/* * Move its own task state to wait state */ SYSCALL ER _tk_slp_tsk( TMO tmout ) { return _tk_slp_tsk_u(to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Wait for task event */ SYSCALL INT _tk_wai_tev( INT waiptn, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_wai_tev_u(waiptn, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Send to message buffer */ SYSCALL ER _tk_snd_mbf( ID mbfid, CONST void *msg, INT msgsz, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_snd_mbf_u(mbfid, msg, msgsz, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Receive from message buffer */ SYSCALL INT _tk_rcv_mbf( ID mbfid, void *msg, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_rcv_mbf_u(mbfid, msg, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Call rendezvous */ SYSCALL INT _tk_cal_por( ID porid, UINT calptn, void *msg, INT cmsgsz, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_cal_por_u(porid, calptn, msg, cmsgsz, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Accept rendezvous */ SYSCALL INT _tk_acp_por( ID porid, UINT acpptn, RNO *p_rdvno, void *msg, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_acp_por_u(porid, acpptn, p_rdvno, msg, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Receive from mailbox */ SYSCALL ER _tk_rcv_mbx( ID mbxid, T_MSG **ppk_msg, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_rcv_mbx_u(mbxid, ppk_msg, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Lock mutex */ SYSCALL ER _tk_loc_mtx( ID mtxid, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_loc_mtx_u(mtxid, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Get variable size memory block */ SYSCALL ER _tk_get_mpl( ID mplid, INT blksz, void **p_blk, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_get_mpl_u(mplid, blksz, p_blk, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Request completion wait */ EXPORT ID _tk_wai_dev( ID dd, ID reqid, W *asize, ER *ioer, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_wai_dev_u(dd, reqid, asize, ioer, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }
/* * Start writing to device */ EXPORT ID _tk_wri_dev( ID dd, W start, CONST void *buf, W size, TMO tmout ) { return _tk_wri_dev_du(dd, start, buf, size, to_usec_tmo(tmout)); }