Example #1
static GObject *
constructor (GType type,
             guint n_props,
             GObjectConstructParam *props)
  GObject *object =
      G_OBJECT_CLASS (example_echo_channel_parent_class)->constructor (type,
          n_props, props);
  ExampleEchoChannel *self = EXAMPLE_ECHO_CHANNEL (object);
  TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles
      (self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT);

  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (
      tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon (self->priv->conn),
      self->priv->object_path, self);

  tp_text_mixin_init (object, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ExampleEchoChannel, text),

  tp_text_mixin_set_message_types (object,

  return object;
Example #2
static void
constructed (GObject *object)
  ExampleContactListBase *self = EXAMPLE_CONTACT_LIST_BASE (object);
  void (*chain_up) (GObject *) =
    ((GObjectClass *) example_contact_list_base_parent_class)->constructed;
  TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles
      (self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT);
  TpHandle self_handle = self->priv->conn->self_handle;
  TpHandleRepoIface *handle_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles
      (self->priv->conn, self->priv->handle_type);

  if (chain_up != NULL)
    chain_up (object);

  g_assert (TP_IS_BASE_CONNECTION (self->priv->conn));
  g_assert (EXAMPLE_IS_CONTACT_LIST_MANAGER (self->priv->manager));

  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (
      tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon (self->priv->conn),
      self->priv->object_path, self);

  tp_handle_ref (handle_repo, self->priv->handle);
  tp_group_mixin_init (object, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ExampleContactListBase, group),
      contact_repo, self_handle);
  /* Both the subclasses have full support for telepathy-spec 0.17.6. */
  tp_group_mixin_change_flags (object,
Example #3
static void
constructed (GObject *object)
  ExampleCallStream *self = EXAMPLE_CALL_STREAM (object);
  void (*chain_up) (GObject *) =
      ((GObjectClass *) example_call_stream_parent_class)->constructed;

  if (chain_up != NULL)
    chain_up (object);

  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (
      tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon (self->priv->conn),
      self->priv->object_path, self);

  if (self->priv->locally_requested)
      example_call_stream_change_direction (self, TRUE, TRUE);
      example_call_stream_receive_direction_request (self, TRUE, TRUE);

  if (self->priv->handle != 0)
      TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles (
          self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT);

      tp_handle_ref (contact_repo, self->priv->handle);
static void
tp_base_call_stream_constructed (GObject *obj)
  TpBaseCallStream *self = TP_BASE_CALL_STREAM (obj);
  TpDBusDaemon *bus = tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon (
      (TpBaseConnection *) self->priv->conn);

  if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->constructed != NULL)
    G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_base_call_stream_parent_class)->constructed (obj);

  /* register object on the bus */
  DEBUG ("Registering %s", self->priv->object_path);
  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (bus, self->priv->object_path, obj);
Example #5
static void
empathy_chat_manager_constructed (GObject *obj)
  TpDBusDaemon *dbus_daemon;

  dbus_daemon = tp_dbus_daemon_dup (NULL);

  if (dbus_daemon != NULL)
      tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (dbus_daemon,
          "/org/gnome/Empathy/ChatManager", obj);

      g_object_unref (dbus_daemon);
static GObject *
constructor (GType type,
             guint n_props,
             GObjectConstructParam *props)
  GObject *object =
      G_OBJECT_CLASS (tp_tests_text_channel_group_parent_class)->constructor (type,
          n_props, props);
  TpTestsTextChannelGroup *self = TP_TESTS_TEXT_CHANNEL_GROUP (object);
  TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles
      (self->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT);
  TpChannelGroupFlags flags = 0;

  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (
      tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon (self->conn),
      self->priv->object_path, self);

  tp_text_mixin_init (object, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (TpTestsTextChannelGroup, text),

  tp_text_mixin_set_message_types (object,

  if (self->priv->detailed)

  if (self->priv->properties)

  tp_group_mixin_init (object, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (TpTestsTextChannelGroup, group),
      contact_repo, self->conn->self_handle);
  tp_group_mixin_change_flags (object, flags, 0);

  return object;
static gchar *
create_channel_request (TpTestsSimpleChannelDispatcher *self,
    const gchar *account,
    GHashTable *request,
    gint64 user_action_time,
    const gchar *preferred_handler)
  TpTestsSimpleChannelRequest *chan_request;
  GPtrArray *requests;
  static guint count = 0;
  gchar *path;
  TpDBusDaemon *dbus;

  requests = g_ptr_array_sized_new (1);
  g_ptr_array_add (requests, request);

  path = g_strdup_printf ("/Request%u", count++);

  chan_request = tp_tests_simple_channel_request_new (path,
      self->priv->conn, account, user_action_time, preferred_handler, requests);

  self->priv->requests = g_slist_append (self->priv->requests, chan_request);

  g_ptr_array_free (requests, TRUE);

  dbus = tp_dbus_daemon_dup (NULL);
  g_assert (dbus != NULL);

  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (dbus, path, chan_request);

  g_object_unref (dbus);

  g_signal_emit (self, signals[CHANNEL_REQUEST_CREATED], 0, chan_request);

  return path;
tp_base_connection_manager_register (TpBaseConnectionManager *self)
  GError *error = NULL;
  TpBaseConnectionManagerClass *cls;
  GString *string = NULL;
  guint i;
  GHashTableIter iter;
  gpointer name, protocol;

  g_assert (TP_IS_BASE_CONNECTION_MANAGER (self));

  if (!tp_base_connection_manager_ensure_dbus (self, &error))
    goto except;

  if (cls->protocol_params != NULL)
      for (i = 0; cls->protocol_params[i].name != NULL; i++)
          TpBaseProtocol *p = _tp_legacy_protocol_new (self,
              cls->protocol_params + i);

          tp_base_connection_manager_add_protocol (self, p);
          g_object_unref (p);

  g_assert (self->priv->dbus_daemon != NULL);

  string = g_string_new (TP_CM_BUS_NAME_BASE);
  g_string_append (string, cls->cm_dbus_name);

  if (!tp_dbus_daemon_request_name (self->priv->dbus_daemon, string->str,
        TRUE, &error))
    goto except;

  g_string_assign (string, TP_CM_OBJECT_PATH_BASE);
  g_string_append (string, cls->cm_dbus_name);
  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (self->priv->dbus_daemon, string->str, self);

  g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->protocols);

  while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &name, &protocol))
      TpBaseProtocolClass *protocol_class =
        TP_BASE_PROTOCOL_GET_CLASS (protocol);

      if (!tp_connection_manager_check_valid_protocol_name (name, &error))
          g_critical ("%s", error->message);
          goto except;

      /* don't export uninformative "stub" protocol objects on D-Bus */
      if (protocol_class->is_stub)

      g_string_assign (string, TP_CM_OBJECT_PATH_BASE);
      g_string_append (string, cls->cm_dbus_name);
      g_string_append_c (string, '/');
      g_string_append (string, name);

      g_strdelimit (string->str, "-", '_');

      tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (self->priv->dbus_daemon, string->str,

  g_string_free (string, TRUE);

  self->priv->registered = TRUE;

  return TRUE;

  WARNING ("Couldn't claim bus name. If you are trying to debug this "
      "connection manager, disable all accounts and kill any running "
      "copies of this CM, then try again. %s", error->message);
  g_error_free (error);

  if (string != NULL)
    g_string_free (string, TRUE);

  return FALSE;
Example #9
static void
constructed (GObject *object)
  void (*chain_up) (GObject *) =
      ((GObjectClass *) example_callable_media_channel_parent_class)->constructed;
  ExampleCallableMediaChannel *self = EXAMPLE_CALLABLE_MEDIA_CHANNEL (object);
  TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles
      (self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT);
  TpIntSet *members;
  TpIntSet *local_pending;

  if (chain_up != NULL)
    chain_up (object);

  tp_handle_ref (contact_repo, self->priv->handle);
  tp_handle_ref (contact_repo, self->priv->initiator);

  tp_dbus_daemon_register_object (
      tp_base_connection_get_dbus_daemon (self->priv->conn),
      self->priv->object_path, self);

  tp_group_mixin_init (object,
      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (ExampleCallableMediaChannel, group),
      contact_repo, self->priv->conn->self_handle);

  /* Initially, the channel contains the initiator as a member; they are also
   * the actor for the change that adds any initial members. */

  members = tp_intset_new_containing (self->priv->initiator);

  if (self->priv->locally_requested)
      /* Nobody is locally pending. The remote peer will turn up in
       * remote-pending state when we actually contact them, which is done
       * in RequestStreams */
      self->priv->progress = PROGRESS_NONE;
      local_pending = NULL;
      /* This is an incoming call, so the self-handle is locally
       * pending, to indicate that we need to answer. */
      self->priv->progress = PROGRESS_CALLING;
      local_pending = tp_intset_new_containing (self->priv->conn->self_handle);

  tp_group_mixin_change_members (object, "",
      members /* added */,
      NULL /* nobody removed */,
      local_pending, /* added to local-pending */
      NULL /* nobody added to remote-pending */,
      self->priv->initiator /* actor */, TP_CHANNEL_GROUP_CHANGE_REASON_NONE);
  tp_intset_destroy (members);

  if (local_pending != NULL)
    tp_intset_destroy (local_pending);

  /* We don't need to allow adding or removing members to this Group in ways
   * that need flags set, so the only flag we set is to say we support the
   * Properties interface to the Group.
   * It doesn't make sense to add anyone to the Group, since we already know
   * who we're going to call (or were called by). The only call to AddMembers
   * we need to support is to move ourselves from local-pending to member in
   * the incoming call case, and that's always allowed anyway.
   * (Connection managers that support the various backwards-compatible
   * ways to make an outgoing StreamedMedia channel have to support adding the
   * peer to remote-pending, but that has no actual effect other than to
   * obscure what's going on; in this one, there's no need to support that
   * usage.)
   * Similarly, it doesn't make sense to remove anyone from this Group apart
   * from ourselves (to hang up), and removing the SelfHandle is always
   * allowed anyway.
  tp_group_mixin_change_flags (object, TP_CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_PROPERTIES, 0);

  /* Future versions of telepathy-spec will allow a channel request to
   * say "initially include an audio stream" and/or "initially include a video
   * stream", which would be represented like this; we don't support this
   * usage yet, though, so ExampleCallableMediaManager will never invoke
   * our constructor in this way. */
  g_assert (!(self->priv->locally_requested && self->priv->initial_audio));
  g_assert (!(self->priv->locally_requested && self->priv->initial_video));

  if (!self->priv->locally_requested)
      /* the caller has almost certainly asked us for some streams - there's
       * not much point in having a call otherwise */

      if (self->priv->initial_audio)
          g_message ("Channel initially has an audio stream");
          example_callable_media_channel_add_stream (self,

      if (self->priv->initial_video)
          g_message ("Channel initially has a video stream");
          example_callable_media_channel_add_stream (self,