Example #1
static void reportWindowsError( char const * const apiName, int slot )
    char * errorMessage;
    char buf[24];
    string * err_buf;
    timing_info time;
    DWORD const errorCode = GetLastError();
    DWORD apiResult = FormatMessageA(
        FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |  /* __in      DWORD dwFlags       */
        NULL,                             /* __in_opt  LPCVOID lpSource    */
        errorCode,                        /* __in      DWORD dwMessageId   */
        0,                                /* __in      DWORD dwLanguageId  */
        (LPSTR)&errorMessage,             /* __out     LPTSTR lpBuffer     */
        0,                                /* __in      DWORD nSize         */
        0 );                              /* __in_opt  va_list * Arguments */
    /* Build a message as if the process had written to stderr. */
    if ( globs.pipe_action )
        err_buf = cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_err;
        err_buf = cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_out;
    string_append( err_buf, apiName );
    string_append( err_buf, "() Windows API failed: " );
    sprintf( buf, "%d", errorCode );
    string_append( err_buf, buf );

    if ( !apiResult )
        string_append( err_buf, ".\n" );
        string_append( err_buf, " - " );
        string_append( err_buf, errorMessage );
        /* Make sure that the buffer is terminated with a newline */
        if( err_buf->value[ err_buf->size - 1 ] != '\n' )
            string_push_back( err_buf, '\n' );
        LocalFree( errorMessage );

    /* Since the process didn't actually start, use a blank timing_info. */
    time.system = 0;
    time.user = 0;
    timestamp_current( &time.start );
    timestamp_current( &time.end );

    /* Invoke the callback with a failure status. */
    (*cmdtab[ slot ].func)( cmdtab[ slot ].closure, EXEC_CMD_FAIL, &time,
        cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_out->value, cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_err->value,
        EXIT_OK );
    /* Clean up any handles that were opened. */
    closeWinHandle( &cmdtab[ slot ].pi.hProcess );
    closeWinHandle( &cmdtab[ slot ].pi.hThread );
    closeWinHandle( &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ] );
    closeWinHandle( &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
    closeWinHandle( &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ] );
    closeWinHandle( &cmdtab[ slot ].pipe_err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
    string_renew( cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_out );
    string_renew( cmdtab[ slot ].buffer_err );
Example #2
void exec_wait()
    int finished = 0;

    /* Process children that signaled. */
    while ( !finished )
        int i;
        struct timeval tv;
        struct timeval * ptv = NULL;
        int select_timeout = globs.timeout;

        /* Check for timeouts:
         *   - kill children that already timed out
         *   - decide how long until the next one times out
        if ( globs.timeout > 0 )
            struct tms buf;
            clock_t const current = times( &buf );
            for ( i = 0; i < globs.jobs; ++i )
                if ( cmdtab[ i ].pid )
                    clock_t const consumed =
                        ( current - cmdtab[ i ].start_time ) / tps;
                    if ( consumed >= globs.timeout )
                        killpg( cmdtab[ i ].pid, SIGKILL );
                        cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = EXIT_TIMEOUT;
                    else if ( globs.timeout - consumed < select_timeout )
                        select_timeout = globs.timeout - consumed;

            /* If nothing else causes our select() call to exit, force it after
             * however long it takes for the next one of our child processes to
             * crossed its alloted processing time so we can terminate it.
            tv.tv_sec = select_timeout;
            tv.tv_usec = 0;
            ptv = &tv;

        /* select() will wait for I/O on a descriptor, a signal, or timeout. */
            /* disable child termination signals while in select */
            int ret;
            sigset_t sigmask;
            sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGCHLD);
            sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigmask, NULL);
            while ( ( ret = poll( wait_fds, WAIT_FDS_SIZE, select_timeout * 1000 ) ) == -1 )
                if ( errno != EINTR )
            /* restore original signal mask by unblocking sigchld */
            sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigmask, NULL);
            if ( ret <= 0 )

        for ( i = 0; i < globs.jobs; ++i )
            int out_done = 0;
            int err_done = 0;
            if ( GET_WAIT_FD( i )[ OUT ].revents )
                out_done = read_descriptor( i, OUT );

            if ( globs.pipe_action && ( GET_WAIT_FD( i )[ ERR ].revents ) )
                err_done = read_descriptor( i, ERR );

            /* If feof on either descriptor, we are done. */
            if ( out_done || err_done )
                int pid;
                int status;
                int rstat;
                timing_info time_info;
                struct rusage cmd_usage;

                /* We found a terminated child process - our search is done. */
                finished = 1;

                /* Close the stream and pipe descriptors. */
                close_streams( i, OUT );
                if ( globs.pipe_action )
                    close_streams( i, ERR );

                /* Reap the child and release resources. */
                while ( ( pid = wait4( cmdtab[ i ].pid, &status, 0, &cmd_usage ) ) == -1 )
                    if ( errno != EINTR )
                if ( pid != cmdtab[ i ].pid )
                    err_printf( "unknown pid %d with errno = %d\n", pid, errno );
                    exit( EXITBAD );

                /* Set reason for exit if not timed out. */
                if ( WIFEXITED( status ) )
                    cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = WEXITSTATUS( status )
                        ? EXIT_FAIL
                        : EXIT_OK;

                    time_info.system = ((double)(cmd_usage.ru_stime.tv_sec)*1000000.0+(double)(cmd_usage.ru_stime.tv_usec))/1000000.0;
                    time_info.user   = ((double)(cmd_usage.ru_utime.tv_sec)*1000000.0+(double)(cmd_usage.ru_utime.tv_usec))/1000000.0;
                    timestamp_copy( &time_info.start, &cmdtab[ i ].start_dt );
                    timestamp_current( &time_info.end );

                /* Drive the completion. */
                if ( interrupted() )
                    rstat = EXEC_CMD_INTR;
                else if ( status )
                    rstat = EXEC_CMD_FAIL;
                    rstat = EXEC_CMD_OK;

                /* Call the callback, may call back to jam rule land. */
                (*cmdtab[ i ].func)( cmdtab[ i ].closure, rstat, &time_info,
                    cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ], cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ],
                    cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason );

                /* Clean up the command's running commands table slot. */
                BJAM_FREE( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ] );
                cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ] = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ OUT ] = 0;

                BJAM_FREE( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ] );
                cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ] = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ ERR ] = 0;

                cmdtab[ i ].pid = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].func = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].closure = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].start_time = 0;
Example #3
void exec_cmd
    string const * command,
    int flags,
    ExecCmdCallback func,
    void * closure,
    LIST * shell
    struct sigaction ignore, saveintr, savequit;
    sigset_t chldmask, savemask;

    int const slot = get_free_cmdtab_slot();
    int out[ 2 ];
    int err[ 2 ];
    int len;
    char const * argv[ MAXARGC + 1 ];  /* +1 for NULL */

    /* Initialize default shell. */
    static LIST * default_shell;
    if ( !default_shell )
        default_shell = list_push_back( list_new(
            object_new( "/bin/sh" ) ),
            object_new( "-c" ) );

    if ( list_empty( shell ) )
        shell = default_shell;

    /* Forumulate argv. If shell was defined, be prepared for % and ! subs.
     * Otherwise, use stock /bin/sh.
    argv_from_shell( argv, shell, command->value, slot );

    if ( DEBUG_EXECCMD )
        int i;
        out_printf( "Using shell: " );
        list_print( shell );
        out_printf( "\n" );
        for ( i = 0; argv[ i ]; ++i )
            out_printf( "    argv[%d] = '%s'\n", i, argv[ i ] );

    /* Create pipes for collecting child output. */
    if ( pipe( out ) < 0 || ( globs.pipe_action && pipe( err ) < 0 ) )
        perror( "pipe" );
        exit( EXITBAD );

    /* Start the command */

    timestamp_current( &cmdtab[ slot ].start_dt );

    if ( 0 < globs.timeout )
        /* Handle hung processes by manually tracking elapsed time and signal
         * process when time limit expires.
        struct tms buf;
        cmdtab[ slot ].start_time = times( &buf );

        /* Make a global, only do this once. */
        if ( !tps ) tps = sysconf( _SC_CLK_TCK );

    /* Child does not need the read pipe ends used by the parent. */
    if ( globs.pipe_action )
        fcntl( err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC );

    /* ignore SIGINT and SIGQUIT */
    ignore.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    ignore.sa_flags = 0;
    if (sigaction(SIGINT, &ignore, &saveintr) < 0)
    if (sigaction(SIGQUIT, &ignore, &savequit) < 0)

    /* block SIGCHLD */
    sigaddset(&chldmask, SIGCHLD);
    if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &chldmask, &savemask) < 0)

    if ( ( cmdtab[ slot ].pid = vfork() ) == -1 )
        perror( "vfork" );
        exit( EXITBAD );

    if ( cmdtab[ slot ].pid == 0 )
        /* Child process */
        int const pid = getpid();

        /* restore previous signals */
        sigaction(SIGINT, &saveintr, NULL);
        sigaction(SIGQUIT, &savequit, NULL);
        sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &savemask, NULL);

        /* Redirect stdout and stderr to pipes inherited from the parent. */
        dup2( out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ], STDOUT_FILENO );
        dup2( globs.pipe_action ? err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] :
        close( out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
        if ( globs.pipe_action )
            close( err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );

        /* Make this process a process group leader so that when we kill it, all
         * child processes of this process are terminated as well. We use
         * killpg( pid, SIGKILL ) to kill the process group leader and all its
         * children.
        if ( 0 < globs.timeout )
            struct rlimit r_limit;
            r_limit.rlim_cur = globs.timeout;
            r_limit.rlim_max = globs.timeout;
            setrlimit( RLIMIT_CPU, &r_limit );
        if (0 != setpgid( pid, pid )) {
            /* exit( EXITBAD ); */
        execvp( argv[ 0 ], (char * *)argv );
        perror( "execvp" );
        _exit( 127 );

    /* Parent process */

    /* redundant call, ignore return value */
    setpgid(cmdtab[ slot ].pid, cmdtab[ slot ].pid);

    /* Parent not need the write pipe ends used by the child. */
    close( out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );
    if ( globs.pipe_action )
        close( err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_WRITE ] );

    /* Set both pipe read file descriptors to non-blocking. */
    if ( globs.pipe_action )
        fcntl( err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );

    /* Parent reads from out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ]. */
    cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ OUT ] = out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ];
    cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ OUT ] = fdopen( cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ OUT ], "rb" );
    if ( !cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ OUT ] )
        perror( "fdopen" );
        exit( EXITBAD );

    /* Parent reads from err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ]. */
    if ( globs.pipe_action )
        cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ ERR ] = err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ];
        cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ ERR ] = fdopen( cmdtab[ slot ].fd[ ERR ], "rb" );
        if ( !cmdtab[ slot ].stream[ ERR ] )
            perror( "fdopen" );
            exit( EXITBAD );

    GET_WAIT_FD( slot )[ OUT ].fd = out[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ];
    if ( globs.pipe_action )
        GET_WAIT_FD( slot )[ ERR ].fd = err[ EXECCMD_PIPE_READ ];

    cmdtab[ slot ].flags = flags;

    /* Save input data into the selected running commands table slot. */
    cmdtab[ slot ].func = func;
    cmdtab[ slot ].closure = closure;

    /* restore previous signals */
    sigaction(SIGINT, &saveintr, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGQUIT, &savequit, NULL);
    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &savemask, NULL);
Example #4
static void make1c( state const * const pState )
    TARGET * const t = pState->t;
    CMD * const cmd = (CMD *)t->cmds;

    if ( cmd && t->status == EXEC_CMD_OK )
        /* Pop state first in case something below (e.g. exec_cmd(), exec_wait()
         * or make1c_closure()) pushes a new state. Note that we must not access
         * the popped state data after this as the same stack node might have
         * been reused internally for some newly pushed state.
        pop_state( &state_stack );

        /* Increment the jobs running counter. */

        /* Execute the actual build command or fake it if no-op. */
        if ( globs.noexec || cmd->noop )
            timing_info time_info = { 0 };
            timestamp_current( &time_info.start );
            timestamp_copy( &time_info.end, &time_info.start );
            make1c_closure( t, EXEC_CMD_OK, &time_info, "", "", EXIT_OK );
            exec_cmd( cmd->buf, make1c_closure, t, cmd->shell );

            /* Wait until under the concurrent command count limit. */
            /* FIXME: This wait could be skipped here and moved to just before
             * trying to execute a command that would cross the command count
             * limit. Note though that this might affect the order in which
             * unrelated targets get built and would thus require that all
             * affected Boost Build tests be updated.
            assert( 0 < globs.jobs );
            assert( globs.jobs <= MAXJOBS );
            while ( cmdsrunning >= globs.jobs )
        ACTIONS * actions;

        /* Collect status from actions, and distribute it as well. */
        for ( actions = t->actions; actions; actions = actions->next )
            if ( actions->action->status > t->status )
                t->status = actions->action->status;
        for ( actions = t->actions; actions; actions = actions->next )
            if ( t->status > actions->action->status )
                actions->action->status = t->status;

        /* Tally success/failure for those we tried to update. */
        if ( t->progress == T_MAKE_RUNNING )
            switch ( t->status )
                case EXEC_CMD_OK: ++counts->made; break;
                case EXEC_CMD_FAIL: ++counts->failed; break;

        /* Tell parents their dependency has been built. */
            TARGETS * c;
            stack temp_stack = { NULL };
            TARGET * additional_includes = NULL;

            t->progress = globs.noexec ? T_MAKE_NOEXEC_DONE : T_MAKE_DONE;

            /* Target has been updated so rescan it for dependencies. */
            if ( t->fate >= T_FATE_MISSING && t->status == EXEC_CMD_OK &&
                !( t->flags & T_FLAG_INTERNAL ) )
                TARGET * saved_includes;
                SETTINGS * s;

                t->rescanned = 1;

                /* Clean current includes. */
                saved_includes = t->includes;
                t->includes = 0;

                s = copysettings( t->settings );
                pushsettings( root_module(), s );
                headers( t );
                popsettings( root_module(), s );
                freesettings( s );

                if ( t->includes )
                    /* Tricky. The parents have already been processed, but they
                     * have not seen the internal node, because it was just
                     * created. We need to:
                     *  - push MAKE1A states that would have been pushed by the
                     *    parents here
                     *  - make sure all unprocessed parents will pick up the
                     *    new includes
                     *  - make sure processing the additional MAKE1A states is
                     *    done before processing the MAKE1B state for our
                     *    current target (which would mean this target has
                     *    already been built), otherwise the parent would be
                     *    considered built before the additional MAKE1A state
                     *    processing even got a chance to start.
                    make0( t->includes, t->parents->target, 0, 0, 0, t->includes
                    /* Link the old includes on to make sure that it gets
                     * cleaned up correctly.
                    t->includes->includes = saved_includes;
                    for ( c = t->dependants; c; c = c->next )
                        c->target->depends = targetentry( c->target->depends,
                            t->includes );
                    /* Will be processed below. */
                    additional_includes = t->includes;
                    t->includes = saved_includes;

            if ( additional_includes )
                for ( c = t->parents; c; c = c->next )
                    push_state( &temp_stack, additional_includes, c->target,
                        T_STATE_MAKE1A );

            if ( t->scc_root )
                TARGET * const scc_root = target_scc( t );
                assert( scc_root->progress < T_MAKE_DONE );
                for ( c = t->parents; c; c = c->next )
                    if ( target_scc( c->target ) == scc_root )
                        push_state( &temp_stack, c->target, NULL, T_STATE_MAKE1B
                        scc_root->parents = targetentry( scc_root->parents,
                            c->target );
                for ( c = t->parents; c; c = c->next )
                    push_state( &temp_stack, c->target, NULL, T_STATE_MAKE1B );

            /* If there is a semaphore, it is now free. */
            if ( t->semaphore )
                assert( t->semaphore->asynccnt == 1 );

                if ( DEBUG_EXECCMD )
                    printf( "SEM: %s is now free\n", object_str(
                        t->semaphore->name ) );

                /* If anything is waiting, notify the next target. There is no
                 * point in notifying all waiting targets, since they will be
                 * notified again.
                if ( t->semaphore->parents )
                    TARGETS * first = t->semaphore->parents;
                    t->semaphore->parents = first->next;
                    if ( first->next )
                        first->next->tail = first->tail;

                    if ( DEBUG_EXECCMD )
                        printf( "SEM: placing %s on stack\n", object_str(
                            first->target->name ) );
                    push_state( &temp_stack, first->target, NULL, T_STATE_MAKE1B
                    BJAM_FREE( first );

            /* Must pop state before pushing any more. */
            pop_state( &state_stack );

            /* Using stacks reverses the order of execution. Reverse it back. */
            push_stack_on_stack( &state_stack, &temp_stack );
Example #5
void exec_wait()
    int finished = 0;

    /* Process children that signaled. */
    while ( !finished )
        int i;
        struct timeval tv;
        struct timeval * ptv = NULL;
        int select_timeout = globs.timeout;

        /* Prepare file descriptor information for use in select(). */
        fd_set fds;
        int const fd_max = populate_file_descriptors( &fds );

        /* Check for timeouts:
         *   - kill children that already timed out
         *   - decide how long until the next one times out
        if ( globs.timeout > 0 )
            struct tms buf;
            clock_t const current = times( &buf );
            for ( i = 0; i < globs.jobs; ++i )
                if ( cmdtab[ i ].pid )
                    clock_t const consumed =
                        ( current - cmdtab[ i ].start_time ) / tps;
                    if ( consumed >= globs.timeout )
                        killpg( cmdtab[ i ].pid, SIGKILL );
                        cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = EXIT_TIMEOUT;
                    else if ( globs.timeout - consumed < select_timeout )
                        select_timeout = globs.timeout - consumed;

            /* If nothing else causes our select() call to exit, force it after
             * however long it takes for the next one of our child processes to
             * crossed its alloted processing time so we can terminate it.
            tv.tv_sec = select_timeout;
            tv.tv_usec = 0;
            ptv = &tv;

        /* select() will wait for I/O on a descriptor, a signal, or timeout. */
            int ret;
            while ( ( ret = select( fd_max + 1, &fds, 0, 0, ptv ) ) == -1 )
                if ( errno != EINTR )
            if ( ret <= 0 )

        for ( i = 0; i < globs.jobs; ++i )
            int out_done = 0;
            int err_done = 0;
            if ( FD_ISSET( cmdtab[ i ].fd[ OUT ], &fds ) )
                out_done = read_descriptor( i, OUT );

            if ( globs.pipe_action && FD_ISSET( cmdtab[ i ].fd[ ERR ], &fds ) )
                err_done = read_descriptor( i, ERR );

            /* If feof on either descriptor, we are done. */
            if ( out_done || err_done )
                int pid;
                int status;
                int rstat;
                timing_info time_info;

                /* We found a terminated child process - our search is done. */
                finished = 1;

                /* Close the stream and pipe descriptors. */
                close_streams( i, OUT );
                if ( globs.pipe_action )
                    close_streams( i, ERR );

                /* Reap the child and release resources. */
                while ( ( pid = waitpid( cmdtab[ i ].pid, &status, 0 ) ) == -1 )
                    if ( errno != EINTR )
                if ( pid != cmdtab[ i ].pid )
                    printf( "unknown pid %d with errno = %d\n", pid, errno );
                    exit( EXITBAD );

                /* Set reason for exit if not timed out. */
                if ( WIFEXITED( status ) )
                    cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason = WEXITSTATUS( status )
                        ? EXIT_FAIL
                        : EXIT_OK;

                    struct tms new_time;
                    times( &new_time );
                    time_info.system = (double)( new_time.tms_cstime -
                        old_time.tms_cstime ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                    time_info.user   = (double)( new_time.tms_cutime -
                        old_time.tms_cutime ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
                    timestamp_copy( &time_info.start, &cmdtab[ i ].start_dt );
                    timestamp_current( &time_info.end );
                    old_time = new_time;

                /* Drive the completion. */
                if ( interrupted() )
                    rstat = EXEC_CMD_INTR;
                else if ( status )
                    rstat = EXEC_CMD_FAIL;
                    rstat = EXEC_CMD_OK;

                /* Call the callback, may call back to jam rule land. */
                (*cmdtab[ i ].func)( cmdtab[ i ].closure, rstat, &time_info,
                    cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ], cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ],
                    cmdtab[ i ].exit_reason );

                /* Clean up the command's running commands table slot. */
                BJAM_FREE( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ] );
                cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ OUT ] = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ OUT ] = 0;

                BJAM_FREE( cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ] );
                cmdtab[ i ].buffer[ ERR ] = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].buf_size[ ERR ] = 0;

                cmdtab[ i ].pid = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].func = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].closure = 0;
                cmdtab[ i ].start_time = 0;
Example #6
int main( int argc, char * * argv, char * * arg_environ )
    int                     n;
    char                  * s;
    struct bjam_option      optv[ N_OPTS ];
    char            const * all = "all";
    int                     status;
    int                     arg_c = argc;
    char          *       * arg_v = argv;
    char            const * progname = argv[ 0 ];
    module_t              * environ_module;

    saved_argv0 = argv[ 0 ];


#ifdef OS_MAC
    InitGraf( &qd.thePort );


    #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON
    #define OPTSTRING "-:l:m:d:j:p:f:gs:t:ano:qvz"
    #define OPTSTRING "-:l:m:d:j:p:f:gs:t:ano:qv"

    if ( getoptions( argc, argv, OPTSTRING, optv ) < 0 )
        err_printf( "\nusage: %s [ options ] targets...\n\n", progname );

        err_printf( "-a      Build all targets, even if they are current.\n" );
        err_printf( "-dx     Set the debug level to x (0-9).\n" );
        err_printf( "-fx     Read x instead of Jambase.\n" );
        /* err_printf( "-g      Build from newest sources first.\n" ); */
        err_printf( "-jx     Run up to x shell commands concurrently.\n" );
        err_printf( "-lx     Limit actions to x number of seconds after which they are stopped.\n" );
        err_printf( "-mx     Maximum target output saved (kb), default is to save all output.\n" );
        err_printf( "-n      Don't actually execute the updating actions.\n" );
        err_printf( "-ox     Mirror all output to file x.\n" );
        err_printf( "-px     x=0, pipes action stdout and stderr merged into action output.\n" );
        err_printf( "-q      Quit quickly as soon as a target fails.\n" );
        err_printf( "-sx=y   Set variable x=y, overriding environment.\n" );
        err_printf( "-tx     Rebuild x, even if it is up-to-date.\n" );
        err_printf( "-v      Print the version of jam and exit.\n" );
        #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON
        err_printf( "-z      Disable Python Optimization and enable asserts\n" );
        err_printf( "--x     Option is ignored.\n\n" );

        exit( EXITBAD );

    /* Version info. */
    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'v', 0 ) ) )
        out_printf( "Boost.Jam  Version %s. %s.\n", VERSION, OSMINOR );
        out_printf( "   Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce "
            "Software, Inc.\n" );
        out_printf( "   Copyright 2001 David Turner.\n" );
        out_printf( "   Copyright 2001-2004 David Abrahams.\n" );
        out_printf( "   Copyright 2002-2015 Rene Rivera.\n" );
        out_printf( "   Copyright 2003-2015 Vladimir Prus.\n" );
        return EXITOK;

    /* Pick up interesting options. */
    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'n', 0 ) ) )
        globs.debug[ 2 ] = 1;

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'p', 0 ) ) )
        /* Undocumented -p3 (acts like both -p1 -p2) means separate pipe action
         * stdout and stderr.
        globs.pipe_action = atoi( s );
        if ( globs.pipe_action < 0 || 3 < globs.pipe_action )
            err_printf( "Invalid pipe descriptor '%d', valid values are -p[0..3]."
                "\n", globs.pipe_action );
            exit( EXITBAD );

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'q', 0 ) ) )
        globs.quitquick = 1;

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'a', 0 ) ) )

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'j', 0 ) ) )
        globs.jobs = atoi( s );
        if ( globs.jobs < 1 || globs.jobs > MAXJOBS )
            err_printf( "Invalid value for the '-j' option, valid values are 1 "
                "through %d.\n", MAXJOBS );
            exit( EXITBAD );

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'g', 0 ) ) )
        globs.newestfirst = 1;

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'l', 0 ) ) )
        globs.timeout = atoi( s );

    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'm', 0 ) ) )
        globs.max_buf = atoi( s ) * 1024;  /* convert to kb */

    #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON
    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'z', 0 ) ) )
        python_optimize = 0;  /* disable python optimization */

    /* Turn on/off debugging */
    for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 'd', n ) ); ++n )
        int i;

        /* First -d, turn off defaults. */
        if ( !n )
            for ( i = 0; i < DEBUG_MAX; ++i )
                globs.debug[i] = 0;

        i = atoi( s );

        if ( ( i < 0 ) || ( i >= DEBUG_MAX ) )
            out_printf( "Invalid debug level '%s'.\n", s );

        /* n turns on levels 1-n. */
        /* +n turns on level n. */
        if ( *s == '+' )
            globs.debug[ i ] = 1;
        else while ( i )
            globs.debug[ i-- ] = 1;

    /* If an output file is specified, set globs.out to that. */
    if ( ( s = getoptval( optv, 'o', 0 ) ) )
        if ( !( globs.out = fopen( s, "w" ) ) )
            err_printf( "Failed to write to '%s'\n", s );
            exit( EXITBAD );
        /* ++globs.noexec; */



            Py_OptimizeFlag = python_optimize;
                static PyMethodDef BjamMethods[] = {
                    {"call", bjam_call, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Call the specified bjam rule."},
                    {"import_rule", bjam_import_rule, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Imports Python callable to bjam."},
                    {"define_action", bjam_define_action, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Defines a command line action."},
                    {"variable", bjam_variable, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Obtains a variable from bjam's global module."},
                    {"backtrace", bjam_backtrace, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Returns bjam backtrace from the last call into Python."},
                    {"caller", bjam_caller, METH_VARARGS,
                     "Returns the module from which the last call into Python is made."},
                    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}

                Py_InitModule( "bjam", BjamMethods );

#ifndef NDEBUG
#if YYDEBUG != 0
        if ( DEBUG_PARSE )
            yydebug = 1;

        /* Set JAMDATE. */
            timestamp current;
            timestamp_current( &current );
            var_set( root_module(), constant_JAMDATE, list_new( outf_time(
                &current ) ), VAR_SET );

        /* Set JAM_VERSION. */
        var_set( root_module(), constant_JAM_VERSION,
                 list_push_back( list_push_back( list_new(
                   object_new( VERSION_MAJOR_SYM ) ),
                   object_new( VERSION_MINOR_SYM ) ),
                   object_new( VERSION_PATCH_SYM ) ),
                   VAR_SET );

        /* Set JAMUNAME. */
#ifdef unix
            struct utsname u;

            if ( uname( &u ) >= 0 )
                var_set( root_module(), constant_JAMUNAME,
                                            object_new( u.sysname ) ),
                                         object_new( u.nodename ) ),
                                     object_new( u.release ) ),
                                 object_new( u.version ) ),
                             object_new( u.machine ) ), VAR_SET );
#endif  /* unix */

            timestamp fmt_resolution[ 1 ];
            file_supported_fmt_resolution( fmt_resolution );
            var_set( root_module(), constant_JAM_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION, list_new(
                object_new( timestamp_timestr( fmt_resolution ) ) ), VAR_SET );

        /* Load up environment variables. */

        /* First into the global module, with splitting, for backward
         * compatibility.
        var_defines( root_module(), use_environ, 1 );

        environ_module = bindmodule( constant_ENVIRON );
        /* Then into .ENVIRON, without splitting. */
        var_defines( environ_module, use_environ, 0 );

         * Jam defined variables OS & OSPLAT. We load them after environment, so
         * that setting OS in environment does not change Jam's notion of the
         * current platform.
        var_defines( root_module(), othersyms, 1 );

        /* Load up variables set on command line. */
        for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 's', n ) ); ++n )
            char * symv[ 2 ];
            symv[ 0 ] = s;
            symv[ 1 ] = 0;
            var_defines( root_module(), symv, 1 );
            var_defines( environ_module, symv, 0 );

        /* Set the ARGV to reflect the complete list of arguments of invocation.
        for ( n = 0; n < arg_c; ++n )
            var_set( root_module(), constant_ARGV, list_new( object_new(
                arg_v[ n ] ) ), VAR_APPEND );

        /* Initialize built-in rules. */

        /* Add the targets in the command line to the update list. */
        for ( n = 1; n < arg_c; ++n )
            if ( arg_v[ n ][ 0 ] == '-' )
                char * f = "-:l:d:j:f:gs:t:ano:qv";
                for ( ; *f; ++f ) if ( *f == arg_v[ n ][ 1 ] ) break;
                if ( ( f[ 1 ] == ':' ) && ( arg_v[ n ][ 2 ] == '\0' ) ) ++n;
                OBJECT * const target = object_new( arg_v[ n ] );
                mark_target_for_updating( target );
                object_free( target );

        if ( list_empty( targets_to_update() ) )
            mark_target_for_updating( constant_all );

        /* Parse ruleset. */
            FRAME frame[ 1 ];
            frame_init( frame );
            for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 'f', n ) ); ++n )
                OBJECT * const filename = object_new( s );
                parse_file( filename, frame );
                object_free( filename );

            if ( !n )
                parse_file( constant_plus, frame );

        status = yyanyerrors();

        /* Manually touch -t targets. */
        for ( n = 0; ( s = getoptval( optv, 't', n ) ); ++n )
            OBJECT * const target = object_new( s );
            touch_target( target );
            object_free( target );

        /* The build system may set the PARALLELISM variable to override -j
         * options.
            LIST * const p = var_get( root_module(), constant_PARALLELISM );
            if ( !list_empty( p ) )
                int const j = atoi( object_str( list_front( p ) ) );
                if ( j < 1 || j > MAXJOBS )
                    out_printf( "Invalid value of PARALLELISM: %s. Valid values "
                        "are 1 through %d.\n", object_str( list_front( p ) ),
                        MAXJOBS );
                    globs.jobs = j;

        /* KEEP_GOING overrides -q option. */
            LIST * const p = var_get( root_module(), constant_KEEP_GOING );
            if ( !list_empty( p ) )
                globs.quitquick = atoi( object_str( list_front( p ) ) ) ? 0 : 1;

        /* Now make target. */
            LIST * const targets = targets_to_update();
            if ( !list_empty( targets ) )
                status |= make( targets, anyhow );
                status = last_update_now_status;
            PROFILE_EXIT( MAIN_MAKE );


    if ( DEBUG_PROFILE )



    /* Widely scattered cleanup. */

    /* Close log out. */
    if ( globs.out )
        fclose( globs.out );



    return status ? EXITBAD : EXITOK;