Decimal128::Decimal128(std::string stringValue,
                       std::uint32_t* signalingFlags,
                       RoundingMode roundMode) {
    std::string lower = toAsciiLowerCase(stringValue);
    BID_UINT128 dec128;
    // The intel library function requires a char * while c_str() returns a const char*.
    // We're using const_cast here since the library function should not modify the input.
    dec128 = bid128_from_string(const_cast<char*>(lower.c_str()), roundMode, signalingFlags);
    validateInputString(StringData(lower), signalingFlags);
    _value = libraryTypeToValue(dec128);
nsHtml5MetaScanner::handleCharInAttributeValue(PRInt32 c)
  if (metaState == NS_HTML5META_SCANNER_A) {
    if (contentIndex == CONTENT.length || charsetIndex == CHARSET.length) {
    } else if (httpEquivIndex == HTTP_EQUIV.length) {
      if (contentTypeIndex < CONTENT_TYPE.length && toAsciiLowerCase(c) == CONTENT_TYPE[contentTypeIndex]) {
      } else {
        contentTypeIndex = PR_INT32_MAX;