void LRSplineEvalGrid::testCoefComputation()

    std::vector<double> tmpCoefs(dim_*order_v_*order_v_);
    std::vector<double> coefs;
    std::vector<double> tmpPoints(dim_*order_v_*order_v_);
    double *p =&tmpPoints[0];
    int i=0;
//    for(auto it=orig.elements_begin(); it!=orig.elements_end(); it++, i++) {
    for(auto it=elements_begin(); it!=elements_end(); it++, i++) {
	param_float_type ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y;
	low(*it, ll_x, ll_y);
	high(*it, ur_x, ur_y);
	double ll[2];
	ll[0] = ll_x;
	ll[1] = ll_y;
	double ur[2];
	ur[0] = ur_x;
	ur[1] = ur_y;
	int index = i;
//	knotIntervals.push_back(KnotInterval(ll, ur, index));
	evaluateGrid(*it, &tmpPoints[0]);
	computeBezCoefs(dim_, &tmpPoints[0], order_u_, order_v_, &tmpCoefs[0]);
//	coefficients.insert(coefficients.end(), tmpCoefs.begin(), tmpCoefs.end());
	coefs.insert(coefs.end(), tmpCoefs.begin(), tmpCoefs.end());
	// element_boundaries.push_back(ll_x);
	// element_boundaries.push_back(ll_y);
	// element_boundaries.push_back(ur_x);
	// element_boundaries.push_back(ur_y);
//    m_knotSearcher.reset(new KnotIntervalSearcher(knotIntervals, glm::ivec2(128, 128)));
    // m_patchesU = 10;
    // m_patchesV = 10;
    // init(&element_boundaries[0], &coefficients[0]);
    std::cout << "Done with testCoefComputation()." << std::endl;
Example #2
    std::vector<int> getLogSpacedSamplingPoints
        const unsigned & riStartPoint,
        const unsigned & riEndPoint,
        const unsigned & rnPoints
        assert( riStartPoint > 0 );
        assert( riEndPoint > riStartPoint );
        assert( rnPoints > 0 );
        assert( rnPoints <= riEndPoint-riStartPoint+1 );

        std::vector<float> naivePoints( rnPoints );
        std::vector<int> tmpPoints( rnPoints );
        std::vector<int> points( rnPoints );

        /* Naively create logspaced points rounding float to int */
        const float dx = ( logf(riEndPoint) - logf(riStartPoint) ) / rnPoints;
        const float factor = exp(dx);
        //std::cout << "dx = " << dx << ", factor = " << factor << "\n";

        naivePoints[0] = riStartPoint;
        for ( unsigned i = 1; i < rnPoints; ++i )
            naivePoints[i] = naivePoints[i-1]*factor;
        /* set last point manually because of rounding errors */
        naivePoints[ naivePoints.size()-1 ] = riEndPoint;

        //std::cout << "naivePoints = ";
        //for ( const auto & elem : naivePoints )
        //    std::cout << elem << " ";
        //std::cout << "\n";

        /* sift out values which appear twice */
        tmpPoints[0] = (int) naivePoints[0];
        unsigned iTarget = 1;
        for ( unsigned i = 1; i < rnPoints; ++i )
            assert( iTarget >= 1 && iTarget < tmpPoints.size() );
            if ( tmpPoints[ iTarget-1 ] != (int) naivePoints[i] )
                tmpPoints[ iTarget++ ] = (int) naivePoints[i];

        //std::cout << "tmpPoints = ";
        //for ( const auto & elem : tmpPoints )
        //    std::cout << elem << " ";
        //std::cout << "\n";

        /* if converted to int and fill in as many values as deleted */
        int nToInsert = rnPoints - iTarget;
        points[0] = tmpPoints[0];
        iTarget = 1;
        //std::cout << "nToInsert = " << nToInsert << "\n";
        for ( unsigned iSrc = 1; iSrc < rnPoints; ++iSrc )
            for ( ; nToInsert > 0 and points[iTarget-1] < tmpPoints[iSrc]-1;
                  ++iTarget, --nToInsert )
                assert( iTarget >= 1 && iTarget < points.size() );
                points[iTarget] = points[iTarget-1] + 1;
            assert( iSrc    < tmpPoints.size() );
            //assert( iTarget < points.size() );
            /* this condition being false should only happen very rarely, if
             * rnPoints == riEndPoint - riStartPoint + 1 */
            if ( iTarget < points.size() )
                points[iTarget++] = tmpPoints[iSrc];

        //std::cout << "points = ";
        //for ( const auto & elem : points )
        //    std::cout << elem << " ";
        //std::cout << "\n";

        for ( unsigned i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i )
            assert( points[i-1] < points[i] );

        return points;
void Basis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBI<Scalar, ArrayScalar>::getValues(ArrayScalar &        outputValues,
                                                                    const ArrayScalar &  inputPoints,
                                                                    const EOperator      operatorType) const {
  // Verify arguments
  Intrepid2::getValues_HGRAD_Args<Scalar, ArrayScalar>(outputValues,
                                                      this -> getBaseCellTopology(),
                                                      this -> getCardinality() );
  // Number of evaluation points = dimension 0 of inputPoints
  int numPoints = inputPoints.dimension(0);  
  Teuchos::Array<Scalar> tmpPoints(numPoints);
  Teuchos::Array<Scalar> jacobiPolyAtPoints(numPoints);

  // Copy inputPoints into tmpPoints, to prepare for call to jacobfd
  for (int i=0; i<numPoints; i++) {
    tmpPoints[i] = inputPoints(i, 0);

  try {
    switch (operatorType) {
    case OPERATOR_VALUE: {
      for (int ord = 0; ord < this -> basisCardinality_; ord++) {
        IntrepidPolylib::jacobfd(numPoints, &tmpPoints[0], &jacobiPolyAtPoints[0], (Scalar*)0, ord, jacobiAlpha_, jacobiBeta_);
        for (int pt = 0; pt < numPoints; pt++) {
          // outputValues is a rank-2 array with dimensions (basisCardinality_, numPoints)
          outputValues(ord, pt) = jacobiPolyAtPoints[pt];
    case OPERATOR_D1: {
      for (int ord = 0; ord < this -> basisCardinality_; ord++) {
        IntrepidPolylib::jacobd(numPoints, &tmpPoints[0], &jacobiPolyAtPoints[0], ord, jacobiAlpha_, jacobiBeta_);
        for (int pt = 0; pt < numPoints; pt++) {
          // outputValues is a rank-2 array with dimensions (basisCardinality_, numPoints)
          outputValues(ord, pt, 0) = jacobiPolyAtPoints[pt];

    case OPERATOR_D2:
    case OPERATOR_D3:
    case OPERATOR_D4:
    case OPERATOR_D5:
    case OPERATOR_D6:
    case OPERATOR_D7:
    case OPERATOR_D8:
    case OPERATOR_D9:
    case OPERATOR_D10: {
      int d_order = getOperatorOrder( operatorType );
      // fill in derivatives of polynomials of degree 0 through d_order - 1  with 0
      // e.g. D2 annhialates linears.
      int stop_order;
      if (d_order > this->getDegree()) {
	stop_order = this->getDegree();
      else {
	stop_order = d_order;
      for (int p_order=0;p_order<stop_order;p_order++) {
	for (int pt=0;pt<numPoints;pt++) {
	  outputValues(p_order,pt,0) = 0.0;
      // fill in rest of derivatives with the differentiation rule for Jacobi polynomials
      for (int p_order=d_order;p_order<=this->getDegree();p_order++) {
	// calculate the scaling factor with a little loop.
	Scalar scalefactor = 1.0;
	for (int d=1;d<=d_order;d++) {
	  scalefactor *= 0.5 * ( p_order + jacobiAlpha_ + jacobiBeta_ + d );

	// put in the right call to IntrepidPolyLib
        IntrepidPolylib::jacobfd(numPoints, &tmpPoints[0], 
				 (Scalar*)0, p_order-d_order, 
				 jacobiAlpha_ + d_order, 
				 jacobiBeta_ + d_order);
        for (int pt = 0; pt < numPoints; pt++) {
          // outputValues is a rank-3 array with dimensions (basisCardinality_, numPoints)
          outputValues(p_order, pt,0) = scalefactor *jacobiPolyAtPoints[pt];
    case OPERATOR_DIV:
	TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( !( Intrepid2::isValidOperator(operatorType) ), std::invalid_argument,
			    ">>> ERROR (Basis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBI): Invalid operator type.");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( !( Intrepid2::isValidOperator(operatorType) ), std::invalid_argument,
                          ">>> ERROR (Basis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBI): Invalid operator type.");
  catch (std::invalid_argument &exception){
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( true , std::invalid_argument,
			">>> ERROR (Basis_HGRAD_LINE_Cn_FEM_JACOBI): Operator failed");    