Example #1
void tst_QColor::convertTo()
    QColor color(Qt::black);

    QColor rgb = color.convertTo(QColor::Rgb);
    QVERIFY(rgb.spec() == QColor::Rgb);

    QColor hsv = color.convertTo(QColor::Hsv);
    QVERIFY(hsv.spec() == QColor::Hsv);

    QColor cmyk = color.convertTo(QColor::Cmyk);
    QVERIFY(cmyk.spec() == QColor::Cmyk);

    QColor hsl = color.convertTo(QColor::Hsl);
    QVERIFY(hsl.spec() == QColor::Hsl);

    QColor invalid = color.convertTo(QColor::Invalid);
    QVERIFY(invalid.spec() == QColor::Invalid);

Example #2
void Pixel::convertColorModel(ColorModel model) 
	// When converting between models other then RGB, first convert to RGB then to other model
	if (this->model != RGB)
	if (model == RGB) return; // Nothing to do
	int R = c[0], G = c[1], B = c[2];
	double X,Y,Z,L_lab,a_lab,b_lab; // used in several conversions
	if (model == YUV) {
		// YUV formula
		/*double Y, U, V;
		Y = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B;
		U = 0.492*(B-Y);
		V = 0.877*(R-Y);
		// Ranges are now Ye[0,1], Ue[-0.436,0.436], Ve[-0.615,0.615]
		// Convert to byte:
		Y = toByte(Y*256);
		U = toByte((U+0.436)*256 / (0.436*2));
		V = toByte((V+0.615)*256 / (0.615*2));*/
		// The following is equivalent and comes from JPEG standard
		int Y = toByte ( 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B );
		int U = toByte ( 128 - 0.168736 * R - 0.331264 * G + 0.5 * B );
		int V = toByte ( 128 + 0.5 * R - 0.418688 * G - 0.081312 * B );
		c[0] = Y; c[1] = U; c[2] = V;
	if (model == YIQ) {
		int Y = toByte ( 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B );
		int I = toByte ( (152 + 0.596 * R - 0.275 * G - 0.321 * B) / 304 * 255 );
		int Q = toByte ( (133 + 0.212 * R - 0.523 * G + 0.311 * B) / 266 * 255 );
		c[0] = Y; c[1] = I; c[2] = Q;
	if (model == HSV) {
		int H, S, V;
		QColor color(R, G, B);
		color.getHsv(&H, &S, &V);
		H = (H*256)/360; // Rescale to 0-255
		if (H==256) H=255;
		c[0] = H; c[1] = S; c[2] = V;
	if (model == HSL) {
		int H, S, L;
		QColor color(R, G, B);
		color.getHsl(&H, &S, &L);
		H = (H*256)/360; // Rescale to 0-255
		if (H==256) H=255;
		c[0] = H; c[1] = S; c[2] = L;
	if (model == HSI) {
		int H, S, I;
		QColor color(R, G, B);
		color.getHsl(&H, &S, &I);
		H = (H*256)/360; // Rescale to 0-255
		if (H==256) H=255;
		I = (R+G+B)/765; // 765 = 3*255
		c[0] = H; c[1] = S; c[2] = I;
	if (model == IHLS) {
		// More perceptually uniform variant of HSL color space
		// See: Hanbury and Serra "A 3D-polar coordinate colour representation suitable for image analysis" (2002)
		int H, S, L;
		QColor color(R, G, B);
		color.getHsl(&H, &S, &L);
		H = (H*256)/360; // Rescale to 0-255
		if (H==256) H=255;
		int M=qMax(R,qMax(G,B));
		int m=qMin(R,qMin(G,B));
		S = M-m;
		c[0] = H; c[1] = S; c[2] = L;
	if (model == HMMD) { 
		// Color model used in MPEG-7 standard
		// See: Manjunath et al. "Color and texture descriptors" (2001)
		int H, S, V;
		QColor color(R, G, B);
		color.getHsv(&H, &S, &V);
		H = (H*256)/360; // Rescale to 0-255
		if (H==256) H=255;
		int M=qMax(R,qMax(G,B));
		int m=qMin(R,qMin(G,B));
		int D=M-m;
		c[0] = H; c[1] = M; c[2] = m; c[3] = D;
	if (model == HY) {
		int H, S, V;
		QColor color(R, G, B);
		color.getHsv(&H, &S, &V);
		H = (H*256)/360; // Rescale to 0-255
		if (H==256) H=255;
		int Y = toByte ( 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B );
		c[0] = H; c[1] = Y;
	if (model == XYZ || model == LAB || model == LUV || model == LCH) {
		// Convert RGB to range [0,1]
		double r(double(R)/255);
		double g(double(G)/255);
		double b(double(B)/255);
		// We assume that color is sRGB with decoding gamma of 2.2, as customary
		// Linearize sRGB
		if (r<0.04045) r=r/12.92; else r=pow((r+0.055)/1.055, 2.4);
		if (g<0.04045) g=g/12.92; else g=pow((g+0.055)/1.055, 2.4);
		if (b<0.04045) b=b/12.92; else b=pow((b+0.055)/1.055, 2.4);
		// Convert sRGB to XYZ using transformation matrix
		X = 0.4124564 * r + 0.3575761 * g + 0.1804375 * b;
		Y = 0.2126729 * r + 0.7151522 * g + 0.0721750 * b;
		Z = 0.0193339 * r + 0.1191920 * g + 0.9503041 * b;

	if (model == XYZ) {
		c[0] = toByte(X*255);
		c[1] = toByte(Y*255);
		c[2] = toByte(Z*255);
	if (model == LAB || model == LCH) {
		// Reference illuminant D65 white point
		double Xn = 0.95047;
		double Yn = 1;
		double Zn = 1.08883;
		double D = pow( 6.0 / 29.0, 3 );
		double Xfn( X / Xn ), Yfn( Y / Yn ), Zfn( Z / Zn );
		if ( Xfn > D ) Xfn = pow(Xfn,1.0/3.0); else Xfn = ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) * pow( (29.0 / 6.0), 2) * Xfn + ( 4.0 / 29.0 );
		if ( Yfn > D ) Yfn = pow(Yfn,1.0/3.0); else Yfn = ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) * pow( (29.0 / 6.0), 2) * Yfn + ( 4.0 / 29.0 );
		if ( Zfn > D ) Zfn = pow(Zfn,1.0/3.0); else Zfn = ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) * pow( (29.0 / 6.0), 2) * Zfn + ( 4.0 / 29.0 );
		L_lab = 116 * Yfn - 16;
		a_lab = 500 * (Xfn - Yfn);
		b_lab = 200 * (Yfn - Zfn);
	if (model == LAB) {
		// Convert to byte
		c[0] = toByte( L_lab * 255 / 100 );
		// Actual gamut of RGB in CIE Lab space is [0,100], [-86,98], [-107,94];
		c[1] = toByte( (a_lab + 86)  * 255 /  (86 + 98) );
		c[2] = toByte( (b_lab + 107) * 255 / (107 + 94) );
	if (model == LCH) {
		// a and b are in range [-127,128]
		a_lab = (a_lab+127) / 255;
		b_lab = (b_lab+127) / 255;
		double H = atan2(b_lab, a_lab);
		double C = sqrt(a_lab*a_lab + b_lab*b_lab);

		c[0] = toByte( L_lab * 255 / 100 );
		// H is in range [0.092, 1.37]
		c[1] = toByte( (H - 0.092) * 199 );
		// C is in range [0.533, 1.11]
		c[2] = toByte( (C - 0.533) * 440 );
	if (model == LUV) {
		// Reference illuminant D65 white point
		double Xn = 0.95047;
		double Yn = 1;
		double Zn = 1.08883;
		double D = pow( 6.0 / 29.0, 3 );
		double Yfn( Y / Yn );
		if ( Yfn > D ) Yfn = pow(Yfn,1.0/3.0); else Yfn = ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) * pow( (29.0 / 6.0), 2) * Yfn + ( 4.0 / 29.0 );
		double Xfn((4*X) / (X + 15*Y + 3*Z));
		double Zfn((9*Y) / (X + 15*Y + 3*Z));
		double Xref((4*Xn) / (Xn + 15*Yn + 3*Zn));
		double Zref((9*Yn) / (Xn + 15*Yn + 3*Zn));

		double L = 116 * Yfn - 16;
		double u = 13 * L * ( Xfn - Xref );
		double v = 13 * L * ( Zfn - Zref );
		// Convert to byte
		c[0] = toByte( L*255 / 100 );
		c[1] = toByte( u + 127 );
		c[2] = toByte( v + 127 );
	if (model == L1L2L3) {
		// See: Gevers and Smeulders "Color-based object recognition" (1999)
		int d1 = (R-G)*(R-G);
		int d2 = (R-B)*(R-B);
		int d3 = (G-B)*(G-B);
		double l1 = double(d1) / (d1+d2+d3);
		double l2 = double(d2) / (d1+d2+d3);
		double l3 = double(d3) / (d1+d2+d3);
		c[0] = toByte(l1);
		c[1] = toByte(l2);
		c[2] = toByte(l3);