Example #1
void ConvolveSeparable(CImageOf<T> src, CImageOf<T>& dst,
                       CFloatImage x_kernel, CFloatImage y_kernel,
                       float scale, float offset,
                       int decimate, int interpolate)
    // Allocate the result, if necessary
    CShape dShape = src.Shape();
    if (decimate > 1)
        dShape.width  = (dShape.width  + decimate-1) / decimate;
        dShape.height = (dShape.height + decimate-1) / decimate;
    dst.ReAllocate(dShape, false);

    // Allocate the intermediate images
    CImageOf<T> tmpImg1(src.Shape());
    CImageOf<T> tmpImg2(src.Shape());

    // Create a proper vertical convolution kernel
    CFloatImage v_kernel(1, y_kernel.Shape().width, 1);
    for (int k = 0; k < y_kernel.Shape().width; k++)
        v_kernel.Pixel(0, k, 0) = y_kernel.Pixel(k, 0, 0);
    v_kernel.origin[1] = y_kernel.origin[0];

    // Perform the two convolutions
    Convolve(src, tmpImg1, x_kernel, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    Convolve(tmpImg1, tmpImg2, v_kernel, scale, offset);

    // Downsample or copy
    for (int y = 0; y < dShape.height; y++)
        T* sPtr = &tmpImg2.Pixel(0, y * decimate, 0);
        T* dPtr = &dst.Pixel(0, y, 0);
        int nB  = dShape.nBands;
        for (int x = 0; x < dShape.width; x++)
            for (int b = 0; b < nB; b++)
                dPtr[b] = sPtr[b];
            sPtr += decimate * nB;
            dPtr += nB;

    interpolate++; // to get rid of "unused parameter" warning
Example #2
void ConvolveSeparable(CImageOf<T> src, CImageOf<T>& dst,
                       CFloatImage x_kernel, CFloatImage y_kernel,
                       int subsample)
    // Allocate the result, if necessary
    CShape dShape = src.Shape();
    if (subsample > 1)
        dShape.width  = (dShape.width  + subsample-1) / subsample;
        dShape.height = (dShape.height + subsample-1) / subsample;
    dst.ReAllocate(dShape, false);

    // Allocate the intermediate images
    CImageOf<T> tmpImg1(src.Shape());
    CImageOf<T> tmpImg2(src.Shape());

    // Create a proper vertical convolution kernel
    CFloatImage v_kernel(1, y_kernel.Shape().width, 1);
    for (int k = 0; k < y_kernel.Shape().width; k++)
        v_kernel.Pixel(0, k, 0) = y_kernel.Pixel(k, 0, 0);
    v_kernel.origin[1] = y_kernel.origin[0];

    // Perform the two convolutions
    Convolve(src, tmpImg1, x_kernel);
    Convolve(tmpImg1, tmpImg2, v_kernel);
    // Downsample or copy
    for (int y = 0; y < dShape.height; y++)
        T* sPtr = &tmpImg2.Pixel(0, y * subsample, 0);
        T* dPtr = &dst.Pixel(0, y, 0);
        int nB  = dShape.nBands;
        for (int x = 0; x < dShape.width; x++)
            for (int b = 0; b < nB; b++)
                dPtr[b] = sPtr[b];
            sPtr += subsample * nB;
            dPtr += nB;
void drawMatching(const ImgG& img1, const Mat_d& keyPts1, const ImgG& img2,
		const Mat_d& keyPts2, const Matching& matches, ImgRGB& outImg,
		double scale, unsigned char* flag) {

	cv::Mat tmpImg1(img1.rows, img1.cols, CV_8UC1, img1.data);
	cv::Mat tmpImg2(img2.rows, img2.cols, CV_8UC1, img2.data);

	KpVec tmpKeyPts1, tmpKeyPts2;
	mat2KpVec(keyPts1, tmpKeyPts1);
	mat2KpVec(keyPts2, tmpKeyPts2);

	DMatchVec tmpMatches;
	myMatch2CvMatch(matches, tmpMatches);

	cv::Mat cvImg;
	drawMatching(tmpImg1, tmpKeyPts1, tmpImg2, tmpKeyPts2, tmpMatches, cvImg,
			scale, flag);

	cvImg2ImgRGB(cvImg, outImg);
Example #4
void ConvolveSeparable(CImageOf<T> src, CImageOf<T>& dst,
                       CFloatImage x_kernel, CFloatImage y_kernel,
                       float scale, float offset,
                       int decimate, int interpolate)
    // Allocate the result, if necessary
    CShape dShape = src.Shape();
    if (decimate > 1)
        dShape.width  = (dShape.width  + decimate-1) / decimate;
        dShape.height = (dShape.height + decimate-1) / decimate;
    dst.ReAllocate(dShape, false);

    // Allocate the intermediate images
    CImageOf<T> tmpImg1(src.Shape());
    //CImageOf<T> tmpImgCUDA(src.Shape());
    CImageOf<T> tmpImg2(src.Shape());

    // Create a proper vertical convolution kernel
    CFloatImage v_kernel(1, y_kernel.Shape().width, 1);
    for (int k = 0; k < y_kernel.Shape().width; k++)
        v_kernel.Pixel(0, k, 0) = y_kernel.Pixel(k, 0, 0);
    v_kernel.origin[1] = y_kernel.origin[0];

#ifdef RUN_ON_GPU
    // Modifications for integrating CUDA kernels
    BinomialFilterType type;


    // CUDA Convolve
    switch (x_kernel.Shape().width)
       case 3:
           type = BINOMIAL6126;
       case 5:
           type = BINOMIAL14641;
           // Unsupported kernel case
           throw CError("Convolution kernel Unknown");

    // Skip copy if decimation is not required
    if (decimate != 1) CudaConvolveXY(src, tmpImg2, type); 
    else CudaConvolveXY(src, dst, type);

    printf("\nGPU convolution time = %f ms\n", profilingTimer->stopAndGetTimerValue());

    //VerifyComputedData(&tmpImg2.Pixel(0, 0, 0), &tmpImgCUDA.Pixel(0, 0, 0), 7003904);

    // Perform the two convolutions
    Convolve(src, tmpImg1, x_kernel, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    Convolve(tmpImg1, tmpImg2, v_kernel, scale, offset);

    printf("\nCPU Convolution time = %f ms\n", profilingTimer->stopAndGetTimerValue());

    // Downsample or copy
    // Skip decimate and recopy if not required
#ifdef RUN_ON_GPU
    if (decimate != 1)
       for (int y = 0; y < dShape.height; y++)
           T* sPtr = &tmpImg2.Pixel(0, y * decimate, 0);
           T* dPtr = &dst.Pixel(0, y, 0);
           int nB  = dShape.nBands;
           for (int x = 0; x < dShape.width; x++)
               for (int b = 0; b < nB; b++)
                   dPtr[b] = sPtr[b];
               sPtr += decimate * nB;
               dPtr += nB;
#ifdef RUN_ON_GPU
    printf("\nDecimate/Recopy took = %f ms\n", profilingTimer->stopAndGetTimerValue());