Example #1
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Add or modify entries from an LDAP server\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options]\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("	The list of desired operations are read from stdin"
		" or from the file\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("	specified by \"-f file\".\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("Add or modify options:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -a         add values (%s)\n"),
		(ldapadd ? _("default") : _("default is to replace")));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -E [!]ext=extparam	modify extensions"
		" (! indicate s criticality)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -f file    read operations from `file'\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -P version protocol version (default: 3)\n"));
#ifdef LDAP_X_TXN
 	fprintf( stderr,
		_("             [!]txn=<commit|abort>         (transaction)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -S file    write skipped modifications to `file'\n"));

	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Example #2
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Issue LDAP Who am I? operation to request user's authzid\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options]\n"), prog);
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Example #3
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Issue LDAP extended operations\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options] <oid|oid:data|oid::b64data>\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("       %s [options] whoami\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("       %s [options] cancel <id>\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("       %s [options] refresh <DN> [<ttl>]\n"), prog);
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Delete entries from an LDAP server\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options] [dn]...\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("	dn: list of DNs to delete. If not given, it will be readed from stdin\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("	    or from the file specified with \"-f file\".\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("Delete Options:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -r         delete recursively\n"));
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Example #5
usage( void )
    fprintf( stderr,
             "Rename LDAP entries\n\n"
             "usage: %s [options] [dn rdn]\n"
             "	dn rdn: If given, rdn will replace the RDN of the entry specified by DN\n"
             "		If not given, the list of modifications is read from stdin or\n"
             "		from the file specified by \"-f file\" (see man page).\n"
             "Rename options:\n"
             "  -r         remove old RDN\n"
             "  -s newsup  new superior entry\n"
             , prog );
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Example #6
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Delete entries from an LDAP server\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options] [dn]...\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("	dn: list of DNs to delete. If not given, it will be readed from stdin\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("	    or from the file specified with \"-f file\".\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("Delete Options:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -f file    read operations from `file'\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -P version protocol version (default: 3)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -r         delete recursively\n"));
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Change password of an LDAP user\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr,_("usage: %s [options] [user]\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("  user: the authentication identity, commonly a DN\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("Password change options:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -a secret  old password\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -A         prompt for old password\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -t file    read file for old password\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -s secret  new password\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -S         prompt for new password\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -T file    read file for new password\n"));
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Example #8
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Rename LDAP entries\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options] [dn rdn]\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("	dn rdn: If given, rdn will replace the RDN of the entry specified by DN\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("		If not given, the list of modifications is read from stdin or\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("		from the file specified by \"-f file\" (see man page).\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("Rename options:\n"));
 	fprintf( stderr, _("  -c         continuous operation mode (do not stop on errors)\n"));
 	fprintf( stderr, _("  -f file    read operations from `file'\n"));
 	fprintf( stderr, _("  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)\n"));
 	fprintf( stderr, _("  -P version protocol version (default: 3)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -r		 remove old RDN\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -s newsup  new superior entry\n"));
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Example #9
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options] DN <attr:value|attr::b64value>\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("where:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  DN\tDistinguished Name\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  attr\tassertion attribute\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  value\tassertion value\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  b64value\tbase64 encoding of assertion value\n"));

	fprintf( stderr, _("Compare options:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -E [!]<ext>[=<extparam>] compare extensions (! indicates criticality)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("             !dontUseCopy                (Don't Use Copy)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -M         enable Manage DSA IT control (-MM to make critical)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -P version protocol version (default: 3)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("  -z         Quiet mode,"
		" don't print anything, use return values\n"));
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Example #10
usage( void )
	fprintf( stderr, _("Issue LDAP Verify Credentials operation to verify a user's credentials\n\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("usage: %s [options] [DN [cred]])\n"), prog);
	fprintf( stderr, _("where:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    DN\tDistinguished Name\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    cred\tCredentials (prompt if not present)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("options:\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -a\tRequest AuthzId\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -b\tRequest Password Policy Information\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -E sasl=(a[utomatic]|i[nteractive]|q[uiet]>\tSASL mode (defaults to automatic if any other -E option provided, otherwise none))\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -E mech=<mech>\tSASL mechanism (default "" e.g. Simple)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -E realm=<realm>\tSASL Realm (defaults to none)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -E authcid=<authcid>\tSASL Authenication Identity (defaults to USER)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -E authzid=<authzid>\tSASL Authorization Identity (defaults to none)\n"));
	fprintf( stderr, _("    -E secprops=<secprops>\tSASL Security Properties (defaults to none)\n"));
	exit( EXIT_FAILURE );