Example #1
Example #2
int writeRec(recPar rec, modPar mod, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int nsam, int ishot, int fileno, 
			 float *rec_vx, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, 
			 float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, int verbose)
    FILE    *fpvx, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss, *fpup, *fpdown;
	float *rec_up, *rec_down, *trace, *rec_vze, *rec_pe;
	float dx, dt, cp, rho, fmin, fmax;
	complex *crec_vz, *crec_p, *crec_up, *crec_dw;
    int irec, ntfft, nfreq, nkx, xorig, ix, iz, it, ibndx;
	int append;
	double ddt;
	char number[16], filename[1024];
    segy hdr;
	if (!rec.n) return 0;
	if (ishot) append=1;
	else append=0;

	/* if the total number of samples exceeds rec_ntsam then a new (numbered) file is opened */
	/* fileno has a non-zero value (from fdelmodc.c) if the number of samples exceeds rec_ntsam. */
	strcpy(filename, rec.file_rcv);
	if (fileno) {
		name_ext(filename, number);

	if (verbose>2) vmess("Writing receiver data to file %s", filename);
	if (nsam != rec.nt && verbose) vmess("Number of samples written to last file = %d",nsam);

	ddt = (double)mod.dt;/* to avoid rounding in 32 bit precision */
    dt  = (float)ddt*rec.skipdt;
	dx  = (rec.x[1]-rec.x[0])*mod.dx;
	hdr.dt     = (unsigned short)lround((((double)1.0e6*ddt*rec.skipdt)));
	hdr.scalco = -1000;
	hdr.scalel = -1000;
	hdr.sx     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
	hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*mod.dz);
    hdr.selev  = (int)(-1000.0*(mod.z0+izsrc*mod.dz));
	hdr.fldr   = ishot+1;
	hdr.trid   = 1;
	hdr.ns     = nsam;
	hdr.trwf   = rec.n;
	hdr.ntr    = (ishot+1)*rec.n;
	hdr.f1     = 0.0;
	hdr.d1     = mod.dt*rec.skipdt;
	hdr.d2     = (rec.x[1]-rec.x[0])*mod.dx;
	hdr.f2     = mod.x0+rec.x[0]*mod.dx;

	if (rec.type.vx)  fpvx  = fileOpen(filename, "_rvx", append);
	if (rec.type.vz)  fpvz  = fileOpen(filename, "_rvz", append);
	if (rec.type.p)   fpp   = fileOpen(filename, "_rp", append);
	if (rec.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(filename, "_rtxx", append);
	if (rec.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(filename, "_rtzz", append);
	if (rec.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(filename, "_rtxz", append);
	if (rec.type.pp)  fppp  = fileOpen(filename, "_rpp", append);
	if (rec.type.ss)  fpss  = fileOpen(filename, "_rss", append);

	/* decomposed wavefield */
	if (rec.type.ud && (mod.ischeme==1 || mod.ischeme==2) )  {
		fpup   = fileOpen(filename, "_ru", append);
		fpdown = fileOpen(filename, "_rd", append);
		ntfft = optncr(nsam);
		nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
		fmin = 0.0;
		fmax = wav.fmax;
		nkx = optncc(2*mod.nax);
		ibndx = mod.ioPx;
    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
		cp  = rec.cp;
		rho = rec.rho;
		if (verbose) vmess("Decomposition array at z=%.2f with cp=%.2f rho=%.2f", rec.zr[0]+mod.z0, cp, rho);
		rec_up  = (float *)calloc(ntfft*nkx,sizeof(float));
		rec_down= (float *)calloc(ntfft*nkx,sizeof(float));
		crec_vz = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
		crec_p  = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
		crec_up = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
		crec_dw = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));

		rec_vze = rec_up;
		rec_pe  = rec_down;
		/* copy input data into extended arrays with padded zeroes */
		for (ix=0; ix<mod.nax; ix++) {
			memcpy(&rec_pe[ix*ntfft], &rec_udp[ix*rec.nt], nsam*sizeof(float));

		/* transform from t-x to kx-w */
		xorig = ixsrc+ibndx;
		xt2wkx(rec_vze, crec_vz, ntfft, nkx, ntfft, nkx, xorig);
		xt2wkx(rec_pe, crec_p, ntfft, nkx, ntfft, nkx, xorig);

		/* apply decomposition operators */
		kxwdecomp(crec_p, crec_vz, crec_up, crec_dw,
               nkx, mod.dx, nsam, dt, fmin, fmax, cp, rho, verbose);

		/* transform back to t-x */
		wkx2xt(crec_up, rec_up, ntfft, nkx, nkx, ntfft, xorig);
		wkx2xt(crec_dw, rec_down, ntfft, nkx, nkx, ntfft, xorig);

		/* reduce array to rec.nt samples rec.n traces */
		for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
			ix = rec.x[irec]+ibndx;
			for (it=0; it<rec.nt; it++) {
				rec_up[irec*rec.nt+it]   = rec_up[ix*ntfft+it];
				rec_down[irec*rec.nt+it] = rec_down[ix*ntfft+it];
	if (rec.type.ud && (mod.ischeme==3 || mod.ischeme==4) )  {

	for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
		hdr.tracf  = irec+1;
		hdr.tracl  = ishot*rec.n+irec+1;
		hdr.gx     = 1000*(mod.x0+rec.x[irec]*mod.dx);
		hdr.offset = (rec.x[irec]-ixsrc)*mod.dx;
        hdr.gelev  = (int)(-1000*(mod.z0+rec.z[irec]*mod.dz));

		if (rec.type.vx) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_vx[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpvx) ;
		if (rec.type.vz) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_vz[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpvz) ;
		if (rec.type.p) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_p[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpp) ;
		if (rec.type.txx) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_txx[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fptxx) ;
		if (rec.type.tzz) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_tzz[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fptzz) ;
		if (rec.type.txz) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_txz[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fptxz) ;
		if (rec.type.pp) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_pp[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fppp) ;
		if (rec.type.ss) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_ss[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpss) ;
		if (rec.type.ud && mod.ischeme==1)  {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_up[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpup) ;
			traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_down[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpdown) ;

	if (rec.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
	if (rec.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
	if (rec.type.p) fclose(fpp);
	if (rec.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
	if (rec.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
	if (rec.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
	if (rec.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
	if (rec.type.ss) fclose(fpss);
	if (rec.type.ud) {

    return 0;
long writeSnapTimes3D(modPar mod, snaPar sna, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav,
	long ixsrc, long iysrc, long izsrc, long itime, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz,
	float *tzz, float *tyy, float *txx, float *txz, float *tyz, float *txy, long verbose)
	FILE    *fpvx, *fpvy, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptyy, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fptyz, *fptxy, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss;
	long append, isnap;
	static long first=1;
	long n1, n2, ibndx, ibndy, ibndz, ixs, iys, izs, ize, i, j, l;
	long ix, iy, iz, ix2, iy2;
	float *snap, sdx, stime;
	segy hdr;

	if (sna.nsnap==0) return 0;

    ibndx = mod.ioXx;
    ibndy = mod.ioXy;
    ibndz = mod.ioXz;
	n1    = mod.naz;
	n2    = mod.nax;
	sdx   = 1.0/mod.dx;

	if (sna.withbnd) {



	/* check if this itime is a desired snapshot time */
	if ( (((itime-sna.delay) % sna.skipdt)==0) && 
		  (itime >= sna.delay) &&
		  (itime <= sna.delay+(sna.nsnap-1)*sna.skipdt) ) {

		isnap = NINT((itime-sna.delay)/sna.skipdt);

        if (mod.grid_dir) stime = (-wav.nt+1+itime+1)*mod.dt;  /* reverse time modeling */
        else  stime = itime*mod.dt;
		if (verbose) vmess("Writing snapshot(%li) at time=%.4f", isnap+1, stime);
		if (first) {
		else {

		if (sna.type.vx)  fpvx  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svx", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.vy)  fpvy  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svy", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.vz)  fpvz  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svz", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.p)   fpp   = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sp", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxx", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.tyy) fptyy = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_styy", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stzz", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxz", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.tyz) fptyz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_styz", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.txy) fptxy = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxy", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.pp)  fppp  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_spp", (int)append);
		if (sna.type.ss)  fpss  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sss", (int)append);
		hdr.dt     = 1000000*(sna.skipdt*mod.dt);
		hdr.ungpow  = (sna.delay*mod.dt);
		hdr.scalco = -1000;
		hdr.scalel = -1000;
		hdr.sx     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
		hdr.sy     = 1000*(mod.y0+iysrc*mod.dy);
		hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*mod.dz);
		hdr.fldr   = isnap+1;
		hdr.trid   = 1;
		hdr.ns     = sna.nz;
		hdr.trwf   = sna.nx*sna.nx;
		hdr.ntr    = (isnap+1)*sna.nx;
		hdr.f1     = sna.z1*mod.dz+mod.z0;
		hdr.f2     = sna.x1*mod.dx+mod.x0;
		hdr.d1     = mod.dz*sna.skipdz;
		hdr.d2     = mod.dx*sna.skipdx;
		if (sna.withbnd) {
        	if ( !ISODD(bnd.top)) hdr.f1 = mod.z0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dz;
        	if ( !ISODD(bnd.lef)) hdr.f2 = mod.x0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dx;
        	//if ( !ISODD(bnd.rig)) ;
        	//if ( !ISODD(bnd.bot)) store=1;

* vx velocities have one sample less in x-direction
* vz velocities have one sample less in z-direction
* txz stresses have one sample less in z-direction and x-direction

		snap = (float *)malloc(sna.nz*sizeof(float));

		/* Decimate, with skipdx and skipdz, the number of gridpoints written to file 
		   and write to file. */
		for (iys=sna.y1, l=0; iys<=sna.y2; iys+=sna.skipdy, l++) {
			for (ixs=sna.x1, i=0; ixs<=sna.x2; ixs+=sna.skipdx, i++) {
				hdr.tracf  = l*sna.nx+i+1;
				hdr.tracl  = isnap*sna.nx*sna.ny+l*sna.nx+i+1;
				hdr.gx     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixs*mod.dx);
				hdr.gy     = 1000*(mod.y0+iys*mod.dy);
				ix  = ixs+ibndx;
				ix2 = ix+1;
				iy  = iys+ibndy;
				iy2 = iy+1;

				izs = sna.z1+ibndz;
				ize = sna.z2+ibndz;

				if (sna.withbnd) {
					izs = 0;
					ize = sna.z2;
					ix  = ixs;
					ix2 = ix;
					iy  = iys;
					iy2 = iy;
					if (sna.type.vz || sna.type.txz || sna.type.tyz) izs = -1;
					if ( !ISODD(bnd.lef)) hdr.gx = 1000*(mod.x0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dx);
					if ( !ISODD(bnd.fro)) hdr.gy = 1000*(mod.y0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dy);

				if (sna.type.vx) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = vx[iy*n1*n2+ix2*n1+iz];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fpvx);
				if (sna.type.vy) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = vy[iy2*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fpvy);
				if (sna.type.vz) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fpvz);
				if (sna.type.p) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fpp);
				if (sna.type.tzz) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = tzz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fptzz);
				if (sna.type.tyy) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = tyy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fptyy);
				if (sna.type.txx) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = txx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fptxx);
				if (sna.type.txz) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = txz[iy*n1*n2+ix2*n1+iz+1];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fptxz);
				if (sna.type.txy) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = txy[iy2*n1*n2+ix2*n1+iz];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fptxy);
				if (sna.type.tyz) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] = tyz[iy2*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1];
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fptyz);
				/* calculate divergence of velocity field */
				if (sna.type.pp) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] =  sdx*((vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz]-vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz])+
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fppp);
				/* calculate rotation of velocity field */
				if (sna.type.ss) {
					for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
						snap[j] =  sdx*((vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]-vx[(iy-1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1])-
					traceWrite(&hdr, snap, (int)sna.nz, fpss);


		if (sna.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
		if (sna.type.vy) fclose(fpvy);
		if (sna.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
		if (sna.type.p) fclose(fpp);
		if (sna.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
		if (sna.type.tyy) fclose(fptyy);
		if (sna.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
		if (sna.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
		if (sna.type.tyz) fclose(fptyz);
		if (sna.type.txy) fclose(fptxy);
		if (sna.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
		if (sna.type.ss) fclose(fpss);


	return 0;
Example #4
int writeSnapTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int itime, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose)
	FILE    *fpvx, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss;
	int append, isnap;
	static int first=1;
	int n1, ibndx, ibndz, ixs, izs, ize, i, j;
	int ix, iz, ix2;
	float *snap, sdx;
	segy hdr;

	if (sna.nsnap==0) return 0;

    ibndx = mod.ioXx;
    ibndz = mod.ioXz;
	n1    = mod.naz;
	sdx   = 1.0/mod.dx;

	if (sna.withbnd) {


	/* check if this itime is a desired snapshot time */
	if ( (((itime-sna.delay) % sna.skipdt)==0) && 
		  (itime >= sna.delay) &&
		  (itime <= sna.delay+(sna.nsnap-1)*sna.skipdt) ) {

		isnap = NINT((itime-sna.delay)/sna.skipdt);
		if (verbose) vmess("Writing snapshot(%d) at time=%.4f", isnap+1, itime*mod.dt);
		if (first) {
		else {

		if (sna.type.vx)  fpvx  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svx", append);
		if (sna.type.vz)  fpvz  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svz", append);
		if (sna.type.p)   fpp   = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sp", append);
		if (sna.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxx", append);
		if (sna.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stzz", append);
		if (sna.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxz", append);
		if (sna.type.pp)  fppp  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_spp", append);
		if (sna.type.ss)  fpss  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sss", append);
		hdr.dt     = 1000000*(sna.skipdt*mod.dt);
		hdr.ungpow  = (sna.delay*mod.dt);
		hdr.scalco = -1000;
		hdr.scalel = -1000;
		hdr.sx     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
		hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*mod.dz);
		hdr.fldr   = isnap+1;
		hdr.trid   = 1;
		hdr.ns     = sna.nz;
		hdr.trwf   = sna.nx;
		hdr.ntr    = (isnap+1)*sna.nx;
		hdr.f1     = sna.z1*mod.dz+mod.z0;
		hdr.f2     = sna.x1*mod.dx+mod.x0;
		hdr.d1     = mod.dz*sna.skipdz;
		hdr.d2     = mod.dx*sna.skipdx;
		if (sna.withbnd) {
        	if ( !ISODD(bnd.top)) hdr.f1 = mod.z0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dz;
        	if ( !ISODD(bnd.lef)) hdr.f2 = mod.x0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dx;
        	//if ( !ISODD(bnd.rig)) ;
        	//if ( !ISODD(bnd.bot)) store=1;

* vx velocities have one sample less in x-direction
* vz velocities have one sample less in z-direction
* txz stresses have one sample less in z-direction and x-direction

		snap = (float *)malloc(sna.nz*sizeof(float));

		/* Decimate, with skipdx and skipdz, the number of gridpoints written to file 
		   and write to file. */
		for (ixs=sna.x1, i=0; ixs<=sna.x2; ixs+=sna.skipdx, i++) {
			hdr.tracf  = i+1;
			hdr.tracl  = isnap*sna.nx+i+1;
			hdr.gx     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixs*mod.dx);
			ix = ixs+ibndx;
			ix2 = ix+1;

			izs = sna.z1+ibndz;
			ize = sna.z2+ibndz;

			if (sna.withbnd) {
				izs = 0;
				ize = sna.z2;
				ix = ixs;
				ix2 = ix;
				if (sna.type.vz || sna.type.txz) izs = -1;
        		if ( !ISODD(bnd.lef)) hdr.gx = 1000*(mod.x0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dx);

			if (sna.type.vx) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = vx[ix2*n1+iz];
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fpvx);
			if (sna.type.vz) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = vz[ix*n1+iz+1];
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fpvz);
			if (sna.type.p) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fpp);
			if (sna.type.tzz) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fptzz);
			if (sna.type.txx) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = txx[ix*n1+iz];
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fptxx);
			if (sna.type.txz) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = txz[ix2*n1+iz+1];
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fptxz);
			/* calculate divergence of velocity field */
			if (sna.type.pp) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = sdx*((vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz])+
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fppp);
			/* calculate rotation of velocity field */
			if (sna.type.ss) {
				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
					snap[j] = sdx*((vx[ix*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz-1])-
				traceWrite(&hdr, snap, sna.nz, fpss);


		if (sna.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
		if (sna.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
		if (sna.type.p) fclose(fpp);
		if (sna.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
		if (sna.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
		if (sna.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
		if (sna.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
		if (sna.type.ss) fclose(fpss);


	return 0;
Example #5
int writeBeams(modPar mod, snaPar sna, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int ishot, int fileno, 
			   float *beam_vx, float *beam_vz, float *beam_txx, float *beam_tzz, float *beam_txz, 
			   float *beam_p, float *beam_pp, float *beam_ss, int verbose)
	FILE    *fpvx, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss;
	int append;
	int ix;
	char number[16], filename[1024];
	segy hdr;

	if (sna.beam==0) return 0;
	/* all beam snapshots are written to the same output file(s) */
	if (ishot) append=1;
	else append=0;
	strcpy(filename, sna.file_beam);
	if (fileno) {
		name_ext(filename, number);
	if (verbose>2) vmess("Writing beam data to file %s", filename);

	if (sna.type.vx)  fpvx  = fileOpen(filename, "_bvx", append);
	if (sna.type.vz)  fpvz  = fileOpen(filename, "_bvz", append);
	if (sna.type.p)   fpp   = fileOpen(filename, "_bp", append);
	if (sna.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(filename, "_btxx", append);
	if (sna.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(filename, "_btzz", append);
	if (sna.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(filename, "_btxz", append);
	if (sna.type.pp)  fppp  = fileOpen(filename, "_bpp", append);
	if (sna.type.ss)  fpss  = fileOpen(filename, "_bss", append);
	hdr.dt     = 1000000*(mod.dt);
	hdr.scalco = -1000;
	hdr.scalel = -1000;
	hdr.sx     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
	hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*mod.dz);
	hdr.fldr   = ishot+1;
	hdr.trid   = 1;
	hdr.ns     = sna.nz;
	hdr.trwf   = sna.nx;
	hdr.ntr    = sna.nx;
	hdr.f1     = sna.z1*mod.dz+mod.z0;
	hdr.f2     = sna.x1*mod.dx+mod.x0;
	hdr.d1     = mod.dz*sna.skipdz;
	hdr.d2     = mod.dx*sna.skipdx;

	for (ix=0; ix<sna.nx; ix++) {
		hdr.tracf  = ix+1;
		hdr.tracl  = ix+1;
		hdr.gx     = 1000*(mod.x0+(sna.x1+ix)*mod.dx);

		if (sna.type.vx) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_vx[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fpvx) ;
		if (sna.type.vz) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_vz[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fpvz) ;
		if (sna.type.p) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_p[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fpp) ;
		if (sna.type.tzz) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_tzz[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fptzz) ;
		if (sna.type.txx) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_txx[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fptxx) ;
		if (sna.type.txz) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_txz[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fptxz) ;
		if (sna.type.pp) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_pp[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fppp) ;
		if (sna.type.ss) {
			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_ss[ix*sna.nz], sna.nz, fpss) ;


	if (sna.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
	if (sna.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
	if (sna.type.p) fclose(fpp);
	if (sna.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
	if (sna.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
	if (sna.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
	if (sna.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
	if (sna.type.ss) fclose(fpss);

	return 0;