Example #1
void imu_update(imu_t *imu)
	uint32_t t = time_keeper_get_time_ticks();
	imu->dt = time_keeper_ticks_to_seconds(t - imu->last_update);
	imu->last_update = t;

Example #2
void remote_update(remote_t* remote)
    uint32_t now = time_keeper_get_time_ticks() ;
    float raw;

    if ( remote->sat->new_data_available == true )
        // Check signal quality
        if ( remote->sat->dt < 100000)
            // ok
            remote->signal_quality = SIGNAL_GOOD;
        else if ( remote->sat->dt < 1500000 )
            // warning
            remote->signal_quality = SIGNAL_BAD;

        // Retrieve and scale channels
        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < REMOTE_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++i)
            raw = remote->sat->channels[i];
            if ( raw < remote->deadzone && raw > -remote->deadzone )
                remote->channels[i] = 0.0f;
                remote->channels[i] = raw * remote->scale * remote->channel_inv[i] - remote->trims[i];

        // Indicate that data was handled
        remote->sat->new_data_available = false;
        // Check for signal loss
        if ( ( now - remote->sat->last_update ) > 1500000 )
            // CRITICAL: Set all channels to failsafe
            remote->channels[CHANNEL_THROTTLE] = -1.0f;
            for (uint8_t i = 1; i < REMOTE_CHANNEL_COUNT; i++)
                remote->channels[i] = 0.0f;

            remote->signal_quality = SIGNAL_LOST;
Example #3
void imu_init (imu_t *imu, const mavlink_stream_t* mavlink_stream)
	imu->mavlink_stream = mavlink_stream;
	//init gyro
	imu->calib_gyro.scale_factor[X] =  1.0f / RAW_GYRO_X_SCALE;
	imu->calib_gyro.scale_factor[Y] =  1.0f / RAW_GYRO_Y_SCALE;
	imu->calib_gyro.scale_factor[Z] =  1.0f / RAW_GYRO_Z_SCALE;
	imu->calib_gyro.bias[X] = GYRO_BIAIS_X;
	imu->calib_gyro.bias[Y] = GYRO_BIAIS_Y;
	imu->calib_gyro.bias[Z] = GYRO_BIAIS_Z;
	imu->calib_gyro.orientation[X] = GYRO_ORIENTATION_X;
	imu->calib_gyro.orientation[Y] = GYRO_ORIENTATION_Y;
	imu->calib_gyro.orientation[Z] = GYRO_ORIENTATION_Z;
	imu->calib_gyro.axis[X] = GYRO_AXIS_X;
	imu->calib_gyro.axis[Y] = GYRO_AXIS_Y;
	imu->calib_gyro.axis[Z] = GYRO_AXIS_Z;
	//init accelero
	imu->calib_accelero.scale_factor[X] =  1.0f / RAW_ACC_X_SCALE;
	imu->calib_accelero.scale_factor[Y] =  1.0f / RAW_ACC_Y_SCALE;
	imu->calib_accelero.scale_factor[Z] =  1.0f / RAW_ACC_Z_SCALE;
	imu->calib_accelero.bias[X] = ACC_BIAIS_X;
	imu->calib_accelero.bias[Y] = ACC_BIAIS_Y;
	imu->calib_accelero.bias[Z] = ACC_BIAIS_Z;
	imu->calib_accelero.orientation[X] = ACC_ORIENTATION_X;
	imu->calib_accelero.orientation[Y] = ACC_ORIENTATION_Y;
	imu->calib_accelero.orientation[Z] = ACC_ORIENTATION_Z;
	imu->calib_accelero.axis[X] = ACC_AXIS_X;
	imu->calib_accelero.axis[Y] = ACC_AXIS_Y;
	imu->calib_accelero.axis[Z] = ACC_AXIS_Z;
	//init compass
	imu->calib_compass.scale_factor[X] =  1.0f / RAW_MAG_X_SCALE;
	imu->calib_compass.scale_factor[Y] =  1.0f / RAW_MAG_Y_SCALE;
	imu->calib_compass.scale_factor[Z] =  1.0f / RAW_MAG_Z_SCALE;
	imu->calib_compass.bias[X] = MAG_BIAIS_X;
	imu->calib_compass.bias[Y] = MAG_BIAIS_Y;
	imu->calib_compass.bias[Z] = MAG_BIAIS_Z;
	imu->calib_compass.orientation[X] = MAG_ORIENTATION_X;
	imu->calib_compass.orientation[Y] = MAG_ORIENTATION_Y;
	imu->calib_compass.orientation[Z] = MAG_ORIENTATION_Z;
	imu->calib_compass.axis[X] = MAG_AXIS_X;
	imu->calib_compass.axis[Y] = MAG_AXIS_Y;
	imu->calib_compass.axis[Z] = MAG_AXIS_Z;
	imu->last_update = time_keeper_get_time_ticks();
	imu->dt = 0.004;
Example #4
void pid_controller_init(pid_controller_t* controller, const pid_controller_conf_t* config)
	uint32_t t = time_keeper_get_time_ticks();

	controller->p_gain 			= config->p_gain;
	controller->clip_min 	 	= config->clip_min; 					
	controller->clip_max	 	= config->clip_max;		
	controller->integrator	 	= config->integrator;			
	controller->differentiator 	= config->differentiator;	
	controller->soft_zone_width = config->soft_zone_width;

	controller->output 		= 0.0f;
	controller->error 		= 0.0f;
	controller->last_update = t;
	controller->dt			= 0.0f;
Example #5
void pid_controller_init_pass_through(pid_controller_t* controller)
	uint32_t t = time_keeper_get_time_ticks();

	controller->dt = 0.0f;
	controller->last_update = t;
	controller->p_gain 		= 1.0f;
	controller->clip_min 	= -10000.0f;
	controller->clip_max 	= 10000.0f;
	controller->error 		= 0.0f;
	controller->output 		= 0.0f;
	controller->soft_zone_width 		= 0.0f;
	controller->differentiator.previous = 0.0f;
	pid_controller_init_differenciator(	&(controller->differentiator), 
										0.0f, 0.0f);
	pid_controller_init_integrator(	&(controller->integrator), 
									0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Example #6
float pid_controller_update_dt(pid_controller_t* controller, float error, float dt) 
	controller->error 		= error;
	controller->dt 			= dt;
	controller->last_update = time_keeper_get_time_ticks();
	controller->output 		= controller->p_gain * controller->error  
								+ pid_controller_integrate( &controller->integrator, controller->error, controller->dt)
								+ pid_controller_differentiate(&controller->differentiator, controller->error, controller->dt);
	if( controller->output < controller->clip_min ) 

	if( controller->output > controller->clip_max )
	return controller->output;	
Example #7
float pid_controller_update(pid_controller_t* controller, float error)
	uint32_t t = time_keeper_get_time_ticks();
	controller->error 		= maths_soft_zone(error, controller->soft_zone_width);
	controller->dt 			= time_keeper_ticks_to_seconds(t - controller->last_update);
	controller->last_update = t;
	controller->output 		= controller->p_gain * controller->error  
								+ pid_controller_integrate( &controller->integrator, controller->error, controller->dt)
								+ pid_controller_differentiate(&controller->differentiator, controller->error, controller->dt);
	if( controller->output < controller->clip_min ) 
		controller->output = controller->clip_min;

	if( controller->output > controller->clip_max ) 

	return controller->output;	
Example #8
File: imu.c Project: JohsBL/MobRob
void imu_init (imu_t *imu, state_t* state, const mavlink_stream_t* mavlink_stream, mavlink_communication_t* mavlink_communication)
	imu->mavlink_stream = mavlink_stream;
	imu->state = state;
	//init gyro
	imu->calib_gyro.scale_factor[X] =  1.0f / RAW_GYRO_X_SCALE;
	imu->calib_gyro.scale_factor[Y] =  1.0f / RAW_GYRO_Y_SCALE;
	imu->calib_gyro.scale_factor[Z] =  1.0f / RAW_GYRO_Z_SCALE;
	imu->calib_gyro.bias[X] = GYRO_BIAIS_X;
	imu->calib_gyro.bias[Y] = GYRO_BIAIS_Y;
	imu->calib_gyro.bias[Z] = GYRO_BIAIS_Z;
	imu->calib_gyro.orientation[X] = GYRO_ORIENTATION_X;
	imu->calib_gyro.orientation[Y] = GYRO_ORIENTATION_Y;
	imu->calib_gyro.orientation[Z] = GYRO_ORIENTATION_Z;
	imu->calib_gyro.axis[X] = GYRO_AXIS_X;
	imu->calib_gyro.axis[Y] = GYRO_AXIS_Y;
	imu->calib_gyro.axis[Z] = GYRO_AXIS_Z;
	imu->calib_gyro.max_oriented_values[X] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_gyro.max_oriented_values[Y] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_gyro.max_oriented_values[Z] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_gyro.min_oriented_values[X] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_gyro.min_oriented_values[Y] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_gyro.min_oriented_values[Z] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_gyro.calibration = false;
	//init accelero
	imu->calib_accelero.scale_factor[X] =  1.0f / RAW_ACC_X_SCALE;
	imu->calib_accelero.scale_factor[Y] =  1.0f / RAW_ACC_Y_SCALE;
	imu->calib_accelero.scale_factor[Z] =  1.0f / RAW_ACC_Z_SCALE;
	imu->calib_accelero.bias[X] = ACC_BIAIS_X;
	imu->calib_accelero.bias[Y] = ACC_BIAIS_Y;
	imu->calib_accelero.bias[Z] = ACC_BIAIS_Z;
	imu->calib_accelero.orientation[X] = ACC_ORIENTATION_X;
	imu->calib_accelero.orientation[Y] = ACC_ORIENTATION_Y;
	imu->calib_accelero.orientation[Z] = ACC_ORIENTATION_Z;
	imu->calib_accelero.axis[X] = ACC_AXIS_X;
	imu->calib_accelero.axis[Y] = ACC_AXIS_Y;
	imu->calib_accelero.axis[Z] = ACC_AXIS_Z;
	imu->calib_accelero.max_oriented_values[X] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_accelero.max_oriented_values[Y] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_accelero.max_oriented_values[Z] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_accelero.min_oriented_values[X] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_accelero.min_oriented_values[Y] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_accelero.min_oriented_values[Z] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_accelero.calibration = false;
	//init compass
	imu->calib_compass.scale_factor[X] =  1.0f / RAW_MAG_X_SCALE;
	imu->calib_compass.scale_factor[Y] =  1.0f / RAW_MAG_Y_SCALE;
	imu->calib_compass.scale_factor[Z] =  1.0f / RAW_MAG_Z_SCALE;
	imu->calib_compass.bias[X] = MAG_BIAIS_X;
	imu->calib_compass.bias[Y] = MAG_BIAIS_Y;
	imu->calib_compass.bias[Z] = MAG_BIAIS_Z;
	imu->calib_compass.orientation[X] = MAG_ORIENTATION_X;
	imu->calib_compass.orientation[Y] = MAG_ORIENTATION_Y;
	imu->calib_compass.orientation[Z] = MAG_ORIENTATION_Z;
	imu->calib_compass.axis[X] = MAG_AXIS_X;
	imu->calib_compass.axis[Y] = MAG_AXIS_Y;
	imu->calib_compass.axis[Z] = MAG_AXIS_Z;
	imu->calib_compass.max_oriented_values[X] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_compass.max_oriented_values[Y] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_compass.max_oriented_values[Z] = -10000.0f;
	imu->calib_compass.min_oriented_values[X] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_compass.min_oriented_values[Y] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_compass.min_oriented_values[Z] =  10000.0f;
	imu->calib_compass.calibration = false;
	// Add callbacks for waypoint handler commands requests
	mavlink_message_handler_cmd_callback_t callbackcmd;
	callbackcmd.command_id = MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION; // 241
	callbackcmd.sysid_filter = MAVLINK_BASE_STATION_ID;
	callbackcmd.compid_filter = MAV_COMP_ID_ALL;
	callbackcmd.compid_target = MAV_COMP_ID_ALL; // 0
	callbackcmd.function = (mavlink_cmd_callback_function_t)	&imu_start_calibration;
	callbackcmd.module_struct =									imu;
	mavlink_message_handler_add_cmd_callback(&mavlink_communication->message_handler, &callbackcmd);
	imu->last_update = time_keeper_get_time_ticks();
	imu->dt = 0.004;
	print_util_dbg_print("[IMU] Initialisation\r\n");
Example #9
fuzzy_controller_t fuzzy_control_init(float Kp, float Ki, float Kd, float normI, float normO, float limO)
	// generate the initial table
	float error_centers[] = {-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1};	//TODO
	float d_error_centers[] = {-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1};
	float dd_error_centers[] = { -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1};

	float*** table_PID = (float***) malloc(N_MF*sizeof(float**));
	for (int i = 0; i < N_MF; i++)
		table_PID[i] = (float**) malloc(N_MF*sizeof(float*));

	for (int i = 0; i<N_MF; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j<N_MF; j++) {
				table_PID[i][j] = (float*) malloc(N_MF*sizeof(float));
	generateTablePID(error_centers, d_error_centers, dd_error_centers, Kp, Kd, Ki, table_PID);		// -> n x n x n matrix

	// create here the membership functions
	triangularMF_t** MF;
	MF = (triangularMF_t**) malloc(N_MF*sizeof(triangularMF_t*));
	for (int i = 0; i < N_MF; i++)
		MF[i] = (triangularMF_t*) malloc(N_MF*sizeof(triangularMF_t));

	// declare the fuzzy controller
	fuzzy_controller_t fuzzy_controller;

	fuzzy_controller = (fuzzy_controller_t) {
		.Kp = Kp,
		.Ki = Ki,
		.Kd = Kd,
		.MF = MF,
		.rule_table_PID = table_PID,
		.output = 0,
		.error = 0,
		.last_error = 0,
		.last_update = 0,
		.dt = 0,
		.last_output = 0,
		.norm_error_input = normI,
		.norm_error_output = normO,
		.lim_output = limO

    // MF1
    // error
	MF[0][0].C = -1;
	MF[0][0].L = -1.5;
	MF[0][0].R = -0.5;
	MF[0][0].ling_var = NL;

	// d_error
	MF[1][0].C = -1;
	MF[1][0].L = -1.5;
	MF[1][0].R = -0.5;
	MF[1][0].ling_var = NL;

	// dd_error
	MF[2][0].C = -1;
	MF[2][0].L = -1.5;
	MF[2][0].R = -0.;
	MF[2][0].ling_var = NL;

	// MF2
    // error
	MF[0][1].C = -0.5;
	MF[0][1].L = -1;
	MF[0][1].R = 0;
	MF[0][1].ling_var = NS;

	// d_error
	MF[1][1].C = -0.5;
	MF[1][1].L = -1;
	MF[1][1].R = 0;
	MF[1][1].ling_var = NS;
	// dd_1rror
	MF[2][1].C = -0.5;
	MF[2][1].L = -1;
	MF[2][1].R = 0;
	MF[2][1].ling_var = NS;

	// MF3
    // error
	MF[0][2].C = 0;
	MF[0][2].L = -0.5;
	MF[0][2].R = 0.5;
	MF[0][2].ling_var = ZZ;

	// d_error
	MF[1][2].C = 0;
	MF[1][2].L = -0.5;
	MF[1][2].R = 0.5;
	MF[1][2].ling_var = ZZ;
	// dd_1rror
	MF[2][2].C = 0;
	MF[2][2].L = -0.5;
	MF[2][2].R = 0.5;
	MF[2][2].ling_var = ZZ;
// MF4
    // error
	MF[0][3].C = 0.5;
	MF[0][3].L = 0;
	MF[0][3].R = 1;
	MF[0][3].ling_var = PS;

	// d_error
	MF[1][3].C = 0.5;
	MF[1][3].L = 0;
	MF[1][3].R = 1;
	MF[1][3].ling_var = PS;

	// dd_error
	MF[2][3].C = 0.5;
	MF[2][3].L = 0;
	MF[2][3].R = 1;
	MF[2][3].ling_var = PS;

// MF5
    // error
	MF[0][4].C = 1;
	MF[0][4].L = 0.5;
	MF[0][4].R = 1.5;
	MF[0][4].ling_var = PL;

	// d_error
	MF[1][4].C = 1;
	MF[1][4].L = 0.5;
	MF[1][4].R = 1.5;
	MF[1][4].ling_var = PL;

	// dd_error
	MF[2][4].C = 1;
	MF[2][4].L = 0.5;
	MF[2][4].R = 1.5;
	MF[2][4].ling_var = PL;

	return fuzzy_controller;

float fuzzy_control_update(fuzzy_controller_t* controller, float error, float dt)
	controller->dt = dt;

	/* DONE: calculate d_error and dd_error */
	float d_error = error - controller->last_error;
	float dd_error = d_error - controller->last_d_error;
	controller->last_error = error;
	controller->last_d_error = d_error;

	error   = error/err_norm;
    d_error = d_error/d_err_norm;

    if(d_error > d_err_norm)
    	d_error = d_err_norm;
    if(d_error < -d_err_norm)
    	d_error = -d_err_norm;

	// calculate the membership degree
	float error_centers[N_MF];
	float d_error_centers[N_MF];
	float dd_error_centers[N_MF];
	calculateMFdegree(controller->MF[0], error, error_centers);
	calculateMFdegree(controller->MF[1], d_error, d_error_centers);
	calculateMFdegree(controller->MF[2], dd_error, dd_error_centers);

	// recalculate rule table

	float peaks[] = { -1,-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1};
	generateTablePID(peaks, peaks, peaks, controller->Kp, controller->Kd/dt, controller->Ki*dt, controller->rule_table_PID);

	// activate the triggered rules
	float sum_output = 0;
	float sum_activated = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i<N_MF; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j<N_MF; j++) {
			for (int k = 0; k<N_MF; k++) {
				sum_output += controller->rule_table_PID[i][j][k]*fminf(fminf(error_centers[i],d_error_centers[j]),dd_error_centers[k]);  // i = 0, j = 0, IF error_NL AND derror_NL THEN
				sum_activated += fminf(fminf(error_centers[i],d_error_centers[j]),dd_error_centers[k]);

	// activate the triggered rules
	float sum_output = 0;
	float sum_activated = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i<N_MF; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j<N_MF; j++) {
			for (int k=0; k<N_MF; k++) {
				sum_output += controller->rule_table_PID[i][j][k]*fminf(fminf(error_centers[i],d_error_centers[j]),dd_error_centers[k]);
				sum_activated += fminf(fminf(error_centers[i],d_error_centers[j]),dd_error_centers[k]);

	// calculate output delta_output = sum(triggered_singleton * mem_degree) / sum(mem_degree)
	float delta_output = sum_output/sum_activated;

	// return  output = output_prev + delta_output
	float output = delta_output + controller->last_output;

	// scale normalized output
	output *= controller->norm_error_output;

	// limit on the output
	if (output > controller->lim_output)
		output = controller->lim_output;
	else if (output < -controller->lim_output)
		output = -controller->lim_output;

	// save the last normalized output
	controller->last_output = output/controller->norm_error_output;

	return output;
uint32_t time_keeper_get_micros()
	// microseconds since system start. Will run over after an hour.
	return time_keeper_get_time_ticks() * (1000000 / TK_AST_FREQUENCY);
uint32_t time_keeper_get_millis()
	//milliseconds since system start
	return time_keeper_get_time_ticks() / 1000; /// (TK_AST_FREQUENCY / 1000);
double time_keeper_get_time()
	// time in seconds since system start
	return time_keeper_ticks_to_seconds(time_keeper_get_time_ticks());
Example #13
static void process_data(void) 
	int32_t ch;
	volatile int16_t value;

	if (sample_counter>=number_of_samples)  
		if (continuous_mode) 
		} else 
			adcifa_disable_interrupt(adcifa, ADC_INT_SEOS0);
			//adcifa_disable_interrupt(adcifa, ADC_INT_SEOS1);
		if ((adcifa->sr&ADC_INT_SEOS0) ==0)
		//|| ((adcifa->sr&ADC_INT_SEOS1) ==0) ) {}
			adc_int_period=(time_keeper_get_time_ticks() - last_adc_int_time);
			if (sample_counter>=0) 
				if (oversampling_counter<=0) 
					for (ch=0; ch<sequencer_item_count; ch++) 
						internal_buffer[ch]=  value ;
					for (ch=0; ch<sequencer_item_count; ch++) 
						internal_buffer[ch]+= value ;
			//if (function_generator!= NULL) {
			//	dac_dma_set_value((*function_generator)(sample_counter));
			if (oversampling_counter >= oversampling) 
				for (ch=0; ch<channel_count; ch++) 
					int16_t *buffer = adci_buffer[ch];
					buffer[sample_counter] = internal_buffer[ch] / oversampling_divider;
			//dac_dma_set_value(even_odd * 400);
			///< acknowledge processing finished
			adcifa->scr=ADC_INT_SEOS0 | ADC_INT_SEOS1;