int config_parse_file(server *srv, config_t *context, const char *fn) { tokenizer_t t; stream s; int ret; conf_buffer *filename; if (buffer_is_empty(context->basedir) && (fn[0] == '/' || fn[0] == '\\') && (fn[0] == '.' && (fn[1] == '/' || fn[1] == '\\'))) { filename = buffer_init_string(fn); } else { filename = buffer_init_buffer(context->basedir); buffer_append_string(filename, fn); } if (0 != stream_open(&s, filename->ptr)) { if (s.size == 0) { /* the file was empty, nothing to parse */ ret = 0; } else { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbss", "opening configfile ", filename, "failed:", strerror(errno)); ret = -1; } } else { tokenizer_init(&t, filename, s.start, s.size); ret = config_parse(srv, context, &t); } stream_close(&s); buffer_free(filename); return ret; }
int config_parse_cmd(server *srv, config_t *context, const char *cmd) { tokenizer_t t; int ret; buffer *source; buffer *out; char *oldpwd; if (NULL == (oldpwd = getCWD())) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "cannot get cwd", strerror(errno)); return -1; } source = buffer_init_string(cmd); out = buffer_init(); if (!buffer_is_empty(context->basedir)) { chdir(context->basedir->ptr); } if (0 != proc_open_buffer(cmd, NULL, out, NULL)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbss", "opening", source, "failed:", strerror(errno)); ret = -1; } else { tokenizer_init(&t, source, out->ptr, out->used); ret = config_parse(srv, context, &t); } buffer_free(source); buffer_free(out); chdir(oldpwd); free(oldpwd); return ret; }
local size_t sentencizer_next(struct mascara *imp, struct mr_token **tks) { struct sentencizer *szr = (struct sentencizer *)imp; struct sentence *sent = &szr->sent; assert(szr->str && "text no set"); sentence_clear(sent); size_t len; const unsigned char *last_period; const unsigned char *str = next_sentence(szr, &len, &last_period); if (!str) { *tks = NULL; return 0; } size_t offset_incr = szr->offset_incr + str - szr->str; struct tokenizer tkr; tokenizer_init(&tkr, szr->vtab); tokenizer_set_text(&tkr.base, str, len, offset_incr); struct mr_token *tk; while (tokenizer_next(&tkr.base, &tk)) { if (tk->str == (const char *)last_period || !sentencizer_reattach_period(sent, tk)) { sentence_add(sent, tk); if (sent->len == MR_MAX_SENTENCE_LEN) { szr->p = (const unsigned char *)tk->str + tk->len; break; } } } *tks = sent->tokens; return sent->len; }
//void ubasic_init(const char *program) void ubasic_init(char *program) { program_ptr = program; for_stack_ptr = gosub_stack_ptr = 0; tokenizer_init(program_ptr); ended = 0; ErrLine = 0; }
//static void run_statement(void) void run_statement(void) { accept(TOKENIZER_RUN); accept(TOKENIZER_CR); program_ptr = BASICBUF; for_stack_ptr = gosub_stack_ptr = 0; tokenizer_init(program_ptr); ended = 0; }
float evaluate(char *expression_string) { last_error = NULL; tokenizer_init( expression_string ); get_sym(); float result = expression(); expect(T_EOF); return result; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ubasic_init(const char *program) { program_ptr = program; for_stack_ptr = gosub_stack_ptr = 0; index_free(); tokenizer_init(program); ended = 0; }
/** * Umschalten des Programm-Kontextes * \param p_name Programmname */ void switch_proc(char * p_name) { botfs_file_descr_t new_prog; if (botfs_open(p_name, &new_prog, BOTFS_MODE_r, GET_MMC_BUFFER(ubasic_buffer)) != 0) { tokenizer_error_print(current_linenum, UNKNOWN_SUBPROC); ubasic_break(); } else { bot_ubasic_load_file(p_name, &new_prog); program_ptr = 0; tokenizer_init(program_ptr); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ubasic_init_peek_poke(const char *program, peek_func peek, poke_func poke) { program_ptr = program; for_stack_ptr = gosub_stack_ptr = 0; index_free(); peek_function = peek; poke_function = poke; tokenizer_init(program); ended = 0; }
void assembler_init(const char *in_file) { char *f_buffer = f_load_file(in_file); if (f_buffer == NULL) { printf("compiler error: error on opening input file ...\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ASM_DESCR.MAIN_FILE = f_process_file(f_buffer); fmt_init(); tokenizer_init(); parser_init(); icl_init(); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ubasic_init(const char *program) { int i; program_ptr = program; for_stack_ptr = gosub_stack_ptr = 0; index_free(); tokenizer_init(program); data_position = program_ptr; data_seek = 1; ended = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRING; i++) strings[i] = nullstr; }
int highlight_node(const char *filename, struct buffer *buf) { int ret; int length = 0; int lasttype = -1; struct ibuf *ibuf = ibuf_init(); struct tokenizer *t = tokenizer_init(); if (tokenizer_set_file(t, filename, buf->language) == -1) { if_print_message("%s:%d tokenizer_set_file error", __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } while ((ret = tokenizer_get_token(t)) > 0) { enum tokenizer_type e = tokenizer_get_packet_type(t); /*if_print_message ( "TOKEN(%d:%s)\n", e, tokenizer_get_printable_enum ( e ) ); */ if (e == TOKENIZER_NEWLINE) { sbpush(buf->tlines, strdup(ibuf_get(ibuf))); if (length > buf->max_width) buf->max_width = length; length = 0; lasttype = -1; ibuf_clear(ibuf); } else { const char *tok_data = tokenizer_get_data(t); enum hl_group_kind hlg = hlg_from_tokenizer_type(e, tok_data); if (hlg == HLG_LAST) { logger_write_pos(logger, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Bad hlg_type for '%s', e==%d\n", tok_data, e); hlg = HLG_TEXT; } /* Set the highlight group type */ add_type(ibuf, &lasttype, hlg); /* Add the text and bump our length */ length += ibuf_add(ibuf, tok_data); } } ibuf_free(ibuf); tokenizer_destroy(t); return 0; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void jump_linenum_slow(int linenum) { tokenizer_init(program_ptr); while(tokenizer_num() != linenum) { do { do { tokenizer_next(); } while(current_token != TOKENIZER_CR && current_token != TOKENIZER_ENDOFINPUT); if(current_token == TOKENIZER_CR) { tokenizer_next(); } } while(current_token != TOKENIZER_NUMBER); DEBUG_PRINTF("jump_linenum_slow: Found line %d\n", tokenizer_num()); } }
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) { static char* testinp = "First sentence. Second nice sentence. Is this all? No, this is the end!"; char* output; int outlen; t_tokenizer mytokenizer; int i; printf("Input='%s'\n", testinp); printf("Initializing... "); i = tokenizer_init(&mytokenizer); printf("Done(%d)\n", i); tokenizer_tokenize(mytokenizer, testinp, &output, &outlen); printf("Output(%d)='%s'\n", outlen, output); free(output); tokenizer_destroy(mytokenizer); return 0; }
//static void jump_linenum(int linenum) void jump_linenum(int linenum) { ptr = BASICBUF; nextptr = ptr; tokenizer_init(ptr); while(tokenizer_num() != linenum) { do { do { tokenizer_next(); } while(tokenizer_token() != TOKENIZER_CR && tokenizer_token() != TOKENIZER_ENDOFINPUT); if(tokenizer_token() == TOKENIZER_CR) { tokenizer_next(); } if(tokenizer_token() == TOKENIZER_ENDOFINPUT){ ended = 1; return; } } while(tokenizer_token() != TOKENIZER_NUMBER); } }
static void jump_linenum (int linenum) { FILE *original; int finished; /* Not only does this verify whether the scanner finished, if it has finished, it additionally closes the stream. */ finished = tokenizer_finished(); /* We save this copy in case the scanner wasn't finished. */ original = io_handle(); /* Start a new scanner from the beginning of the file. */ tokenizer_init(io_file()); reset(T_ERROR); io_reset(); /* Search for linenum. */ find_linenum(linenum); /* If the search ended at EOF, linenum could not be found! */ if (tokenizer_finished()) { dprintf( "*warning: could not jump to `%d'\n", E_WARNING, linenum); /* Set back to original stream */ io_set(io_file(), original); /* Prepare scanner to continue. */ if (!finished) { reset(T_NUMBER); io_reset(); io_next(); } } }
void parser_push(const context_t *ctx, const line_t *line) { position_t *pos = line->position; // is the first block already set? if (p->blk == NULL) { p->blk = block_init(NULL, pos); } statement_t *stmt = new_statement(ctx); const operation_t *op = NULL; const char *name = NULL; label_t *label = NULL; // allow the tokenizer to fold comma into ",x" etc addressing mode tokens int allow_index = 0; // tokenize the line pstate_t state = P_INIT; tokenizer_t *tok = tokenizer_init(line->line); while (tokenizer_next(tok, allow_index)) { switch(state) { case P_OP: if (tok->type == T_TOKEN && tok->vals.op == OP_COLON) { // accept after label // continue to next stmt->type = S_LABEQPC; statement_push(stmt); stmt = new_statement(ctx); state = P_INIT; break; } if (tok->type == T_TOKEN && tok->vals.op == OP_ASSIGN) { // after label, that's a label value definition stmt->type = S_LABDEF; // next define the label from param state = P_PARAM; break; } // fall-through! case P_INIT: switch(tok->type) { case T_NAME: name = mem_alloc_strn(tok->line + tok->ptr, tok->len); op = operation_find(name); if (op != NULL) { // check if the operation is compatible with the current CPU if (0 == (ctx->cpu->isa & op->isa)) { // TODO: config for either no message or error warn_operation_not_for_cpu(pos, name, ctx->cpu->name); op = NULL; } } if (op == NULL) { // label // TODO: redefinition? label = label_init(ctx, name, pos); if (state == P_OP) { // we already had a label stmt->type = S_LABEQPC; statement_push(stmt); stmt = new_statement(ctx); } stmt->label = label; // expect operation next (but accept labels too) state = P_OP; } else { // operation stmt->op = op; state = P_PARAM; } break; default: // syntax error error_syntax(pos); goto end; break; } break; case P_PARAM: // parse parameters arith_parse(tok, allow_index, &stmt->param); break; default: error_syntax(pos); goto end; break; }; } statement_push(stmt); end: tokenizer_free(tok); }
static int highlight_node ( struct list_node *node ) { struct tokenizer *t = tokenizer_init (); int ret; struct ibuf *ibuf = ibuf_init (); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TEXT ); /* Initialize */ node->buf.length = 0; node->buf.tlines = NULL; node->buf.max_width = 0; if ( tokenizer_set_file ( t, node->path, node->language ) == -1 ) { if_print_message ("%s:%d tokenizer_set_file error", __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } while ( ( ret = tokenizer_get_token ( t ) ) > 0 ) { enum tokenizer_type e = tokenizer_get_packet_type ( t ); /*if_print_message ( "TOKEN(%d:%s)\n", e, tokenizer_get_printable_enum ( e ) );*/ switch ( e ) { case TOKENIZER_KEYWORD: ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_KEYWORD ); ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TEXT ); break; case TOKENIZER_TYPE: ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TYPE ); ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TEXT ); break; case TOKENIZER_LITERAL: ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_LITERAL ); ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TEXT ); break; case TOKENIZER_NUMBER: ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); break; case TOKENIZER_COMMENT: ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_COMMENT ); ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TEXT ); break; case TOKENIZER_DIRECTIVE: ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_DIRECTIVE ); ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TEXT ); break; case TOKENIZER_TEXT: ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); break; case TOKENIZER_NEWLINE: node->buf.length++; node->buf.tlines = realloc ( node->buf.tlines, sizeof ( char *) * node->buf.length ); node->buf.tlines[node->buf.length-1] = strdup ( ibuf_get ( ibuf ) ); if ( ibuf_length ( ibuf ) > node->buf.max_width ) node->buf.max_width = ibuf_length ( ibuf ); ibuf_clear ( ibuf ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HL_CHAR ); ibuf_addchar ( ibuf, HLG_TEXT ); break; case TOKENIZER_ERROR: ibuf_add ( ibuf, tokenizer_get_data ( t ) ); break; default: return -1; break; } } return 0; }
static int highlight_node(struct list_node *node) { int i; int ret; int line = 0; int length = 0; int lasttype = -1; struct token_data tok_data; struct tokenizer *t = tokenizer_init(); struct buffer *buf = &node->file_buf; for (i = 0; i < sbcount(buf->lines); i++) { sbfree(buf->lines[i].attrs); buf->lines[i].attrs = NULL; } if (!buf->file_data) { for (line = 0; line < sbcount(buf->lines); line++) { struct source_line *sline = &buf->lines[line]; tokenizer_set_buffer(t, sline->line, buf->language); length = 0; lasttype = -1; while ((ret = tokenizer_get_token(t, &tok_data)) > 0) { if (tok_data.e == TOKENIZER_NEWLINE) break; enum hl_group_kind hlg = hlg_from_tokenizer_type(tok_data.e,; /* Add attribute if highlight group has changed */ if (lasttype != hlg) { sbpush(buf->lines[line].attrs, hl_line_attr(length, hlg)); lasttype = hlg; } /* Add the text and bump our length */ length += strlen(; } } } else { if (tokenizer_set_buffer(t, buf->file_data, buf->language) == -1) { if_print_message("%s:%d tokenizer_set_buffer error", __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } while ((ret = tokenizer_get_token(t, &tok_data)) > 0) { if (tok_data.e == TOKENIZER_NEWLINE) { if (length > buf->max_width) buf->max_width = length; length = 0; lasttype = -1; line++; } else { enum hl_group_kind hlg = hlg_from_tokenizer_type(tok_data.e,; if (hlg == HLG_LAST) { clog_error(CLOG_CGDB, "Bad hlg_type for '%s', e==%d\n",, tok_data.e); hlg = HLG_TEXT; } /* Add attribute if highlight group has changed */ if (lasttype != hlg) { sbpush(buf->lines[line].attrs, hl_line_attr(length, hlg)); lasttype = hlg; } /* Add the text and bump our length */ length += strlen(; } } } tokenizer_destroy(t); return 0; }
void vvtbi_init (const char *source) { tokenizer_init(source); /* initialize the variable container. */ memset(variables, 0, VVTBI_VARIABLES); }