static void pwm_timer_init(pwm_callback update_callback) { /** timer config **/ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM2); timer_reset(TIM2); timer_set_mode(TIM2, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_prescaler(TIM2, 0); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM2, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM2, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM2, TIM_OC2); timer_set_period(TIM2, 1024-1); timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1, 0); timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC2, 0); timer_enable_counter(TIM2); if ( update_callback != 0 ) { pwm_update_callback = update_callback; nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM2_IRQ); timer_enable_irq(TIM2, TIM_DIER_UIE); } }
int output_init(void) { setup_ctrl_gpio(M0INa); setup_ctrl_gpio(M0INb); setup_ctrl_gpio(M0ENa); setup_ctrl_gpio(M0ENb); setup_ctrl_gpio(M1INa); setup_ctrl_gpio(M1INb); setup_ctrl_gpio(M1ENa); setup_ctrl_gpio(M1ENb); rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN); setup_pwm_pin(M0PWM); setup_pwm_pin(M1PWM); timer_set_mode(TIM2, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_period(TIM2, 2000); timer_set_prescaler(TIM2, 1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM2, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM2, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM2, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM2, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM2, TIM_OC2); output_speed(0, 0); output_speed(1, 0); timer_enable_preload(TIM2); timer_enable_counter(TIM2); return 0; }
static void platform_init_pwm() { gpio_mode_setup(GPIOC, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO6); gpio_mode_setup(GPIOC, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO7); gpio_mode_setup(GPIOC, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO8); gpio_mode_setup(GPIOC, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO9); gpio_set_af(GPIOC, GPIO_AF2, GPIO6); gpio_set_af(GPIOC, GPIO_AF2, GPIO7); gpio_set_af(GPIOC, GPIO_AF2, GPIO8); gpio_set_af(GPIOC, GPIO_AF2, GPIO9); timer_reset(TIM3); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_set_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); /* 72ish Hz, close to 60 */ timer_set_period(TIM3, 65535); timer_set_prescaler(TIM3, 16); timer_disable_preload(TIM3); timer_continuous_mode(TIM3); /* Setup output compare registers */ timer_ic_set_input(TIM3, TIM_IC1, TIM_IC_OUT); timer_disable_oc_clear(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC1, 0); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_ic_set_input(TIM3, TIM_IC2, TIM_IC_OUT); timer_disable_oc_clear(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC2, 0); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_ic_set_input(TIM3, TIM_IC3, TIM_IC_OUT); timer_disable_oc_clear(TIM3, TIM_OC3); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC3); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC3); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC3, 0); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, TIM_OC3); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC3); timer_ic_set_input(TIM3, TIM_IC4, TIM_IC_OUT); timer_disable_oc_clear(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC4, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC4, 0); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_enable_counter(TIM3); }
static void pwm_setup(void) { /* Configure GPIOs: OUT=PA7 */ gpio_set_mode(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO_TIM3_CH2 ); timer_reset(TIM3); timer_set_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_clear(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC2, 0); timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_set_dma_on_update_event(TIM3); timer_enable_irq(TIM3, TIM_DIER_UDE); // in fact, enable DMA on update timer_enable_preload(TIM3); timer_continuous_mode(TIM3); timer_set_period(TIM3, WSP); timer_enable_counter(TIM3); }
void enable_test_trigger(trigger_type trig, unsigned int rpm) { if (trig != FORD_TFI) { return; } timeval_t t = time_from_rpm_diff(rpm, 45); /* Set up TIM5 as 32bit clock */ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM5); gpio_mode_setup(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO0); gpio_set_af(GPIOA, GPIO_AF2, GPIO0); timer_reset(TIM5); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM5, TIM_OC1); timer_set_mode(TIM5, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_period(TIM5, (unsigned int)t); timer_set_prescaler(TIM5, 0); timer_disable_preload(TIM5); timer_continuous_mode(TIM5); /* Setup output compare registers */ timer_ic_set_input(TIM5, TIM_IC1, TIM_IC_OUT); timer_disable_oc_clear(TIM5, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM5, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM5, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM5, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_TOGGLE); timer_set_oc_value(TIM5, TIM_OC1, t); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM5, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM5, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_counter(TIM5); }
void BeepInit(void) { rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB1ENR, BEEP_RCC_APB1ENR_TIMEN); gpio_set_mode(BEEP_PORT, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, BEEP_PIN); timer_set_mode(BEEP_TIM, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); /* Period */ timer_set_period(BEEP_TIM, 65535); /* Prescaler */ timer_set_prescaler(BEEP_TIM, 5); timer_generate_event(BEEP_TIM, TIM_EGR_UG); /* ---- */ /* Output compare 1 mode and preload */ timer_set_oc_mode(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_preload(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC); /* Polarity and state */ timer_set_oc_polarity_low(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC); timer_enable_oc_output(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC); /* Capture compare value */ timer_set_oc_value(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC, 0x8000); /* ---- */ /* ARR reload enable */ timer_enable_preload(BEEP_TIM); }
static inline void actuators_pwm_arch_channel_init(u32 timer_peripheral, enum tim_oc_id oc_id) { timer_disable_oc_clear(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_enable_oc_preload(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_set_oc_mode(timer_peripheral, oc_id, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_enable_oc_output(timer_peripheral, oc_id); }
void hbridge_init() { // M- bridge // A9 - pin 21 - PWM2A - HIN // B0 - pin 15 - PWM2B - \LIN // M+ bridge // A8 - pin 20 - PWM1A - HIN // A7 - pin 14 - PWM1B - \LIN rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN | RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN | RCC_APB2ENR_AFIOEN | RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN); AFIO_MAPR |= AFIO_MAPR_TIM1_REMAP_PARTIAL_REMAP; gpio_set_mode(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO7 | GPIO8 | GPIO9); gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO0); timer_reset(TIM1); timer_set_mode(TIM1, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_1, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_period(TIM1, half_period_ticks); timer_set_prescaler(TIM1, 9); // / 10 timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM2); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_polarity_low(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC1, half_period_ticks); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM2); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_polarity_low(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC2, half_period_ticks); timer_enable_break_main_output(TIM1); timer_enable_counter(TIM1); }
void sound_set_frequency(uint32_t freq) { uint32_t prescaler, period; if (freq <= 200) { // switch off pwm timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); // return; } // reset TIMx peripheral timer_reset(TIM1); // roughly factor into 16-bit period = (rcc_timer_frequency / 1) / freq; prescaler = (period / 65536) + 1; period = (period / prescaler); // Set the timers global mode to: // - use no divider // - alignment edge // - count direction up timer_set_mode(TIM1, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_prescaler(TIM1, prescaler - 1); timer_set_repetition_counter(TIM1, 0); timer_enable_preload(TIM1); timer_continuous_mode(TIM1); timer_set_period(TIM1, period - 1); // start with disabled pwm output timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); // NOTE: on advanced timers as TIM1 we have // to break the main output, otherwise // no pwm output signal will be present on pin timer_enable_break_main_output(TIM1); // configure output mode timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); // set period for 50/50 duty cycle timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC1, period / 2); // enable pwm output timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); // start timer timer_enable_counter(TIM1); }
void SVM_voltage_switch_inverter_VSI(float duty_A,float duty_B,float duty_C,bool shutdown) { //DTC-SVM switching selection float Attenuation; if (shutdown==false) { Attenuation=1.0f; //-------------SA: S1 and S4------------------------------------ timer_set_oc_mode (TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1 ); //S1 timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1N); //S4} //-------------SB: S3 and S6------------------------------------ timer_set_oc_mode (TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2 ); //S3 timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2N); //S6 //-------------SC: S5 and S2------------------------------------- timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3 ); //S5 on timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3N); //S2 off } else { Attenuation=0.0f; duty_A=0.0f; duty_B=0.0f; duty_C=0.0f; //-------------SA: S1 and S4------------------------------------ timer_set_oc_mode (TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1 ); //S1 timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1N); //S4} //-------------SB: S3 and S6------------------------------------ timer_set_oc_mode (TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2 ); //S3 timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2N); //S6 //-------------SC: S5 and S2------------------------------------- timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3 ); //S5 on timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3N); //S2 off } //Set the capture compare value for OC1. timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC1, duty_A*Attenuation*PWM_PERIOD_ARR); //Set the capture compare value for OC1. timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC2, duty_B*Attenuation*PWM_PERIOD_ARR); //Set the capture compare value for OC1. timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC3, duty_C*Attenuation*PWM_PERIOD_ARR); }
void tim3_isr(void) { if (timer_interrupt_source(TIM3,TIM_SR_UIF)) { timer_clear_flag(TIM3,TIM_SR_UIF); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC1, PULSE); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3,TIM_OC2); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3,TIM_OC4); //timer_disable_irq(TIM3,TIM_OC2); //timer_disable_irq(TIM3,TIM_OC4); timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC1IE); //gpio_set(GPIOA,GPIO1); } if ( timer_interrupt_source(TIM3,TIM_SR_CC1IF)) { timer_clear_flag(TIM3,TIM_SR_CC1IF); //if (PERIOD >= TIM3_CCR1) { //gpio_clear(GPIOA,GPIO1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC2); //timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC2IE); // } } if(timer_interrupt_source(TIM3,TIM_SR_CC2IF)) { timer_clear_flag(TIM3,TIM_SR_CC2IF); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC1, PULSE*4); //timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3,TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3,TIM_OC2); //timer_disable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC2IE); } if(timer_interrupt_source(TIM3,TIM_SR_CC3IF)) { timer_clear_flag(TIM3,TIM_SR_CC3IF); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3,TIM_OC4); //timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC4IE); } if(timer_interrupt_source(TIM3,TIM_SR_CC4IF)) { //timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3,TIM_OC4); } }
/** Set PWM channel configuration */ void actuators_pwm_arch_channel_init(uint32_t timer_peripheral, enum tim_oc_id oc_id) { timer_disable_oc_output(timer_peripheral, oc_id); //There is no such register in TIM9 and 12. if (timer_peripheral != TIM9 && timer_peripheral != TIM12) timer_disable_oc_clear(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_enable_oc_preload(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_set_oc_mode(timer_peripheral, oc_id, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(timer_peripheral, oc_id); timer_enable_oc_output(timer_peripheral, oc_id); // Used for TIM1 and TIM8, the function does nothing if other timer is specified. timer_enable_break_main_output(timer_peripheral); }
int main(void) { int i; rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz(); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOC); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM3); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); gpio_primary_remap(0,AFIO_MAPR_TIM3_REMAP_FULL_REMAP ); gpio_set_mode(GPIOC, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL , GPIO9); timer_set_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_prescaler(TIM3,36); timer_set_period(TIM3, 1000); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC4, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC4); // timer_enable_preload(TIM3); //timer_continuous_mode(TIM3); timer_enable_counter(TIM3); #if defined(ENABLE_SEMIHOSTING) && (ENABLE_SEMIHOSTING) initialise_monitor_handles(); #endif uint16_t a = 0; while (1) { for(i=0; i< 1000; i++){ timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC4, i); delay(); } for(i=999; i >=0 ; i--){ timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC4, i); delay(); } //gpio_toggle(GPIOC, GPIO9); /* LED on/off */ //printf("hello world\n"); } }
void PulseWidth::enable_output(uint8 channel) { if(timer_peripheral == TIM2) { if(channel >= 4) return; //rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN); gpio_set_mode(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, (1 << channel)); } else if(timer_peripheral == TIM3) { switch(channel) { case 0: case 1: { //rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN); gpio_set_mode(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, (1 << (channel+6))); } break; case 2: case 3: { //rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN); gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, (1 << (channel-2))); } break; } } else return; tim_oc_id tid = static_cast<tim_oc_id>((channel%4)*2); timer_disable_oc_output(timer_peripheral, tid); timer_set_oc_mode(timer_peripheral, tid, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_value(timer_peripheral, tid, 0); timer_enable_oc_output(timer_peripheral, tid); }
/* --- FTFM (with edits) --- Bullet points are the steps needed. Pulse width modulation mode allows you to generate a signal with a frequency determined by the value of the TIMx_ARR register (the period) and a duty cycle determined by the value of the TIMx_CCRx register (the output compare value). -- Set TIMx_ARR to desired frequency -- Set TIMx_CCRx to desired duty cycle The PWM mode can be selected independently on each channel (one PWM per OCx output) by writing 110 (PWM mode 1) or ‘111 (PWM mode 2) in the OCxM bits in the TIMx_CCMRx register. -- Write PWM Mode 1 or PWM Mode 2 to OCxM bits in TIMx_CCMRx register You must enable the corresponding preload register by setting the OCxPE bit in the TIMx_CCMRx register, and eventually the auto-reload preload register by setting the ARPE bit in the TIMx_CR1 register. -- Set corresponding OCxPE bit in TIMx_CCMRx register -- Set ARPE bit in TIMx_CR1 As the preload registers are transferred to the shadow registers only when an update event occurs, before starting the counter, you have to initialize all the registers by setting the UG bit in the TIMx_EGR register. -- set UG bit in TIMx_EGR register OCx polarity is software programmable using the CCxP bit in the TIMx_CCER register. It can be programmed as active high or active low. OCx output is enabled by the CCxE bit in the TIMx_CCER register. Refer to the TIMx_CCERx register description for more details. -- set desired polarity in TIMx_CCER -- set CCxE bit in TIMx_CCER (enable output) */ static void pwm_init(uint32_t timer, uint8_t channel, uint32_t period) { // Convert channel number to internal rep enum tim_oc_id chan; switch (channel) { case 1: chan = TIM_OC1; break; case 2: chan = TIM_OC2; break; case 3: chan = TIM_OC3; break; case 4: chan = TIM_OC4; break; default: assert(false); chan = -1; break; } // Timer Base Configuration // timer_reset(timer); timer_set_mode(timer, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, // clock division TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, // Center-aligned mode selection TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); // TIMx_CR1 DIR: Direction timer_continuous_mode(timer); // Disables TIM_CR1_OPM (One pulse mode) timer_set_period(timer, period); // Sets TIMx_ARR timer_set_prescaler(timer, 1); // Adjusts speed of timer timer_set_clock_division(timer, 0); // Adjusts speed of timer timer_set_master_mode(timer, TIM_CR2_MMS_UPDATE); // Master Mode Selection timer_enable_preload(timer); // Set ARPE bit in TIMx_CR1 // Channel-specific settings timer_set_oc_value(timer, chan, 0); // sets TIMx_CCRx timer_set_oc_mode(timer, chan, TIM_OCM_PWM1); // Sets PWM Mode 1 timer_enable_oc_preload(timer, chan); // Sets OCxPE in TIMx_CCMRx timer_set_oc_polarity_high(timer, chan); // set desired polarity in TIMx_CCER timer_enable_oc_output(timer, chan); // set CCxE bit in TIMx_CCER (enable output) // Initialize all counters in the register switch (timer) { case TIM1: TIM1_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; case TIM2: TIM2_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; case TIM3: TIM3_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; case TIM4: TIM4_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; case TIM5: TIM5_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; case TIM6: TIM6_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; case TIM7: TIM7_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; case TIM8: TIM8_EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG; break; default: assert(false); break; } }
void Beep(u16 frequency, u8 volume) { if (volume == 0) { //We need to keep the timer running (for the vibration motor, but also in case there is a pause in the music) //But don't want the buzzer running timer_disable_oc_output(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC); } else { timer_enable_oc_output(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC); } /* volume is between 0 and 100 */ /* period = 14400000 / frequency */ /* A Period of 65535 gives a ~ 220Hz tone */ /* The Devo buzzer reaches max-volume with a pw ~ 100us. That is max volume */ /* use quadratic to approximate exponential volume control */ u32 period = 14400000 / frequency; /* Taylor series: x + x^2/2 + x^3/6 + x^4/24 */ u32 duty_cycle = volume == 100 ? (period >> 1) : (u32)volume * volume * volume * 12 / 10000; timer_set_period(BEEP_TIM, period); timer_set_oc_value(BEEP_TIM, BEEP_TIM_OC, duty_cycle); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void timer_setup(void) { /* Enable TIM2 clock. */ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM2); timer_reset(TIM2); /* Timer global mode: - No divider, Alignment edge, Direction up */ timer_set_mode(TIM2, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_continuous_mode(TIM2); timer_set_period(TIM2, 1000); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM2, TIM_OC2 | TIM_OC3 | TIM_OC4); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_clear(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM2, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM2, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_TOGGLE); timer_set_oc_value(TIM2, TIM_OC1, 500); timer_disable_preload(TIM2); /* Set the timer trigger output (for the DAC) to the channel 1 output compare */ timer_set_master_mode(TIM2, TIM_CR2_MMS_COMPARE_OC1REF); timer_enable_counter(TIM2); }
void BACKLIGHT_Init() { rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN); //Turn off backlight gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, GPIO1); //Configure Backlight PWM rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB1ENR, RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN); timer_set_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_period(TIM3, 0x2CF); timer_set_prescaler(TIM3, 0); timer_generate_event(TIM3, TIM_EGR_UG); //timer_set_repetition_counter(TIM3, 0); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC4, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC4); timer_enable_preload(TIM3); }
void PID_tim_init(void) { /* Enable TIM1 clock. and Port E clock (for outputs) */ rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_APB2ENR, RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN); rcc_peripheral_enable_clock(&RCC_AHB1ENR, RCC_AHB1ENR_IOPEEN); //Set TIM1 channel (and complementary) output to alternate function push-pull'. //f4 TIM1=> GIO9: CH1, GPIO11: CH2, GPIO13: CH3 //f4 TIM1=> GIO8: CH1N, GPIO10: CH2N, GPIO12: CH3N gpio_mode_setup(GPIOE, GPIO_MODE_AF,GPIO_PUPD_NONE,GPIO9 | GPIO11 | GPIO13); gpio_set_af(GPIOE, GPIO_AF1, GPIO9 | GPIO11 | GPIO13); gpio_mode_setup(GPIOE, GPIO_MODE_AF,GPIO_PUPD_NONE,GPIO8 | GPIO10 | GPIO12); gpio_set_af(GPIOE, GPIO_AF1, GPIO8 | GPIO10 | GPIO12); /* Enable TIM1 commutation interrupt. */ //nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11_IRQ); //f4 /* Reset TIM1 peripheral. */ timer_reset(TIM1); /* Timer global mode: * - No divider * - Alignment edge * - Direction up */ timer_set_mode(TIM1, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, //For dead time and filter sampling, not important for now. TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_3, //TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE //TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_1 //TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_2 //TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_3 la frequencia del pwm se divide a la mitad. (frecuencia senoidal) TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_set_prescaler(TIM1, PRESCALE); //1 = disabled (max speed) timer_set_repetition_counter(TIM1, 0); //disabled timer_enable_preload(TIM1); timer_continuous_mode(TIM1); /* Period (32kHz). */ timer_set_period(TIM1, PWM_PERIOD_ARR); //ARR (value compared against main counter to reload counter aka: period of counter) /* Configure break and deadtime. */ //timer_set_deadtime(TIM1, deadtime_percentage*pwm_period_ARR); timer_set_enabled_off_state_in_idle_mode(TIM1); timer_set_enabled_off_state_in_run_mode(TIM1); timer_disable_break(TIM1); timer_set_break_polarity_high(TIM1); timer_disable_break_automatic_output(TIM1); timer_set_break_lock(TIM1, TIM_BDTR_LOCK_OFF); /* Disable outputs. */ timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); /* -- OC1 and OC1N configuration -- */ /* Configure global mode of line 1. */ timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); /* Configure OC1. */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_idle_state_unset(TIM1, TIM_OC1); //When idle (braked) put 0 on output /* Configure OC1N. */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_set_oc_idle_state_unset(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); /* Set the capture compare value for OC1. */ timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC1, INIT_DUTY*PWM_PERIOD_ARR);//initial_duty_cycle*pwm_period_ARR); /* -- OC2 and OC2N configuration -- */ /* Configure global mode of line 2. */ timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); /* Configure OC2. */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_idle_state_unset(TIM1, TIM_OC2); /* Configure OC2N. */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_set_oc_idle_state_unset(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); /* Set the capture compare value for OC2. */ timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC2, INIT_DUTY*PWM_PERIOD_ARR);//initial_duty_cycle*pwm_period_ARR); /* -- OC3 and OC3N configuration -- */ /* Configure global mode of line 3. */ timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); /* Configure OC3. */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_set_oc_idle_state_unset(TIM1, TIM_OC3); /* Configure OC3N. */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); timer_set_oc_idle_state_unset(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); /* Set the capture compare value for OC3. */ timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC3, INIT_DUTY*PWM_PERIOD_ARR);//initial_duty_cycle*pwm_period_ARR);//100); /* Reenable outputs. */ timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); /* ---- */ /* ARR reload enable. */ timer_enable_preload(TIM1); /* * Enable preload of complementary channel configurations and * update on COM event. */ //timer_enable_preload_complementry_enable_bits(TIM1); timer_disable_preload_complementry_enable_bits(TIM1); /* Enable outputs in the break subsystem. */ timer_enable_break_main_output(TIM1); /* Generate update event to reload all registers before starting*/ timer_generate_event(TIM1, TIM_EGR_UG); /* Counter enable. */ timer_enable_counter(TIM1); /* Enable commutation interrupt. */ //timer_enable_irq(TIM1, TIM_DIER_COMIE); /*********/ /*Capture compare interrupt*/ //enable capture compare interrupt timer_enable_update_event(TIM1); /* Enable commutation interrupt. */ //timer_enable_irq(TIM1, TIM_DIER_CC1IE); //Capture/compare 1 interrupt enable /* Enable commutation interrupt. */ //timer_enable_irq(TIM1, TIM_DIER_CC1IE); timer_enable_irq(TIM1, TIM_DIER_UIE); nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQ); }
void tim1_trg_com_tim11_isr(void) { static int step = 0; /* Clear the COM trigger interrupt flag. */ timer_clear_flag(TIM1, TIM_SR_COMIF); /* * A simplified and inefficient implementation of PWM On * scheme. Look at the implementation in Open-BLDC on * for the proper implementation. This * one only serves as an example. * * Table of the PWM scheme zone configurations when driving: * @verbatim * | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| * -+--+--+--+--+--+--+ * A|p+|++| |p-|--| | * -+--+--+--+--+--+--+ * B| |p-|--| |p+|++| * -+--+--+--+--+--+--+ * C|--| |p+|++| |p-| * -+--+--+--+--+--+--+ * | | | | | | '- 360 Deg * | | | | | '---- 300 Deg * | | | | '------- 240 Deg * | | | '---------- 180 Deg * | | '------------- 120 Deg * | '---------------- 60 Deg * '------------------- 0 Deg * * Legend: * p+: PWM on the high side * p-: PWM on the low side * --: Low side on * ++: High side on * : Floating/NC * @endverbatim */ //gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO13); //GPIOD_BSRR = GPIO13; /* LED on */ gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO13); switch (step) { case 0: /* A PWM HIGH, B OFF, C LOW */ timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_FROZEN); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_FORCE_LOW); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); step++; //gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO12); break; case 1: /* A HIGH, B PWM LOW, C OFF */ timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_FROZEN); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); step++; //gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO13); break; case 2: /* A OFF, B LOW, C PWM HIGH */ timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_FROZEN); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_FORCE_LOW); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); step++; //gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO14); break; case 3: /* A PWM LOW, B OFF, C HIGH */ timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_FROZEN); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); step++; //gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO15); break; case 4: /* A LOW, B PWM HIGH, C OFF */ timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_FORCE_LOW); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_FROZEN); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); step++; //gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO15); break; case 5: /* A OFF, B HIGH, C PWM LOW */ timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_FROZEN); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3N); step = 0; //gpio_port_write(GPIOD, GPIO15); break; } }
void voltage_switch_inverter_VSI(int S_A, int S_B, int S_C) { /* float duty_a=1.0f; float duty_b=1.0f; float duty_c=1.0f; float attenuation =1.0f; */ close_loop=true; cur_angle+=2.0f*PI*TICK_PERIOD*ref_freq; //converting big angles into something between 0 and 2pi if (cur_angle >= (2.0f*PI)) { cur_angle=cur_angle-(2.0f*PI); } //close_loop=false; if (!close_loop) { duty_a=sinf(cur_angle); duty_b=sinf(cur_angle+2.0f*PI/3.0f); duty_c=sinf(cur_angle+4.0f*PI/3.0f); } else { duty_a=1.0f; duty_b=1.0f; duty_c=1.0f; attenuation =1.0f;//0.5f;//1.0f; } if (motor_off) { duty_a=0.0f; duty_b=0.0f; duty_c=0.0f; attenuation=1.0f; } /* //#define CURRENT_LIMIT 14.0f if ( i_sA >CURRENT_LIMIT || i_sA <-CURRENT_LIMIT || i_sB >CURRENT_LIMIT || i_sB <-CURRENT_LIMIT || (-i_sA-i_sB)>CURRENT_LIMIT || (-i_sA-i_sB)<-CURRENT_LIMIT) { duty_a=0.0f; duty_b=0.0f; duty_c=0.0f; attenuation=1.0f; motor_stop=true; //printf("\n\nMotor off, overcurrent...\n\n"); } */ /* //PWM mode TIM_OCM_FROZEN, TIM_OCM_ACTIVE, TIM_OCM_INACTIVE, TIM_OCM_TOGGLE, TIM_OCM_FORCE_LOW, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH, TIM_OCM_PWM1, TIM_OCM_PWM2, */ //dtc switching selection if (close_loop) { //----------------SA: S1 and S4--------------------------------- if (S_A==1) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode (TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1 ); //S1 on timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1N); //S4 off } else if (S_A==0) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode (TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1); //S1 off timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1N); //S4 on } else { duty_a=0.0f; timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode (TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1); //S1 off timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1N); //S4 on } //-------------SB: S3 and S6------------------------------------ if (S_B==1) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2 ); //S3 on timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2N); //S6 off } else if (S_B==0) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2 ); //S3 off timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2N); //S6 on } else { duty_b=0.0f; timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2 ); //S3 off timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2N); //S6 on } //-----------SC: S5 and S2-------------------------------------- if (S_C==1) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3 ); //S5 on timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3N); //S2 off } else if (S_C==0) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3 ); //S5 off timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3N); //S2 on } else { duty_c=0.0f; timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_FORCE_HIGH); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3 ); //S5 off timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3N); //S2 on } } //open loop switching selection /* else { if (duty_a < 0.0f) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1,TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1N); duty_a=-duty_a; } else { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1 ); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC1N); } if (duty_b < 0.0f) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2 ); timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2N); duty_b=-duty_b; } else { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2 ); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC2N); } if (duty_c < 0.0f) { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3 ); timer_enable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3N); duty_c=-duty_c; } else { timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC3 ); timer_disable_oc_output (TIM1, TIM_OC3N); } } */ /* Set the capture compare value for OC1. */ timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC1, duty_a*attenuation*PWM_PERIOD_ARR); /* Set the capture compare value for OC1. */ timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC2, duty_b*attenuation*PWM_PERIOD_ARR); /* Set the capture compare value for OC1. */ timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC3, duty_c*attenuation*PWM_PERIOD_ARR); //tim_force_update_event(TIM1); }
static void timer_setup(void) { /* Enable TIM3 clock. */ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM3); timer_reset(TIM3); /* Timer global mode: - No divider, Alignment edge, Direction up */ timer_set_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT,TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_continuous_mode(TIM3); timer_set_period(TIM3, PERIOD); timer_disable_preload(TIM3); /* prescaler F_SYS/48 = TIM3 clock is 1 MHz */ timer_set_prescaler(TIM3,48); //timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC2 | TIM_OC3 | TIM_OC4); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3,TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC3); //timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, TIM_OC4); // motor ch1 timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM1); // motor ch2 timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM1); // motor ch3 timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC3, TIM_OCM_PWM1); // motor ch3 timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC4, TIM_OCM_PWM1); /* disable preload */ timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC2); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC3); timer_disable_oc_preload(TIM3, TIM_OC4); /* polarity */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3,TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3,TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3,TIM_OC3); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3,TIM_OC4); //timer_enable_oc_clear(TIM3, TIM_OC1); //timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC1, PULSE); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC2, PULSE*3); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC3, PULSE*2); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, TIM_OC4, PULSE*4); //timer_generate_event(TIM3,TIM_EGR_CC1G); //timer_enable_update_event(TIM3); nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_TIM3_IRQ); timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC1IE); timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC2IE); timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC3IE); timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC4IE); //timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_CC2IE); timer_enable_irq(TIM3,TIM_DIER_UIE); /* Set the timer trigger output (for the DAC) to the channel 1 output compare */ //timer_set_master_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR2_MMS_COMPARE_OC1REF); timer_enable_counter(TIM3); }
void motor_TIMER_config(void) { timer_period = rcc_ppre1_frequency / 5000; timer_reset(TIM3); /* set timer mode no divider ; alignment on edge ; direction up */ timer_set_mode(TIM3, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_EDGE, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); timer_continuous_mode(TIM3); /* Period (5kHz). TIM3 clk source is APB1*/ timer_set_period(TIM3, timer_period); /* Reset prescaler value. */ timer_set_prescaler(TIM3, 0); motor_front_left = 0; motor_rear_left = 0; motor_front_rigth = 0; motor_rear_rigth = 0; /************ channels configuration ************/ timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_LEFT); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_LEFT); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_RIGHT); timer_disable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_RIGHT); //configure OCx line timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_LEFT); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_LEFT); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_RIGHT); timer_set_oc_slow_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_RIGHT); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_LEFT, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_LEFT, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_RIGHT, TIM_OCM_PWM1); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_RIGHT, TIM_OCM_PWM1); //configure OCx output timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_LEFT); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_LEFT); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_RIGHT); timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_RIGHT); timer_set_oc_idle_state_set(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_LEFT); timer_set_oc_idle_state_set(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_LEFT); timer_set_oc_idle_state_set(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_RIGHT); timer_set_oc_idle_state_set(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_RIGHT); /* Set the capture compare value */ timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_LEFT, motor_front_left); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_LEFT, motor_rear_left); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_RIGHT, motor_front_rigth); timer_set_oc_value(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_RIGHT, motor_rear_rigth); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_LEFT); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_LEFT); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_REAR_RIGHT); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM3, MOTOR_PWM_FRONT_RIGHT); timer_enable_counter(TIM3); }
void hardware_setup(void) { /* Set the clock to 72MHz from the 8MHz external crystal */ rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz(); /* Enable GPIOA, GPIOB and GPIOC clocks. APB2 (High Speed Advanced Peripheral Bus) peripheral clock enable register (RCC_APB2ENR) Set RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN for port B, RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN for port A and RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN for Alternate Function clock */ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOA); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOB); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOC); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); /* Set ports PA8 (TIM1_CH1), PA9 (TIM1_CH2), PB13 (TIM1_CH1N), PB14 (TIM1_CH2N) for PWM, to 'alternate function output push-pull'. */ gpio_set_mode(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO8 | GPIO9); gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO13 | GPIO14); /* ------------------ Timer 1 PWM */ /* Enable TIM1 clock. */ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_TIM1); /* Reset TIM1 peripheral. */ timer_reset(TIM1); /* Set Timer global mode: * - No division * - Alignment centre mode 1 (up/down counting, interrupt on downcount only) * - Direction up (when centre mode is set it is read only, changes by hardware) */ timer_set_mode(TIM1, TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT, TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_1, TIM_CR1_DIR_UP); /* Set Timer output compare mode: * - Channel 1 * - PWM mode 2 (output low when CNT < CCR1, high otherwise) */ timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC1, TIM_OCM_PWM2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC1N); timer_set_oc_mode(TIM1, TIM_OC2, TIM_OCM_PWM2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_enable_oc_output(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); timer_enable_break_main_output(TIM1); /* Set the polarity of OCN to be high to match that of the OC, for switching the low MOSFET through an inverting level shifter */ timer_set_oc_polarity_high(TIM1, TIM_OC2N); /* The ARR (auto-preload register) sets the PWM period to 62.5kHz from the 72 MHz clock.*/ timer_enable_preload(TIM1); timer_set_period(TIM1, PERIOD); /* The CCR1 (capture/compare register 1) sets the PWM duty cycle to default 50% */ timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM1, TIM_OC1); timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC1, (PERIOD*20)/100); timer_enable_oc_preload(TIM1, TIM_OC2); timer_set_oc_value(TIM1, TIM_OC2, (PERIOD*50)/100); /* Force an update to load the shadow registers */ timer_generate_event(TIM1, TIM_EGR_UG); /* Start the Counter. */ timer_enable_counter(TIM1); }