/************************************* * 功能: 同步发送 * * 参数: svc: 服务名 * * idata:发送数据缓冲区 * * ilen: 发送数据包长度 * * odata:接收数据缓冲区地址 * * olen: 接收数据长度的地址 * * 返回值: * * =0 成功 * * <0 失败 * **************************************/ int cslcall(char *svc,char *idata,long ilen,char **odata,long *olen) { if (tpcall(svc,idata,ilen,odata,olen,(long)0)==-1) return(0-TuxedoErrNo[tperrno].ierrno); else return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *sendbuf, *rcvbuf; long sendlen, rcvlen; char svcname[16]; int ret; if(argc != 3) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "arg:clientpetri servname sendbuf"); exit(1); } /* 作为tuxedo客户端连入tuxedo System */ if (tpinit((TPINIT *) NULL) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Tpinit failed "); exit(1); } sendlen = strlen(argv[2]); /* 使用tpalloc申请string类型buffer作为请求和应答buffer */ if((sendbuf = (char *) tpalloc("STRING", NULL, sendlen+1)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating send buffer "); tpterm(); exit(1); } if((rcvbuf = (char *) tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 1024*2)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Error allocating receive buffer "); tpfree(sendbuf); tpterm(); exit(1); } (void) strcpy(svcname, argv[1]); (void) strcpy(sendbuf, argv[2]); /* 同步调用服务 */ ret = tpcall(svcname, (char *)sendbuf, 0, (char **)&rcvbuf, &rcvlen, (long)0); if(ret == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Can't send request to service "); (void) fprintf(stderr, "Tperrno = %d ", tperrno); tpfree(sendbuf); tpfree(rcvbuf); tpterm(); exit(1); } (void) fprintf(stdout, "Returned string is: %s ", rcvbuf); /* 使用tpfree释放申请的请求和应答buffer空间 */ tpfree(sendbuf); tpfree(rcvbuf); /* 使用tpterm离开tuxedo System */ tpterm(); return(0); }
/** * Call the client process monitor with command * @return */ private int call_cpm(char *svcnm, char *cmd, char *tag, char *subsect) { UBFH *p_ub = (UBFH *)tpalloc("UBF", NULL, CPM_DEF_BUFFER_SZ); int ret=SUCCEED; long rsplen; char output[CPM_OUTPUT_SIZE]; /* Setup the call buffer... */ if (NULL==p_ub) { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "Failed to alloc FB!"); FAIL_OUT(ret); } if (SUCCEED!=Bchg(p_ub, EX_CPMTAG, 0, tag, 0L)) { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "Failed to set EX_CPMCOMMAND to %s!", tag); FAIL_OUT(ret); } if (SUCCEED!=Bchg(p_ub, EX_CPMSUBSECT, 0, subsect, 0L)) { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "Failed to set EX_CPMSUBSECT to %s!", subsect); FAIL_OUT(ret); } if (SUCCEED!=Bchg(p_ub, EX_CPMCOMMAND, 0, cmd, 0L)) { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "Failed to set EX_CPMCOMMAND to %s!", cmd); FAIL_OUT(ret); } /* Call the client admin */ if (FAIL==(ret=tpcall(svcnm, (char *)p_ub, 0L, (char **)&p_ub, &rsplen, 0L))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tpstrerror(tperrno)); } /* print the stuff we got from CPM. */ if (SUCCEED==Bget(p_ub, EX_CPMOUTPUT, 0, (char *)output, 0L)) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", output); } out: if (NULL!=p_ub) { tpfree((char *)p_ub); } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int tpstatus; char *retbuf; char type[20]; char subtype[20]; long retbufsize; char *sbuf; long sbufsize; long callflags; int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { callflags = 0L; sbufsize = 29; sbuf = tpalloc("X_OCTET", 0, sbufsize); memset(sbuf, 0, sbufsize); strcpy(sbuf, "THIS IS YOUR CLIENT SPEAKING"); retbufsize = 15; retbuf = tpalloc("X_OCTET", 0, retbufsize); memset(retbuf, 0, retbufsize); // tptypes tptypes(sbuf, type, subtype); // tpcall btlogger((char*) "Calling tpcall with input: %s", sbuf); tpstatus = tpcall("FOOAPP", sbuf, sbufsize, (char **) &retbuf, &retbufsize, callflags); btlogger( (char*) "Called tpcall with length: %d output: %s and status: %d and tperrno: %d", retbufsize, retbuf, tpstatus, tperrno); if (tpstatus == -1 && tperrno == TPENOENT) { tpfree(sbuf); tpfree(retbuf); return -1; } tpfree(sbuf); tpfree(retbuf); } return 0; }
void P_GET_TRANSINFO(TPSVCINFO *rqst) { long drawID = 0; int iRet = 0; char swsnaddr[30]; char *allrcvbuf = NULL; char *rcvbuf = NULL; FBFR32 *sendbuf; FBFR32 *recvbuf; char *sendstring; char *sendbuf2=NULL; int iLen = rqst->len; long i; sendstring = new char[iLen]; memset(sendstring,'\0',iLen); sendbuf2 = (char *) tpalloc("STRING", NULL, MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); //char *sendbuf = NULL; long lRecLen = 0; string s_rcvbuff; char cRouteKey[30]; char tmpBuff[30]; memset(swsnaddr,0,sizeof(swsnaddr)); allrcvbuf = tpalloc("STRING",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); //rcvbuf = tpalloc("STRING",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); if ((sendbuf = (FBFR32 *)tpalloc("FML32",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN)) == NULL) { sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=sendbuf err>"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } if ((recvbuf = (FBFR32 *)tpalloc("FML32",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN)) == NULL) { sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=recvbuf err>"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } //sendbuf = tpalloc("STRING",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); memset(sendstring,0,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); s_rcvbuff.clear(); memcpy(sendstring, rqst->data, iLen); sendstring[iLen] = 0; TrimHeadNull(sendstring,iLen); ::PETRI::P_RECVBUFF.reset(); ::PETRI::P_RECVBUFF.parseBuff(sendstring); drawID = (long) ::PETRI::P_RECVBUFF.getDrawID(); vector<long> transList; transList.clear(); TOCIQuery query (::PETRI::P_DB.getDB()); try { string sql = "SELECT TRANSITION_ID FROM P_TRANSITION_ATTR WHERE DRAW_ID= :DRAWID AND EXE_STATE = 'R'"; query.close(); query.setSQL(sql.c_str()); query.setParameter("DRAWID",drawID); query.open(); while(query.next()) { transList.push_back(query.field(0).asLong()); } query.close(); query.commit(); } catch (TOCIException& toe) { query.close(); query.commit(); sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=Get Transition of The Draw Error! %s>",toe.getErrMsg()); tpfree(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } catch (...) { query.close(); query.commit(); sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=Get Transition of The Draw Error!> other error"); tpfree(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); }; if (0 == transList.size()){ memset(sendbuf2,0,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); tpfree(rcvbuf); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); query.commit(); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } for (int idx = 0;idx <transList.size();idx ++ ) { try { string sql = "select b.wsnaddr from P_TRANSITION_HOST_INFO a, WF_HOST_WSNADDR b where a.wsnaddr_id = b.wsnaddr_id and a.transition_id = :TRANSID"; query.close(); query.setSQL(sql.c_str()); query.setParameter("TRANSID",transList[idx]); query.open(); while(query.next()) { strcpy( swsnaddr,query.field(0).asString() ); } query.close(); string sql2 = "select HOST_AREA||HOST_DOMAIN from P_TRANSITION_HOST_INFO where transition_id = :TRANSID"; query.close(); query.setSQL(sql2.c_str()); query.setParameter("TRANSID",transList[idx]); query.open(); while(query.next()) { strcpy( tmpBuff,query.field(0).asString()); } query.close(); query.commit(); }catch (TOCIException & toe){ sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><lTransitionID=%ld><sMsg=get WSNADDR err:%s>",transList[idx],toe.getErrMsg()); query.close(); query.commit(); } catch(...) { sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><lTransitionID=%ld><sMsg=get WSNADDR other err>",transList[idx]); query.close(); query.commit(); } if(0 == swsnaddr[0]){ sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><lTransitionID=%ld><sMsg=Transition have no WSNADDR >",transList[idx]); } /* iRet = setenv("WSNADDR",swsnaddr,1); if( -1 == iRet){ sprintf(rcvbuf,"<iResult=1><lTransitionID=%ld><sMsg=set WSNADDR fail>",transList[idx]); }; */ sprintf(sendbuf2,"<lTransitionID=%ld>%s\0",transList[idx],sendstring); strcpy(cRouteKey, tmpBuff); //iRet = cslfput(&sendbuf,ROUTE_KEY,0,cRouteKey); //iRet = Fchg32(&sendbuf,ROUTE_KEY,0,(char*)cRouteKey,(FLDLEN32)10); strcpy(cRouteKey, tmpBuff); iRet = Fchg32(sendbuf,ROUTE_KEY,0,(char *)cRouteKey,0); //iRet = Fchg32((FBFR32*)(&sendbuf),ROUTE_KEY,0,(char*)cRouteKey,(FLDLEN32)20); if(iRet < 0) { userlog("cRouteKey=[%s],iRet=[%d]",cRouteKey,iRet); sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=cslfput to ROUTE_KEY is error>\0"); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } iRet = Fchg32(sendbuf,SEND_STRING,0,(char *)sendbuf2,0); if(iRet < 0) { userlog("sendstring=[%s],iRet=[%d]",sendstring,iRet); sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=cslfput to SEND_STRING is error>\0"); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } iRet = tpcall("P_G_T_LOCAL",(char *)sendbuf,0,(char **)&recvbuf,&lRecLen,0); if (iRet < 0){ sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><lTransitionID=%ld><sMsg=call localsvc err,tperrno:%d>\0",transList[idx],tperrno); } userlog(sendbuf2); s_rcvbuff = s_rcvbuff + "$" + sendbuf2; } sprintf (allrcvbuf,"%s\0",s_rcvbuff.c_str()); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,allrcvbuf,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); }
void P_CHANGE_STATUS(TPSVCINFO *rqst) { long ltransID=0; int iRet=0; char swsnaddr[30]; FBFR32 *sendbuf; FBFR32 *recvbuf; char *sendstring; char *sendbuf2=NULL; int iLen = rqst->len; long i; sendstring = new char[iLen]; memset(sendstring,'\0',iLen); sendbuf2 = (char *) tpalloc("STRING", NULL, MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); //char *rcvbuf = NULL; //char *sendbuf = NULL; long lRecLen = 0; char cRouteKey[30]; char tmpBuff[30]; memset(swsnaddr,0,sizeof(swsnaddr)); //rcvbuf = tpalloc("STRING",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); //sendbuf = tpalloc("STRING",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN); if ((sendbuf = (FBFR32 *)tpalloc("FML32",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN)) == NULL) { sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=sendbuf err>"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } if ((recvbuf = (FBFR32 *)tpalloc("FML32",NULL,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN)) == NULL) { sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=recvbuf err>"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } //int iLen = rqst->len; memcpy(sendstring, rqst->data, iLen); sendstring[iLen] = 0; TrimHeadNull(sendstring,iLen); ::PETRI::P_RECVBUFF.reset(); ::PETRI::P_RECVBUFF.parseBuff(sendstring); ltransID = ::PETRI::P_RECVBUFF.getTransitionID(); TOCIQuery query (::PETRI::P_DB.getDB()); try { string sql = "select b.wsnaddr from P_TRANSITION_HOST_INFO a, WF_HOST_WSNADDR b where a.wsnaddr_id = b.wsnaddr_id and a.transition_id = :TRANSID"; query.close(); query.setSQL(sql.c_str()); query.setParameter("TRANSID",ltransID); query.open(); while(query.next()) { strcpy( swsnaddr,query.field(0).asString() ); } query.close(); string sql2 = "select HOST_AREA||HOST_DOMAIN from P_TRANSITION_HOST_INFO where transition_id = :TRANSID"; query.close(); query.setSQL(sql2.c_str()); query.setParameter("TRANSID",ltransID); query.open(); while(query.next()) { strcpy( tmpBuff,query.field(0).asString()); } query.close(); query.commit(); }catch (TOCIException & toe){ sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=get WSNADDR err:%s>",toe.getErrMsg()); query.close(); query.commit(); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } catch(...) { sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=get WSNADDR other err>"); query.close(); query.commit(); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } if(0 == swsnaddr[0]){ sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=Transition have no WSNADDR >"); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } /* iRet = setenv("WSNADDR",swsnaddr,1); if( -1 == iRet){ sprintf(rcvbuf,"<iResult=1><sMsg=set WSNADDR fail>"); tpfree(sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,rcvbuf,strlen(rcvbuf),0L); }; */ strcpy(cRouteKey, tmpBuff); //iRet = Fchg32(&sendbuf,ROUTE_KEY,0,(char*)cRouteKey,(FLDLEN32)10); iRet = Fchg32(sendbuf,ROUTE_KEY,0,(char *)cRouteKey,0); if(iRet < 0) { userlog("cRouteKey=[%s],iRet=[%d]",cRouteKey,iRet); sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=cslfput to ROUTE_KEY is error>"); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } iRet = Fchg32(sendbuf,SEND_STRING,0,(char *)sendstring,0); if(iRet < 0) { userlog("sendstring=[%s],iRet=[%d]",sendstring,iRet); sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=cslfput to SEND_STRING is error>"); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } iRet = tpcall("P_C_S_LOCAL",(char *)sendbuf,0,(char **)&recvbuf,&lRecLen,0); if (iRet < 0){ sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=1><sMsg=call localsvc err,tperrno:%d>",tperrno); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); } tpfree((char *)sendbuf); sprintf(sendbuf2,"<iResult=0><sMsg=you tpcall success>"); tpreturn(TPSUCCESS,0L,sendbuf2,MAX_CMAMSG_LEN,0L); }
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char val[512], *p; char rbuf[512+1]; char svcname[17]; int timeout; long revent, rcvlen; FLDKEY key; FBUF *transf; FILE *fp; int cd, n, fflag=0, i, idx=0; int ret; /* if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:%s input-file\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } */ if(parseArg(argc, argv)<0){ printf("parseArg error!!\n"); exit(1); } if( (fp=fopen(filename, "r")) == (FILE *)0 ){ printf( "file open error [%d:%s]\n", errno, strerror(errno) ); exit( 1 ); } memset( svcname, 0x00, sizeof(svcname) ); if( get_svcname(fp, svcname) < 0 ){ printf( "get_svcname() failed!! -- (input-file=%s)\n", argv[1] ); exit(1); } timeout = 5; n = tpstart((TPSTART_T *)NULL); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "tpstart fail tperrno = %s\n", tperrno); exit(1); } printf("tpstart ok!\n"); transf = fballoc(100, 100); if( transf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fballoc fail: rcvbuf tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); tpend(); exit(1); } Finit(transf, Fsizeof(transf)); while( 1 ){ memset( rbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rbuf) ); if( fgets(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf)-1, fp)==(char *) 0 ){ break; } p = strchr(rbuf, '\n'); if( p == (char *)0 && strlen(rbuf) >= sizeof(rbuf)-1 ){ printf( "한 라인의 길이가 너무 길어 무시합니다..\n" ); printf( "=>[%s]\n", rbuf ); continue; } *p = 0x00; memset( val, 0x00, sizeof(val) ); key = 0; if( line_proc(rbuf, &key, &idx, val)<0 ) continue; PUT(key, idx, val); printf( "key=%d, idx=%d, val=%s\n", key, idx, val ); fflag = 1; } if( !fflag ){ printf( "not exist send data .....\n" ); fbfree( transf ); tpend(); exit(1); } printf( ">>service[%s], send data->\n", svcname ); fbprint( transf ); printf( "\t----------------------------------------------------\n\n\n" ); fflush( stdout ); /* original cd = tpconnect(svcname, (char *)transf, fbget_fbsize(transf), TPRECVONLY); */ if(flag==1){ ret = tx_begin(); printf("tx_begin() [%s] \n", ret==TX_OK ? "success" : "fail"); if(ret!=TX_OK) exit(1); } cd = tpcall(svcname, (char *)transf, fbget_fbsize(transf), (char **)&transf, (long *)&rcvlen, 0); if (cd < 0) { if(flag==1){ ret = tx_rollback(); printf("tx_rollback() [%s] \n", ret==TX_OK ? "success" : "fail"); if(ret!=TX_OK) exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "tpcall fail tperrno = %d\n", tperrno); fbfree( transf ); tpend(); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "TPCALL SUCCESS!!\n"); if(flag==1){ ret = tx_commit(); printf("tx_commit() [%s] \n", ret==TX_OK ? "success" : "fail"); if(ret!=TX_OK) exit(1); } /* i = 0; while( 1 ){ Finit(transf, Fsizeof(transf)); n = tprecv(cd, (char **)&transf, (long *)&rcvlen, 0, &revent); if (n < 0 && tperrno == TPEEVENT ){ if(revent == TPEV_SVCSUCC ) printf( "service completed(TPSUCC) !\n" ); else if(revent == TPEV_SVCFAIL ) printf( "service completed(TPFAIL) !\n" ); else{ printf( "tprecv error : event[0x%08X], tperrno[%d]\n", revent, tperrno ); break; } } else if( n < 0 ){ printf( "tprecv error(no event) : tperrno[%d]\n", tperrno ); break; } fbprint( transf ); printf( "\t------------------------------------------------------[%3d th]\n\n", i++ ); fflush( stdout ); if (n < 0 ) break; } */ fbfree(transf); tpend(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DB *dbp3; DBT key, data; TPINIT *initBuf; FBFR *replyBuf; long replyLen; int ch, ret, i; char *target; char *home = HOME; u_int32_t flags = DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_TXN | DB_INIT_LOCK | DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD | DB_RECOVER | DB_REGISTER; u_int32_t dbflags = DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD; progname = argv[0]; initBuf = NULL; ret = 0; replyBuf = NULL; replyLen = 1024; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != EOF) switch (ch) { case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case '?': default: return (usage()); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (verbose) printf("%s: called\n", progname); if (tpinit((TPINIT *)NULL) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpinit() OK\n", progname); /* Create the DB environment. */ if ((ret = db_env_create(&dbenv, 0)) != 0 || (ret = dbenv->open(dbenv, home, flags, 0)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname, home, db_strerror(ret)); goto err; } dbenv->set_errfile(dbenv, stderr); if (verbose) printf("%s: opened %s OK\n", progname, home); memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); /* Allocate reply buffer. */ if ((replyBuf = (FBFR*)tpalloc("FML32", NULL, replyLen)) == NULL) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpalloc(\"FML32\"), reply buffer OK\n", progname); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (tpbegin(10L, 0L) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpbegin() OK\n", progname); if (tpcall("TestTxn1", NULL, 0L, (char **)&replyBuf, &replyLen, TPSIGRSTRT) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; /* This call will timeout. */ tpcall("TestTxn2", NULL, 0L, (char **)&replyBuf, &replyLen, TPSIGRSTRT); if (tperrno != TPETIME) goto tuxedo_err; if (i == 0) { if (tpabort(0L) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpabort() OK\n", progname); } else { /* Commit will fail due to the time out. */ tpcommit(0L); if (tperrno != TPEABORT) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpcommit() OK\n", progname); } ret = check_data(dbenv, TABLE1, dbenv, TABLE2, progname); } if (0) { tuxedo_err: fprintf(stderr, "%s: TUXEDO ERROR: %s (code %d)\n", progname, tpstrerror(tperrno), tperrno); goto err; } if (0) { err: ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } if (replyBuf != NULL) tpfree((char *)replyBuf); if (dbenv != NULL) (void)dbenv->close(dbenv, 0); tpterm(); if (verbose) printf("%s: tpterm() OK\n", progname); if (verbose && ret == 0) printf("%s: test passed.\n", progname); else if (verbose) printf("%s: test failed.\n", progname); return (ret); }
//using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FBFR32 *sendbuf, *rcvbuf; long ret, numread = 0; char sOrderListID[13]={0}; char sAreaCode[10]={0}; char sInXML[MAX_XML_SIZE]; char sOutXML[MAX_XML_SIZE]; char sFileName[30]; long lResult; char sErrMsg[1000]; struct timeb tp1,tp2; memset(sOutXML, 0, MAX_XML_SIZE); memset(sErrMsg, 0, 1000); memset(sFileName, 0, 30); strcpy(sFileName, (char*)argv[1]); printf("you input fileName is <%s>\n", sFileName); FILE *fp; if((fp = fopen(sFileName, "r")) == NULL) { printf("can't open file: %s\n", sFileName); return 0; } numread = fread(sInXML, sizeof(char), MAX_XML_SIZE, fp); printf("read size is %d\n", numread); fclose(fp); long rcvlen = 0L; if ((sendbuf = (FBFR32*)tpalloc("FML32", NULL,MAX_XML_SIZE ))==NULL) { printf("分配发送buff error\n"); } if ((rcvbuf = (FBFR32*)tpalloc("FML32", NULL, MAX_XML_SIZE))==NULL) { printf("分配接收buff error\n"); } rcvlen = Fsizeof32(rcvbuf); //初始化 //if ((ret=tpinit((TPINIT * )NULL))<0) if ((ret=tpinit(NULL))<0) { printf( "tpinit fail\n"); tpfree((char *)sendbuf); tpfree((char *)rcvbuf); return -1; } Fchg32(sendbuf, IN_XML, 0, (char *)&sInXML, 0L); ftime(&tp1); ret=tpcall("POWER_CTL_RUN",(char*)sendbuf,0L,(char**)&rcvbuf,&rcvlen,0L); ftime(&tp2); if (Fgets32(rcvbuf, OUT_XML, 0, sOutXML) == -1) { printf( " OUT_XML error \n"); } if (Fget32(rcvbuf, IRESULT, 0, (char*)&lResult, 0) == -1) { printf( " IRESULT error \n"); } if (Fgets32(rcvbuf, SMSG, 0, sErrMsg) == -1) { printf( " SMSG error \n"); } printf("InXML is %s\n", sInXML); printf("OutXML is : %s\n", sOutXML); printf("Result is : %ld\n", lResult); printf("ErrMsg is : %s\n", sErrMsg); printf(" 用时: %d ms\n", tp2.time*1000+tp2.millitm - tp1.time*1000 -tp1.millitm ); return 0; }
/* * Do the test call to the server */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { UBFH *p_ub = (UBFH *)tpalloc("UBF", NULL, 1024); long rsplen; int ret=SUCCEED; char buf[128]={EOS}; if (0==strcmp(argv[1], "DOADV")) { if (FAIL == tpcall("DOADV", (char *)p_ub, 0L, (char **)&p_ub, &rsplen,0)) { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "TESTERROR: DOADV failed: %s", tpstrerror(tperrno)); ret=FAIL; goto out; } } else if (0==strcmp(argv[1], "UNADV")) { if (FAIL == tpcall("UNADV", (char *)p_ub, 0L, (char **)&p_ub, &rsplen,0)) { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "TESTERROR: UNADV failed: %s", tpstrerror(tperrno)); ret=FAIL; goto out; } } else if (0==strcmp(argv[1], "TEST")) { if (FAIL == tpcall("TESTSVFN", (char *)p_ub, 0L, (char **)&p_ub, &rsplen,0)) { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "TESTSVFN failed: %s", tpstrerror(tperrno)); ret=FAIL; goto out; } /* Verify the data */ if (FAIL==Bget(p_ub, T_STRING_FLD, 0, (char *)buf, 0)) { NDRX_LOG(log_debug, "Failed to get T_STRING_FLD[0]"); ret=FAIL; goto out; } else if (0!=strcmp(buf, "THIS IS TEST - OK!")) { NDRX_LOG(log_debug, "Call test failed"); ret=FAIL; goto out; } } else { NDRX_LOG(log_error, "ERROR: Invalid command, valid ones are: DOADV, UNADV, TEST"); ret=FAIL; goto out; } out: /* Terminate the session */ tpterm(); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { DB *dbp2; DBT key, data; FBFR *buf, *replyBuf; HDbRec rec; TPINIT *initBuf; DB_ENV *dbenv2, *dbenv1; long len, replyLen, seqNo; int ch, cnt, cnt_abort, cnt_commit, cnt_server1, i, ret; char *target; char *home = HOME; u_int32_t flags = DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_TXN | DB_INIT_LOCK | DB_CREATE | DB_RECOVER | DB_REGISTER; u_int32_t dbflags = DB_CREATE; progname = argv[0]; dbenv2 = dbenv1 = NULL; dbp2 = NULL; buf = replyBuf = NULL; initBuf = NULL; cnt = 1000; cnt_abort = cnt_commit = cnt_server1 = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "n:v")) != EOF) switch (ch) { case 'n': cnt = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case '?': default: return (usage()); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (verbose) printf("%s: called\n", progname); /* Seed random number generator. */ srand((u_int)(time(NULL) | getpid())); if (tpinit((TPINIT *)NULL) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpinit() OK\n", progname); /* Allocate init buffer */ if ((initBuf = (TPINIT *)tpalloc("TPINIT", NULL, TPINITNEED(0))) == 0) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpalloc(\"TPINIT\") OK\n", progname); /* Create the DB environment. */ if ((ret = db_env_create(&dbenv2, 0)) != 0 || (ret = dbenv2->open(dbenv2, home, flags, 0)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname, home, db_strerror(ret)); goto err; } dbenv2->set_errfile(dbenv2, stderr); if (verbose) printf("%s: opened %s OK\n", progname, home); /* * Open table #2 -- Data is inserted into table 1 using XA * transactions, and inserted into table 2 using regular transactions. */ if ((ret = db_create(&dbp2, dbenv2, 0)) != 0 || (ret = dbp2->open(dbp2, NULL, TABLE2, NULL, DB_BTREE, dbflags, 0660)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s %s\n", progname, TABLE2, db_strerror(ret)); goto err; } if (verbose) printf("%s: opened %s OK\n", progname, TABLE2); /* Allocate send buffer. */ len = Fneeded(1, 3 * sizeof(long)); if ((buf = (FBFR*)tpalloc("FML32", NULL, len)) == 0) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpalloc(\"FML32\"), send buffer OK\n", progname); /* Allocate reply buffer. */ replyLen = 1024; if ((replyBuf = (FBFR*)tpalloc("FML32", NULL, replyLen)) == NULL) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpalloc(\"FML32\"), reply buffer OK\n", progname); memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); for (rec.SeqNo = 1, i = 0; i < cnt; ++i, ++rec.SeqNo) { GetTime(&rec.Ts); if (Fchg(buf, SEQ_NO, 0, (char *)&rec.SeqNo, 0) == -1) goto tuxedo_fml_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: Fchg(), sequence number OK\n", progname); if (Fchg(buf, TS_SEC, 0, (char *)&rec.Ts.Sec, 0) == -1) goto tuxedo_fml_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: Fchg(), seconds OK\n", progname); if (Fchg(buf, TS_USEC, 0, (char *)&rec.Ts.Usec, 0) == -1) goto tuxedo_fml_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: Fchg(), microseconds OK\n", progname); if (tpbegin(60L, 0L) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpbegin() OK\n", progname); /* Randomly send half of our requests to each server. */ if (rand() % 2 > 0) { ++cnt_server1; target = "TestTxn1"; } else target = "TestTxn2"; if (tpcall(target, (char *)buf, 0L, (char **)&replyBuf, &replyLen, TPSIGRSTRT) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; /* Commit for a return value of 0, otherwise abort. */ if (tpurcode == 0) { ++cnt_commit; if (verbose) printf("%s: txn success\n", progname); if (tpcommit(0L) == -1) goto abort; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpcommit() OK\n", progname); /* * Store a copy of the key/data pair into table #2 * on success, we'll compare table #1 and table #2 * after the run finishes. */ seqNo = rec.SeqNo; key.data = &seqNo; key.size = sizeof(seqNo); data.data = &seqNo; data.size = sizeof(seqNo); if ((ret = dbp2->put(dbp2, NULL, &key, &data, 0)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: DB->put: %s %s\n", progname, TABLE2, db_strerror(ret)); goto err; } } else { abort: ++cnt_abort; if (verbose) printf("%s: txn failure\n", progname); if (tpabort(0L) == -1) goto tuxedo_err; if (verbose) printf("%s: tpabort() OK\n", progname); } } printf("%s: %d requests: %d committed, %d aborted\n", progname, cnt, cnt_commit, cnt_abort); printf("%s: %d sent to server #1, %d sent to server #2\n", progname, cnt_server1, cnt - cnt_server1); /* Check that database 1 and database 2 are identical. */ if (dbp2 != NULL) (void)dbp2->close(dbp2, 0); dbp2 = NULL; if ((ret = db_env_create(&dbenv1, 0)) != 0 || (ret = dbenv1->open(dbenv1, "../data", flags, 0)) != 0) goto err; ret = check_data(dbenv1, TABLE1, dbenv2, TABLE2, progname); if (0) { tuxedo_err: fprintf(stderr, "%s: TUXEDO ERROR: %s (code %d)\n", progname, tpstrerror(tperrno), tperrno); goto err; } if (0) { tuxedo_fml_err: fprintf(stderr, "%s: FML ERROR: %s (code %d)\n", progname, Fstrerror(Ferror), Ferror); } if (0) { err: ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } if (replyBuf != NULL) tpfree((char *)replyBuf); if (buf != NULL) tpfree((char *)buf); if (initBuf != NULL) tpfree((char *)initBuf); if (dbp2 != NULL) (void)dbp2->close(dbp2, 0); if (dbenv1 != NULL) (void)dbenv1->close(dbenv1, 0); if (dbenv2 != NULL) (void)dbenv2->close(dbenv2, 0); tpterm(); if (verbose) printf("%s: tpterm() OK\n", progname); return (ret); }
void GenericTuxedoClient::run(const string &svcName) throw(TPFatalException,BufferHandlingException) { if (! connected) throw TPFatalException("Nao conectado ao TP Monitor"); try { allocFieldBuffer(PARM_IN); allocFieldBuffer(PARM_OUT); } catch (BufferHandlingException ex) { cout << ex.what(); throw; } long succCount = 0, failCount = 0; int consecFails = 0; while (true) { try { int result; long sizeOfOutBuffer; ostringstream fmt; populateInputFieldBuffer(); #ifdef _MY_DEBUG cout << "svcName=" << svcName.c_str() << "\n"; cout << "iFieldBuffer: INICIO\n"; Fprint_1632(iFieldBuffer); cout << "iFieldBuffer: FINAL\n"; #endif result = tpcall(const_cast<char *>(svcName.c_str()), reinterpret_cast<char *>(iFieldBuffer), 0, reinterpret_cast<char **>(&oFieldBuffer), &sizeOfOutBuffer, TPSIGRSTRT || TPNOTIME); #ifdef _SHOW_OUTPUT cout << "oFieldBuffer: INICIO\n"; Fprint_1632(oFieldBuffer); cout << "oFieldBuffer: FINAL\n"; #endif if (result < 0) { if (tperrno == TPESVCFAIL || tperrno == TPETIME) { if (maxConsecFails > 0 && consecFails >= maxConsecFails) { disconnect(); deleteFieldBuffer(PARM_INOUT); fmt << (succCount + failCount + 1) << ": " << "Numero maximo de erros consecutivos chegou ao limite(" << maxConsecFails << ")\n"; break; } failCount++; consecFails++; if (tperrno == TPESVCFAIL) fmt << "ERRO DE NEGOCIO\n"; else /* if (tperrno == TPETIME) */ fmt << "TEMPO ESGOTADO\n"; } else { // cout << tpstrerror(tperrno) << endl; fmt.clear(); fmt << "Erro fatal em run(): " << tpstrerror(tperrno); disconnect(); deleteFieldBuffer(PARM_INOUT); throw TPFatalException(fmt.str()); } } else { succCount++; consecFails = 0; // fmt << "OK\n"; } if (!quietMode) { if (batchMode) cout << "** " << (succCount + failCount) << ": "; cout << fmt.str(); fmt.str(""); } retrieveOutputFields(); #ifdef _SHOW_OUTPUT // showFields(PARM_OUT); showFields(PARM_INOUT); #endif if (batchMode && ! endOfBatch) { cout << endl; recycleOutputFields(); continue; } break; } catch (...) { throw; } } if (batchMode && ! quietMode) { cout << "\nEstatisticas de " << svcName << endl; cout << "\nCasos de sucesso : " << succCount << endl; cout << "Casos de erro : " << failCount << endl; } deleteFieldBuffer(PARM_INOUT); }