int ikev2_msg_send(struct iked *env, struct iked_message *msg) { struct iked_sa *sa = msg->msg_sa; struct ibuf *buf = msg->msg_data; u_int32_t natt = 0x00000000; int isnatt = 0; struct ike_header *hdr; struct iked_message *m; if (buf == NULL || (hdr = ibuf_seek(msg->msg_data, msg->msg_offset, sizeof(*hdr))) == NULL) return (-1); isnatt = (msg->msg_natt || (msg->msg_sa && msg->msg_sa->sa_natt)); log_info("%s: %s from %s to %s, %ld bytes%s", __func__, print_map(hdr->ike_exchange, ikev2_exchange_map), print_host(&msg->msg_local, NULL, 0), print_host(&msg->msg_peer, NULL, 0), ibuf_length(buf), isnatt ? ", NAT-T" : ""); if (isnatt) { if (ibuf_prepend(buf, &natt, sizeof(natt)) == -1) { log_debug("%s: failed to set NAT-T", __func__); return (-1); } msg->msg_offset += sizeof(natt); } if ((sendto(msg->msg_fd, ibuf_data(buf), ibuf_size(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&msg->msg_peer, msg->msg_peerlen)) == -1) { log_warn("%s: sendto", __func__); return (-1); } if (!sa) return (0); if ((m = ikev2_msg_copy(env, msg)) == NULL) { log_debug("%s: failed to copy a message", __func__); return (-1); } m->msg_exchange = hdr->ike_exchange; if (hdr->ike_flags & IKEV2_FLAG_RESPONSE) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sa->sa_responses, m, msg_entry); timer_initialize(env, &m->msg_timer, ikev2_msg_response_timeout, m); timer_register(env, &m->msg_timer, IKED_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); } else { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sa->sa_requests, m, msg_entry); timer_initialize(env, &m->msg_timer, ikev2_msg_retransmit_timeout, m); timer_register(env, &m->msg_timer, IKED_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT); } return (0); }
/* * Function to turn on vibrator. * vibrate_time - the time of phone vibrate. */ void vib_timed_turn_on(const uint32_t vibrate_time) { vib_turn_on(); vib_timeout=0; timer_initialize(&vib_timer); timer_set_oneshot(&vib_timer, vibrate_time, vib_timer_func, NULL); }
int main(void) { static console_command_t commands[2]; commands[0].callback = command_callback; commands[1].callback = branch_hub_command_callback; commands[1].help_callback = branch_hub_help_callback; ADCON1 = 0x0F; CMCON = 0x07; TRISA = 0x00; PORTA = 0x00; interrupt_initialize(); timer_initialize(); timer_register(timer_callback, 1000, &timer_id); timer_enable(timer_id); console_initialize(); console_register_command(commands[0], "main"); console_register_command(commands[1], "hub"); hub_init(HUB_ADDRESS); while(1) { console_process_tasks(); } }
void ssbi_keypad_init(struct qwerty_keypad_info *qwerty_kp) { unsigned int mach_id; int len; len = sizeof(struct gpio_qwerty_kp); qwerty_keypad = malloc(len); ASSERT(qwerty_keypad); memset(qwerty_keypad, 0, len); qwerty_keypad->keypad_info = qwerty_kp; event_init(&qwerty_keypad->full_scan, false, EVENT_FLAG_AUTOUNSIGNAL); timer_initialize(&qwerty_keypad->timer); mach_id = board_machtype(); ssbi_gpio_init(mach_id); if(mach_id == LINUX_MACHTYPE_8660_QT) { mdelay((qwerty_keypad->keypad_info)->settle_time); #ifdef QT_8660_KEYPAD_HW_BUG timer_set_oneshot(&qwerty_keypad->timer, 0, scan_qt_keypad, NULL); #endif } else timer_set_oneshot(&qwerty_keypad->timer, 0, scan_qwerty_keypad, NULL); /* wait for the keypad to complete one full scan */ event_wait(&qwerty_keypad->full_scan); }
void _kernel_call_inirtn(void) { KzAttIni( (VP_INT)(0) ); timer_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) ); serial_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) ); }
void gpio_keypad_init(struct gpio_keypad_info *kpinfo) { int key_count; int output_val; int output_cfg; int i; int len; ASSERT(kpinfo->keymap && kpinfo->input_gpios && kpinfo->output_gpios); key_count = kpinfo->ninputs * kpinfo->noutputs; len = sizeof(struct gpio_kp) + (sizeof(unsigned long) * BITMAP_NUM_WORDS(key_count)); keypad = malloc(len); ASSERT(keypad); memset(keypad, 0, len); keypad->keypad_info = kpinfo; output_val = (!!(kpinfo->flags & GPIOKPF_ACTIVE_HIGH))^(!!(kpinfo->flags & GPIOKPF_DRIVE_INACTIVE)); output_cfg = kpinfo->flags & GPIOKPF_DRIVE_INACTIVE ? GPIO_OUTPUT : 0; for (i = 0; i < kpinfo->noutputs; i++) { gpio_set(kpinfo->output_gpios[i], output_val); gpio_config(kpinfo->output_gpios[i], output_cfg); } for (i = 0; i < kpinfo->ninputs; i++) { gpio_config(kpinfo->input_gpios[i], GPIO_INPUT); } keypad->current_output = kpinfo->noutputs; timer_initialize(&keypad->timer); timer_set_oneshot(&keypad->timer, 0, gpio_keypad_timer_func, NULL); }
/* * Create the ZRTP transport. */ PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_transport_zrtp_create(pjmedia_endpt *endpt, const char *name, pjmedia_transport *transport, pjmedia_transport **p_tp, pj_bool_t close_slave) { pj_pool_t *pool; struct tp_zrtp *zrtp; pj_status_t rc; if (name == NULL) name = "tzrtp%p"; /* Create the pool and initialize the adapter structure */ pool = pjmedia_endpt_create_pool(endpt, name, 5*1024, 512); zrtp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct tp_zrtp); zrtp->pool = pool; pj_ansi_strncpy(zrtp->, pool->obj_name, sizeof(zrtp->; zrtp->base.type = (pjmedia_transport_type) (PJMEDIA_TRANSPORT_TYPE_USER + 2); zrtp->base.op = &tp_zrtp_op; #ifndef DYNAMIC_TIMER if (timer_pool == NULL) { timer_pool = pjmedia_endpt_create_pool(endpt, "zrtp_timer", 256, 256); rc = timer_initialize(); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { pj_pool_release(timer_pool); pj_pool_release(zrtp->pool); return rc; } } #else zrtp->timer_heap = pjsip_endpt_get_timer_heap(pjsua_var.endpt); #endif /* Create the empty wrapper */ zrtp->zrtpCtx = zrtp_CreateWrapper(); /* Initialize standard values */ zrtp->clientIdString = clientId; /* Set standard name */ zrtp->zrtpSeq = 1; /* TODO: randomize */ rc = pj_mutex_create_simple(zrtp->pool, "zrtp", &zrtp->zrtpMutex); zrtp->zrtpBuffer = pj_pool_zalloc(pool, MAX_ZRTP_SIZE); zrtp->sendBuffer = pj_pool_zalloc(pool, MAX_RTP_BUFFER_LEN); zrtp->sendBufferCtrl = pj_pool_zalloc(pool, MAX_RTCP_BUFFER_LEN); zrtp->slave_tp = transport; zrtp->close_slave = close_slave; zrtp->mitmMode = PJ_FALSE; /* Done */ zrtp->refcount++; *p_tp = &zrtp->base; return PJ_SUCCESS; }
void _kernel_call_inirtn(void) { macaddr_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); application_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); sdev_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); stdfile_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); rtc_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); mci_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); dma_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); timer_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) ); serial_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) ); }
error_t sched_start(void) { if (g_sched.is_started == true) return ERROR_FAILURE; cpu_cli(); g_sched.is_started = true; timer_initialize(SCHED_TIMER_FREQ); cpu_sti(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { imask_initialize(); clock_initialize(); sci_initialize(INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_COMMUNICATION, 38400); timer_initialize(INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_TIMER); set_imask_exr(0); timer_set_interval_function(timer_handler); timer_start(); sci_write("0\r\n", 3); while (1) { ; } }
static int cmd_threadload(int argc, const cmd_args *argv) { static bool showthreadload = false; static timer_t tltimer; if (showthreadload == false) { // start the display timer_initialize(&tltimer); timer_set_periodic(&tltimer, 1000, &threadload, NULL); showthreadload = true; } else { timer_cancel(&tltimer); showthreadload = false; } return 0; }
void main() { bt_initialize(); trace_initialize(); i386_initialize_descriptor_tables(); i8259_initialize(); exceptions_initialize(); timer_initialize(); mem_initialize(); dma_initialize(); keyboard_initialize(); floppy_initialize(); tty_initialize(); sys_initialize(); loader_initialize(); clear_display(); printk("Start running processes!!!\nStartup Communications\n Press ALT-LSHIFT for next terminal\n"); i8259_start(); while(1); }
void ssbi_gpio_keypad_init(struct qwerty_keypad_info *qwerty_kp) { int len; len = sizeof(struct gpio_qwerty_kp); qwerty_keypad = malloc(len); ASSERT(qwerty_keypad); memset(qwerty_keypad, 0, len); qwerty_keypad->keypad_info = qwerty_kp; event_init(&qwerty_keypad->full_scan, false, EVENT_FLAG_AUTOUNSIGNAL); timer_initialize(&qwerty_keypad->timer); timer_set_oneshot(&qwerty_keypad->timer, 0, scan_qwerty_gpio_keypad, NULL); /* wait for the keypad to complete one full scan */ event_wait(&qwerty_keypad->full_scan); }
void gpio_keys_init(struct gpio_keys_pdata *kpdata) { if(kpdata == NULL) { printf("FAILED: platform data is NULL!\n"); return; } else if (pdata != NULL) { printf("FAILED: platform data is set already!\n"); return; } else if (!kpdata->nr_keys || (!(kpdata->nr_keys < BITMAP_BITS_PER_WORD)) ) { printf("WARN: %d keys not supported, First 32 keys will be served.\n", (unsigned)kpdata->nr_keys); kpdata->nr_keys = 32; } pdata = kpdata; some_key_pressed = 0; memset(&gpio_keys_bitmap, 0, sizeof(unsigned long)); timer_initialize(&gpio_keys_poll); timer_set_oneshot(&gpio_keys_poll, 0, gpio_keys_poll_fn, NULL); }
/* * Function to support for shutdown detection * If below condition is met, the function will shut down * the device. Otherwise it will do nothing and return to * normal boot. * condition: * 1. it is triggered by power key && * 2. the power key is released before * (PWRKEY_LONG_PRESS_COUNT/MPM_SLEEP_TIMETICK_COUNT) seconds. */ void shutdown_detect() { /* * If it is booted by power key tirigger. * Initialize pon_timer and call long_press_pwrkey_timer_func * function to check if the power key is last press long enough. */ if (is_pwrkey_pon_reason() && is_pwrkey_time_expired()) { timer_initialize(&pon_timer); timer_set_oneshot(&pon_timer, 0, long_press_pwrkey_timer_func, NULL); /* * Wait until long press power key timeout * * It will be confused to end users if we shutdown the device * after the splash screen displayed. But it can be moved the * wait here if the boot time is much more considered. */ wait_for_long_pwrkey_pressed(); } }
static int cmd_threadload(int argc, const cmd_args * argv) { static bool showthreadload = false; static timer_t tltimer; enter_critical_section(); if (showthreadload == false) { // start the display timer_initialize(&tltimer); timer_set_oneshot(&tltimer, 1000, &threadload, NULL); showthreadload = true; } else { timer_cancel(&tltimer); showthreadload = false; } exit_critical_section(); return 0; }
void RECEIVE_Initialize(void) { traces(RECEIVE_INIT_ENTER); // Create queue, 80 slots, each one byte in size rcvData.rcvQueue = xQueueCreate(80, sizeof (char)); // Verifies queue created if (rcvData.rcvQueue == 0) error('c'); // Initialize parameters rcvData.currentIndex = 0; timer_initialize(100); DRV_USART0_Initialize(); rcvData.clock = 0; rcvData.sequence = 0; rcvData.x_in = 0; RGB_Initialize(); traces(RECEIVE_INIT_EXIT); }
int main(void) { ADCON1 = 0x0F; CMCON = 0x07; TRISA = 0x00; PORTA = 0x00; interrupt_initialize(); timer_initialize(); nrf_initialize(nrf_transmit_mode, nrf_channel_0, CAFE_ADDRESS | NODE_ID); nrf_packet_t packet; uint8_t differ = 0x00; PORTA = 0x00; while(1) { #if CONSTANT_TRANSMIT #if SEND_TO_APP packet.address = CAFE_ADDRESS | HUB_ID; packet.payload_length = 18; packet.payload[0] = 0x05; // Branch packet.payload[1] = (NODE_ID >> 8); // Source ID packet.payload[2] = (NODE_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[3] = (HUB_ID >> 8); // Destination ID packet.payload[4] = (HUB_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[5] = 0x00; // Source App packet.payload[6] = 0x00; packet.payload[7] = 0x80; // Destination App packet.payload[8] = 0x41; packet.payload[9] = 0x07; // Command packet.payload[10] = 0x00; // Sub-Command packet.payload[11] = 0x06; // Payload Length packet.payload[12] = 0xba; // Payload packet.payload[13] = 0xba; packet.payload[14] = 0xde; packet.payload[15] = 0xca; packet.payload[16] = 0xfe; packet.payload[17] = differ++; nrf_set_mode(nrf_transmit_mode, true); nrf_flush_fifo(true); nrf_transmit_packet(packet, false); while(!(nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x10)); PORTA ^= 0x01; timer_delay_ms(1000); #endif #if SEND_TO_HUB_APP packet.address = CAFE_ADDRESS | HUB_ID; packet.payload_length = 12; packet.payload[0] = 0x05; // Branch packet.payload[1] = (NODE_ID >> 8); // Source ID packet.payload[2] = (NODE_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[3] = (HUB_ID >> 8); // Destination ID packet.payload[4] = (HUB_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[5] = 0x00; // Source App packet.payload[6] = 0x00; packet.payload[7] = 0x00; // Destination App packet.payload[8] = 0x00; packet.payload[9] = 0x04; // Command packet.payload[10] = 0x05; // Sub-Command packet.payload[11] = 0x00; // Payload Length nrf_set_mode(nrf_transmit_mode, true); nrf_flush_fifo(true); nrf_transmit_packet(packet, false); while(!(nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x10)); PORTA ^= 0x02; timer_delay_ms(1000); #endif #if SEND_TO_HUB packet.address = CAFE_ADDRESS; packet.payload_length = 13; packet.payload[0] = 0x05; // Branch packet.payload[1] = (NODE_ID >> 8); // Source ID packet.payload[2] = (NODE_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[3] = 0x00; // Destination ID packet.payload[4] = 0x00; packet.payload[5] = 0x00; // Source App packet.payload[6] = 0x00; packet.payload[7] = 0x00; // Destination App packet.payload[8] = 0x00; packet.payload[9] = 0x05; // Command packet.payload[10] = 0x05; // Sub-Command packet.payload[11] = 0x01; // Payload Length packet.payload[11] = differ; // Payload nrf_set_mode(nrf_transmit_mode, true); nrf_flush_fifo(true); nrf_transmit_packet(packet, false); while(!(nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x10)); PORTA ^= 0x02; timer_delay_ms(1000); #endif #if SEND_HUB_ID_REQUEST packet.address = CAFE_ADDRESS | HUB_ID; packet.payload_length = 13; packet.payload[0] = 0x05; // Branch packet.payload[1] = (NODE_ID >> 8); // Source ID packet.payload[2] = (NODE_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[3] = (HUB_ID >> 8); // Destination ID packet.payload[4] = (HUB_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[5] = 0x00; // Source App packet.payload[6] = 0x00; packet.payload[7] = 0x00; // Destination App packet.payload[8] = 0x00; packet.payload[9] = 0x06; // Command packet.payload[10] = 0x05; // Sub-Command packet.payload[11] = 0x01; // Payload Length packet.payload[12] = 0x01; // Payload nrf_set_mode(nrf_transmit_mode, true); nrf_flush_fifo(true); nrf_transmit_packet(packet, false); while(!(nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x10)); PORTA ^= 0x02; timer_delay_ms(1000); #endif #elif SEND_PACKETS packet.address = CAFE_ADDRESS | HUB_ID; packet.payload_length = 18; packet.payload[0] = 0x05; // Branch packet.payload[1] = (NODE_ID >> 8); // Source ID packet.payload[2] = (NODE_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[3] = (HUB_ID >> 8); // Destination ID packet.payload[4] = (HUB_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[5] = 0x00; // Source App packet.payload[6] = 0x00; packet.payload[7] = 0x00; // Destination App packet.payload[8] = 0x02; packet.payload[9] = 0x01; // Command packet.payload[10] = 0x00; // Sub-Command packet.payload[11] = 0x00; // Payload Length PORTA ^= 0x01; nrf_set_mode(nrf_transmit_mode, true); nrf_flush_fifo(true); nrf_transmit_packet(packet, false); while(!(nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x10)); PORTA ^= 0x01; nrf_set_mode(nrf_receive_mode, true); nrf_flush_fifo(false); uint8_t delay_count = 0; PORTA ^= 0x02; while((nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x01) && (delay_count < 40)) { timer_delay_ms(25); delay_count++; } PORTA ^= 0x02; if(delay_count < 40) { if(nrf_read_packet(&packet) != SUCCESS) delay_count = 40; else PORTA ^= 0x04; } if(delay_count < 40) timer_delay_ms(2000); timer_delay_ms(2000); #elif RECEIVE_PACKETS nrf_set_mode(nrf_receive_mode, false); while(!(nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x01)) { timer_delay_ms(50); PORTA ^= 0x02; nrf_read_packet(&packet); uint16_t temp; temp = (packet.payload[1] << 8); temp |= packet.payload[2]; packet.address = CAFE_ADDRESS | temp; packet.payload_length = 12; packet.payload[1] = (NODE_ID >> 8); packet.payload[2] = (NODE_ID & 0xFF); packet.payload[3] = (temp >> 8); packet.payload[4] = (temp & 0xFF); temp = (packet.payload[5] << 8); temp |= packet.payload[6]; packet.payload[5] = packet.payload[7]; packet.payload[6] = packet.payload[8]; packet.payload[7] = (temp >> 8); packet.payload[8] = (temp & 0xFF); packet.payload[9] ^= 0x80; packet.payload[10] = differ++; packet.payload[11] = 0x00; PORTA ^= 0x01; nrf_set_mode(nrf_transmit_mode, true); nrf_flush_fifo(true); nrf_transmit_packet(packet, false); while(!(nrf_read_register(NRF_REG_FIFO_STATUS) & 0x10)); PORTA ^= 0x01; nrf_set_mode(nrf_receive_mode, false); nrf_write_register(NRF_REG_STATUS, 0x20); } #endif } }
int ikev2_pld_notify(struct iked *env, struct ikev2_payload *pld, struct iked_message *msg, off_t offset) { struct ikev2_notify *n; u_int8_t *buf, md[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; size_t len; u_int32_t spi32; u_int64_t spi64; struct iked_spi *rekey; u_int16_t type; u_int16_t group; if ((n = ibuf_seek(msg->msg_data, offset, sizeof(*n))) == NULL) return (-1); type = betoh16(n->n_type); log_debug("%s: protoid %s spisize %d type %s", __func__, print_map(n->n_protoid, ikev2_saproto_map), n->n_spisize, print_map(type, ikev2_n_map)); len = betoh16(pld->pld_length) - sizeof(*pld) - sizeof(*n); if ((buf = ibuf_seek(msg->msg_data, offset + sizeof(*n), len)) == NULL) return (-1); print_hex(buf, 0, len); if (!ikev2_msg_frompeer(msg)) return (0); switch (type) { case IKEV2_N_NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP: case IKEV2_N_NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP: if (ikev2_nat_detection(env, msg, md, sizeof(md), type) == -1) return (-1); if (len != sizeof(md) || memcmp(buf, md, len) != 0) { log_debug("%s: %s detected NAT, enabling " "UDP encapsulation", __func__, print_map(type, ikev2_n_map)); /* * Enable UDP encapsulation of ESP packages if * the check detected NAT. */ if (msg->msg_sa != NULL) msg->msg_sa->sa_udpencap = 1; } print_hex(md, 0, sizeof(md)); break; case IKEV2_N_INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD: if (len != sizeof(group)) { log_debug("%s: malformed notification", __func__); return (-1); } if (!msg->msg_sa->sa_hdr.sh_initiator) { log_debug("%s: not an initiator", __func__); sa_free(env, msg->msg_sa); msg->msg_sa = NULL; return (-1); } memcpy(&group, buf, len); group = betoh16(group); if ((msg->msg_policy->pol_peerdh = group_get(group)) == NULL) { log_debug("%s: unable to select DH group %d", __func__, group); return (-1); } log_debug("%s: responder selected DH group %d", __func__, group); sa_free(env, msg->msg_sa); msg->msg_sa = NULL; timer_initialize(env, &env->sc_inittmr, ikev2_init_ike_sa, NULL); timer_register(env, &env->sc_inittmr, IKED_INITIATOR_INITIAL); break; case IKEV2_N_NO_ADDITIONAL_SAS: /* This makes sense for Child SAs only atm */ if (msg->msg_sa->sa_stateflags & IKED_REQ_CHILDSA) { ikev2_disable_rekeying(env, msg->msg_sa); msg->msg_sa->sa_stateflags &= ~IKED_REQ_CHILDSA; } break; case IKEV2_N_REKEY_SA: if (len != n->n_spisize) { log_debug("%s: malformed notification", __func__); return (-1); } rekey = &msg->msg_parent->msg_rekey; if (rekey->spi != 0) { log_debug("%s: rekeying of multiple SAs not supported", __func__); return (-1); } switch (n->n_spisize) { case 4: memcpy(&spi32, buf, len); rekey->spi = betoh32(spi32); break; case 8: memcpy(&spi64, buf, len); rekey->spi = betoh64(spi64); break; default: log_debug("%s: invalid spi size %d", __func__, n->n_spisize); return (-1); } rekey->spi_size = n->n_spisize; rekey->spi_protoid = n->n_protoid; log_debug("%s: rekey %s spi %s", __func__, print_map(n->n_protoid, ikev2_saproto_map), print_spi(rekey->spi, n->n_spisize)); break; } return (0); }
void os_start(void) { int i; slldbg("Entry\n"); /* Initialize all task lists */ dq_init(&g_readytorun); dq_init(&g_pendingtasks); dq_init(&g_waitingforsemaphore); #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS dq_init(&g_waitingforsignal); #endif #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE dq_init(&g_waitingformqnotfull); dq_init(&g_waitingformqnotempty); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PAGING dq_init(&g_waitingforfill); #endif dq_init(&g_inactivetasks); sq_init(&g_delayeddeallocations); /* Initialize the logic that determine unique process IDs. */ g_lastpid = 0; for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_MAX_TASKS; i++) { g_pidhash[i].tcb = NULL; g_pidhash[i].pid = INVALID_PROCESS_ID; } /* Assign the process ID of ZERO to the idle task */ g_pidhash[ PIDHASH(0)].tcb = &g_idletcb; g_pidhash[ PIDHASH(0)].pid = 0; /* Initialize a TCB for this thread of execution. NOTE: The default * value for most components of the g_idletcb are zero. The entire * structure is set to zero. Then only the (potentially) non-zero * elements are initialized. NOTE: The idle task is the only task in * that has pid == 0 and sched_priority == 0. */ bzero((void*)&g_idletcb, sizeof(_TCB)); g_idletcb.task_state = TSTATE_TASK_RUNNING; g_idletcb.entry.main = (main_t)os_start; #if CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE > 0 strncpy(, g_idlename, CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE-1); g_idletcb.argv[0] =; #else g_idletcb.argv[0] = (char*)g_idlename; #endif /* CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE */ /* Then add the idle task's TCB to the head of the ready to run list */ dq_addfirst((FAR dq_entry_t*)&g_idletcb, (FAR dq_queue_t*)&g_readytorun); /* Initialize the processor-specific portion of the TCB */ g_idletcb.flags = TCB_FLAG_TTYPE_KERNEL; up_initial_state(&g_idletcb); /* Initialize the semaphore facility(if in link). This has to be done * very early because many subsystems depend upon fully functional * semaphores. */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (sem_initialize != NULL) #endif { sem_initialize(); } /* Initialize the memory manager */ #ifndef CONFIG_HEAP_BASE { FAR void *heap_start; size_t heap_size; up_allocate_heap(&heap_start, &heap_size); kmm_initialize(heap_start, heap_size); } #else kmm_initialize((void*)CONFIG_HEAP_BASE, CONFIG_HEAP_SIZE); #endif /* Initialize the interrupt handling subsystem (if included) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (irq_initialize != NULL) #endif { irq_initialize(); } /* Initialize the watchdog facility (if included in the link) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (wd_initialize != NULL) #endif { wd_initialize(); } /* Initialize the POSIX timer facility (if included in the link) */ #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_CLOCK #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (clock_initialize != NULL) #endif { clock_initialize(); } #endif #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_POSIX_TIMERS #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (timer_initialize != NULL) #endif { timer_initialize(); } #endif /* Initialize the signal facility (if in link) */ #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (sig_initialize != NULL) #endif { sig_initialize(); } #endif /* Initialize the named message queue facility (if in link) */ #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (mq_initialize != NULL) #endif { mq_initialize(); } #endif /* Initialize the thread-specific data facility (if in link) */ #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_PTHREAD #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (pthread_initialize != NULL) #endif { pthread_initialize(); } #endif /* Initialize the file system (needed to support device drivers) */ #if CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTORS > 0 #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (fs_initialize != NULL) #endif { fs_initialize(); } #endif /* Initialize the network system */ #ifdef CONFIG_NET #if 0 if (net_initialize != NULL) #endif { net_initialize(); } #endif /* The processor specific details of running the operating system * will be handled here. Such things as setting up interrupt * service routines and starting the clock are some of the things * that are different for each processor and hardware platform. */ up_initialize(); /* Initialize the C libraries (if included in the link). This * is done last because the libraries may depend on the above. */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (lib_initialize != NULL) #endif { lib_initialize(); } /* Create stdout, stderr, stdin on the IDLE task. These will be * inherited by all of the threads created by the IDLE task. */ (void)sched_setupidlefiles(&g_idletcb); /* Create initial tasks and bring-up the system */ (void)os_bringup(); /* When control is return to this point, the system is idle. */ sdbg("Beginning Idle Loop\n"); for (;;) { /* Perform garbage collection (if it is not being done by the worker * thread). This cleans-up memory de-allocations that were queued * because they could not be freed in that execution context (for * example, if the memory was freed from an interrupt handler). */ #ifndef CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE /* We must have exclusive access to the memory manager to do this * BUT the idle task cannot wait on a semaphore. So we only do * the cleanup now if we can get the semaphore -- this should be * possible because if the IDLE thread is running, no other task is! */ if (kmm_trysemaphore() == 0) { sched_garbagecollection(); kmm_givesemaphore(); } #endif /* Perform any processor-specific idle state operations */ up_idle(); } }
/** * @fn :tc_timer_timer_initialize * @brief :Boot up configuration of the POSIX timer facility. * @brief :Boot up configuration of the POSIX timer facility. * API's covered :timer_initialize * Preconditions :Creation of timer_id(timer_create) * Postconditions :none * @return :void */ static void tc_timer_timer_initialize(void) { timer_t timer_id; clockid_t clockid = CLOCK_REALTIME; struct sigevent st_sigevent; FAR struct posix_timer_s *timer; FAR struct posix_timer_s *next; int initalloc_cnt = 0; int initfree_cnt = 0; int createalloc_cnt = 0; int createfree_cnt = 0; int finalalloc_cnt = 0; int finalfree_cnt = 0; /* Set and enable alarm */ st_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; st_sigevent.sigev_signo = sig_no; st_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &timer_id; /* check the count for g_alloctimers and g_freetimers after timer_initialize */ timer_initialize(); for (timer = (FAR struct posix_timer_s *)g_alloctimers.head; timer; timer = next) { next = timer->flink; initalloc_cnt++; } for (timer = (FAR struct posix_timer_s *)g_freetimers.head; timer; timer = next) { next = timer->flink; initfree_cnt++; } /* check the count for g_alloctimers and g_freetimers after create now they change */ timer_create(clockid, &st_sigevent, &timer_id); for (timer = (FAR struct posix_timer_s *)g_alloctimers.head; timer; timer = next) { next = timer->flink; createalloc_cnt++; } for (timer = (FAR struct posix_timer_s *)g_freetimers.head; timer; timer = next) { next = timer->flink; createfree_cnt++; } /* check the count for g_alloctimers and g_freetimers after timer_initialize now they change to original value */ timer_initialize(); for (timer = (FAR struct posix_timer_s *)g_alloctimers.head; timer; timer = next) { next = timer->flink; finalalloc_cnt++; } for (timer = (FAR struct posix_timer_s *)g_freetimers.head; timer; timer = next) { next = timer->flink; finalfree_cnt++; } TC_ASSERT_EQ_CLEANUP("timer_initialise", initalloc_cnt, finalalloc_cnt, timer_delete(timer_id)); TC_ASSERT_EQ_CLEANUP("timer_initialise", initfree_cnt, finalfree_cnt, timer_delete(timer_id)); TC_ASSERT_NEQ_CLEANUP("timer_initialise", createalloc_cnt, finalalloc_cnt, timer_delete(timer_id)); TC_ASSERT_NEQ_CLEANUP("timer_initialise", createfree_cnt, finalfree_cnt, timer_delete(timer_id)); timer_delete(timer_id); TC_SUCCESS_RESULT(); }
int fastboot_init(void *base, unsigned size) { thread_t *thr; dprintf(ALWAYS, "fastboot_init()\n"); download_base = base; download_max = size; //mtk_wdt_disable(); /*It will re-enable during continue boot*/ timer_initialize(&wdt_timer); timer_set_periodic(&wdt_timer, 5000, (timer_callback)mtk_wdt_restart, NULL); fastboot_register("getvar:", cmd_getvar, TRUE); fastboot_publish("version", "0.5"); #ifndef USER_BUILD fastboot_register("boot", cmd_boot, FALSE); #endif fastboot_register("signature", cmd_install_sig, FALSE); #ifdef USE_G_ORIGINAL_PROTOCOL fastboot_register("flash:", cmd_flash_mmc, TRUE); #ifndef USER_BUILD fastboot_register("erase:", cmd_erase_mmc, TRUE); #endif #else #ifdef MTK_EMMC_SUPPORT fastboot_register("flash:", cmd_flash_emmc, TRUE); #ifndef USER_BUILD fastboot_register("erase:", cmd_erase_emmc, TRUE); #endif #else fastboot_register("flash:", cmd_flash_nand, TRUE); #ifndef USER_BUILD fastboot_register("erase:", cmd_erase_nand, TRUE); #endif #endif #endif fastboot_register("continue", cmd_continue, FALSE); fastboot_register("reboot", cmd_reboot, FALSE); fastboot_register("reboot-bootloader", cmd_reboot_bootloader, FALSE); fastboot_publish("product", TARGET(BOARD)); fastboot_publish("kernel", "lk"); register_secure_unlocked_var(); #ifdef MTK_OFF_MODE_CHARGE_SUPPORT register_off_mode_charge_var(); #endif //fastboot_publish("serialno", sn_buf); register_parition_var(); /*LXO: Download related command*/ fastboot_register("download:", cmd_download, TRUE); fastboot_publish("max-download-size", "0x8000000"); //128M = 134217728 /*LXO: END!Download related command*/ fastboot_oem_register(); fastboot_register("oem p2u", cmd_oem_p2u, FALSE); fastboot_register("oem reboot-recovery",cmd_oem_reboot2recovery, FALSE); fastboot_register("oem append-cmdline",cmd_oem_append_cmdline,FALSE); #ifdef MTK_OFF_MODE_CHARGE_SUPPORT fastboot_register("oem off-mode-charge",cmd_oem_off_mode_charge,FALSE); #endif #ifdef MTK_TC7_COMMON_DEVICE_INTERFACE fastboot_register("oem auto-ADB",cmd_oem_ADB_Auto_Enable,FALSE); #endif #if defined(MTK_SECURITY_SW_SUPPORT) && defined(MTK_SEC_FASTBOOT_UNLOCK_SUPPORT) fastboot_register("oem unlock",fastboot_oem_unlock, TRUE); fastboot_register("oem lock",fastboot_oem_lock, TRUE); fastboot_register("oem key",fastboot_oem_key,TRUE); fastboot_register("oem lks",fastboot_oem_query_lock_state,TRUE); #endif event_init(&usb_online, 0, EVENT_FLAG_AUTOUNSIGNAL); event_init(&txn_done, 0, EVENT_FLAG_AUTOUNSIGNAL); in = udc_endpoint_alloc(UDC_TYPE_BULK_IN, 512); if (!in) goto fail_alloc_in; out = udc_endpoint_alloc(UDC_TYPE_BULK_OUT, 512); if (!out) goto fail_alloc_out; fastboot_endpoints[0] = in; fastboot_endpoints[1] = out; req = udc_request_alloc(); if (!req) goto fail_alloc_req; if (udc_register_gadget(&fastboot_gadget)) goto fail_udc_register; thr = thread_create("fastboot", fastboot_handler, 0, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, 4096); if (!thr) { goto fail_alloc_in; } thread_resume(thr); return 0; fail_udc_register: udc_request_free(req); fail_alloc_req: udc_endpoint_free(out); fail_alloc_out: udc_endpoint_free(in); fail_alloc_in: return -1; }
void _kernel_call_inirtn(void) { app_init( (VP_INT)(0) ); timer_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) ); }
void os_start(void) { int i; slldbg("Entry\n"); /* Initialize RTOS Data ***************************************************/ /* Initialize all task lists */ dq_init(&g_readytorun); dq_init(&g_pendingtasks); dq_init(&g_waitingforsemaphore); #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS dq_init(&g_waitingforsignal); #endif #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE dq_init(&g_waitingformqnotfull); dq_init(&g_waitingformqnotempty); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PAGING dq_init(&g_waitingforfill); #endif dq_init(&g_inactivetasks); sq_init(&g_delayed_kufree); #if (defined(CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED) || defined(CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL)) && \ defined(CONFIG_MM_KERNEL_HEAP) sq_init(&g_delayed_kfree); #endif /* Initialize the logic that determine unique process IDs. */ g_lastpid = 0; for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_MAX_TASKS; i++) { g_pidhash[i].tcb = NULL; g_pidhash[i].pid = INVALID_PROCESS_ID; } /* Assign the process ID of ZERO to the idle task */ g_pidhash[PIDHASH(0)].tcb = &g_idletcb.cmn; g_pidhash[PIDHASH(0)].pid = 0; /* Initialize the IDLE task TCB *******************************************/ /* Initialize a TCB for this thread of execution. NOTE: The default * value for most components of the g_idletcb are zero. The entire * structure is set to zero. Then only the (potentially) non-zero * elements are initialized. NOTE: The idle task is the only task in * that has pid == 0 and sched_priority == 0. */ bzero((void*)&g_idletcb, sizeof(struct task_tcb_s)); g_idletcb.cmn.task_state = TSTATE_TASK_RUNNING; g_idletcb.cmn.entry.main = (main_t)os_start; g_idletcb.cmn.flags = TCB_FLAG_TTYPE_KERNEL; /* Set the IDLE task name */ #if CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE > 0 strncpy(, g_idlename, CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE);[CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE] = '\0'; #endif /* CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE */ /* Configure the task name in the argument list. The IDLE task does * not really have an argument list, but this name is still useful * for things like the NSH PS command. * * In the kernel mode build, the arguments are saved on the task's stack * and there is no support that yet. */ #if CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE > 0 g_idleargv[0] =; #else g_idleargv[0] = (FAR char *)g_idlename; #endif /* CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE */ g_idleargv[1] = NULL; g_idletcb.argv = g_idleargv; /* Then add the idle task's TCB to the head of the ready to run list */ dq_addfirst((FAR dq_entry_t*)&g_idletcb, (FAR dq_queue_t*)&g_readytorun); /* Initialize the processor-specific portion of the TCB */ up_initial_state(&g_idletcb.cmn); /* Initialize RTOS facilities *********************************************/ /* Initialize the semaphore facility. This has to be done very early * because many subsystems depend upon fully functional semaphores. */ sem_initialize(); #if defined(MM_KERNEL_USRHEAP_INIT) || defined(CONFIG_MM_KERNEL_HEAP) || defined(CONFIG_MM_PGALLOC) /* Initialize the memory manager */ { FAR void *heap_start; size_t heap_size; #ifdef MM_KERNEL_USRHEAP_INIT /* Get the user-mode heap from the platform specific code and configure * the user-mode memory allocator. */ up_allocate_heap(&heap_start, &heap_size); kumm_initialize(heap_start, heap_size); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_MM_KERNEL_HEAP /* Get the kernel-mode heap from the platform specific code and configure * the kernel-mode memory allocator. */ up_allocate_kheap(&heap_start, &heap_size); kmm_initialize(heap_start, heap_size); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_MM_PGALLOC /* If there is a page allocator in the configuration, then get the page * heap information from the platform-specific code and configure the * page allocator. */ up_allocate_pgheap(&heap_start, &heap_size); mm_pginitialize(heap_start, heap_size); #endif } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_HAVE_PARENT) && defined(CONFIG_SCHED_CHILD_STATUS) /* Initialize tasking data structures */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (task_initialize != NULL) #endif { task_initialize(); } #endif /* Initialize the interrupt handling subsystem (if included) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (irq_initialize != NULL) #endif { irq_initialize(); } /* Initialize the watchdog facility (if included in the link) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (wd_initialize != NULL) #endif { wd_initialize(); } /* Initialize the POSIX timer facility (if included in the link) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (clock_initialize != NULL) #endif { clock_initialize(); } #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_POSIX_TIMERS #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (timer_initialize != NULL) #endif { timer_initialize(); } #endif #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS /* Initialize the signal facility (if in link) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (sig_initialize != NULL) #endif { sig_initialize(); } #endif #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE /* Initialize the named message queue facility (if in link) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (mq_initialize != NULL) #endif { mq_initialize(); } #endif #ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_PTHREAD /* Initialize the thread-specific data facility (if in link) */ #ifdef CONFIG_HAVE_WEAKFUNCTIONS if (pthread_initialize != NULL) #endif { pthread_initialize(); } #endif #if CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTORS > 0 /* Initialize the file system (needed to support device drivers) */ fs_initialize(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_NET /* Initialize the networking system. Network initialization is * performed in two steps: (1) net_setup() initializes static * configuration of the network support. This must be done prior * to registering network drivers by up_initialize(). This step * cannot require upon any hardware-depending features such as * timers or interrupts. */ net_setup(); #endif /* The processor specific details of running the operating system * will be handled here. Such things as setting up interrupt * service routines and starting the clock are some of the things * that are different for each processor and hardware platform. */ up_initialize(); #ifdef CONFIG_NET /* Complete initialization the networking system now that interrupts * and timers have been configured by up_initialize(). */ net_initialize(); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_MM_SHM /* Initialize shared memory support */ shm_initialize(); #endif /* Initialize the C libraries. This is done last because the libraries * may depend on the above. */ lib_initialize(); /* IDLE Group Initialization **********************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_TASK_GROUP /* Allocate the IDLE group */ DEBUGVERIFY(group_allocate(&g_idletcb, g_idletcb.cmn.flags)); #endif #if CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTORS > 0 || CONFIG_NSOCKET_DESCRIPTORS > 0 /* Create stdout, stderr, stdin on the IDLE task. These will be * inherited by all of the threads created by the IDLE task. */ DEBUGVERIFY(group_setupidlefiles(&g_idletcb)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_TASK_GROUP /* Complete initialization of the IDLE group. Suppress retention * of child status in the IDLE group. */ DEBUGVERIFY(group_initialize(&g_idletcb));>tg_flags = GROUP_FLAG_NOCLDWAIT; #endif /* Bring Up the System ****************************************************/ /* Create initial tasks and bring-up the system */ DEBUGVERIFY(os_bringup()); /* The IDLE Loop **********************************************************/ /* When control is return to this point, the system is idle. */ sdbg("Beginning Idle Loop\n"); for (;;) { /* Perform garbage collection (if it is not being done by the worker * thread). This cleans-up memory de-allocations that were queued * because they could not be freed in that execution context (for * example, if the memory was freed from an interrupt handler). */ #ifndef CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE /* We must have exclusive access to the memory manager to do this * BUT the idle task cannot wait on a semaphore. So we only do * the cleanup now if we can get the semaphore -- this should be * possible because if the IDLE thread is running, no other task is! * * WARNING: This logic could have undesirable side-effects if priority * inheritance is enabled. Imaginee the possible issues if the * priority of the IDLE thread were to get boosted! Moral: If you * use priority inheritance, then you should also enable the work * queue so that is done in a safer context. */ if (kmm_trysemaphore() == 0) { sched_garbagecollection(); kmm_givesemaphore(); } #endif /* Perform any processor-specific idle state operations */ up_idle(); } }
void _kernel_call_inirtn(void) { timer_initialize( (VP_INT)(0) ); serial_initialize( (VP_INT)(& hw_serial_rsc_def) ); }