BOOL ChangeTimerQueueTimer(HANDLE TimerQueue, HANDLE Timer, ULONG DueTime, ULONG Period) { struct timespec CurrentTime; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* timer; if (!TimerQueue || !Timer) return FALSE; timespec_gettimeofday(&CurrentTime); timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*) TimerQueue; timer = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER*) Timer; pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); RemoveTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), timer); RemoveTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->inactiveHead), timer); timer->DueTime = DueTime; timer->Period = Period; timer->next = NULL; timespec_copy(&(timer->StartTime), &CurrentTime); timespec_add_ms(&(timer->StartTime), DueTime); timespec_copy(&(timer->ExpirationTime), &(timer->StartTime)); InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), timer); pthread_cond_signal(&(timerQueue->cond)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); return TRUE; }
static void* TimerQueueThread(void* arg) { int status; struct timespec timeout; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*) arg; while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); timespec_gettimeofday(&timeout); if (!timerQueue->activeHead) { timespec_add_ms(&timeout, 50); } else { if (timespec_compare(&timeout, &(timerQueue->activeHead->ExpirationTime)) < 0) { timespec_copy(&timeout, &(timerQueue->activeHead->ExpirationTime)); } } status = pthread_cond_timedwait(&(timerQueue->cond), &(timerQueue->cond_mutex), &timeout); FireExpiredTimerQueueTimers(timerQueue); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); if (timerQueue->bCancelled) break; } return NULL; }
static bool poll_complete(const struct timespec * const now) { req_func = htu21d_req_temp; timespec_add_ms(now, poll_interval_ms, &ts_next_req); return true; }
TEST(semaphore, sem_timedwait) { sem_t s; ASSERT_EQ(0, sem_init(&s, 0, 0)); timespec ts; ASSERT_EQ(0, clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts)); timespec_add_ms(ts, 100); errno = 0; ASSERT_EQ(-1, sem_timedwait(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(ETIMEDOUT, errno); // A negative timeout is an error. errno = 0; ts.tv_nsec = -1; ASSERT_EQ(-1, sem_timedwait(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); errno = 0; ts.tv_nsec = NS_PER_S; ASSERT_EQ(-1, sem_timedwait(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); errno = 0; ts.tv_nsec = NS_PER_S - 1; ts.tv_sec = -1; ASSERT_EQ(-1, sem_timedwait(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(ETIMEDOUT, errno); ASSERT_EQ(0, sem_destroy(&s)); }
static void sem_timedwait_helper(clockid_t clock, int (*wait_function)(sem_t* __sem, const timespec* __ts)) { sem_t s; ASSERT_EQ(0, sem_init(&s, 0, 0)); timespec ts; ASSERT_EQ(0, clock_gettime(clock, &ts)); timespec_add_ms(ts, 100); errno = 0; ASSERT_EQ(-1, wait_function(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(ETIMEDOUT, errno); // A negative timeout is an error. errno = 0; ts.tv_nsec = -1; ASSERT_EQ(-1, wait_function(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); errno = 0; ts.tv_nsec = NS_PER_S; ASSERT_EQ(-1, wait_function(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); errno = 0; ts.tv_nsec = NS_PER_S - 1; ts.tv_sec = -1; ASSERT_EQ(-1, wait_function(&s, &ts)); ASSERT_EQ(ETIMEDOUT, errno); ASSERT_EQ(0, sem_destroy(&s)); }
int dgp_reader_read(struct dgp_reader *dr, int fd) { int ret; int off; do { ret = read(fd, dr->buf + dr->bytes, sizeof(dr->buf) - dr->bytes); } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return 0; perror("dgp_reader_read"); } return -1; } dr->bytes += ret; iv_timer_unregister(&dr->keepalive_timeout); iv_validate_now(); dr->keepalive_timeout.expires = iv_now; timespec_add_ms(&dr->keepalive_timeout.expires, 1000 * KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT, 1000 * KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT); iv_timer_register(&dr->keepalive_timeout); off = 0; while (off < dr->bytes) { int len; struct lsa *lsa; len = lsa_deserialise(&lsa, dr->buf + off, dr->bytes - off); if (len < 0) return -1; if (len == 0) { if (off == 0 && dr->bytes == sizeof(dr->buf)) return -1; break; } if (lsa != NULL) { if (dr->remoteid != NULL) adj_rib_in_add_lsa(&dr->adj_rib_in, lsa); lsa_put(lsa); } off += len; } dr->bytes -= off; memmove(dr->buf, dr->buf + off, dr->bytes); return 0; }
static bool htu21d_req_humid(const int fd, const struct timespec *now) { if (1 != write(fd, "\xf5", 1)) return false; req_func = htu21d_rcv_humid; timespec_add_ms(now, 16, &ts_next_req); return true; }
static bool htu21d_req_temp(const int fd, const struct timespec *now) { if (1 != write(fd, "\xf3", 1)) return false; req_func = htu21d_rcv_temp; timespec_add_ms(now, 50, &ts_next_req); return true; }
void MeterS0::check_ref_for_overflow() { // check whether _ms_last_impulse get's too long // and has risk for overflow (roughly once a month with 32bit unsigned long) if (_ms_last_impulse > (1ul<<30)) { // now we enter a race condition so there might be wrong impulse now! timespec_add_ms(_time_last_ref, 1ul<<30 ); _ms_last_impulse -= 1ul << 30; } }
/* * waitms: -1 for block until event occurs * 0 perform non blocking check * >0 Timeout in milliseconds. */ void PhysicalMedium::interval(int waitms) { int rv; struct itimerspec ts; struct itimerspec ts_left; /* One shot timer, armed with the time after the interval specified */ timespec_add_ms(&pimpl->curTime, waitms); ts.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; ts.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; ts.it_value = pimpl->curTime; /* As we are using a timer any adjustments while this asbsolute timer * is armed will also be adjusted. */ rv = timer_settime(pimpl->timer, TIMER_ABSTIME, &ts, NULL); if (rv == -1) throw "PhysicalMedium::interval: failed to arm timer"; do { rv = epoll_wait(pimpl->poller.epfd, pimpl->, EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS, waitms); if (rv == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) /* Not EINTR so we do have a problem */ throw "PhysicalMedium::interval: epoll failure"; } else { //rv is 0 or number of file descriptors to process. if (rv) { processPollerEvents(rv); break; } } if (timer_gettime(pimpl->timer, &ts_left) == -1) throw "PhysicalMedium::interval: failed to get timer"; // Readjust wait ms based on time left. waitms = (ts_left.it_value.tv_sec * 1000) + (ts_left.it_value.tv_nsec / 1000000); } while(rv > 0 && waitms > 0); }
int FireExpiredTimerQueueTimers(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue) { struct timespec CurrentTime; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* node; if (!timerQueue->activeHead) return 0; timespec_gettimeofday(&CurrentTime); node = timerQueue->activeHead; while (node) { if (timespec_compare(&CurrentTime, &(node->ExpirationTime)) >= 0) { node->Callback(node->Parameter, TRUE); node->FireCount++; timerQueue->activeHead = node->next; node->next = NULL; if (node->Period) { timespec_add_ms(&(node->ExpirationTime), node->Period); InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), node); } else { InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->inactiveHead), node); } node = timerQueue->activeHead; } else { break; } } return 0; }
static int motors_action(char action, char setting) { frame_t frame; char data[2]; if (action == 'e') /* start motors */ { data[0] = action; data[1] = setting; build_frame(frame, OUT_FC_MOTORS_ACTION, (const plchar_t *)data, 2); } else /* stop motors */ { data[0] = 'd'; build_frame(frame, OUT_FC_MOTORS_ACTION, (const plchar_t *)data, 1); } int result; do { serial_write_line(&port, frame); struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts = timespec_add_ms(ts, 100); pthread_mutex_lock(&ack_mutex); result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&ack, &ack_mutex, &ts); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ack_mutex); } while (result == ETIMEDOUT); return 0; }
void dgp_reader_register(struct dgp_reader *dr) { dr->bytes = 0; if (dr->remoteid != NULL) { dr->adj_rib_in.myid = dr->myid; dr->adj_rib_in.remoteid = dr->remoteid; adj_rib_in_init(&dr->adj_rib_in); dr->to_loc.dest = dr->rib; rib_listener_to_loc_init(&dr->to_loc); adj_rib_in_listener_register(&dr->adj_rib_in, &dr->to_loc.rl); } IV_TIMER_INIT(&dr->keepalive_timeout); iv_validate_now(); dr->keepalive_timeout.expires = iv_now; timespec_add_ms(&dr->keepalive_timeout.expires, 1000 * KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT, 1000 * KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT); dr->keepalive_timeout.cookie = dr; dr->keepalive_timeout.handler = dgp_reader_keepalive_timeout; iv_timer_register(&dr->keepalive_timeout); }
BOOL CreateTimerQueueTimer(PHANDLE phNewTimer, HANDLE TimerQueue, WAITORTIMERCALLBACK Callback, PVOID Parameter, DWORD DueTime, DWORD Period, ULONG Flags) { struct timespec CurrentTime; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE* timerQueue; WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER* timer; if (!TimerQueue) return FALSE; timespec_gettimeofday(&CurrentTime); timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*) TimerQueue; timer = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER*) malloc(sizeof(WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER)); if (!timer) return FALSE; WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE(timer, HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER); *((UINT_PTR*) phNewTimer) = (UINT_PTR)(HANDLE) timer; timespec_copy(&(timer->StartTime), &CurrentTime); timespec_add_ms(&(timer->StartTime), DueTime); timespec_copy(&(timer->ExpirationTime), &(timer->StartTime)); timer->Flags = Flags; timer->DueTime = DueTime; timer->Period = Period; timer->Callback = Callback; timer->Parameter = Parameter; timer->timerQueue = (WINPR_TIMER_QUEUE*) TimerQueue; timer->FireCount = 0; timer->next = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); InsertTimerQueueTimer(&(timerQueue->activeHead), timer); pthread_cond_signal(&(timerQueue->cond)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(timerQueue->cond_mutex)); return TRUE; }
ssize_t MeterS0::read(std::vector<Reading> &rds, size_t n) { ssize_t ret = 0; if (!_hwif) return 0; if (n<4) return 0; // would be worth a debug msg! // wait till last+1s (even if we are already later) struct timespec req = _time_last_read; // (or even more seconds if !send_zero unsigned int t_imp; unsigned int t_imp_neg; bool is_zero = true; do{ req.tv_sec += 1; while (EINTR == clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, TIMER_ABSTIME, &req, NULL)); // check from counter_thread the current impulses: t_imp = _impulses; t_imp_neg = _impulses_neg; if (t_imp > 0 || t_imp_neg > 0 ) { is_zero = false; // reduce _impulses to avoid wraps. there is no race cond here as it's ok if _impulses is >0 afterwards if new impulses arrived in the meantime. That's why we don't set to 0! _impulses -= t_imp; _impulses_neg -= t_imp_neg; } } while (!_send_zero && (is_zero)); // so we are blocking is send_zero is false and no impulse coming! // todo check thread cancellation on program termination // we got t_imp and/or t_imp_neq between _time_last_read and req clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &req); double t1; double t2; if (_hwif->is_blocking()) { // if is_zero we need to correct the time here as no impulse occured! if (is_zero) { // we simply add the time from req-_time_last_read to _time_last_ref: struct timespec d1s; timespec_sub(req, _time_last_read, d1s); timespec_add(_time_last_ref, d1s); // this has a little racecond as well (if after existing while loop a impulse returned the ms_last_impulse might have been increased already based on old time_last_ref } // we use the time from last impulse t1 = _time_last_impulse_returned.tv_sec + _time_last_impulse_returned.tv_nsec / 1e9; struct timespec temp_ts = _time_last_ref; timespec_add_ms(temp_ts, _ms_last_impulse); check_ref_for_overflow(); t2 = temp_ts.tv_sec + temp_ts.tv_nsec / 1e9; _time_last_impulse_returned = temp_ts; _time_last_read = req; req = _time_last_impulse_returned; } else { // we use the time from last read call t1= _time_last_read.tv_sec + _time_last_read.tv_nsec / 1e9; t2 = req.tv_sec + req.tv_nsec / 1e9; _time_last_read = req; } if (t2==t1) t2+=0.000001; if (_send_zero || t_imp > 0) { if (!_first_impulse) { double value = (3600000 / ((t2-t1) * _resolution)) * t_imp; rds[ret].identifier(new StringIdentifier("Power")); rds[ret].time(req); rds[ret].value(value); ++ret; } rds[ret].identifier(new StringIdentifier("Impulse")); rds[ret].time(req); rds[ret].value(t_imp); ++ret; } if (_send_zero || t_imp_neg > 0) { if (!_first_impulse) { double value = (3600000 / ((t2-t1) * _resolution)) * t_imp_neg; rds[ret].identifier(new StringIdentifier("Power_neg")); rds[ret].time(req); rds[ret].value(value); ++ret; } rds[ret].identifier(new StringIdentifier("Impulse_neg")); rds[ret].time(req); rds[ret].value(t_imp_neg); ++ret; } if (_first_impulse && ret>0) _first_impulse = false; print(log_finest, "Reading S0 - returning %d readings (n=%d n_neg = %d)", name().c_str(), ret, t_imp, t_imp_neg); return ret; }