Example #1
void ScatterSky::_generateSkyPoints()
   U32 rings=60, segments=20;//rings=160, segments=20;

   Point3F tmpPoint( 0, 0, 0 );

   // Establish constants used in sphere generation.
   F32 deltaRingAngle = ( M_PI_F / (F32)(rings * 2) );
   F32 deltaSegAngle = ( 2.0f * M_PI_F / (F32)segments );

   // Generate the group of rings for the sphere.
   for( int ring = 0; ring < 2; ring++ )
      F32 r0 = mSin( ring * deltaRingAngle );
      F32 y0 = mCos( ring * deltaRingAngle );

      // Generate the group of segments for the current ring.
      for( int seg = 0; seg < segments + 1 ; seg++ )
         F32 x0 = r0 * sinf( seg * deltaSegAngle );
         F32 z0 = r0 * cosf( seg * deltaSegAngle );

         tmpPoint.set( x0, z0, y0 );

         tmpPoint.x *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
         tmpPoint.y *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
         tmpPoint.z *= smEarthRadius + smAtmosphereRadius;
         tmpPoint.z -= smEarthRadius;

         if ( ring == 1 )
            mSkyPoints.push_back( tmpPoint );
Example #2
// find the shortest distance from a
// given node in the list until its end
// used to find the distnace to the new
// number on the screen
Point NumberList::shortestDistanceToNewNumber(Point curPoint)const{
	Point p(0, 0), tmpPoint(0, 0);
	unsigned int distance = 999;
	NumberListNode *pTemp;

	for (pTemp = getTailNumber(); pTemp != NULL; pTemp = pTemp->next){
		tmpPoint = pTemp->data.getNumberPosition();
		if (curPoint.pointDistance(tmpPoint) < distance){
			distance = curPoint.pointDistance(tmpPoint);
			p = tmpPoint;

	return p;
Example #3
// Function to find the closest number on the screen
Point NumberList::findClosestNumber(Point curPoint) const{
	Point p(0,0),tmpPoint(0,0);
	unsigned int distance=999;

	if (!isEmpty()){ // if the list is not empty
		for (NumberListNode* pNode = head; pNode != NULL; pNode = pNode->next){
			tmpPoint = pNode->data.getNumberPosition();
			if (curPoint.pointDistance(tmpPoint) < distance){ // point that is closer
				distance = curPoint.pointDistance(tmpPoint);
				p = tmpPoint;
	return p;
//convert a point from camera to world space
void Reconstructor::cam2WorldSpace(VirtualCamera cam, cv::Point3f &p)
	cv::Mat tmp(3,1,CV_32F);
	cv::Mat tmpPoint(3,1,CV_32F);

	tmpPoint.at<float>(0) = p.x;
	tmpPoint.at<float>(1) = p.y;
	tmpPoint.at<float>(2) = p.z;

	tmp = -cam.rotationMatrix.t() * cam.translationVector ;
	tmpPoint = cam.rotationMatrix.t() * tmpPoint;

	p.x = tmp.at<float>(0) + tmpPoint.at<float>(0);
	p.y = tmp.at<float>(1) + tmpPoint.at<float>(1);
	p.z = tmp.at<float>(2) + tmpPoint.at<float>(2);
Example #5
====================================================================== */
void  hotdm::Evaluate( lwpp::DisplacementAccess &da )

	// Get the position of the point
	lwpp::Point3d point(da.getSource());

	// do the waves
	if (interpolation)
		_ocean_context->eval2_xz( (float) point.x, (float) point.z);
	} else 
		_ocean_context->eval_xz( (float) point.x, (float) point.z);
	lwpp::Point3d tmpPoint(point);
	if (doChop) 
		tmpPoint.x += _ocean_context->disp[0];
		tmpPoint.y += _ocean_context->disp[1];
		tmpPoint.z += _ocean_context->disp[2];
		tmpPoint.y += _ocean_context->disp[1];

	// The normals are not affected on a displacement map.
	/* This DOESNT work for displacement nodes, But left the code to see how other controls can be done */
	/*if (normals)
		lwpp::Vector3d pnormal( _ocean_context->normal[0],

	// Displace the point
     * @brief Compute the disparity map based on the Euclidean distance of corresponding points.
     * @param[in] matchMap A matrix of points, the same size as the left channel. Each cell of this
     * matrix stores the location of the corresponding point in the right image.
     * @param[out] dispMat The disparity map.
     * @sa quantizeDisparity
     * @sa getDisparity
    void computeDisparity(const cv::Mat_<cv::Point2i> &matchMap,
                            cv::Mat_<float> &dispMat)
        for(int row=0; row< height; row++)
            for(int col=0; col<width; col++)
                cv::Point2d tmpPoint(col, row);

                if (matchMap.at<cv::Point2i>(tmpPoint) == NO_MATCH)
                    dispMat.at<float>(tmpPoint) = 200;
                //if a match is found, compute the difference in location of the match and current
                int dx = col-matchMap.at<cv::Point2i>(tmpPoint).x;
                int dy = row-matchMap.at<cv::Point2i>(tmpPoint).y;
                //calculate disparity of current pixel.
                dispMat.at<float>(tmpPoint) = sqrt(float(dx*dx+dy*dy));
void ColoredPointCloud3DTest::testMassiveData() {
	int maxCount = 307200; //VGA resolution for realistic test
	int maxCaptures = 2;

	PointCloud3D* sensorData;
	for (int captures = 0; captures < maxCaptures; ++captures) {
		sensorData = new PointCloud3D();

		for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(sensorData->getPointCloud()->size()); i++) {
			//			outputPointCloud->addPoint(brics_3d::Point3D (inputPointCloud->points[i].x, inputPointCloud->points[i].y, inputPointCloud->points[i].z));
			(*sensorData->getPointCloud()).replace(i, new ColoredPoint3D(new Point3D()));
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(maxCount, static_cast<int>(sensorData->getPointCloud()->size()));
		delete	sensorData;

	PointCloud3D* sensorData2;
	for (int captures = 0; captures < maxCaptures; ++captures) {
		sensorData2 = new PointCloud3D();

		for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) {
			sensorData2->addPointPtr(new ColoredPoint3D(new Point3D(1,2,3), 128, 255, 128)); //this will create a memory leak
			Point3D tmpPoint(1,2,3);
//			sensorData2->addPoint(ColoredPoint3D(&tmpPoint, 128, 255, 128)); //this will not create a memory leak
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(maxCount, static_cast<int>(sensorData2->getPointCloud()->size()));
		delete	sensorData2;
Example #8
/* ======================================================================
====================================================================== */
void  HOTNode2D::Evaluate(LWNodalAccess *na, NodeOutputID outID, NodeValue value)

	int res = resolution;
	inResolution->evaluate(na, &res);
	// Avoid a crash if the users connects for example
	// a int node with a negative value.
	res = (res < 1) ? 1 : res;
	int gridres  = 1 << int(res);

	double stepsize = globalScale->GetValuef();
	inGlobalScale->evaluate(na, &stepsize);

	stepsize /= (float) gridres;

	double wHeight = waveHeight->GetValuef();
	inWaveHeight->evaluate(na, &wHeight);

	double sWave = shortestWave->GetValuef();
	inShortestWave->evaluate(na, &sWave);

	double chpnss = choppiness->GetValuef();
	inChoppiness->evaluate(na, &chpnss);
	double wSpeed = windSpeed->GetValuef();
	inWindSpeed->evaluate(na, &wSpeed);

	// Ocean.h expect the win direction in radians
	double wDir = windDirection->GetValuef();
	inWindDirection->evaluate(na, &wDir);
	double wAlign = windAlign->GetValuef();
	inWindAlign->evaluate(na, &wAlign);

	double tmpDampRef = dampReflections->GetValuef();
	inDampReflections->evaluate(na, &tmpDampRef);
	float dRef = 1.0f - tmpDampRef;
	double oDepth = oceanDepth->GetValuef();
	inOceanDepth->evaluate(na, &oDepth);
	int tmpSeed = seed;
	inSeed->evaluate(na, &tmpSeed);
	// For some strange reason there is no need to lock on Image or Pixel 
	// Filters when this node is used inside on Dennis Image or Pixel Filter nodes.
	// But if this node is used on the Nodal Surface editor it crashes unles the locks
	// are in, because multiple threads want to delete the ocean several times.

	// if we need to (re)initialize the ocean, do this
	if (!_ocean || _ocean_needs_rebuild)
        if (_ocean) delete _ocean;
        if (_ocean_context) delete _ocean_context;

		_ocean = new drw::Ocean(	gridres,	// M in Ocean.h
									gridres,	// N in Ocean.h
									stepsize,	// dx in Ocean.h
									stepsize,	// dz in Ocean.h
									wSpeed,		// V in Ocean.h
									sWave,		// l in Ocean.h
									wHeight,	// A in Ocean.h
									wDir,		// w in Ocean.h
									dRef,		// damp in Ocean.h
									wAlign,		// alignment in Ocean.h
									oDepth,		// depth in Ocean.h
									tmpSeed);	// seed in Ocean.h
		_ocean_scale   = _ocean->get_height_normalize_factor();

		_ocean_context = _ocean->new_context(true,doChop,doNormals,doJacobian);

		// sum up the waves at this timestep
		_ocean->update( (float) newTime,
								_ocean_scale * (float) wHeight,

        _ocean_needs_rebuild = false;


	// Do CatmullRom interpolation, or linear
	if (doInterpolation)
		_ocean_context->eval_ij( na->sx, na->sy);
	lwpp::Point3d tmpPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	// Only do the chopinnes if is active 
	// and normals inactive (because we do not delete the Do normals connection if Do Chop is activatechoppines).
	if (doChop) 
		// On the nodal version we DO NOT add the vector
		// The node adds it for us
		tmpPoint.x = _ocean_context->disp[0];
		tmpPoint.y = _ocean_context->disp[1];
		tmpPoint.z = _ocean_context->disp[2];
		// On the nodal version we DO NOT add the vector
		// The node adds it for us. 
		// x and y MUST be 0, or it will be like addd the point to itself,
		// doubling the size of the ocean. Try it out commenting the .x .y lines.
		tmpPoint.x = 0;
		tmpPoint.y = _ocean_context->disp[1];
		tmpPoint.z = 0;

	if (outDisplacement->isID(outID))
		setValue(value, tmpPoint.asLWVector());

	// Only check the outNormal output if doNormals is active
	// and chopinnes inactive (because we do not delete the connection if you change choppines.
	if (doNormals)
		// Careful with things like this: (outNormal->isID(outNormal))
		// That will not work on a million years! :)
		if (outNormal->isID(outID))
			// Ocean.h store the normals calculated on _ocean_context->eval2_xz
			// into the _ocean_context->normal
				// A zero vector. 
				lwpp::Vector3d normal(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				// Geometric normal in world coordinates. This is the raw polygonal normal at the spot, unperturbed by smoothing or bump mapping. 
				// For a different and slightly sharpen result use this one
				// lwpp::Vector3d normal(na->gNorm);

				lwpp::Vector3d onormal( _ocean_context->normal[0],

				normal += onormal;

				// If we DO NOT add onormal to LW normal, 
				// the result is more sharpened, but looks that ignores the 
				// normals altered by the displacement. Check with someone! ;)
				setValue(value, normal);

	if (doJacobian)
		if (doChop && outFoam)
			if(outFoam->isID(outID) && doChop)
				lwpp::Vector3d vfoam(0.0, 0.0,0.0);
				// lwpp::Vector3d vjacobian( _ocean_context->Eminus[0], 0.0, _ocean_context->Eminus[1]);
				double jm = (double) _ocean_context->Jminus; 
				if (jm < 0.0)
					vfoam.x = -jm;  
					vfoam.y = -jm;  
					vfoam.z = -jm;  

				// Drew recommended do this on his email, but not sure it works better 
				// than simply left the output unmodified. In fact
				// looks like the unmodified output works better when it's connected to a gradient. 
				// Or connect it to a Vector2 Scalar node and use Maximum , Minimun, X, Y, or Z as options.
				// vfoam *=  _ocean_scale;

				setValue(value, vfoam.asLWVector());

			lwpp::Vector3d vspray(0.0, 0.0,0.0);
			// lwpp::Vector3d vjacobian( _ocean_context->Eminus[0], 0.0, _ocean_context->Eminus[1]);
			double jm = (double) _ocean_context->Jminus; 

			// Posible calculation for spray particles
			double jt = 1.0;

			if (jm < jt)
				vspray.x = -jm;  
				vspray.y = -jm;  
				vspray.z = -jm;  

			double jt_jm = jt - jm; 

			// The interpolated normal in world coordinates. 
			lwpp::Vector3d normal(na->wNorm0);

			lwpp::Vector3d veminus( _ocean_context->Eminus[0], _ocean_context->Eminus[1], _ocean_context->Eminus[2]);

			veminus *= jt_jm;

			vspray = veminus + normal / sqrt ( 1.0 + (jt_jm * jt_jm));

			setValue(value, vspray.asLWVector());

		// Careful with things like this: (outJMinus->isID(outJMinus))
		// That will not work on a million years! :)
		if (outJMinus->isID(outID))
				double jm = (double) _ocean_context->Jminus; 
				if (jm < 0.0)
					jm = -jm;
				// Drew recommended do this on his email, but not sure it works better 
				// than simply left the output unmodified. In fact
				// looks like the unmodified output works better when it's connected to a gradient. 
				// Or connect it to a Vector2 Scalar node and use Maximum , Minimun, X, Y, or Z as options.
				// jm *=  _ocean_scale;
				setValue(value, jm);

		if (outJPlus->isID(outID))
				double jp = (double) _ocean_context->Jplus;
				setValue(value, jp);


		if (EignMinus->isID(outID))
				// lwpp::Vector3d veminus( _ocean_context->Eminus[0], 0.0, _ocean_context->Eminus[1]);
				lwpp::Vector3d veminus( _ocean_context->Eminus[0], _ocean_context->Eminus[1], _ocean_context->Eminus[2]);
				setValue(value, veminus.asLWVector());


		if (EignPlus->isID(outID))
				lwpp::Vector3d veplus( _ocean_context->Eplus[0], _ocean_context->Eplus[1], _ocean_context->Eplus[2]);
				setValue(value, veplus.asLWVector());
	} //end if (doJacobian)

Example #9
EXPORT_C TInt TEFparser::GetSectionData(TDesC& aScriptFilepath, TPtrC& aSectiontag, TDesC16 &aTocspTestFile, RFs& aFs)
	TInt err = KErrNone;	
	TInt pos = 0;
	RFile file;
	// open the .ini file
	if (BaflUtils::FolderExists(aFs, aScriptFilepath))
		if (BaflUtils::FileExists( aFs, aScriptFilepath ))
			file.Open(aFs, aScriptFilepath, EFileRead | EFileShareAny);
			TFileText aLineReader;
			TBuf<256> iLine;
			TBuf<256> tempsectID;

			// create the section name to search for
			// read the ini file a line at a time until you find the the section name
			TInt foundTag = -1;
			while (err != KErrEof && foundTag != 0)
				err = aLineReader.Read(iLine);
				if (err != KErrEof)
					foundTag =  iLine.Find(tempsectID);
			// create the next open bracket to search for		
			TBuf<2> tempopenBrk;
			RFile testfile;	
			err = KErrNone;
			foundTag = -1;

			// while not at the end of the file and not found the next open bracket
			while (err != KErrEof && foundTag != 0)

				// get the next line of the .ini file
				err = aLineReader.Read(iLine);
				if (err != KErrEof)

					// if the line of the file doesn't contain an open bracket, we are still in the section body
					foundTag =  iLine.Find(tempopenBrk);
					if (BaflUtils::FolderExists(aFs, aTocspTestFile) && foundTag != 0)
						// open the test file we are going to write all our section info into
						if (BaflUtils::FileExists( aFs, aTocspTestFile ))
							testfile.Open(aFs, aTocspTestFile, EFileWrite|EFileShareAny);
							testfile.Seek(ESeekEnd, pos);
							User::LeaveIfError(testfile.Create(aFs, aTocspTestFile, EFileWrite|EFileShareAny));
							testfile.Open(aFs, aTocspTestFile, EFileWrite|EFileShareAny);
						// append to line of the file end of line characters

						// write line of the code out to the test file in UNICODE format 
						TPtrC8 tmpPoint((TText8*)iLine.Ptr(),iLine.Size());
		return KErrNone;

Example #10
void BoundingBox3DExtractor::computeOrientedBoundingBox(IPoint3DIterator::IPoint3DIteratorPtr inputPointCloud, IHomogeneousMatrix44* resultTransform, Vector3D& resultBoxDimensions) {
	assert(resultTransform != 0);


	Eigen::MatrixXd eigenvectors;
	Eigen::VectorXd eigenvalues;
	pcaExtractor.computePrincipleComponents(inputPointCloud, eigenvectors, eigenvalues); //actually we compute a centroid twice...
	pcaExtractor.computeRotationMatrix(eigenvectors, eigenvalues, resultTransform);

	/* get min/max for PCA rotated points */
	HomogeneousMatrix44* inverseRotation = new HomogeneousMatrix44();
	*inverseRotation = *(resultTransform);

	for (inputPointCloud->begin(); !inputPointCloud->end(); inputPointCloud->next()) {
		Point3D tmpPoint(inputPointCloud->getX(), inputPointCloud->getY(), inputPointCloud->getZ());
		tmpPoint.homogeneousTransformation(inverseRotation); // move _all_ points to new frame
		Point3D* currentPoint = &tmpPoint;

		/* adjust lower bound if necessary */
		if (currentPoint->getX() <= lowerBound.getX()) {
		if (currentPoint->getY() <= lowerBound.getY()) {
		if (currentPoint->getZ() <= lowerBound.getZ()) {

		/* adjust upper bound if necessary */
		if ( currentPoint->getX() >= upperBound.getX()) {
		if	(currentPoint->getY() >= upperBound.getY()) {
		if	(currentPoint->getZ() >= upperBound.getZ()) {
	delete inverseRotation;

	/* get centroid */
	Centroid3D centroidExtractor;
	Eigen::Vector3d centroid;
	centroid = centroidExtractor.computeCentroid(inputPointCloud);

	/* as centroid as translation */
	double* matrixData;
	matrixData = resultTransform->setRawData();
	//djd RC5 - don't use centroid as centre of bounding box if only returning dimensions - you will not be able to reconstruct it
	matrixData[12] = centroid[0];
	matrixData[13] = centroid[1];
	matrixData[14] = centroid[2];

	LOG(DEBUG) << "Estimated transform for oriented bounding box: "<< std::endl << *resultTransform;

	resultBoxDimensions.setX(fabs(upperBound.getX() - lowerBound.getX()));
	resultBoxDimensions.setY(fabs(upperBound.getY() - lowerBound.getY()));
	resultBoxDimensions.setZ(fabs(upperBound.getZ() - lowerBound.getZ()));