Example #1
DMPAPI(bool) i2c_Reset(int dev) {
    unsigned long nowtime;
    io_outpb(I2C_EXCTRL_REG(dev), io_inpb(I2C_EXCTRL_REG(dev)) | 0x80);

    nowtime = timer_NowTime();
    while (((io_inpb(I2C_EXCTRL_REG(dev)) & 0x80) != 0) && ((timer_NowTime() - nowtime) < I2C_TIMEOUT));

    if ((io_inpb(I2C_EXCTRL_REG(dev)) & 0x80) != 0)
        err_print("fail to reset I2C module %d", dev);
        return false;
    //Remarks: due to Vortex86DX's poor I2C design, RESET bit may become 0 when dummy clocks are still being output
    timer_Delay(20L); //lazy trick to tackle the above issue
    return true;
Example #2
void delay(unsigned long ms) {