Example #1
static int cfun_ai_execute_attack(lua_State *L)
	int index = 1;
	if (false) {
		return luaL_typerror(L, index, "location (unit/integers)");

	ai::readonly_context &context = get_readonly_context(L);

	int side = context.get_side();
	map_location attacker, defender;
	if (!to_map_location(L, index, attacker)) goto error_call_destructors;
	if (!to_map_location(L, index, defender)) goto error_call_destructors;

	int attacker_weapon = -1;//-1 means 'select what is best'
	double aggression = context.get_aggression();//use the aggression from the context

	if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, index+1) && lua_isnumber(L,index+1)) {
		aggression = lua_tonumber(L, index+1);

	if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, index)) {
		attacker_weapon = lua_tointeger(L, index);

	ai::attack_result_ptr attack_result = ai::actions::execute_attack_action(side,true,attacker,defender,attacker_weapon,aggression);
	return transform_ai_action(L,attack_result);
Example #2
static int ai_move(lua_State *L, bool exec, bool remove_movement)
	int index = 1;
	if (false) {
		return luaL_typerror(L, index, "location (unit/integers)");

	int side = get_readonly_context(L).get_side();
	map_location from, to;
	if (!to_map_location(L, index, from)) goto error_call_destructors;
	if (!to_map_location(L, index, to)) goto error_call_destructors;
	bool unreach_is_ok = false;
	if (lua_isboolean(L, index)) {
		unreach_is_ok = lua_toboolean(L, index);
	ai::move_result_ptr move_result = ai::actions::execute_move_action(side,exec,from,to,remove_movement, unreach_is_ok);
	return transform_ai_action(L,move_result);
Example #3
static int ai_attack(lua_State *L, bool exec)
	int index = 1;
	if (false) {
		return luaL_typerror(L, index, "location (unit/integers)");

	ai::readonly_context &context = get_readonly_context(L);

	int side = context.get_side();
	map_location attacker, defender;
	if (!to_map_location(L, index, attacker)) goto error_call_destructors;
	if (!to_map_location(L, index, defender)) goto error_call_destructors;

	int attacker_weapon = -1;//-1 means 'select what is best'
	double aggression = context.get_aggression();//use the aggression from the context

	if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, index)) {
		attacker_weapon = lua_tointeger(L, index);
		if (attacker_weapon != -1) {
			attacker_weapon--;	// Done for consistency of the Lua style

	//TODO: Right now, aggression is used by the attack execution functions to determine the weapon to be used.
	// If a decision is made to expand the function that determines the weapon, this block must be refactored
	// to parse aggression if a single int is on the stack, or create a table of parameters, if a table is on the
	// stack.
	if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, index + 1) && lua_isnumber(L,index + 1)) {
		aggression = lua_tonumber(L, index + 1);

	unit_advancements_aspect advancements = context.get_advancements();
	ai::attack_result_ptr attack_result = ai::actions::execute_attack_action(side,exec,attacker,defender,attacker_weapon,aggression,advancements);
	return transform_ai_action(L,attack_result);
Example #4
static int ai_stopunit_select(lua_State *L, bool exec, bool remove_movement, bool remove_attacks)
	int index = 1;
	if (false) {
		return luaL_typerror(L, index, "location (unit/integers)");

	int side = get_readonly_context(L).get_side();
	map_location loc;
	if (!to_map_location(L, index, loc)) goto error_call_destructors;

	ai::stopunit_result_ptr stopunit_result = ai::actions::execute_stopunit_action(side,exec,loc,remove_movement,remove_attacks);
	return transform_ai_action(L,stopunit_result);