Example #1
double quadArea(vec3_t x0, vec3_t x1, vec3_t x2, vec3_t x3)
  double A = 0;
  vec3_t p = .25*(x0+x1+x2+x3);
  A += triArea(x0,x1,p);
  A += triArea(x1,x2,p);
  A += triArea(x2,x3,p);
  A += triArea(x3,x0,p);
  return A;
Example #2
Edge *Subdivision::locate(const Vec2& x, Edge *start)
    Edge *e = start;
    double t = triArea(x, e->Dest(), e->Org());

    if (t>0) {                  // x is to the right of edge e
        t = -t;
        e = e->Sym();

    while (true)
        Edge *eo = e->Onext();
        Edge *ed = e->Dprev();

        double to = triArea(x, eo->Dest(), eo->Org());
        double td = triArea(x, ed->Dest(), ed->Org());

        if (td>0)                       // x is below ed
            if (to>0 || to==0 && t==0) {// x is interior, or origin endpoint
                startingEdge = e;
                return e;
            else {                      // x is below ed, below eo
                t = to;
                e = eo;
        else                            // x is on or above ed
            if (to>0)                   // x is above eo
                if (td==0 && t==0) {    // x is destination endpoint
                    startingEdge = e;
                    return e;
                else {                  // x is on or above ed and above eo
                    t = td;
                    e = ed;
            else                        // x is on or below eo
                if (t==0 && !leftOf(eo->Dest(), e))
		    // x on e but subdiv. is to right
                    e = e->Sym();
                else if (rand()&1) {  // x is on or above ed and
                    t = to;             // on or below eo; step randomly
                    e = eo;
                else {
                    t = td;
                    e = ed;
Example #3
double cellVA(vtkUnstructuredGrid *grid, vtkIdType cellId, bool neg)
  vtkIdType *pts;
  vtkIdType  Npts;
  vec3_t     p[8];
  grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, Npts, pts);
  for (int i_pts = 0; i_pts < Npts; ++i_pts) {
    grid->GetPoints()->GetPoint(pts[i_pts], p[i_pts].data());
  vtkIdType cellType = grid->GetCellType(cellId);
  if      (cellType == VTK_TRIANGLE)   return triArea (p[0], p[1], p[2]);
  else if (cellType == VTK_QUAD)       return quadArea(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
  else if (cellType == VTK_TETRA)      return tetraVol(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], neg);
  else if (cellType == VTK_PYRAMID)    return pyraVol (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], neg);
  else if (cellType == VTK_WEDGE)      return prismVol(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], neg);
  else if (cellType == VTK_HEXAHEDRON) return hexaVol (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], neg);
  return 0.0;
Example #4
void calcSimplificaiton( vector < drawnPoint > & line){
  int total = line.size();
    // if we have 100 points, we have 98 triangles to look at
    int nTriangles = total - 2;
    triangle * triangles[ nTriangles ];
    for (int i = 1; i < total-1; i++){
        triangle * tempTri = new triangle();
        tempTri->indices[0] = i-1;
        tempTri->indices[1] = i;
        tempTri->indices[2] = i+1;
        tempTri->area = triArea(        line[tempTri->indices[0]].pos,
        triangles[i-1] = tempTri;
    // set the next and prev triangles, use NULL on either end. this helps us update traingles that might need to be removed
    for (int i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++){
        triangles[i]->prev = (i == 0 ? NULL : triangles[i-1]);
        triangles[i]->next = (i == nTriangles-1 ? NULL : triangles[i+1]);
    std::vector<triangle*> trianglesVec;
    for (int i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++){
    int count = 0;
    while ( !trianglesVec.empty()){
        triangle * tri = trianglesVec[0];
        line[tri->indices[1]].importance = total - count;         // store the "importance" of this point in numerical order of removal (but inverted, so 0 = most improtant, n = least important.  end points are 0.
        count ++;
        if (tri->prev != NULL){
            tri->prev->next = tri->next;
            tri->prev->indices[2] = tri->indices[2];  // check!
            tri->prev->area = triArea(      line[tri->prev->indices[0]].pos,
        if (tri->next != NULL){
            tri->next->prev = tri->prev;
            tri->next->indices[0] = tri->indices[0];  // check!
            tri->next->area = triArea(      line[tri->next->indices[0]].pos,
    // free the memory we just allocated above.
    for (int i = 0; i < nTriangles; i++){
        delete triangles[i];