void Score::splitMeasure(Segment* segment) { if (segment->rtick() == 0) { MScore::setError(CANNOT_SPLIT_MEASURE_FIRST_BEAT); return; } if (segment->splitsTuplet()) { MScore::setError(CANNOT_SPLIT_MEASURE_TUPLET); return; } Measure* measure = segment->measure(); ScoreRange range; range.read(measure->first(), measure->last()); undoRemoveMeasures(measure, measure); undoInsertTime(measure->tick(), -measure->ticks()); // create empty measures: Measure* m2 = toMeasure(insertMeasure(Element::Type::MEASURE, measure->next(), true)); Measure* m1 = toMeasure(insertMeasure(Element::Type::MEASURE, m2, true)); int tick = segment->tick(); m1->setTick(measure->tick()); m2->setTick(tick); int ticks1 = segment->tick() - measure->tick(); int ticks2 = measure->ticks() - ticks1; m1->setTimesig(measure->timesig()); m2->setTimesig(measure->timesig()); m1->adjustToLen(Fraction::fromTicks(ticks1)); m2->adjustToLen(Fraction::fromTicks(ticks2)); range.write(this, m1->tick()); }
void Score::splitMeasure(ChordRest* cr) { Segment* segment = cr->segment(); Measure* measure = segment->measure(); ScoreRange range; range.read(measure->first(), measure->last()); undoRemoveMeasures(measure, measure); undoInsertTime(measure->tick(), -(measure->endTick() - measure->tick())); // create empty measures: Measure* m2 = toMeasure(insertMeasure(Element::Type::MEASURE, measure->next(), true)); Measure* m1 = toMeasure(insertMeasure(Element::Type::MEASURE, m2, true)); int tick = segment->tick(); m1->setTick(measure->tick()); m2->setTick(tick); int ticks1 = segment->tick() - measure->tick(); int ticks2 = measure->ticks() - ticks1; m1->setTimesig(measure->timesig()); m2->setTimesig(measure->timesig()); m1->adjustToLen(Fraction::fromTicks(ticks1)); m2->adjustToLen(Fraction::fromTicks(ticks2)); range.write(this, m1->tick()); }
MeasureBase* MeasureBase::nextMM() const { if (_next && _next->isMeasure() && score()->styleB(StyleIdx::createMultiMeasureRests) && toMeasure(_next)->hasMMRest()) { return toMeasure(_next)->mmRest(); } return _next; }
void InspectorClef::setElement() { otherClef = nullptr; // no 'other clef' yet InspectorElementBase::setElement(); // try to locate the 'other clef' of a courtesy / main pair Clef* clef = toClef(inspector->element()); // if not in a clef-segment-measure hierarchy, do nothing if (!clef->parent() || clef->parent()->type() != ElementType::SEGMENT) return; Segment* segm = toSegment(clef->parent()); int segmTick = segm->tick(); if (!segm->parent() || segm->parent()->type() != ElementType::MEASURE) return; Measure* meas = toMeasure(segm->parent()); Measure* otherMeas = nullptr; Segment* otherSegm = nullptr; if (segmTick == meas->tick()) // if clef segm is measure-initial otherMeas = meas->prevMeasure(); // look for a previous measure else if (segmTick == meas->tick()+meas->ticks()) // if clef segm is measure-final otherMeas = meas->nextMeasure(); // look for a next measure // look for a clef segment in the 'other' measure at the same tick of this clef segment if (otherMeas) otherSegm = otherMeas->findSegment(SegmentType::Clef, segmTick); // if any 'other' segment found, look for a clef in the same track as this if (otherSegm) otherClef = toClef(otherSegm->element(clef->track())); }
Clef* Clef::otherClef() { // if not in a clef-segment-measure hierarchy, do nothing if (!parent() || !parent()->isSegment()) return nullptr; Segment* segm = toSegment(parent()); int segmTick = segm->tick(); if (!segm->parent() || !segm->parent()->isMeasure()) return nullptr; Measure* meas = toMeasure(segm->parent()); Measure* otherMeas = nullptr; Segment* otherSegm = nullptr; if (segmTick == meas->tick()) // if clef segm is measure-initial otherMeas = meas->prevMeasure(); // look for a previous measure else if (segmTick == meas->tick() + meas->ticks()) // if clef segm is measure-final otherMeas = meas->nextMeasure(); // look for a next measure if (!otherMeas) return nullptr; // look for a clef segment in the 'other' measure at the same tick of this clef segment otherSegm = otherMeas->findSegment(SegmentType::Clef | SegmentType::HeaderClef, segmTick); if (!otherSegm) return nullptr; // if any 'other' segment found, look for a clef in the same track as this return toClef(otherSegm->element(track())); }
Measure* MeasureBase::prevMeasure() const { MeasureBase* m = prev(); while (m) { if (m->isMeasure()) return toMeasure(m); m = m->prev(); } return 0; }
Measure* MeasureBase::nextMeasure() const { MeasureBase* m = _next; for (;;) { if (m == 0 || m->isMeasure()) break; m = m->_next; } return toMeasure(m); }
Measure* MeasureBase::prevMeasureMM() const { MeasureBase* m = prev(); while (m) { if (m->isMeasure()) { Measure* mm = toMeasure(m); if (score()->styleB(StyleIdx::createMultiMeasureRests)) { if (mm->mmRestCount() >= 0) { if (mm->hasMMRest()) return mm->mmRest(); return mm; } } else return mm; } m = m->prev(); } return 0; }
void ContinuousPanel::paint(const QRect&, QPainter& painter) { qreal _offsetPanel = 0; qreal _y = 0; qreal _oldWidth = 0; // The last final panel width qreal _newWidth = 0; // New panel width qreal _height = 0; qreal _leftMarginTotal = 0; // Sum of all elments left margin qreal _panelRightPadding = 5; // Extra space for the panel after last element Measure* measure = _score->firstMeasure(); if (!_active || !measure) { _visible = false; return; } if (measure->mmRest()) { measure = measure->mmRest(); } System* system = measure->system(); if (system == 0) { _visible = false; return; } Segment* s = measure->first(); double _spatium = _score->spatium(); if (_width <= 0) _width = s->x(); // // Set panel height for whole system // _height = 6 * _spatium; _y = system->staffYpage(0) + system->page()->pos().y(); double y2 = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < _score->nstaves(); ++i) { SysStaff* ss = system->staff(i); if (!ss->show() || !_score->staff(i)->show()) continue; y2 = ss->y() + ss->bbox().height(); } _height += y2 + 6*_spatium; _y -= 6 * _spatium; // // Check elements at current panel position // _offsetPanel = -(_sv->xoffset()) / _sv->mag(); _rect = QRect(_offsetPanel + _width, _y, 1, _height); Page* page = _score->pages().front(); QList<Element*> el = page->items(_rect); if (el.empty()) { _visible = false; return; } qStableSort(el.begin(), el.end(), elementLessThan); const Measure*_currentMeasure = 0; for (const Element* e : el) { e->itemDiscovered = 0; if (!e->visible() && !_score->showInvisible()) continue; if (e->isMeasure()) { _currentMeasure = toMeasure(e); break; } } if (!_currentMeasure) return; // Don't show panel if staff names are visible if (_currentMeasure == _score->firstMeasure() && _sv->toPhysical(_currentMeasure->canvasPos()).x() > 0) { _visible = false; return; } qreal _xPosMeasure = _currentMeasure->canvasX(); qreal _measureWidth = _currentMeasure->width(); int tick = _currentMeasure->tick(); Fraction _currentTimeSig = _currentMeasure->timesig(); //qDebug() << "_sv->xoffset()=" <<_sv->xoffset() << " _sv->mag()="<< _sv->mag() <<" s->x=" << s->x() << " width=" << _width << " currentMeasure=" << _currentMeasure->x() << " _xPosMeasure=" << _xPosMeasure; //--------------------------------------------------------- // findElementWidths // determines the max width for each element types //--------------------------------------------------------- // The first pass serves to get the maximum width for each elements qreal lineWidthName = 0; qreal _widthClef = 0; qreal _widthKeySig = 0; qreal _widthTimeSig = 0; qreal _xPosTimeSig = 0; for (const Element* e : el) { e->itemDiscovered = 0; if (!e->visible() && !_score->showInvisible()) continue; if (e->isRest() && toRest(e)->isGap()) continue; if (e->isStaffLines()) { Staff* currentStaff = _score->staff(e->staffIdx()); Segment* parent = _score->tick2segment(tick); // Find maximum width for the staff name QList<StaffName>& staffNamesLong = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->longNames(); QString staffName = staffNamesLong.isEmpty() ? " " : staffNamesLong[0].name(); if (staffName == "") { QList<StaffName>& staffNamesShort = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->shortNames(); staffName = staffNamesShort.isEmpty() ? "" : staffNamesShort[0].name(); } Text* newName = new Text(_score); newName->setXmlText(staffName); newName->setParent(parent); newName->setTrack(e->track()); newName->textStyle().setFamily("FreeSans"); newName->textStyle().setSizeIsSpatiumDependent(true); newName->layout(); newName->setPlainText(newName->plainText()); newName->layout(); // Find maximum width for the current Clef Clef* newClef = new Clef(_score); ClefType currentClef = currentStaff->clef(tick); newClef->setClefType(currentClef); newClef->setParent(parent); newClef->setTrack(e->track()); newClef->layout(); if (newClef->width() > _widthClef) _widthClef = newClef->width(); // Find maximum width for the current KeySignature KeySig* newKs = new KeySig(_score); KeySigEvent currentKeySigEvent = currentStaff->keySigEvent(tick); newKs->setKeySigEvent(currentKeySigEvent); // The Parent and the Track must be set to have the key signature layout adjusted to different clefs // This also adds naturals to the key signature (if set in the score style) newKs->setParent(parent); newKs->setTrack(e->track()); newKs->setHideNaturals(true); newKs->layout(); if (newKs->width() > _widthKeySig) _widthKeySig = newKs->width(); // Find maximum width for the current TimeSignature TimeSig* newTs = new TimeSig(_score); // Try to get local time signature, if not, get the current measure one TimeSig* currentTimeSig = currentStaff->timeSig(tick); if (currentTimeSig) newTs->setFrom(currentTimeSig); else newTs->setSig(Fraction(_currentTimeSig.numerator(), _currentTimeSig.denominator()), TimeSigType::NORMAL); newTs->setParent(parent); newTs->setTrack(e->track()); newTs->layout(); if ((newName->width() > lineWidthName) && (newName->xmlText() != "")) lineWidthName = newName->width(); if (newTs->width() > _widthTimeSig) _widthTimeSig = newTs->width(); delete newClef; delete newName; delete newKs; delete newTs; } } _leftMarginTotal = _score->styleP(StyleIdx::clefLeftMargin); _leftMarginTotal += _score->styleP(StyleIdx::keysigLeftMargin); _leftMarginTotal += _score->styleP(StyleIdx::timesigLeftMargin); _newWidth = _widthClef + _widthKeySig + _widthTimeSig + _leftMarginTotal + _panelRightPadding; _xPosMeasure -= _offsetPanel; lineWidthName += _score->spatium() + _score->styleP(StyleIdx::clefLeftMargin) + _widthClef; if (_newWidth < lineWidthName) { _newWidth = lineWidthName; _oldWidth = 0; } if (_oldWidth == 0) { _oldWidth = _newWidth; _width = _newWidth; } else if (_newWidth > 0) { if (_newWidth == _width) { _oldWidth = _width; _width = _newWidth; } else if (((_xPosMeasure <= _newWidth) && (_xPosMeasure >= _oldWidth)) || ((_xPosMeasure >= _newWidth) && (_xPosMeasure <= _oldWidth))) _width = _xPosMeasure; else if (((_xPosMeasure+_measureWidth <= _newWidth) && (_xPosMeasure+_measureWidth >= _oldWidth)) || ((_xPosMeasure+_measureWidth >= _newWidth) && (_xPosMeasure+_measureWidth <= _oldWidth))) _width = _xPosMeasure+_measureWidth; else { _oldWidth = _width; _width = _newWidth; } } _rect = QRect(0, _y, _width, _height); //==================== painter.save(); // Draw colored rectangle painter.setClipping(false); QPointF pos(_offsetPanel, 0); painter.translate(pos); QPen pen; pen.setWidthF(0.0); pen.setStyle(Qt::NoPen); painter.setPen(pen); painter.setBrush(preferences.fgColor); QRectF bg(_rect); bg.setWidth(_widthClef + _widthKeySig + _widthTimeSig + _leftMarginTotal + _panelRightPadding); QPixmap* fgPixmap = _sv->fgPixmap(); if (fgPixmap == 0 || fgPixmap->isNull()) painter.fillRect(bg, preferences.fgColor); else { painter.setMatrixEnabled(false); painter.drawTiledPixmap(bg, *fgPixmap, bg.topLeft() - QPoint(lrint(_sv->matrix().dx()), lrint(_sv->matrix().dy()))); painter.setMatrixEnabled(true); } painter.setClipRect(_rect); painter.setClipping(true); QColor color(MScore::layoutBreakColor); // Draw measure text number QString text = QString("#%1").arg(_currentMeasure->no()+1); Text* newElement = new Text(_score); newElement->setTextStyleType(TextStyleType::DEFAULT); newElement->setFlag(ElementFlag::MOVABLE, false); newElement->setXmlText(text); newElement->textStyle().setFamily("FreeSans"); newElement->textStyle().setSizeIsSpatiumDependent(true); newElement->setColor(color); newElement->sameLayout(); pos = QPointF(_score->styleP(StyleIdx::clefLeftMargin) + _widthClef, _y + newElement->height()); painter.translate(pos); newElement->draw(&painter); pos += QPointF(_offsetPanel, 0); painter.translate(-pos); delete newElement; // This second pass draws the elements spaced evently using the width of the largest element for (const Element* e : el) { if (!e->visible() && !_score->showInvisible()) continue; if (e->isRest() && toRest(e)->isGap()) continue; if (e->isStaffLines()) { painter.save(); Staff* currentStaff = _score->staff(e->staffIdx()); Segment* parent = _score->tick2segmentMM(tick); pos = QPointF (_offsetPanel, e->pagePos().y()); painter.translate(pos); // Draw staff lines StaffLines newStaffLines(*toStaffLines(e)); newStaffLines.setParent(parent); newStaffLines.setTrack(e->track()); newStaffLines.layout(); newStaffLines.setColor(color); newStaffLines.setWidth(bg.width()); newStaffLines.draw(&painter); // Draw barline BarLine barLine(_score); barLine.setBarLineType(BarLineType::NORMAL); barLine.setParent(parent); barLine.setTrack(e->track()); barLine.setSpan(currentStaff->barLineSpan()); barLine.setSpanFrom(currentStaff->barLineFrom()); barLine.setSpanTo(currentStaff->barLineTo()); barLine.layout(); barLine.setColor(color); barLine.draw(&painter); // Draw the current staff name QList<StaffName>& staffNamesLong = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->longNames(); QString staffName = staffNamesLong.isEmpty() ? " " : staffNamesLong[0].name(); if (staffName == "") { QList<StaffName>& staffNamesShort = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->shortNames(); staffName = staffNamesShort.isEmpty() ? "" : staffNamesShort[0].name(); } Text* newName = new Text(_score); newName->setXmlText(staffName); newName->setParent(parent); newName->setTrack(e->track()); newName->setColor(color); newName->textStyle().setFamily("FreeSans"); newName->textStyle().setSizeIsSpatiumDependent(true); newName->layout(); newName->setPlainText(newName->plainText()); newName->layout(); if (currentStaff->part()->staff(0) == currentStaff) { double _spatium = _score->spatium(); pos = QPointF (_score->styleP(StyleIdx::clefLeftMargin) + _widthClef, -_spatium * 2); painter.translate(pos); newName->draw(&painter); painter.translate(-pos); } delete newName; qreal posX = 0.0; // Draw the current Clef Clef clef(_score); clef.setClefType(currentStaff->clef(tick)); clef.setParent(parent); clef.setTrack(e->track()); clef.setColor(color); clef.layout(); posX += _score->styleP(StyleIdx::clefLeftMargin); clef.drawAt(&painter, QPointF(posX, clef.pos().y())); posX += _widthClef; // Draw the current KeySignature KeySig newKs(_score); newKs.setKeySigEvent(currentStaff->keySigEvent(tick)); // The Parent and the track must be set to have the key signature layout adjusted to different clefs // This also adds naturals to the key signature (if set in the score style) newKs.setParent(parent); newKs.setTrack(e->track()); newKs.setColor(color); newKs.setHideNaturals(true); newKs.layout(); posX += _score->styleP(StyleIdx::keysigLeftMargin); newKs.drawAt(&painter, QPointF(posX, 0.0)); posX += _widthKeySig + _xPosTimeSig; // Draw the current TimeSignature TimeSig newTs(_score); // Try to get local time signature, if not, get the current measure one TimeSig* currentTimeSig = currentStaff->timeSig(tick); if (currentTimeSig) { newTs.setFrom(currentTimeSig); newTs.setParent(parent); newTs.setTrack(e->track()); newTs.setColor(color); newTs.layout(); posX += _score->styleP(StyleIdx::timesigLeftMargin); newTs.drawAt(&painter, QPointF(posX, 0.0)); } painter.restore(); } } painter.restore(); _visible = true; }
void System::layout2() { VBox* b = vbox(); if (b) { b->layout(); setbbox(b->bbox()); return; } setPos(0.0, 0.0); QList<std::pair<int,SysStaff*>> visibleStaves; int firstStaffIdx = -1; int lastStaffIdx = 0; int firstStaffInitialIdx = -1; int lastStaffInitialIdx = 0; Measure* fm = firstMeasure(); for (int i = 0; i < _staves.size(); ++i) { Staff* s = score()->staff(i); SysStaff* ss = _staves[i]; if (s->show() && ss->show()) { visibleStaves.append(std::pair<int,SysStaff*>(i, ss)); if (firstStaffIdx == -1) firstStaffIdx = i; if (i > lastStaffIdx) lastStaffIdx = i; if (fm && fm->visible(i)) { if (firstStaffInitialIdx == -1) firstStaffInitialIdx = i; lastStaffInitialIdx = i; } } else { ss->setbbox(QRectF()); // already done in layout() ? } } if (firstStaffIdx == -1) firstStaffIdx = 0; if (firstStaffInitialIdx == -1) firstStaffInitialIdx = 0; qreal _spatium = spatium(); qreal y = 0.0; qreal minVerticalDistance = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::minVerticalDistance); qreal staffDistance = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::staffDistance); qreal akkoladeDistance = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::akkoladeDistance); if (visibleStaves.empty()) { qDebug("====no visible staves, staves %d, score staves %d", _staves.size(), score()->nstaves()); } for (auto i = visibleStaves.begin();; ++i) { SysStaff* ss = i->second; int si1 = i->first; Staff* staff = score()->staff(si1); auto ni = i + 1; qreal h = staff->height(); if (ni == visibleStaves.end()) { ss->setYOff(staff->lines() == 1 ? _spatium * staff->mag() : 0.0); ss->bbox().setRect(_leftMargin, y, width() - _leftMargin, h); break; } int si2 = ni->first; qreal dist = h; switch (staff->innerBracket()) { case BracketType::BRACE: dist += akkoladeDistance; break; case BracketType::NORMAL: case BracketType::SQUARE: case BracketType::LINE: case BracketType::NO_BRACKET: dist += staffDistance; break; } dist += score()->staff(si2)->userDist(); for (MeasureBase* mb : ml) { if (!mb->isMeasure()) continue; Measure* m = toMeasure(mb); Shape& s1 = m->staffShape(si1); Shape& s2 = m->staffShape(si2); qreal d = s1.minVerticalDistance(s2) + minVerticalDistance; dist = qMax(dist, d); Spacer* sp = m->mstaff(si1)->_vspacerDown; if (sp) { if (sp->spacerType() == SpacerType::FIXED) { dist = staff->height() + sp->gap(); break; } else dist = qMax(dist, staff->height() + sp->gap()); } sp = m->mstaff(si2)->_vspacerUp; if (sp) dist = qMax(dist, sp->gap()); } ss->setYOff(staff->lines() == 1 ? _spatium * staff->mag() : 0.0); ss->bbox().setRect(_leftMargin, y, width() - _leftMargin, h); y += dist; } qreal systemHeight = staff(lastStaffIdx)->bbox().bottom(); setHeight(systemHeight); for (MeasureBase* m : ml) { if (m->isMeasure()) { // note that the factor 2 * _spatium must be corrected for when exporting // system distance in MusicXML (issue #24733) m->bbox().setRect(0.0, -_spatium, m->width(), systemHeight + 2.0 * _spatium); } else if (m->isHBox()) { m->bbox().setRect(0.0, 0.0, m->width(), systemHeight); toHBox(m)->layout2(); } else if (m->isTBox()) { // m->bbox().setRect(0.0, 0.0, m->width(), systemHeight); toTBox(m)->layout(); } else qDebug("unhandled measure type %s", m->name()); } if (fm) { Segment* s = fm->first(); BarLine* _barLine = s->isBeginBarLineType() ? toBarLine(s->element(0)) : 0; if (_barLine) { _barLine->setTrack(firstStaffInitialIdx * VOICES); _barLine->setSpan(lastStaffInitialIdx - firstStaffInitialIdx + 1); if (score()->staff(firstStaffInitialIdx)->lines() == 1) _barLine->setSpanFrom(BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM); else _barLine->setSpanFrom(0); int llines = score()->staff(lastStaffInitialIdx)->lines(); int spanTo = llines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (llines - 1) * 2; _barLine->setSpanTo(spanTo); _barLine->layout(); } } //--------------------------------------------------- // layout brackets vertical position //--------------------------------------------------- for (Bracket* b : _brackets) { int staffIdx1 = b->firstStaff(); int staffIdx2 = b->lastStaff(); qreal sy = 0; // assume bracket not visible qreal ey = 0; // if start staff not visible, try next staff while (staffIdx1 <= staffIdx2 && !_staves[staffIdx1]->show()) ++staffIdx1; // if end staff not visible, try prev staff while (staffIdx1 <= staffIdx2 && !_staves[staffIdx2]->show()) --staffIdx2; // the bracket will be shown IF: // it spans at least 2 visible staves (staffIdx1 < staffIdx2) OR // it spans just one visible staff (staffIdx1 == staffIdx2) but it is required to do so // (the second case happens at least when the bracket is initially dropped) bool notHidden = (staffIdx1 < staffIdx2) || (b->span() == 1 && staffIdx1 == staffIdx2); if (notHidden) { // set vert. pos. and height to visible spanned staves sy = _staves[staffIdx1]->bbox().top(); ey = _staves[staffIdx2]->bbox().bottom(); } b->rypos() = sy; // if (score()->staff(firstStaffInitialIdx)->lines() == 1) // bbox of one line staff bad? // b->rypos() -= _spatium; b->setHeight(ey - sy); b->layout(); } //--------------------------------------------------- // layout instrument names //--------------------------------------------------- int staffIdx = 0; for (Part* p : score()->parts()) { SysStaff* s = staff(staffIdx); SysStaff* s2; int nstaves = p->nstaves(); if (s->show()) { for (InstrumentName* t : s->instrumentNames) { // // override Text->layout() // qreal y1, y2; switch (t->layoutPos()) { default: case 0: // center at part y1 = s->bbox().top(); s2 = staff(staffIdx); for (int i = staffIdx + nstaves - 1; i > 0; --i) { SysStaff* s = staff(i); if (s->show()) { s2 = s; break; } } y2 = s2->bbox().bottom(); break; case 1: // center at first staff y1 = s->bbox().top(); y2 = s->bbox().bottom(); break; // TODO: // sort out invisible staves case 2: // center between first and second staff y1 = s->bbox().top(); y2 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().bottom(); break; case 3: // center at second staff y1 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().top(); y2 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().bottom(); break; case 4: // center between first and second staff y1 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().top(); y2 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().bottom(); break; case 5: // center at third staff y1 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().top(); y2 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().bottom(); break; } t->rypos() = y1 + (y2 - y1) * .5 + t->textStyle().offset(t->spatium()).y(); } } staffIdx += nstaves; } }
Measure* Articulation::measure() const { Segment* s = segment(); return toMeasure(s ? s->parent() : 0); }
Measure* Fermata::measure() const { Segment* s = segment(); return toMeasure(s ? s->parent() : 0); }