Example #1
static int db_getinfo (lua_State *L) {
  lua_Debug ar;
  int arg;
  lua_State *L1 = getthread(L, &arg);
  const char *options = luaL_optstring(L, arg+2, "flnSu");
  if (lua_isnumber(L, arg+1)) {
    if (!lua_getstack(L1, (int)lua_tointeger(L, arg+1), &ar)) {
      lua_pushnil(L);  /* level out of range */
      return 1;
  else if (lua_isfunction(L, arg+1)) {
    lua_pushfstring(L, ">%s", options);
    options = lua_tostring(L, -1);
    lua_pushvalue(L, arg+1);
    lua_xmove(L, L1, 1);
    return luaL_argerror(L, arg+1, "function or level expected");
  if (!lua_getinfo(L1, options, &ar))
    return luaL_argerror(L, arg+2, "invalid option");
  lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
  if (strchr(options, 'S')) {
    settabss(L, "source", ar.source);
    settabss(L, "short_src", ar.short_src);
    settabsi(L, "linedefined", ar.linedefined);
    settabsi(L, "lastlinedefined", ar.lastlinedefined);
    settabss(L, "what", ar.what);
  if (strchr(options, 'l'))
    settabsi(L, "currentline", ar.currentline);
  if (strchr(options, 'u'))
    settabsi(L, "nups", ar.nups);
  if (strchr(options, 'n')) {
    settabss(L, "name", ar.name);
    settabss(L, "namewhat", ar.namewhat);
  if (strchr(options, 'L'))
    treatstackoption(L, L1, "activelines");
  if (strchr(options, 'f'))
    treatstackoption(L, L1, "func");
  return 1;  /* return table */
Example #2
File: ldblib.c Project: viticm/pap2
static int db_getinfo (lua_State *L) {
  lua_Debug ar;
  int arg;
  //add by cuiwei 07.8.30
  int i;
  char aparms[1024] = {0};
  //add end
  lua_State *L1 = getthread(L, &arg);
  const char *options = luaL_optstring(L, arg+2, "flnSu");
  if (lua_isnumber(L, arg+1)) {
    if (!lua_getstack(L1, (int)lua_tointeger(L, arg+1), &ar)) {
      lua_pushnil(L);  /* level out of range */
      return 1;
  else if (lua_isfunction(L, arg+1)) {
    lua_pushfstring(L, ">%s", options);
    options = lua_tostring(L, -1);
    lua_pushvalue(L, arg+1);
    lua_xmove(L, L1, 1);
    return luaL_argerror(L, arg+1, "function or level expected");
  if (!lua_getinfo(L1, options, &ar))
    return luaL_argerror(L, arg+2, "invalid option");
  lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
  if (strchr(options, 'S')) {
    settabss(L, "source", ar.source);
    settabss(L, "short_src", ar.short_src);
    settabsi(L, "linedefined", ar.linedefined);
    settabsi(L, "lastlinedefined", ar.lastlinedefined);
    settabss(L, "what", ar.what);
  if (strchr(options, 'l'))
    settabsi(L, "currentline", ar.currentline);
  if (strchr(options, 'u'))
    settabsi(L, "nups", ar.nups);
	//add by cuiwei 07.8.30
	if (ar.what != "C" )
		settabsi(L, "npars", ar.npars);
		settabsi(L, "has3dot", ar.has3dot?1:0);
		for ( i = 1; i <= ar.npars; i++ )
			strcat(aparms, ar.parms[i-1]);
			if ( i != ar.npars || ar.has3dot)
				strcat(aparms, ",");
		if ( ar.has3dot )
			strcat(aparms, "...");
		}	settabss(L, "strparms", aparms);
	//add end
  if (strchr(options, 'n')) {
    settabss(L, "name", ar.name);
    settabss(L, "namewhat", ar.namewhat);
  if (strchr(options, 'L'))
    treatstackoption(L, L1, "activelines");
  if (strchr(options, 'f'))
    treatstackoption(L, L1, "func");
  return 1;  /* return table */