// Returns an Intersection of the ray with a sphere
Intersection Mesh::intersectImpl(const Ray &ray) const {

	Intersection i = Intersection();
	i.t = -1.0f;
	i.normal = glm::vec3(0.f);

	float smallestT = FLT_MAX;

	// check every triangle in the mesh
	int num_triangles = indices_.size() / 3;

	for (int n = 0; n < num_triangles; ++n) {

		// triangle vertices
		glm::vec3 p1 = vertices_.at(indices_.at(n * 3));
		glm::vec3 p2 = vertices_.at(indices_.at(n * 3 + 1));
		glm::vec3 p3 = vertices_.at(indices_.at(n * 3 + 2));

		// triangle intersection
		Intersection triI = triangleIntersect(ray, p1, p2, p3);

		// return only the closest triangle
		if (triI.t != -1.0 && triI.t < smallestT) {
			smallestT = triI.t;
			i = triI;
	return i;
Example #2
void LinkedNode::subdivide(DirectX::XMFLOAT3 p_min,
					 DirectX::XMFLOAT3 p_max,
					 std::vector<unsigned int> p_indices,
					 std::vector<Triangle> p_triangles)
	std::vector<unsigned int> triIndices;
	bool intersect = false;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<p_indices.size(); i++)
		intersect = triangleIntersect(p_triangles[p_indices[i]]);

	if(triIndices.size() > MAX_NUM_TRIS)
		DirectX::XMFLOAT3 minValues[8];
		DirectX::XMFLOAT3 maxValues[8];

		minValues[0] = p_min;
		maxValues[0] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2 , (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );

		minValues[1] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, p_min.y, p_min.z );
		maxValues[1] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( p_max.x, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2 , (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );

		minValues[2] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( p_min.x, p_min.y, (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );
		maxValues[2] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2 , p_max.z );

		minValues[3] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, p_min.y, (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );
		maxValues[3] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( p_max.x, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2 , p_max.z );

		minValues[4] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( p_min.x, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2, p_min.z );
		maxValues[4] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, p_max.y , (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );

		minValues[5] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2, p_min.z );
		maxValues[5] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( p_max.x, p_max.y , (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );

		minValues[6] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( p_min.x, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2, (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );
		maxValues[6] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, p_max.y, p_max.z );

		minValues[7] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( (p_min.x+p_max.x)/2, (p_min.y+p_max.y)/2, (p_min.z+p_max.z)/2 );
		maxValues[7] = DirectX::XMFLOAT3( p_max.x, p_max.y, p_max.z );

		for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUM_CHILDREN; i++)
			m_children[i] = new LinkedNode(minValues[i], maxValues[i]);
			m_children[i]->subdivide(minValues[i], maxValues[i], triIndices, p_triangles);
		m_triIndices = triIndices;
Example #3
char BaseMesh::intersect(unsigned idx, IntersectionContext * ctx) const
    Vector3F threeCorners[3];
	threeCorners[0] = _vertices[_indices[idx * 3]];
	threeCorners[1] = _vertices[_indices[idx * 3 + 1]];
	threeCorners[2] = _vertices[_indices[idx * 3 + 2]];
	if(!triangleIntersect(threeCorners, ctx)) return 0;

	postIntersection(idx, ctx);
	return 1;
// custom implement R04922067 begin
bool Heightfield2::Intersect(const Ray &r, float *tHit, float *rayEpsilon,
        DifferentialGeometry *dg) const {
    // Transform _Ray_ to object space
    Ray ray;
    (*WorldToObject)(r, &ray);

	// simplify 3D DDA to 2D DDA
	int x, y;
	bool has = false;
	for (y = 0; y < ny-1; ++y) {
        for (x = 0; x < nx-1; ++x) {
			float tx[2], ty[2];
			float tz[4] = {z[y*nx+x], z[y*nx+(x+1)], z[(y+1)*nx+x], z[(y+1)*nx+x+1]};
            tx[0] = (float)x / (float) (nx-1);
            ty[0] = (float)y / (float) (ny-1);
			tx[1] = (float)(x+1) / (float) (nx-1);
            ty[1] = (float)(y+1) / (float) (ny-1);
			Point p[4];
			p[0].x = tx[0], p[0].y = ty[0], p[0].z = tz[0]; // (0, 0)
			p[1].x = tx[1], p[1].y = ty[0], p[1].z = tz[1]; // (1, 0)
			p[2].x = tx[0], p[2].y = ty[1], p[2].z = tz[2]; // (0, 1)
			p[3].x = tx[1], p[3].y = ty[1], p[3].z = tz[3]; // (1, 1)
				Point triangle[3] = {p[0], p[1], p[3]};
				if (triangleIntersect(r, tHit, rayEpsilon, dg, triangle)) {
					has = true;
				Point triangle[3] = {p[0], p[3], p[2]};
				if (triangleIntersect(r, tHit, rayEpsilon, dg, triangle)) {
					has = true;
	return has;
Example #5
char BaseMesh::selectComponent(IntersectionContext * ctx) const
	Vector3F threeCorners[3];
	unsigned fvi[3];
	const unsigned nf = getNumTriangles();
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
		getTriangle(i, fvi);
		threeCorners[0] = _vertices[fvi[0]];
		threeCorners[1] = _vertices[fvi[1]];
		threeCorners[2] = _vertices[fvi[2]];
		if(triangleIntersect(threeCorners, ctx)) {
			ctx->m_componentIdx = BaseMesh::closestVertex(i, ctx->m_hitP);;
			return 1;
	return 0;