Example #1
static void TestBreakIteratorRuleError() {
 *  TestBreakIteratorRuleError -   Try to create a BI from rules with syntax errors,
 *                                 check that the error is reported correctly.
    char            rules[]  = "           #  This is a rule comment on line 1\n"
                               "[:L:];     # this rule is OK.\n"
                               "abcdefg);  # Error, mismatched parens\n";
    UChar          *uRules;
    void           *freeHook = NULL;
    UErrorCode      status   = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UParseError     parseErr;
    UBreakIterator *bi;

    uRules = toUChar(rules, &freeHook);
    bi = ubrk_openRules(uRules,  -1,          /*  The rules  */
                        NULL,  -1,            /*  The text to be iterated over. */
                        &parseErr, &status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        log_err("FAIL: construction of break iterator succeeded when it should have failed.\n");
    } else {
        if (parseErr.line != 3 || parseErr.offset != 8) {
            log_data_err("FAIL: incorrect error position reported. Got line %d, char %d, expected line 3, char 7 (Are you missing data?)\n",
                parseErr.line, parseErr.offset);
Example #2
 *  TestBreakIteratorRules - Verify that a break iterator can be created from
 *                           a set of source rules.
static void TestBreakIteratorRules() {
    /*  Rules will keep together any run of letters not including 'a', OR
     *             keep together 'abc', but only when followed by 'def', OTHERWISE
     *             just return one char at a time.
    char         rules[]  = "abc{666}/def;\n   [\\p{L} - [a]]* {2};  . {1};";
    /*                        0123456789012345678 */
    char         data[]   =  "abcdex abcdefgh-def";     /* the test data string                     */
    char         breaks[] =  "**    **  *    **  *";    /*  * the expected break positions          */
    char         tags[]   =  "01    21  6    21  2";    /*  expected tag values at break positions  */
    int32_t      tagMap[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 666};

    UChar       *uData;
    void        *freeHook = NULL;
    UErrorCode   status   = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t      pos;
    int          i;

    UBreakIterator *bi = testOpenRules(rules);
    if (bi == NULL) {return;}
    uData = toUChar(data, &freeHook);
    ubrk_setText(bi,  uData, -1, &status);

    pos = ubrk_first(bi);
    for (i=0; i<sizeof(breaks); i++) {
        if (pos == i && breaks[i] != '*') {
            log_err("FAIL: unexpected break at position %d found\n", pos);
        if (pos != i && breaks[i] == '*') {
            log_err("FAIL: expected break at position %d not found.\n", i);
        if (pos == i) {
            int32_t tag, expectedTag;
            tag = ubrk_getRuleStatus(bi);
            expectedTag = tagMap[tags[i]&0xf];
            if (tag != expectedTag) {
                log_err("FAIL: incorrect tag value.  Position = %d;  expected tag %d, got %d",
                    pos, expectedTag, tag);
            pos = ubrk_next(bi);

Example #3
//  Open a break iterator from char * rules.  Take care of conversion
//     of the rules and error checking.
static UBreakIterator * testOpenRules(char *rules) {
    UErrorCode      status       = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar          *ruleSourceU  = NULL;
    void           *strCleanUp   = NULL;
    UParseError     parseErr;
    UBreakIterator *bi;

    ruleSourceU = toUChar(rules, &strCleanUp);

    bi = ubrk_openRules(ruleSourceU,  -1,     /*  The rules  */
                        NULL,  -1,            /*  The text to be iterated over. */
                        &parseErr, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("FAIL: ubrk_openRules: ICU Error \"%s\" (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));
        bi = 0;
    return bi;

void ColourValue::writeRGB (unsigned char *& buffer)
	*buffer++ = toUChar (r);
	*buffer++ = toUChar (g);
	*buffer++ = toUChar (b);
static inline UChar min8S ( Char xx, Char yy )
   return toUChar((xx < yy) ? xx : yy);
static inline UChar max8S ( Char xx, Char yy )
   return toUChar((xx > yy) ? xx : yy);