PP_min_msgDataWriter_write (PP_min_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 'q':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_seq\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_seq_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_seq_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_seq_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_seq_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        result = pingpong_PP_seq_msgDataWriter_write (PP_seq_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 's':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_string\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_string_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_string_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_string_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_string_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        PPdata->a_string = DDS_string_alloc (8);
                        strcpy (PPdata->a_string, "a_string");
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        result = pingpong_PP_string_msgDataWriter_write (PP_string_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 'f':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_fixed\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_fixed_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_fixed_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_fixed_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_fixed_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        PPdata->a_bstring = DDS_string_alloc (9);
                        strcpy (PPdata->a_bstring, "a_bstring");
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        result = pingpong_PP_fixed_msgDataWriter_write (PP_fixed_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 'a':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_array\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_array_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_array_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_array_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_array_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        result = pingpong_PP_array_msgDataWriter_write (PP_array_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 't':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_quit\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_quit_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_quit_msg__alloc();
                        PPdata->quit = TRUE;
                        terminate = TRUE;
                        finish_flag = TRUE;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        result = pingpong_PP_quit_msgDataWriter_write (PP_quit_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                    printf("Invalid topic-id\n");

	    if (!terminate) {
                roundTripTime = preWriteTime;
                add_stats (&write_access, 1E6 * timeToReal (timeSub (postWriteTime, preWriteTime)));
                 * Wait for response, calculate timing, and send another data if not ready
                while (!(timeout_flag || finish_flag)) {
                    conditionList = DDS_ConditionSeq__alloc();
                    result = DDS_WaitSet_wait (w, conditionList, &wait_timeout);
                    if (conditionList) {
                        imax = conditionList->_length;
                        if (imax != 0) {
                            for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
                                if (conditionList->_buffer[i] == exp_condition) {
                                    finish_flag = active_handler (nof_cycles);
                                } else {
                                    printf ("PING: unexpected condition triggered: %x\n",
                                            (unsigned int)conditionList->_buffer[i]);
                        } else {
                            printf ("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost\n");
                            timeout_flag = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        printf ("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost\n");
                        timeout_flag = TRUE;
        if (!terminate) {
            finish_flag = FALSE;
            if (block == 0) {
                printf ("# PING PONG measurements (in us) \n");
                printf ("# Executed at: %s", ctime(&clock));
                printf ("#           Roundtrip time [us]             Write-access time [us]          Read-access time [us]\n");
                printf ("# Block     Count   mean    min    max      Count   mean    min    max      Count   mean    min    max\n");
            printf ("%6d %10d %6.0f %6.0f %6.0f %10d %6.0f %6.0f %6.0f %10d %6.0f %6.0f %6.0f\n",
            fflush (NULL);
            init_stats (&write_access, "write_access");
            init_stats (&read_access,  "read_access");
            init_stats (&roundtrip,    "round_trip");
    result = DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_min_reader);
    result = DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_min_writer);
    result = DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_seq_reader);
    result = DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_seq_writer);
    result = DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_string_reader);
    result = DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_string_writer);
    result = DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_fixed_reader);
    result = DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_fixed_writer);
    result = DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_array_reader);
    result = DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_array_writer);
    result = DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_quit_writer);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_subscriber (dp, s);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_publisher (dp, p);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_min_topic);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_seq_topic);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_string_topic);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_fixed_topic);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_array_topic);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_quit_topic);
    result = DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_delete_participant (dpf, dp);
    DDS_free (w);
    DDS_free (PP_min_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_seq_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_string_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_fixed_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_array_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_quit_dt);
    DDS_free (dpQos);
    DDS_free (tQos);
    DDS_free (dwQos);
    DDS_free (drQos);

    return 0;
Example #3
int OSPL_MAIN (int argc, char ** argv)
    DDS_ConditionSeq                        *conditionList;
    DDS_WaitSet                              w;

    DDS_DomainParticipantQos                 *dpQos;
    DDS_TopicQos                             *tQos;
    DDS_PublisherQos                         *pQos;
    DDS_DataWriterQos                        *dwQos;
    DDS_SubscriberQos                        *sQos;
    DDS_DataReaderQos                        *drQos;

    DDS_Condition                            exp_condition = NULL;
    pong_handler                            *active_handler = NULL;
    DDS_Duration_t                           wait_timeout = {3,0};

    DDS_boolean                              finish_flag = FALSE;
    DDS_boolean                              timeout_flag = FALSE;
    DDS_boolean                              terminate = FALSE;
    DDS_ReturnCode_t                         result;

    int                                      imax = 1;
    int                                      i;
    unsigned int                             block;

    printf ("Starting ping example\n");

     * init timing statistics
    init_stats (&roundtrip,    "round_trip");
    init_stats (&write_access, "write_access");
    init_stats (&read_access,  "read_access");

     * Evaluate cmdline arguments
    nof_blocks = 100;
    nof_cycles = 100;
#if defined (PING1)
    topic_id = 'm';
#elif defined (PING2)
    topic_id = 'q';
#elif defined (PING3)
    topic_id = 's';
#elif defined (PING4)
    topic_id = 'f';
#elif defined (PING5)
    topic_id = 'b';
#elif defined (PING6)
    nof_blocks = 1;
    nof_cycles = 10;
    topic_id = 't';
    write_partition = "PongRead";
    read_partition = "PongWrite";
    if (argc != 1) {
    if (argc != 6) {
            printf ("Invalid.....\n Usage: %s [blocks blocksize topic_id WRITE_PARTITION READ_PARTITION]\n", argv[0]);
            exit (1);
        nof_blocks      = atoi (argv[1]);
        nof_cycles      = atoi (argv[2]);
        topic_id        = argv[3][0];
        write_partition = argv[4];
        read_partition  = argv[5];

#ifdef _WIN32

     * Create WaitSet
    w     = DDS_WaitSet__alloc ();
     * Initialize Qos variables
    dpQos = DDS_DomainParticipantQos__alloc();
    tQos  = DDS_TopicQos__alloc();
    pQos  = DDS_PublisherQos__alloc();
    dwQos = DDS_DataWriterQos__alloc();
    sQos  = DDS_SubscriberQos__alloc();
    drQos = DDS_DataReaderQos__alloc();
     * Initialize condition list
    conditionList = NULL;

     * Create participant
    dpf = DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_get_instance ();
    dp = DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant (dpf, myDomain, DDS_PARTICIPANT_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    if (dp == DDS_HANDLE_NIL) {
        printf ("%s PING: ERROR - Splice Daemon not running", argv[0]);
        exit (1);

     * Create PING publisher
    DDS_DomainParticipant_get_default_publisher_qos (dp, pQos);
    pQos->partition.name._length = 1;
    pQos->partition.name._maximum = 1;
    pQos->partition.name._buffer = DDS_StringSeq_allocbuf (1);
    pQos->partition.name._buffer[0] = DDS_string_dup (write_partition);
    p = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_publisher (dp, pQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    DDS_free (pQos);

     * Create PONG subscriber
    DDS_DomainParticipant_get_default_subscriber_qos (dp, sQos);
    sQos->partition.name._length = 1;
    sQos->partition.name._maximum = 1;
    sQos->partition.name._buffer = DDS_StringSeq_allocbuf (1);
    sQos->partition.name._buffer[0] = DDS_string_dup (read_partition);
    s = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_subscriber (dp, sQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);
    DDS_free (sQos);

     * PP_min_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_min_dt = pingpong_PP_min_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_min_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_min_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_min_msg");
    PP_min_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_min_topic", "pingpong::PP_min_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    DDS_Publisher_get_default_datawriter_qos(p, dwQos);
    dwQos->reliability.kind = DDS_BEST_EFFORT_RELIABILITY_QOS;
    dwQos->history.kind = DDS_KEEP_ALL_HISTORY_QOS;

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_min_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_min_topic, dwQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_min_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_min_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_min_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_min_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_min_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_min_sc);

     * PP_seq_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_seq_dt = pingpong_PP_seq_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_seq_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_seq_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_seq_msg");
    PP_seq_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_seq_topic", "pingpong::PP_seq_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_seq_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_seq_topic, dwQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_seq_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_seq_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_seq_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_seq_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_seq_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_seq_sc);

     * PP_string_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_string_dt = pingpong_PP_string_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_string_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_string_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_string_msg");
    PP_string_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_string_topic", "pingpong::PP_string_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_string_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_string_topic, dwQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_string_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_string_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_string_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_string_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_string_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_string_sc);

     * PP_fixed_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_fixed_dt = pingpong_PP_fixed_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_fixed_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_fixed_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg");
    PP_fixed_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_fixed_topic", "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_fixed_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_fixed_topic, dwQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_fixed_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_fixed_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_fixed_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_fixed_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_fixed_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_fixed_sc);

     * PP_array_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_array_dt = pingpong_PP_array_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_array_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_array_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_array_msg");
    PP_array_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_array_topic", "pingpong::PP_array_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_array_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_array_topic, dwQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_array_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_array_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_array_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_array_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_array_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_array_sc);

     * PP_bseq_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_bseq_dt = pingpong_PP_bseq_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_bseq_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_bseq_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_bseq_msg");
    PP_bseq_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_bseq_topic", "pingpong::PP_bseq_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_bseq_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_bseq_topic, dwQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datareader */
    PP_bseq_reader = DDS_Subscriber_create_datareader (s, PP_bseq_topic, DDS_DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */
    PP_bseq_sc = DDS_DataReader_get_statuscondition (PP_bseq_reader);
    DDS_StatusCondition_set_enabled_statuses (PP_bseq_sc, DDS_DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS);
    DDS_WaitSet_attach_condition (w, PP_bseq_sc);

     * PP_quit_msg

    /*  Create Topic */
    PP_quit_dt = pingpong_PP_quit_msgTypeSupport__alloc ();
    pingpong_PP_quit_msgTypeSupport_register_type (PP_quit_dt, dp, "pingpong::PP_quit_msg");
    PP_quit_topic = DDS_DomainParticipant_create_topic (dp, "PP_quit_topic", "pingpong::PP_quit_msg", DDS_TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Create datawriter */
    PP_quit_writer = DDS_Publisher_create_datawriter (p, PP_quit_topic, dwQos, NULL, DDS_STATUS_MASK_NONE);

    /* Fr: workarround for ticket dds1712 */
    conditionList = DDS_ConditionSeq__alloc();
    DDS_WaitSet_wait (w, conditionList, &wait_timeout);

    for (block = 0; block < nof_blocks && !terminate ; block++) {
        while (!finish_flag) {
             * Send Initial message
            timeout_flag = FALSE;

            switch(topic_id) {
                case 'm':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_min\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_min_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_min_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_min_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_min_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        pingpong_PP_min_msgDataWriter_write (PP_min_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 'q':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_seq\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_seq_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_seq_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_seq_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_seq_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                            int i = 0;
                            PPdata->payload._buffer = pingpong_seq_char_allocbuf(SEQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
                            PPdata->payload._length = SEQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
                            PPdata->payload._maximum = SEQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
                            for (i=0; i<SEQ_PAYLOAD_SIZE; i++) {
                                PPdata->payload._buffer[i] = (char)i;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        pingpong_PP_seq_msgDataWriter_write (PP_seq_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 's':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_string\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_string_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_string_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_string_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_string_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        PPdata->a_string = DDS_string_dup ("a_string");
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        pingpong_PP_string_msgDataWriter_write (PP_string_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 'f':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_fixed\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_fixed_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_fixed_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_fixed_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_fixed_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        PPdata->a_bstring = DDS_string_dup ("a_bstring");
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        pingpong_PP_fixed_msgDataWriter_write (PP_fixed_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 'a':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_array\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_array_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_array_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_array_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_array_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        pingpong_PP_array_msgDataWriter_write (PP_array_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 'b':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_bseq_msg\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_bseq_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_bseq_msg__alloc ();
                        exp_condition = PP_bseq_sc;
                        active_handler = &PP_bseq_handler;
                        PPdata->count = 0;
                        PPdata->block = block;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        pingpong_PP_bseq_msgDataWriter_write (PP_bseq_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                case 't':
                        /* printf ("PING: sending initial ping_quit\n"); */
                        pingpong_PP_quit_msg *PPdata = pingpong_PP_quit_msg__alloc();
                        PPdata->quit = TRUE;
                        terminate = TRUE;
                        finish_flag = TRUE;
                        preWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        pingpong_PP_quit_msgDataWriter_write (PP_quit_writer, PPdata, DDS_HANDLE_NIL);
                        postWriteTime = timeGet ();
                        DDS_free (PPdata);
                    printf("Invalid topic-id\n");

            if (!terminate) {
                roundTripTime = preWriteTime;
                add_stats (&write_access, 1E6 * timeToReal (timeSub (postWriteTime, preWriteTime)));

                 * Wait for response, calculate timing, and send another data if not ready
                while (!(timeout_flag || finish_flag)) {
                    conditionList = DDS_ConditionSeq__alloc();
                    result = DDS_WaitSet_wait (w, conditionList, &wait_timeout);
                    if(result == DDS_RETCODE_OK || result == DDS_RETCODE_NO_DATA || result == DDS_RETCODE_TIMEOUT)
                        if (conditionList) {
                            imax = conditionList->_length;
                            if (imax != 0) {
                                for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) {
                                    if (conditionList->_buffer[i] == exp_condition) {
                                        finish_flag = active_handler (nof_cycles);
                                    } else {
                                        printf ("PING: unexpected condition triggered: %lx\n",
                                            (unsigned long)conditionList->_buffer[i]);
                            } else {
                                printf ("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost\n");
                                timeout_flag = TRUE;
                        } else {
                            printf ("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost\n");
                            timeout_flag = TRUE;
                    } else
                        printf ("PING: Waitset wait failed (code %d), terminating.\n", result);
                        finish_flag = TRUE;
                        terminate = TRUE;
        if (!terminate) {
            finish_flag = FALSE;
            if (block == 0) {
                printf ("# PING PONG measurements (in us) \n");
                printf ("#           Roundtrip time [us]             Write-access time [us]          Read-access time [us]\n");
                printf ("# Block     Count   mean    min    max      Count   mean    min    max      Count   mean    min    max\n");
            printf ("%6d %10d %6.0f %6.0f %6.0f %10d %6.0f %6.0f %6.0f %10d %6.0f %6.0f %6.0f\n",
            fflush (stdout);
            init_stats (&write_access, "write_access");
            init_stats (&read_access,  "read_access");
            init_stats (&roundtrip,    "round_trip");
    DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_min_reader);
    DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_min_writer);
    DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_seq_reader);
    DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_seq_writer);
    DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_string_reader);
    DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_string_writer);
    DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_fixed_reader);
    DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_fixed_writer);
    DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_array_reader);
    DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_array_writer);
    DDS_Subscriber_delete_datareader (s, PP_bseq_reader);
    DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_bseq_writer);
    DDS_Publisher_delete_datawriter (p, PP_quit_writer);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_subscriber (dp, s);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_publisher (dp, p);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_min_topic);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_seq_topic);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_string_topic);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_fixed_topic);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_array_topic);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_bseq_topic);
    DDS_DomainParticipant_delete_topic (dp, PP_quit_topic);
    DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_delete_participant (dpf, dp);
    DDS_free (w);
    DDS_free (PP_min_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_seq_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_string_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_fixed_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_array_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_bseq_dt);
    DDS_free (PP_quit_dt);
    DDS_free (dpQos);
    DDS_free (tQos);
    DDS_free (dwQos);
    DDS_free (drQos);

    printf ("Completed ping example\n");
    return 0;
Example #4
void consequenceBindList(struct node *array, size_t size) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        array[i].next = array + (i + 1) % size;

double getAccessTime(struct node* array) {
    struct timespec t0, t1, t_diff;
    struct node *current = array;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t0);
    for (size_t iter = 0; iter < NUM_ITER; ++iter) {
        x64(current = current->next;);

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t1);
    t_diff = timeSub(t1, t0);

    uint64_t nsec = t_diff.tv_sec*1e9 + t_diff.tv_nsec;
    return (double)(nsec)/(NUM_ITER * 64);

double getAverageAccessTime(struct node* array) {
    double avg_time = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_CYCLES; ++i) {
        avg_time += getAccessTime(array);
    return avg_time / NUM_CYCLES;

int main() {