Example #1
 * Set the environment variable "name" to the value "value". If the variable
 * exists already, override it or just skip.
static void envp_add(char *** envp, const char * name, const char * value, int env_override) {
    int i = 0;
    size_t len = strlen(name);
    char ** env = *envp;


    if (env == NULL) {
        env = *envp = (char **)tmp_alloc_zero(sizeof(char *) * 2);
    else {
        for (i = 0; env[i]; i++) {
            if (strncmp(env[i], name, len) == 0 && env[i][len] == '=') break;
        if (env[i]) {
            /* override */
            if (!env_override) return;
        else {
            /* new variable */
            env = *envp = (char **)tmp_realloc(env, sizeof(char *) * (i + 2));
            env[i + 1] = NULL;
    len += strlen(value) + 2;
    env[i] = (char *)tmp_alloc(len);
    snprintf(env[i], len, "%s=%s", name, value);
Example #2
static void add(unsigned n) {
    if (buf_pos >= buf_max) {
        buf_max *= 2;
        buf = (U1_T *)tmp_realloc(buf, buf_max);
    buf[buf_pos++] = (U1_T)n;
Example #3
static void read_memory_fill_array_cb(InputStream * inp, void * args) {
    MemoryFillBuffer * buf = (MemoryFillBuffer *)args;
    if (buf->pos >= buf->max) {
        buf->buf = (char *)tmp_realloc(buf->buf, buf->max *= 2);
    buf->buf[buf->pos++] = (char)json_read_ulong(inp);
Example #4
 * adds a string to current string value
void v_strcat(var_t *var, const char *string) {
  if (var->type == V_INT || var->type == V_NUM) {
  if (var->type == V_STR) {
    var->v.p.size = strlen((char *) var->v.p.ptr) + strlen(string) + 1;
    var->v.p.ptr = tmp_realloc(var->v.p.ptr, var->v.p.size);
    strcat((char *) var->v.p.ptr, string);
  } else {
// returns the contents of the given url
char *Controller::readConnection(const char *url) {
  char *result = NULL;
  _output->print("\033[ LLoading...");

  MAHandle conn = maConnect(url);
  if (conn < 1) {
    logPrint("Failed connecting to %s\n", url);
  } else {
    _runMode = conn_state;
    logPrint("Connecting to %s\n", url);

    bool connected = false;
    byte buffer[1024];
    int length = 0;
    int size = 0;
    int now = maGetMilliSecondCount();
    MAEvent event;

    // pause until connected
    while (_runMode == conn_state) {
      event = processEvents(EVENT_WAIT_INFINITE, EVENT_TYPE_CONN);
      if (event.type == EVENT_TYPE_CONN) {
        switch (event.conn.opType) {
        case CONNOP_CONNECT:
          // connection established
          if (!connected) {
            connected = (event.conn.result > 0);
            if (connected) {
              memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
              maConnRead(conn, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            } else {
              logPrint("Connection error\n");
              _runMode = init_state;
        case CONNOP_READ:
          // connRead completed
          if (event.conn.result > 0) {
            size = event.conn.result;
            if (result == NULL) {
              result = (char *)tmp_alloc(size + 1);
              memcpy(result, buffer, size);
              length = size;
            } else {
              result = (char *)tmp_realloc(result, length + size + 1);
              memcpy(result + length, buffer, size);
              length += size;
            result[length] = 0;
            memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
            maConnRead(conn, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
          } else {
            // no more data
            _runMode = init_state;
          logPrint("Connection error\n");
          _runMode = init_state;
    logPrint("Loaded in %d msecs\n", maGetMilliSecondCount() - now);

  return result;