Example #1
void Hamiltonian::set_q(boost::python::list q_) {
      Update Hamiltonian coordinates (all are real-valued scalars - the components of the Python list) - Python-friendly

      \param[in] q The Python list of real-valued coordinates to be used for Hamiltonian calculations.
      Note: this also sets the status_dia and status_adi variables to zero, impliying the Hamiltonian is not
      up to date - which is what we want: since the coordinates are changed, the Hamiltonian must be recomputed
      From the prafmatic point of view, if you call this function - expect slower performance.

    int sz = boost::python::len(q_);
    vector<double> tmp_q(sz,0.0);

    for(int i=0; i<sz; i++) {
        tmp_q[i] = boost::python::extract<double>(q_[i]);

Example #2
void distribute_forall::reduce1_quantifier(quantifier * q) {
    // This transformation is applied after skolemization/quantifier elimination. So, all quantifiers are universal.

    // This transformation is applied after basic pre-processing steps.
    // So, we can assume that
    //    1) All (and f1 ... fn) are already encoded as (not (or (not f1 ... fn)))
    //    2) All or-formulas are flat (or f1 (or f2 f3)) is encoded as (or f1 f2 f3)

    expr * e = get_cached(q->get_expr());
    if (m_manager.is_not(e) && m_manager.is_or(to_app(e)->get_arg(0))) {
        // found target for simplification
        // (forall X (not (or F1 ... Fn)))
        // -->
        // (and (forall X (not F1))
        //      ...
        //      (forall X (not Fn)))
        app * or_e        = to_app(to_app(e)->get_arg(0));
        unsigned num_args = or_e->get_num_args();
        expr_ref_buffer new_args(m_manager);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
            expr * arg = or_e->get_arg(i);
            expr_ref not_arg(m_manager);
            // m_bsimp.mk_not applies basic simplifications. For example, if arg is of the form (not a), then it will return a.
            m_bsimp.mk_not(arg, not_arg);
            quantifier_ref tmp_q(m_manager);
            tmp_q = m_manager.update_quantifier(q, not_arg);
            expr_ref new_q(m_manager);
            elim_unused_vars(m_manager, tmp_q, new_q);
        expr_ref result(m_manager);
        // m_bsimp.mk_and actually constructs a (not (or ...)) formula, 
        // it will also apply basic simplifications.
        m_bsimp.mk_and(new_args.size(), new_args.c_ptr(), result);
        cache_result(q, result);
    else {
        cache_result(q, m_manager.update_quantifier(q, e));
Example #3
void PoseGraph::optimize6DoF()
        int cur_index = -1;
        int first_looped_index = -1;
            cur_index = optimize_buf.front();
            first_looped_index = earliest_loop_index;
        if (cur_index != -1)
            printf("optimize pose graph \n");
            TicToc tmp_t;
            KeyFrame* cur_kf = getKeyFrame(cur_index);

            int max_length = cur_index + 1;

            // w^t_i   w^q_i
            double t_array[max_length][3];
            double q_array[max_length][4];
            double sequence_array[max_length];

            ceres::Problem problem;
            ceres::Solver::Options options;
            options.linear_solver_type = ceres::SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY;
            //ptions.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
            //options.max_solver_time_in_seconds = SOLVER_TIME * 3;
            options.max_num_iterations = 5;
            ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
            ceres::LossFunction *loss_function;
            loss_function = new ceres::HuberLoss(0.1);
            //loss_function = new ceres::CauchyLoss(1.0);
            ceres::LocalParameterization* local_parameterization = new ceres::QuaternionParameterization();

            list<KeyFrame*>::iterator it;

            int i = 0;
            for (it = keyframelist.begin(); it != keyframelist.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->index < first_looped_index)
                (*it)->local_index = i;
                Quaterniond tmp_q;
                Matrix3d tmp_r;
                Vector3d tmp_t;
                (*it)->getVioPose(tmp_t, tmp_r);
                tmp_q = tmp_r;
                t_array[i][0] = tmp_t(0);
                t_array[i][1] = tmp_t(1);
                t_array[i][2] = tmp_t(2);
                q_array[i][0] = tmp_q.w();
                q_array[i][1] = tmp_q.x();
                q_array[i][2] = tmp_q.y();
                q_array[i][3] = tmp_q.z();

                sequence_array[i] = (*it)->sequence;

                problem.AddParameterBlock(q_array[i], 4, local_parameterization);
                problem.AddParameterBlock(t_array[i], 3);

                if ((*it)->index == first_looped_index || (*it)->sequence == 0)

                //add edge
                for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++)
                    if (i - j >= 0 && sequence_array[i] == sequence_array[i-j])
                        Vector3d relative_t(t_array[i][0] - t_array[i-j][0], t_array[i][1] - t_array[i-j][1], t_array[i][2] - t_array[i-j][2]);
                        Quaterniond q_i_j = Quaterniond(q_array[i-j][0], q_array[i-j][1], q_array[i-j][2], q_array[i-j][3]);
                        Quaterniond q_i = Quaterniond(q_array[i][0], q_array[i][1], q_array[i][2], q_array[i][3]);
                        relative_t = q_i_j.inverse() * relative_t;
                        Quaterniond relative_q = q_i_j.inverse() * q_i;
                        ceres::CostFunction* vo_function = RelativeRTError::Create(relative_t.x(), relative_t.y(), relative_t.z(),
                                                                                relative_q.w(), relative_q.x(), relative_q.y(), relative_q.z(),
                                                                                0.1, 0.01);
                        problem.AddResidualBlock(vo_function, NULL, q_array[i-j], t_array[i-j], q_array[i], t_array[i]);

                //add loop edge
                    assert((*it)->loop_index >= first_looped_index);
                    int connected_index = getKeyFrame((*it)->loop_index)->local_index;
                    Vector3d relative_t;
                    relative_t = (*it)->getLoopRelativeT();
                    Quaterniond relative_q;
                    relative_q = (*it)->getLoopRelativeQ();
                    ceres::CostFunction* loop_function = RelativeRTError::Create(relative_t.x(), relative_t.y(), relative_t.z(),
                                                                                relative_q.w(), relative_q.x(), relative_q.y(), relative_q.z(),
                                                                                0.1, 0.01);
                    problem.AddResidualBlock(loop_function, loss_function, q_array[connected_index], t_array[connected_index], q_array[i], t_array[i]);                    
                if ((*it)->index == cur_index)

            ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
            //std::cout << summary.BriefReport() << "\n";
            //printf("pose optimization time: %f \n", tmp_t.toc());
            for (int j = 0 ; j < i; j++)
                printf("optimize i: %d p: %f, %f, %f\n", j, t_array[j][0], t_array[j][1], t_array[j][2] );
            i = 0;
            for (it = keyframelist.begin(); it != keyframelist.end(); it++)
                if ((*it)->index < first_looped_index)
                Quaterniond tmp_q(q_array[i][0], q_array[i][1], q_array[i][2], q_array[i][3]);
                Vector3d tmp_t = Vector3d(t_array[i][0], t_array[i][1], t_array[i][2]);
                Matrix3d tmp_r = tmp_q.toRotationMatrix();
                (*it)-> updatePose(tmp_t, tmp_r);

                if ((*it)->index == cur_index)

            Vector3d cur_t, vio_t;
            Matrix3d cur_r, vio_r;
            cur_kf->getPose(cur_t, cur_r);
            cur_kf->getVioPose(vio_t, vio_r);
            r_drift = cur_r * vio_r.transpose();
            t_drift = cur_t - r_drift * vio_t;
            //cout << "t_drift " << t_drift.transpose() << endl;
            //cout << "r_drift " << Utility::R2ypr(r_drift).transpose() << endl;

            for (; it != keyframelist.end(); it++)
                Vector3d P;
                Matrix3d R;
                (*it)->getVioPose(P, R);
                P = r_drift * P + t_drift;
                R = r_drift * R;
                (*it)->updatePose(P, R);

        std::chrono::milliseconds dura(2000);
bool JumpToDocDialogue::run(DocMgr::Connection &db, IDList *id_list)
  bool retval = false;

  writestr(2, 0, "Jump to Document");

  if (_stack.size() > 10) _stack.erase(_stack.begin());
  _sp = _stack.size() - 1;
  _id_str = "";
  _field = new TextField(_x + 2, _y + 2, _w - 4, _id_str);

  InteractorList interaction;

  bool ok = false;
  string err_msg;
  while (!ok) {
    _completed = false;
    while (!_completed) { interaction.process_key(); doupdate(); }

    ok = true;
    if (_id_str != "") {
      ok = true;
      if (!DocMgr::DocID::valid(_id_str)) {
        ok = false;
        err_msg = "INVALID DOCUMENT ID!";
      } else {
        DocMgr::DocID id(_id_str);
        if (!id_list->id_visible(id)) {
          DocMgr::Query tmp_q(db);
          vector<DocMgr::DocID> ids;
          bool found = false;
          for (int idx = 0; idx < ids.size(); ++idx)
            if (ids[idx] == id) { found = true;  break; }
          if (!found) {
            ok = false;
            err_msg = "DOCUMENT ID NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!";
          } else {
            retval = true;
            _stack[_sp] = _id_str;
        } else {
          _stack[_sp] = _id_str;
          if (_sp != _stack.size() - 1) _stack.erase(_stack.end());
    } else {

    if (!ok) {
      string blank(getmaxx(stdscr), ' ');
      mvaddstr(0, 0, blank.c_str());
      wattron(stdscr, A_BOLD);
      mvaddstr(0, 0, err_msg.c_str());
      wattroff(stdscr, A_BOLD);


  delete _field;
  return retval;
Types::Transform PointOnPlaneCalibration::estimateTransform(const std::vector<PointPlanePair> & pair_vector)
  const int size = pair_vector.size();

  // Point-Plane Constraints

  // Initial system (Eq. 10)

  Eigen::MatrixXd system(size, 13);
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    const double d = pair_vector[i].plane_.offset();
    const Eigen::Vector3d n = pair_vector[i].plane_.normal();

    const Types::Point3 & x = pair_vector[i].point_;

    system.row(i) <<  d + n[0] * x[0] + n[1] * x[1] + n[2] * x[2],  // q_0^2
                      2 * n[2] * x[1] - 2 * n[1] * x[2],            // q_0 * q_1
                      2 * n[0] * x[2] - 2 * n[2] * x[0],            // q_0 * q_2
                      2 * n[1] * x[0] - 2 * n[0] * x[1],            // q_0 * q_3
                      d + n[0] * x[0] - n[1] * x[1] - n[2] * x[2],  // q_1^2
                      2 * n[0] * x[1] + 2 * n[1] * x[0],            // q_1 * q_2
                      2 * n[0] * x[2] + 2 * n[2] * x[0],            // q_1 * q_3
                      d - n[0] * x[0] + n[1] * x[1] - n[2] * x[2],  // q_2^2
                      2 * n[1] * x[2] + 2 * n[2] * x[1],            // q_2 * q_3
                      d - n[0] * x[0] - n[1] * x[1] + n[2] * x[2],  // q_3^2
                      n[0], n[1], n[2]; // q'*q*t


  // Gaussian reduction
  for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
    for (int i = k + 1; i < size; ++i)
      system.row(i) = system.row(i) - system.row(k) * system.row(i)[10 + k] / system.row(k)[10 + k];

  // Quaternion q
  Eigen::Vector4d q;

  // Transform to inhomogeneous (Eq. 13)
  bool P_is_ok(false);
  while (not P_is_ok)
    Eigen::Matrix4d P(Eigen::Matrix4d::Random());
    while (P.determinant() < 1e-5)
      P = Eigen::Matrix4d::Random();

    Eigen::MatrixXd reduced_system(size - 3, 10);
    for (int i = 3; i < size; ++i)
      const Eigen::VectorXd & row = system.row(i);
      Eigen::Matrix4d Mi_tilde;

      Mi_tilde << row[0]    , row[1] / 2, row[2] / 2, row[3] / 2,
                  row[1] / 2, row[4]    , row[5] / 2, row[6] / 2,
                  row[2] / 2, row[5] / 2, row[7]    , row[8] / 2,
                  row[3] / 2, row[6] / 2, row[8] / 2, row[9]    ;

      Eigen::Matrix4d Mi_bar(P.transpose() * Mi_tilde * P);

      reduced_system.row(i - 3) << Mi_bar(0, 0),
                                   Mi_bar(0, 1) + Mi_bar(1, 0),
                                   Mi_bar(0, 2) + Mi_bar(2, 0),
                                   Mi_bar(0, 3) + Mi_bar(3, 0),
                                   Mi_bar(1, 1),
                                   Mi_bar(1, 2) + Mi_bar(2, 1),
                                   Mi_bar(1, 3) + Mi_bar(3, 1),
                                   Mi_bar(2, 2),
                                   Mi_bar(2, 3) + Mi_bar(3, 2),
                                   Mi_bar(3, 3);

    // Solve  A m* = b
    Eigen::MatrixXd A = reduced_system.rightCols<9>();
    Eigen::VectorXd b = - reduced_system.leftCols<1>();
    Eigen::VectorXd m_star = A.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV).solve(b);

    Eigen::Vector4d q_bar(1, m_star[0], m_star[1], m_star[2]);

    Eigen::VectorXd err(6);
    err << q_bar[1] * q_bar[1],
           q_bar[1] * q_bar[2],
           q_bar[1] * q_bar[3],
           q_bar[2] * q_bar[2],
           q_bar[2] * q_bar[3],
           q_bar[3] * q_bar[3];
    err -= m_star.tail<6>();

    //if (err.norm() < 0.1) // P is not ok?
      P_is_ok = true;

    //std::cout << m_star.transpose() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << q_bar[1] * q_bar[1] << " " << q_bar[1] * q_bar[2] << " " << q_bar[1] * q_bar[3] << " "
    //<< q_bar[2] * q_bar[2] << " " << q_bar[2] * q_bar[3] << " " << q_bar[3] * q_bar[3] << std::endl;

    q = P * q_bar;

  // We want q.w > 0 (Why?)
  //if (q[0] < 0)
  //  q = -q;

  Eigen::Vector4d tmp_q(q.normalized());
  Eigen::Quaterniond rotation(tmp_q[0], tmp_q[1], tmp_q[2], tmp_q[3]);

  Eigen::VectorXd m(10);
  m << q[0] * q[0],
       q[0] * q[1],
       q[0] * q[2],
       q[0] * q[3],
       q[1] * q[1],
       q[1] * q[2],
       q[1] * q[3],
       q[2] * q[2],
       q[2] * q[3],
       q[3] * q[3];

  // Solve A (q^T q t) = b

  Eigen::Matrix3d A = system.topRightCorner<3, 3>();
  Eigen::Vector3d b = - system.topLeftCorner<3, 10>() * m;
  Eigen::Translation3d translation(A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b) / q.squaredNorm());

//  Eigen::Quaterniond tmp(pose.linear());
//  Eigen::Translation3d tmp2(pose.translation());
//  std::cout << "Prev: " << tmp.normalized().coeffs().transpose() << " " << tmp2.vector().transpose() << std::endl;
  //std::cout << "PoP : " << rotation.coeffs().transpose() << " " << translation.vector().transpose() << std::endl;

  return translation * rotation;