Example #1
void pwmCompleteOneshotMotorUpdate(uint8_t motorCount)
    uint8_t index;
    TIM_TypeDef *lastTimerPtr = NULL;

    for (index = 0; index < motorCount; index++) {

        // Force the timer to overflow if it's the first motor to output, or if we change timers
        if (motors[index]->tim != lastTimerPtr) {
            lastTimerPtr = motors[index]->tim;

        // Set the compare register to 0, which stops the output pulsing if the timer overflows before the main loop completes again.
        // This compare register will be set to the output value on the next main loop.
        *motors[index]->ccr = 0;
Example #2
static void pwmCompleteOneshotMotorUpdate(uint8_t motorCount)
    for (int index = 0; index < motorCount; index++) {
        bool overflowed = false;
        // If we have not already overflowed this timer
        for (int j = 0; j < index; j++) {
            if (motors[j].tim == motors[index].tim) {
                overflowed = true;
        if (!overflowed) {
        // Set the compare register to 0, which stops the output pulsing if the timer overflows before the main loop completes again.
        // This compare register will be set to the output value on the next main loop.
        *motors[index].ccr = 0;