bool LexicsCutter::Read_Innormative_Words(std::string& FileName) { FILE *ma_file; char line[1024]; unsigned int pos; std::string line_s; std::string lchar; ma_file = fopen(FileName.c_str(), "rb"); if (!ma_file) { sLog.outError("Chat lexics cutter disabled. Reason: LexicsCutterWordsFile file does not exist in the server directory."); return false; } while (!feof(ma_file)) { line[0] = 0x0; fgets(line, 1020, ma_file); // check for UTF8 prefix and comment if (strlen(line) >= 3) { if (line[0] == '\xEF' && line[1] == '\xBB' && line[2] == '\xBF') { strncpy(&line[0], &line[3], strlen(line) - 3); } } if (strlen(line) >= 2) { if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; } // check for empty string line_s = line; line_s = trim(line_s, "\x0A\x0D\x20"); if (line_s == "") continue; // process line without CR/LF line_s = line; line_s = trim(line_s, "\x0A\x0D"); // create word vector of vectors LC_WordVector vw; pos = 0; while (ReadUTF8(line_s, lchar, pos)) { // create letter set LC_LetterSet vl; // initialize letter set with letter read vl.insert(lchar); // find letter analogs and push them onto the vector LC_AnalogMap::iterator itr = AnalogMap.find(lchar); if (itr != AnalogMap.end()) { // analogs present, iterate for (LC_AnalogVector::iterator itr2 = itr->second.begin(); itr2 != itr->second.end(); itr2++) { vl.insert(*itr2); } } // add letter vector to word vector vw.push_back(vl); } // push new word to words list WordList.push_back(vw); } fclose(ma_file); return true; }
/** * Check/authentication of a connection. * @param sd: string (atm:md5key or dbpass) * @param isServer: string (atm:md5key or dbpass) * @return : * -1: success * 0: unregistered id; * 1: incorrect pass; * 2: expired id * 3: blacklisted (or registration limit exceeded if new acc); * 5: invalid client_version|hash; * 6: banned * x: acc state (TODO document me deeper) */ int login_mmo_auth(struct login_session_data* sd, bool isServer) { struct mmo_account acc; int len; char ip[16]; ip2str(session[sd->fd]->client_addr, ip); // DNS Blacklist check if( login_config.use_dnsbl ) { char r_ip[16]; char ip_dnsbl[256]; char* dnsbl_serv; uint8* sin_addr = (uint8*)&session[sd->fd]->client_addr; sprintf(r_ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", sin_addr[0], sin_addr[1], sin_addr[2], sin_addr[3]); for( dnsbl_serv = strtok(login_config.dnsbl_servs,","); dnsbl_serv != NULL; dnsbl_serv = strtok(NULL,",") ) { sprintf(ip_dnsbl, "%s.%s", r_ip, trim(dnsbl_serv)); if( host2ip(ip_dnsbl) ) { ShowInfo("DNSBL: (%s) Blacklisted. User Kicked.\n", r_ip); return 3; } } } //Client Version check if( login_config.check_client_version && sd->version != login_config.client_version_to_connect ){ ShowNotice("Invalid version (account: '%s', auth_vers: '%d', received version: '%d', ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, login_config.client_version_to_connect, sd->version, ip); return 5; } len = strnlen(sd->userid, NAME_LENGTH); // Account creation with _M/_F if( login_config.new_account_flag ) { if( len > 2 && strnlen(sd->passwd, NAME_LENGTH) > 0 && // valid user and password lengths sd->passwdenc == 0 && // unencoded password sd->userid[len-2] == '_' && memchr("FfMm", sd->userid[len-1], 4) ) // _M/_F suffix { int result; // remove the _M/_F suffix len -= 2; sd->userid[len] = '\0'; result = login_mmo_auth_new(sd->userid, sd->passwd, TOUPPER(sd->userid[len+1]), ip); if( result != -1 ) return result;// Failed to make account. [Skotlex]. } } if( !accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, sd->userid) ) { ShowNotice("Unknown account (account: %s, received pass: %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, ip); return 0; // 0 = Unregistered ID } if( !login_check_password(sd->md5key, sd->passwdenc, sd->passwd, acc.pass) ) { ShowNotice("Invalid password (account: '%s', pass: '******', received pass: '******', ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, acc.pass, sd->passwd, ip); return 1; // 1 = Incorrect Password } if( acc.expiration_time != 0 && acc.expiration_time < time(NULL) ) { ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, pass: %s, expired ID, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, ip); return 2; // 2 = This ID is expired } if( acc.unban_time != 0 && acc.unban_time > time(NULL) ) { char tmpstr[24]; timestamp2string(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), acc.unban_time, login_config.date_format); ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, pass: %s, banned until %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, tmpstr, ip); return 6; // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s } if( acc.state != 0 ) { ShowNotice("Connection refused (account: %s, pass: %s, state: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, acc.state, ip); return acc.state - 1; } if( login_config.client_hash_check && !isServer ) { struct client_hash_node *node = NULL; bool match = false; for( node = login_config.client_hash_nodes; node; node = node->next ) { if( acc.group_id < node->group_id ) continue; if( *node->hash == '\0' // Allowed to login without hash || (sd->has_client_hash && memcmp(node->hash, sd->client_hash, 16) == 0 ) // Correct hash ) { match = true; break; } } if( !match ) { char smd5[33]; int i; if( !sd->has_client_hash ) { ShowNotice("Client didn't send client hash (account: %s, pass: %s, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, acc.state, ip); return 5; } for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) sprintf(&smd5[i * 2], "%02x", sd->client_hash[i]); ShowNotice("Invalid client hash (account: %s, pass: %s, sent md5: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, sd->passwd, smd5, ip); return 5; } } ShowNotice("Authentication accepted (account: %s, id: %d, ip: %s)\n", sd->userid, acc.account_id, ip); // update session data sd->account_id = acc.account_id; sd->login_id1 = rnd() + 1; sd->login_id2 = rnd() + 1; safestrncpy(sd->lastlogin, acc.lastlogin, sizeof(sd->lastlogin)); sd->sex =; sd->group_id = acc.group_id; // update account data timestamp2string(acc.lastlogin, sizeof(acc.lastlogin), time(NULL), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); safestrncpy(acc.last_ip, ip, sizeof(acc.last_ip)); acc.unban_time = 0; acc.logincount++; accounts->save(accounts, &acc); if( sd->sex != 'S' && sd->account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM ) ShowWarning("Account %s has account id %d! Account IDs must be over %d to work properly!\n", sd->userid, sd->account_id, START_ACCOUNT_NUM); return -1; // account OK }
static int server(char **argv, char *pname[2], int p[2]) { Engine *ep; FILE *f; char buf[4096], buf1[4096], *msg, *s, *t; int rc; #if 0/*def SERVER_DEBUG*/ printf("Server got\tpname[0] = \"%s\"\nand\t\tpname[1] = \"%s\"\n", pname[0], pname[1]); if (*argv) { int i; printf("Args for MATLAB to interpret:\n"); for(i = 0; argv[i]; i++) printf("\t\"%s\"\n", argv[i]); } #endif if (exists(pname[0], 1) || exists(pname[1], 1)) return 1; if (mkfifo(pname[0], 0600)) return mkfifo_fail(pname[0]); if (mkfifo(pname[1], 0600)) { unlink(pname[0]); return mkfifo_fail(pname[1]); } s = *argv; //if(s){ printf("%s\n",s); fflush(stdout);} ep = engOpen(s ? s : "matlab -logfile engine.log"); if (!ep) { Squawk("could not start MATLAB\n"); return 1; } /*DEBUG*/engOutputBuffer(ep, mbuf, sizeof(mbuf)-1); if (s) while(s = *++argv) engEvalString(ep, s); if (p[1] >= 0) { close(p[0]); write(p[1], "OK\n", 3); close(p[1]); } rc = 1; for(;;) { f = fopen(pname[0], "r"); if (!f) break; s = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); if (!s) { fclose(f); break; } trim(s); if (!*s) { Squawk("server: empty parameters_file name\n");\ bailout: fclose(f); break; } if (!strcmp(s,"quit")) { rc = 0; goto bailout; } t = fgets(buf1, sizeof(buf1), f); fclose(f); if (!t) { Squawk("server expected 2 lines from \"%s\"; only got 1.\n", pname[0]); break; } trim(t); msg = process(ep, s, t) ? "evaluation error" : "results_file written"; f = fopen(pname[1],"w"); if (!f) { Squawk("Could not open pipe2 file \"%s\"\n", pname[1]); break; } fprintf(f, "%s\n", msg); fclose(f); } engClose(ep); unlink(pname[0]); unlink(pname[1]); return rc; }
void RequestHandler :: handleClient( int fd ){ Connection conn( fd ); HttpMessage request, response; std::string content; std::vector< std::string > parts; std::string body; bool done = false; size_t request_counter = 0; conn.set_timeout( 15 ); while( !done ){ try{ //std::cerr << "Handler " << *ptr_fd << " receiving..." << std::endl; while( content.find( "\r\n\r\n" ) == std::string::npos ){ content += conn.receive( 1024 ); } } catch( std::string error ){ //std::cerr << "RH: ERROR: " << error << std::endl; done = true; continue; } //std::cerr << "Handler " << *ptr_fd << " done receiving..." << std::endl; //std::cerr << "content: '" << content << "'" << std::endl; parts = split_string( content, "\r\n\r\n" ); if( parts.size() > 1 ){ for( size_t i = 1 ; i < parts.size() - 1 ; ++i ){ body += parts[i] + std::string( "\r\n\r\n" ); } body += parts[parts.size()-1]; } content.clear(); std::vector<std::string> header_lines = split_string( parts[0], "\r\n" ); std::vector< std::string > request_line = split_string( header_lines[0], " " ); //std::cerr << "request_line: '" << header_lines[0] << "' and header_lines.size() = " << header_lines.size() << "request_line.size() = " << << std::endl; if( header_lines.size() < 2 || request_line.size() != 3 ){ // return error response //conn.disconnect(); std::cerr << "RH: ERROR: " << "Invalid request line!" << std::endl; done = true; continue; } request.set_method( request_line[0] ); request.set_path( request_line[1] ); request.set_version( request_line[2] ); for( size_t i = 1 ; i < header_lines.size() ; ++i ){ std::vector<std::string> tmp = split_string( header_lines[i], ":" ); if( tmp.size() > 2 ){ std::string str; for( size_t i = 1 ; i < tmp.size() - 1 ; ++i ){ str += tmp[i] + std::string( ":" ); } str += tmp[tmp.size()-1]; request.set_header_field( trim(tmp[0] ), trim( str ) ); } else{ request.set_header_field( trim( tmp[0] ), trim( tmp[1] ) ); } } if( ( request_line[0] == "PUT" ) || ( request_line[0] == "POST" ) ){ size_t content_length = 0; if( request.has_header_field( "Content-Length" ) ){ content_length = string_to_integer( request.get_header_field( "Content-Length" ) ); } if( request.has_header_field( "Transfer-Encoding" ) ){ if( request.get_header_field( "Transfer-Encoding" ) == "chunked" ){ bool chunks_done = false; size_t chunk_size = 0, pos; content = body; body.clear(); while( !chunks_done ){ pos = content.find( "\r\n" ); if( pos != std::string::npos ){ std::string hex = content.substr( 0, pos ); chunk_size = hex_string_to_integer( trim( hex ) ); content = content.substr( pos+2 ); if( chunk_size == 0 ){ chunks_done = true; continue; } } try{ while( content.size() < chunk_size+2 ){ content += conn.receive( chunk_size - content.size() + 2 ); } } catch( std::string error ){ //std::cerr << "RH: ERROR: " << error << std::endl; done = true; continue; } body += content.substr( 0, chunk_size ); content = content.substr( chunk_size + 2 ); try{ while( content.find( "\r\n" ) == std::string::npos ){ content += conn.receive( 1 ); } } catch( std::string error ){ //std::cerr << "RH: ERROR:" << error << std::endl; done = true; break; } } } } else{ try{ while( body.size() < content_length ){ body += conn.receive( content_length - content.size() ); } } catch( std::string error ){ std::cerr << "RH: ERROR:" << error << std::endl; done = true; continue; } } request.set_body( body ); } //std::cerr << "Request: " << request.serialize() << std::endl; try{ response = RequestHandler::handleRequest( request ); conn.send( response.serialize() ); } catch( std::string error ){ //std::cerr << "RH: ERROR: " << error << std::endl; } done = true; if( request.has_header_field( "Connection" ) ){ if( ( request.get_header_field( "Connection" ) == "Keep-Alive" ) || ( request.get_header_field( "Connection" ) == "keep-alive" ) ){ done = false; } } ++request_counter; if( request_counter > 15 ){ done = true; } } //printf( "Disconnecting %i \n", conn.get_fd() ); //gconn_unmark( conn.get_fd() ); conn.disconnect(); --global_connection_count; //delete (int*)arg; //pthread_exit( NULL ); }
int mme_app_config_init(char* lib_config_file_name_pP, mme_app_config_t* config_pP) { config_t cfg; config_setting_t *setting_sgw = NULL; char *sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = NULL; char *sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = NULL; char *sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up = NULL; char *sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up = NULL; char *sgw_interface_name_for_S11 = NULL; char *sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11 = NULL; config_setting_t *setting_pgw = NULL; config_setting_t *subsetting = NULL; config_setting_t *sub2setting = NULL; char *pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8 = NULL; char *pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8 = NULL; char *pgw_interface_name_for_SGI = NULL; char *pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI = NULL; char *delimiters=NULL; char *saveptr1= NULL; char *astring = NULL; char *atoken = NULL; char *atoken2 = NULL; char *address = NULL; char *cidr = NULL; char *mask = NULL; int num = 0; int i = 0; int jh, jn; unsigned char buf_in6_addr[sizeof(struct in6_addr)]; struct in6_addr addr6_start; struct in6_addr addr6_mask; int prefix_mask; uint64_t counter64; unsigned char buf_in_addr[sizeof(struct in_addr)]; struct in_addr addr_start; struct in_addr addr_end; memset((char*)config_pP, 0 , sizeof(mme_app_config_t)); config_init(&cfg); if(lib_config_file_name_pP != NULL) { /* Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. */ if(! config_read_file(&cfg, lib_config_file_name_pP)) { MME_APP_ERROR("%s:%d - %s\n", lib_config_file_name_pP, config_error_line(&cfg), config_error_text(&cfg)); config_destroy(&cfg); AssertFatal (1 == 0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", lib_config_file_name_pP); } } else { SPGW_APP_ERROR("No SP-GW configuration file provided!\n"); config_destroy(&cfg); AssertFatal (0, "No SP-GW configuration file provided!\n"); } setting_sgw = config_lookup(&cfg, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_CONFIG); if(setting_sgw != NULL) { subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_sgw, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_NETWORK_INTERFACES_CONFIG); if(subsetting != NULL) { if( ( config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP, (const char **)&sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP, (const char **)&sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8_UP, (const char **)&sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8_UP, (const char **)&sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11, (const char **)&sgw_interface_name_for_S11) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11, (const char **)&sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11) ) ) { config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = strdup(sgw_interface_name_for_S1u_S12_S4_up); cidr = strdup(sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up); address = strtok(cidr, "/"); mask = strtok(NULL, "/"); IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ipv4_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S1u_S12_S4 !\n" ) config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_netmask_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = atoi(mask); free(cidr); config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up = strdup(sgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8_up); cidr = strdup(sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up); address = strtok(cidr, "/"); mask = strtok(NULL, "/"); IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8_up, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S5_S8 !\n" ) config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_netmask_for_S5_S8_up = atoi(mask); free(cidr); config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_interface_name_for_S11 = strdup(sgw_interface_name_for_S11); cidr = strdup(sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11); address = strtok(cidr, "/"); mask = strtok(NULL, "/"); IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ipv4_address_for_S11, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S11 !\n" ) config_pP->sgw_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_netmask_for_S11 = atoi(mask); free(cidr); } } } setting_pgw = config_lookup(&cfg, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_CONFIG); if(setting_pgw != NULL) { subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_pgw, SGW_CONFIG_STRING_NETWORK_INTERFACES_CONFIG); if(subsetting != NULL) { if( ( config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8, (const char **)&pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8) && config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8, (const char **)&pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8) && config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SGI, (const char **)&pgw_interface_name_for_SGI) && config_setting_lookup_string(subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_PGW_IPV4_ADDR_FOR_SGI, (const char **)&pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI) ) ) { config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8 = strdup(pgw_interface_name_for_S5_S8); cidr = strdup(pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8); address = strtok(cidr, "/"); mask = strtok(NULL, "/"); IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ipv4_address_for_S5_S8, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR S5_S8 !\n" ) config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ip_netmask_for_S5_S8 = atoi(mask); free(cidr); config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_interface_name_for_SGI = strdup(pgw_interface_name_for_SGI); cidr = strdup(pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI); address = strtok(cidr, "/"); mask = strtok(NULL, "/"); IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ipv4_address_for_SGI, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR SGI !\n" ) config_pP->pgw_config.ipv4.pgw_ip_netmask_for_SGI = atoi(mask); free(cidr); } } subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_pgw, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_POOL); if(subsetting != NULL) { sub2setting = config_setting_get_member (subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV4_ADDRESS_LIST); if(sub2setting != NULL) { num = config_setting_length(sub2setting); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { astring = config_setting_get_string_elem(sub2setting,i); if (astring != NULL) { trim(astring, strlen(astring)+1); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, astring, buf_in_addr) < 1) { // failure, test if there is a range specified in the string atoken = strtok(astring, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE_DELIMITERS); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, astring, buf_in_addr) == 1) { memcpy (&addr_start, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); // valid address atoken2 = strtok(NULL, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE_DELIMITERS); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, atoken2, buf_in_addr) == 1) { memcpy (&addr_end, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); // valid address for (jh = ntohl(addr_start.s_addr); jh <= ntohl(addr_end.s_addr); jh++) { DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses); jn = htonl(jh); if (IN_CLASSA(addr_start.s_addr)) { if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) { config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn; } } else if (IN_CLASSB(addr_start.s_addr)) { if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) { config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn; } } else if (IN_CLASSC(addr_start.s_addr)) { if ((jh & 0xFF) && (jh & 0xFF) != 0xFF) { config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = jn; } } else { printf("ERROR ON ADDRESS CLASS %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPADDR(jn)); } } } } } else { DevAssert(PGW_MAX_ALLOCATED_PDN_ADDRESSES > config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses); memcpy (&addr_start, buf_in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv4_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv4_addresses++].s_addr = addr_start.s_addr; } } } } sub2setting = config_setting_get_member (subsetting, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_ADDRESS_LIST); if(sub2setting != NULL) { num = config_setting_length(sub2setting); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { astring = config_setting_get_string_elem(sub2setting,i); if (astring != NULL) { trim(astring, strlen(astring)+1); if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, astring, buf_in6_addr) < 1) { // failure, test if there is a range specified in the string atoken = strtok(astring, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_PREFIX_DELIMITER); if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, astring, buf_in6_addr) == 1) { atoken2 = strtok(NULL, PGW_CONFIG_STRING_IPV6_PREFIX_DELIMITER); prefix_mask = atoi(atoken2); // arbitrary values DevAssert((prefix_mask < 128) && (prefix_mask >= 64)); memcpy (&addr6_start, buf_in6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); memcpy (&addr6_mask, buf_in6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); sgw_ipv6_mask_in6_addr(&addr6_mask, prefix_mask); if (memcmp(&addr6_start, &addr6_mask, sizeof(struct in6_addr)) != 0) { AssertFatal(0, "BAD IPV6 ADDR CONFIG/MASK PAIRING %s/%d\n", astring, prefix_mask); } counter64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> prefix_mask; // address Prefix_mask/0..0 not valid do { addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] + htonl(1); if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[3] == 0) { addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] + htonl(1); if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[2] == 0) { // should not happen since mask is no less than 64 addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] + htonl(1); if (addr6_start.s6_addr32[1] == 0) { addr6_start.s6_addr32[0] = addr6_start.s6_addr32[0] + htonl(1); } } } memcpy (&config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.ipv6_addresses[config_pP->pgw_config.pool_pdn_addresses.num_ipv6_addresses++], &addr6_start, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); counter64 = counter64 - 1; } while (counter64 > 0); } } else {
void copy(int prompt, FILE *fin) { FILE *fout, *f; char s[200], t[200], s1[200], *r, *tod; char nm[100]; int *p; time_t tval; int nmatch = 0; if (subdir[0] == 0) snprintf(subdir, sizeof subdir, "%s/%s", _PATH_LLIB, sname); for (;;) { if (pgets(s, sizeof s, prompt, fin) == 0) { if (fin == stdin) { /* fprintf(stderr, "Don't type control-D\n"); */ /* this didn't work out very well */ wrapup(1); /* ian */ continue; } else break; } trim(s); /* change the sequence %s to lesson directory */ /* if needed */ for (r = s; *r; r++) if (*r == '%') { snprintf(s1, sizeof s1, s, subdir, subdir, subdir); strlcpy(s, s1, sizeof s); break; } r = wordb(s, t); p = action(t); /* some actions done only once per script */ if (p && *p == ONCE) { if (wrong) { /* we are on 2nd time */ scopy(fin, NULL); continue; } strlcpy(s, r, sizeof s); r = wordb(s, t); p = action(t); } if (p == 0) { if (comfile >= 0) { write(comfile, s, strlen(s)); write(comfile, "\n", 1); } else { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); status = mysys(s); signal(SIGINT, signal_intrpt); } if (incopy) { fprintf(incopy, "%s\n", s); strlcpy(last, s, sizeof last); } continue; } switch (*p) { case READY: if (incopy && r) { fprintf(incopy, "%s\n", r); strlcpy(last, r, sizeof last); } return; case PRINT: if (wrong) scopy(fin, NULL); /* don't repeat msg */ else if (r) list(r); else scopy(fin, stdout); break; case NOP: break; case MATCH: if (nmatch > 0) /* we have already passed */ scopy(fin, NULL); /* did we pass this time? */ else if ((status = strcmp(r, last)) == 0) { nmatch++; scopy(fin, stdout); } else scopy(fin, NULL); break; case BAD: if (strcmp(r, last) == 0) scopy(fin, stdout); else scopy(fin, NULL); break; case SUCCEED: scopy(fin, (status == 0) ? stdout : NULL); break; case FAIL: scopy(fin, (status != 0) ? stdout : NULL); break; case CREATE: fout = fopen(r, "w"); scopy(fin, fout); fclose(fout); break; case CMP: status = cmp(r); /* contains two file names */ break; case MV: snprintf(nm, sizeof nm, "%s/L%s.%s", subdir, todo, r); fcopy(r, nm); break; case USER: case NEXT: more = 1; return; case COPYIN: incopy = fopen(".copy", "w"); break; case UNCOPIN: fclose(incopy); incopy = NULL; break; case COPYOUT: maktee(); break; case UNCOPOUT: untee(); break; case PIPE: comfile = makpipe(); break; case UNPIPE: close(comfile); wait(0); comfile = -1; break; case YES: case NO: if (incopy) { fprintf(incopy, "%s\n", s); strlcpy(last, s, sizeof last); } return; case WHERE: printf("You are in lesson %s\n", todo); fflush(stdout); break; case BYE: more = 0; return; case CHDIR: printf("cd not allowed\n"); fflush(stdout); break; case LEARN: printf("You are already in learn.\n"); fflush(stdout); break; case LOG: if (!logging) break; if (logfile[0] == 0) { snprintf(logfile, sizeof logfile, "%s/log/%s", direct, sname); } f = fopen((r ? r : logfile), "a"); if (f == NULL) break; time(&tval); tod = ctime(&tval); tod[24] = 0; fprintf(f, "%s L%-6s %s %2d %s\n", tod, todo, status? "fail" : "pass", speed, pwline); fclose(f); break; } } return; }
void selunit(void) { char fnam[1024], s[1024]; static char dobuff[50]; char posslev[20][20]; int diff[20], i, k, m, n, best, alts; FILE *f; char zb[200]; static char saved[20]; while (ask) { printf("What lesson? "); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(dobuff, sizeof dobuff, stdin) == NULL) errx(1, "could not read input"); trim(dobuff); if (strcmp(dobuff, "bye") == 0) wrapup(0); level = todo = dobuff; snprintf(s, sizeof s, "%s/%s/L%s", _PATH_LLIB, sname, dobuff); if (access(s, R_OK) == 0) return; printf("no such lesson\n"); } alts = 0; retry: f = scrin; if (f == NULL) { snprintf(fnam, sizeof fnam, "%s/%s/L%s", _PATH_LLIB, sname, level); f = fopen(fnam, "r"); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No script for lesson %s.\n", level); err(1, "%s", fnam); wrapup(1); } while (fgets(zb, sizeof zb, f)) { trim(zb); if (strcmp(zb, "#next") == 0) break; } } if (feof(f)) { printf("Congratulations; you have finished this sequence.\n"); fflush(stdout); todo = 0; return; } for (i = 0; fgets(s, 50, f); i++) sscanf(s, "%s %d", posslev[i], &diff[i]); best = -1; /* * cycle through lessons from random start * first try the current place, failing that back up to * last place there are untried alternatives (but only one backup) */ n = arc4random_uniform(077777) % i; for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { m = (n + k) % i; if (already(posslev[m])) continue; if (best < 0) best = m; /* real alternatives */ alts++; if (abs(diff[m] - speed) < abs(diff[best] - speed)) best = m; } if (best < 0 && nsave) { nsave--; strlcpy(level, saved, sizeof level); goto retry; } if (best < 0) { /* lessons exhausted or missing */ printf("Sorry, there are no other lessons at this stage.\n"); printf("See someone for help.\n"); fflush(stdout); todo = 0; return; } strlcpy(dobuff, posslev[best], sizeof dobuff); if (alts > 1) { nsave = 1; strlcpy(saved, level, sizeof saved); } todo = dobuff; fclose(f); }
string NancyBot::askNancy(string msg_input) { string msg_out = "PCManX-NancyBot"; // init msg_out if( (BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_TEACH )&& (BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_AUTO_LEARN)) { unsigned int get_here; if( (get_here = msg_input.find_first_of('=')) != string::npos ) // found { string str_first = msg_input.substr(0,get_here); string str_second = msg_input.substr(get_here+1); str_first = trim(str_first); str_second = trim(str_second); if(!(str_first.empty() || str_second.empty())) { pMyMsgData->learning(str_first, str_second); return "Got it!"; } } } if (BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_USER_DEFINED_USAGES) { unsigned int get_here; if( (get_here = msg_input.find_first_of('|')) != string::npos ) // found { string str_first = msg_input.substr(0,get_here); string str_second = msg_input.substr(get_here+1); str_first = trim(str_first); str_second = trim(str_second); if(!(str_first.empty() || str_second.empty())) { if(pMyMsgData->getUserDefinedUsages(str_first, str_second, msg_out )) return msg_out; } } } BOT_STATUS = 0; add_to_unknow = true; string unknow_msg; if(level__add_to_unknow_msg_changed) { pMyMsgData->setLevel__AddToUnknowMsg(LEVEL__ADD_TO_UNKNOW_MSG); level__add_to_unknow_msg_changed = false; } if(level__re_learning_changed) { pMyMsgData->setLevel__ReLearning(LEVEL__RE_LEARNING); level__re_learning_changed = false; } if(just_asked) // AUTO_LEARN { pMyMsgData->learning(just_asked_unknow_msg, msg_input); just_asked = false; add_to_unknow = false; } if( BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_AUTO_LEARN) { if( (unsigned int) (rand()%100 ) < LEVEL__ASK_UNKNOW_MSG ) BOT_STATUS = 3; // Auto learn; if(BOT_STATUS == 3) { if(pMyMsgData->getSpecialMsg(BOT_STATUS, msg_out ) == 0){ // should not here } else { // get a msg that bot unknow to ask if(pMyMsgData->getUnknowMsgToAsk(unknow_msg)) // got it { replaceString(msg_out, ask_flag, unknow_msg); just_asked = true; just_asked_unknow_msg = unknow_msg; if( BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_LOG ) { writeLog(msg_input, msg_out); } return msg_out; } } } // end (BOT_STATUS = 3) } // end (USE_AUTO_LEARN) if( BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_ANGRY ) { if( checkMsgRepeat(msg_input) > 3) { BOT_STATUS = 1; // anacy is angry if(pMyMsgData->getSpecialMsg(BOT_STATUS, msg_out ) == 0){ //should not run here } } } if( (BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_BASE ) && BOT_STATUS != 1 ) // use_base and nancy not angry { if(pMyMsgData->getCommonMsg(msg_input, msg_out, add_to_unknow) == 0) // not found { if(BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_UNKNOW) { BOT_STATUS = 2; // BOT UNKNOW } } if(BOT_STATUS == 2) // UNKNOW MSG { pMyMsgData->getSpecialMsg(BOT_STATUS, msg_out ); //if( BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_AUTO_LEARN) // pMyMsgData->addUnknowMsgToAsk(msg_input); } } if( BOT_RUN_LEVEL & USE_LOG ) { writeLog(msg_input, msg_out); } return msg_out; }
SimulateOptions::SimulateOptions(const std::string &fname) : steps(50), start(0), duration(5), absolute(MaxAbsolute), relative(MaxRelative), flags(0), integrator(CVODE), integratorOpt(0) { if(!fname.size()) { Log(lError)<<"Empty file name for setings file"; } else { map<string, string> settings; map<string, string>::iterator it; //Read each line in the settings file vector<string> lines = getLinesInFile(fname); for(int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { vector<string> line = splitString(lines[i], ":"); if(line.size() == 2) { settings.insert( pair<string, string>(line[0], line[1])); } else { Log(lDebug2)<<"Empty line in settings file: "<<lines[i]; } } Log(lDebug3)<<"Settings File ============="; for (it = settings.begin() ; it != settings.end(); it++ ) { Log(lDebug) << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second; } Log(lDebug)<<"==========================="; //Assign values it = settings.find("start"); start = (it != settings.end()) ? toDouble((*it).second) : 0; it = settings.find("duration"); duration = (it != settings.end()) ? toDouble((*it).second) : 0; it = settings.find("steps"); steps = (it != settings.end()) ? toInt((*it).second) : 50; it = settings.find("absolute"); absolute = (it != settings.end()) ? toDouble((*it).second) : 1.e-7; it = settings.find("relative"); relative = (it != settings.end()) ? toDouble((*it).second) : 1.e-4; it = settings.find("variables"); if(it != settings.end()) { vector<string> vars = splitString((*it).second, ","); for(int i=0; i < vars.size(); i++) { variables.push_back(trim(vars[i])); } } it = settings.find("amount"); if(it != settings.end()) { vector<string> vars = splitString((*it).second, ","); for(int i=0; i < vars.size(); i++) { string rec = trim(vars[i]); if(rec.size()) { amounts.push_back(rec); } } } it = settings.find("concentration"); if(it != settings.end()) { vector<string> vars = splitString((*it).second, ","); for(int i=0; i < vars.size(); i++) { string rec = trim(vars[i]); if(rec.size()) { concentrations.push_back(rec); } } } } if (absolute > MaxAbsolute) { absolute = MaxAbsolute; } if (relative > MaxRelative) { relative = MaxRelative; } }
MSNServerMessage::~MSNServerMessage() { KEY_MAP values; QString msg = QString::fromUtf8(m_msg.c_str()); for (;!msg.isEmpty();){ QString line; int n = msg.find("\r\n"); if (n >= 0){ line = msg.left(n); msg = msg.mid(n + 2); }else{ line = msg; msg = ""; } n = line.find(":"); if (n < 0) continue; values.insert(KEY_MAP::value_type(line.left(n), trim(line.mid(n + 1)))); } KEY_MAP::iterator it = values.find("ClientIP"); if (it != values.end()) set_ip(&m_client->data.owner.IP, inet_addr((*it).second.latin1())); it = values.find("Content-Type"); if (it != values.end()){ QString content_type = (*it).second; content_type = getToken(content_type, ';'); if (content_type == "text/x-msmsgsinitialemailnotification"){ m_client->m_init_mail = ""; it = values.find("Post-URL"); if (it != values.end()) m_client->m_init_mail = (*it).second.latin1(); it = values.find("Inbox-URL"); if (it != values.end()) m_client->m_init_mail += (*it).second.latin1(); it = values.find("Inbox-Unread"); if (it == values.end()) return; unsigned nUnread = (*it).second.toUInt(); if (nUnread){ clientErrorData data; data.client = m_client; data.err_str = "%1"; data.options = NULL; data.args = strdup(i18n("You have %n unread message", "You have %n unread messages", nUnread).utf8()); data.code = 0; data.flags = ERR_INFO; = static_cast<MSNPlugin*>(m_client->protocol()->plugin())->MSNInitMail; Event e(EventShowError, &data); e.process(); } } if (content_type == "text/x-msmsgsemailnotification"){ m_client->m_new_mail = ""; it = values.find("Post-URL"); if (it != values.end()) m_client->m_new_mail = (*it).second.latin1(); it = values.find("Message-URL"); if (it != values.end()) m_client->m_new_mail += (*it).second.latin1(); QString from; it = values.find("From-Addr"); if (it != values.end()) from = (*it).second; QString msg = i18n("You have new mail"); if (!from.isEmpty()) msg = i18n("%1 from %2") .arg(msg) .arg(from); clientErrorData data; data.client = m_client; data.err_str = "%1"; data.options = NULL; data.args = strdup(msg.utf8()); data.code = 0; data.flags = ERR_INFO; = static_cast<MSNPlugin*>(m_client->protocol()->plugin())->MSNNewMail; Event e(EventShowError, &data); e.process(); } } }
void on_xiphos_web_listener_ready_callback (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { if (SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (msg->status_code)) { // Get the response body. string body (msg->response_body->data); body = trim (body); // Log it. //printf ("%s\n", body.c_str()); //fflush (stdout); ParseLine parseline (body); if (parseline.lines.size() >= 3) { // It retrieves the message ID and uses this to ask for a higher ID next poll. // Update GUI. last_message_id = parseline.lines[0]; gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label_id), last_message_id.c_str()); string command = parseline.lines[1]; gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label_command), command.c_str()); string body = parseline.lines[2]; gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label_body), body.c_str()); // Handle "quit" command. if (command == "quit") { gtk_main_quit (); } // Handle "focus" command. if (command == "focus") { Parse parse (body, false, "."); if (parse.words.size() == 3) { string book; switch (convert_to_int (parse.words[0])) { case 1: book = "Gen"; break; case 2: book = "Exod"; break; case 3: book = "Lev"; break; case 4: book = "Num"; break; case 5: book = "Deut"; break; case 6: book = "Josh"; break; case 7: book = "Judg"; break; case 8: book = "Ruth"; break; case 9: book = "1Sam"; break; case 10: book = "2Sam"; break; case 11: book = "1Kgs"; break; case 12: book = "2Kgs"; break; case 13: book = "1Chr"; break; case 14: book = "2Chr"; break; case 15: book = "Ezra"; break; case 16: book = "Neh"; break; case 17: book = "Esth"; break; case 18: book = "Job"; break; case 19: book = "Ps"; break; case 20: book = "Prov"; break; case 21: book = "Eccl"; break; case 22: book = "Song"; break; case 23: book = "Isa"; break; case 24: book = "Jer"; break; case 25: book = "Lam"; break; case 26: book = "Ezek"; break; case 27: book = "Dan"; break; case 28: book = "Hos"; break; case 29: book = "Joel"; break; case 30: book = "Amos"; break; case 31: book = "Obad"; break; case 32: book = "Jonah"; break; case 33: book = "Mic"; break; case 34: book = "Nah"; break; case 35: book = "Hab"; break; case 36: book = "Zeph"; break; case 37: book = "Hag"; break; case 38: book = "Zech"; break; case 39: book = "Mal"; break; case 40: book = "Matt"; break; case 41: book = "Mark"; break; case 42: book = "Luke"; break; case 43: book = "John"; break; case 44: book = "Acts"; break; case 45: book = "Rom"; break; case 46: book = "1Cor"; break; case 47: book = "2Cor"; break; case 48: book = "Gal"; break; case 49: book = "Eph"; break; case 50: book = "Phil"; break; case 51: book = "Col"; break; case 52: book = "1Thess"; break; case 53: book = "2Thess"; break; case 54: book = "1Tim"; break; case 55: book = "2Tim"; break; case 56: book = "Titus"; break; case 57: book = "Phlm"; break; case 58: book = "Heb"; break; case 59: book = "Jas"; break; case 60: book = "1Pet"; break; case 61: book = "2Pet"; break; case 62: book = "1John"; break; case 63: book = "2John"; break; case 64: book = "3John"; break; case 65: book = "Jude"; break; case 66: book = "Rev"; break; } if (!book.empty()) { string reference = "sword://" + book + "." + parse.words[1] + "." + parse.words[2]; send_to_xiphos (xiphos_dbus_object (), xiphos_dbus_interface (), "setCurrentReference", reference); reference.insert (0, "setCurrentReference "); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label_xiphos), reference.c_str()); } } } } } else { // If the message was cancelled, do not start it again, just quit. if (msg->status_code == 1) { return; } // If it needs to quit, just quit. if (quit) return; // Handle error. printf ("Xiphos web listener failure, code: %d, reason: %s\n", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); fflush (stdout); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); g_usleep (100000); } } g_usleep (100000); start_xiphos_web_listener (); }
void PathInfo::Update(const float destX, const float destY, const float destZ) { float x, y, z; // update start and end m_sourceObject->GetPosition(x, y, z); setStartPosition(x, y, z); setEndPosition(destX, destY, destZ); // make sure navMesh works if(!m_navMesh) { m_sourceObject->GetPosition(x, y, z); m_navMesh = m_sourceObject->GetMap()->GetNavMesh(); if(!m_navMesh) { // can't pathfind if navmesh doesn't exist shortcut(); return; } } if(!m_pathPolyRefs) { // path was not built before, most likely because navmesh wasn't working // start from scratch, then return Build(); return; } // should be safe to update path now bool startOffPath = false; bool endOffPath = false; // find start and end poly // navMesh.findNearestPoly is expensive, so first we check just the current path getStartPosition(x, y, z); dtPolyRef startPoly = getPathPolyByPosition(x, y, z); getEndPosition(x, y, z); dtPolyRef endPoly = getPathPolyByPosition(x, y, z); if(startPoly != 0 && endPoly != 0) trim(startPoly, endPoly); else { // start or end is off the path, need to find the polygon float extents[3] = {2.f, 4.f, 2.f}; // bounds of poly search area dtQueryFilter filter = dtQueryFilter(); // filter for poly search if(!startPoly) { getStartPosition(x, y, z); float startPos[3] = {y, z, x}; startOffPath = true; startPoly = m_navMesh->findNearestPoly(startPos, extents, &filter, 0); } if(!endPoly) { getEndPosition(x, y, z); float endPos[3] = {y, z, x}; endOffPath = true; endPoly = m_navMesh->findNearestPoly(endPos, extents, &filter, 0); } if(startPoly == 0 || endPoly == 0) { // source or dest not near navmesh polygons: // flying, falling, swimming, or navmesh has a hole // ignore obstacles/terrain is better than giving up // PATHFIND TODO: prevent walking/swimming mobs from flying into the air shortcut(); return; } } if(startPoly == endPoly) { // start and end are on same polygon // just need to move in straight line // PATHFIND TODO: prevent walking/swimming mobs from flying into the air clear(); m_pathPolyRefs = new dtPolyRef[1]; m_pathPolyRefs[0] = startPoly; m_length = 1; getEndPosition(x, y, z); setNextPosition(x, y, z); m_type = PathType(m_type | PATHFIND_NORMAL); return; } if(startOffPath) { bool adjacent = false; int i; for(i = 0; i < DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON; ++i) if(startPoly == m_navMesh->getPolyByRef(m_pathPolyRefs[0])->neis[i]) { adjacent = true; break; } if(adjacent) { // startPoly is adjacent to the path, we can add it to the start of the path // 50th poly will fall off of path, shouldn't be an issue because most paths aren't that long m_length = m_length < MAX_PATH_LENGTH ? m_length + 1 : m_length; dtPolyRef* temp = new dtPolyRef[m_length]; temp[0] = startPoly; for(i = 1; i < m_length; ++i) temp[i] = m_pathPolyRefs[i - 1]; delete [] m_pathPolyRefs; m_pathPolyRefs = temp; } else { // waste of time to optimize, just find brand new path Build(startPoly, endPoly); return; } } if(endOffPath) { bool adjacent = false; int i; for(i = 0; i < DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON; ++i) if(startPoly == m_navMesh->getPolyByRef(m_pathPolyRefs[0])->neis[i]) { adjacent = true; break; } if(adjacent) { if(m_length < MAX_PATH_LENGTH) { // endPoly is adjacent to the path, and we have enough room to add it to the end dtPolyRef* temp = new dtPolyRef[m_length + 1]; for(i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) temp[i] = m_pathPolyRefs[i]; temp[i] = endPoly; delete [] m_pathPolyRefs; m_pathPolyRefs = temp; } //else // ; // endPoly is adjacent to the path, we just don't have room to store it } else { // waste of time to optimize, just find brand new path Build(startPoly, endPoly); return; } } updateNextPosition(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[], char *envp[]) { // If you use execvp() without a fork, it'll take over the main system. // This is why you need to fork a process, then call execvp() list<char**> arguments; list<char*> connectors; // Grabs host name char* login; char host[127]; login = getlogin(); if (gethostname(host, 127) != 0) { perror("failed to gethostname"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } string command = ""; printInfo(login, host); cout << "$ "; while (getline(cin, command)) { while (command.length() == 0) { printInfo(login, host); cout << "$ "; getline(cin,command); } char* cstrcmd = '\0'; list<char*> tokens; list<char*> data; cstrcmd = new char[command.size() + 1]; // This data is universal. It will be used until deallocated. strcpy(cstrcmd, command.c_str()); data.push_back(cstrcmd); // This is to hold locations of the data to deallocate later tokens = parse(cstrcmd); /*if (isDblConnector(tokens.back())) { tokens.pop_back(); cout << "Terminated without command -- ignoring leading connector." << endl; }*/ while (isDblConnector(tokens.back())) { // If the stupid user ended with a connector list<char*> tmpCmds; cout << "> "; getline(cin, command); cstrcmd = new char[command.size() + 1]; strcpy(cstrcmd, command.c_str()); data.push_back(cstrcmd); tmpCmds = parse(cstrcmd); while (!tmpCmds.empty()) { tokens.push_back(tmpCmds.front()); tmpCmds.pop_front(); } } // Creating the two argument and connector lists int last; // There definitely has to be a better way to do this. char* cmd[128][256]; // cmd is a list of pointers to the beginning of each token of the // universal data int n = 0; for (int i = 0; !tokens.empty(); ++i) { cutEndSpaces(tokens.front()); if (isQuoteBegin(tokens.front())) { // Quote parsing trim(tokens.front()); while (!isQuoteEnd(tokens.front())) { // Input clause should prevent infinite loop cmd[n][i] = tokens.front(); tokens.pop_front(); ++i; } truncate(tokens.front()); // Cuts off the quotation mark if (isAttached(tokens.front())) { // Same clause as below truncate(tokens.front()); // This one should cut off the semicolon cmd[n][i] = tokens.front(); tokens.front() = new char[1]; data.push_back(tokens.front()); strcpy(tokens.front(), ";\0"); tokens.push_front(NULL); // Phony Value } else { cmd[n][i] = tokens.front(); // Throws it into the list } ++i; } else if (isComment(tokens.front())) break; else if (isConnector(tokens.front())) { if (isAttached(tokens.front())) { // Pesky semicolons being attached... truncate(tokens.front()); // Cuts out the semicolon, leaves rest of stack cmd[n][i] = tokens.front(); tokens.front() = new char[1]; data.push_back(tokens.front()); strcpy(tokens.front(), ";\0"); ++i; // Progressing to the next value of cmd } cmd[n][i] = '\0'; // Null terminating cmd arguments.push_back(cmd[n]); // If we ran into a connector, means we have a full argument. connectors.push_back(tokens.front()); ++n; i = -1; // Reset argc } else if (isTestBegin(tokens.front()) && i == 0) { // Essentially converting "[" to "test" cmd[n][0] = new char[4]; strcpy(cmd[n][0], "test"); data.push_back(cmd[n][0]); // potential glibc tokens.pop_front(); // Killing "[" from tokens. for (i = 1; !isTestEnd(tokens.front()); ++i) { cmd[n][i] = tokens.front(); tokens.pop_front(); } } else { cmd[n][i] = tokens.front(); // Assigns cmd[i] to pointer at tokens.front(). // Tokens contains cstrings } tokens.pop_front(); // Should take care of "]" last = i; } if (cmd[n][0] != '\0') { // Push in the last argument cmd[n][last + 1] = '\0'; arguments.push_back(cmd[n]); } Connector* head = NULL; head = buildTree(arguments, connectors); head->run(); while (!connectors.empty()) connectors.pop_front(); while (!arguments.empty()) arguments.pop_front(); // If, for some reason, these two are not empty. while (!data.empty()) { delete[] data.front(); // This deallocates the entire command string. data.pop_front(); } head->destroyBranch(head); printInfo(login, host); cout << "$ "; } return 0; }
bool LexicsCutter::Read_Letter_Analogs(std::string& FileName) { FILE *ma_file; char line[1024]; unsigned int pos; std::string line_s; std::string lchar; std::string lanalog; ma_file = fopen(FileName.c_str(), "rb"); if (!ma_file) { sLog.outError("Chat lexics cutter disabled. Reason: LexicsCutterAnalogsFile file does not exist in the server directory."); return false; } while (!feof(ma_file)) { line[0] = 0x0; fgets(line, 1020, ma_file); // check for UTF8 prefix and comments if (strlen(line) >= 3) { if (line[0] == '\xEF' && line[1] == '\xBB' && line[2] == '\xBF') { strncpy(&line[0], &line[3], strlen(line) - 3); } } if (strlen(line) >= 2) { if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; } // check for empty string line_s = line; line_s = trim(line_s, "\x0A\x0D\x20"); if (line_s == "") continue; // process line without CR/LF line_s = line; line_s = trim(line_s, "\x0A\x0D"); pos = 0; if (ReadUTF8(line_s, lchar, pos)) { // create analogs vector LC_AnalogVector av; while (ReadUTF8(line_s, lanalog, pos)) { av.push_back(lanalog); } // store vector in hash map AnalogMap[lchar] = av; } } fclose(ma_file); return true; }
int skinRead( char * dname ) { unsigned char tmp[255]; unsigned char * ptmp; unsigned char command[32]; unsigned char param[256]; int c,i; setname( skinDirInHome,dname ); if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL ) { setname( skinMPlayerDir,dname ); if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL ) { setname( skinDirInHome_obsolete,dname ); if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL ) { setname( skinMPlayerDir_obsolete,dname ); if ( ( skinFile = fopen( fn,"rt" ) ) == NULL ) { setname( skinMPlayerDir,dname ); mp_msg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_STATUS,MSGTR_SKIN_SkinFileNotFound,fn ); return -1; } } } } mp_dbg( MSGT_GPLAYER,MSGL_DBG2,"[skin] file: %s\n",fn ); appInitStruct( skinAppMPlayer ); linenumber=0; while (fgets(tmp, 255, skinFile)) { linenumber++; c=tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]; if ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' ) tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]=0; c=tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]; if ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' ) tmp[ strlen( tmp ) - 1 ]=0; for ( c=0;c<(int)strlen( tmp );c++ ) if ( tmp[c] == ';' ) { tmp[c]=0; break; } if ( strlen( tmp ) == 0 ) continue; ptmp=trimleft( tmp ); if ( strlen( ptmp ) == 0 ) continue; ptmp=strswap( ptmp,'\t',' ' ); ptmp=trim( ptmp ); cutItem( ptmp,command,'=',0 ); cutItem( ptmp,param,'=',1 ); strlower( command ); for( i=0;i<ITEMS;i++ ) if ( !strcmp( command,skinItem[i].name ) ) if ( skinItem[i].func( param ) ) return -2; } if (linenumber == 0) { mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_SKIN_SkinFileNotReadable, fn); return -1; } return 0; }
void dlg_bridge_tm_callback(struct cell *t, int type, struct tmcb_params *ps) { struct sip_msg *msg = NULL; dlg_transfer_ctx_t *dtc = NULL; struct dlg_cell *dlg = NULL; str s; str cseq; str empty = {"", 0}; if(ps->param==NULL || *ps->param==0) { LM_DBG("message id not received\n"); return; } dtc = *((dlg_transfer_ctx_t**)ps->param); if(dtc==NULL) return; LM_DBG("completed with status %d\n", ps->code); if(ps->code>=300) goto error; /* 2xx - build dialog/send refer */ msg = ps->rpl; if(parse_headers(msg, HDR_EOH_F, 0) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to parse the reply headers\n"); goto error; } if((msg->cseq==NULL || parse_headers(msg,HDR_CSEQ_F,0)<0) || msg->cseq==NULL || msg->cseq->parsed==NULL) { LM_ERR("bad sip message or missing CSeq hdr :-/\n"); goto error; } cseq = (get_cseq(msg))->number; if((msg->to==NULL && parse_headers(msg, HDR_TO_F,0)<0) || msg->to==NULL) { LM_ERR("bad request or missing TO hdr\n"); goto error; } if(parse_from_header(msg)) { LM_ERR("bad request or missing FROM hdr\n"); goto error; } if((msg->callid==NULL && parse_headers(msg,HDR_CALLID_F,0)<0) || msg->callid==NULL){ LM_ERR("bad request or missing CALLID hdr\n"); goto error; } s = msg->callid->body; trim(&s); /* some sanity checks */ if (s.len==0 || get_from(msg)->tag_value.len==0) { LM_ERR("invalid request -> callid (%d) or from TAG (%d) empty\n", s.len, get_from(msg)->tag_value.len); goto error; } dlg = build_new_dlg(&s /*callid*/, &(get_from(msg)->uri) /*from uri*/, &(get_to(msg)->uri) /*to uri*/, &(get_from(msg)->tag_value)/*from_tag*/, &(get_to(msg)->uri) /*use to as r-uri*/ ); if (dlg==0) { LM_ERR("failed to create new dialog\n"); goto error; } dtc->dlg = dlg; if (dlg_set_leg_info(dlg, &(get_from(msg)->tag_value), &empty, &dlg_bridge_controller, &cseq, DLG_CALLER_LEG)!=0) { LM_ERR("dlg_set_leg_info failed\n"); goto error; } if (populate_leg_info(dlg, msg, t, DLG_CALLEE_LEG, &(get_to(msg)->tag_value)) !=0) { LM_ERR("could not add further info to the dialog\n"); shm_free(dlg); goto error; } if(dlg_refer_callee(dtc)!=0) goto error; return; error: dlg_transfer_ctx_free(dtc); return; }
static int pv_parse_mongodb_name(pv_spec_p sp, str *in) { mongodbc_pv_t *rpv=NULL; str pvs; int i; if(in->s==NULL || in->len<=0) return -1; rpv = (mongodbc_pv_t*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(mongodbc_pv_t)); if(rpv==NULL) return -1; memset(rpv, 0, sizeof(mongodbc_pv_t)); pvs = *in; trim(&pvs); rpv->rname.s = pvs.s; for(i=0; i<pvs.len-2; i++) { if(isspace(pvs.s[i]) || pvs.s[i]=='=') { rpv->rname.len = i; break; } } rpv->rname.len = i; if(rpv->rname.len==0) goto error_var; while(i<pvs.len-2 && isspace(pvs.s[i])) i++; if(pvs.s[i]!='=') goto error_var; if(pvs.s[i+1]!='>') goto error_var; i += 2; while(i<pvs.len && isspace(pvs.s[i])) i++; if(i>=pvs.len) goto error_key; rpv->rkey.s = pvs.s + i; rpv->rkey.len = pvs.len - i; if(rpv->rkey.len>=5 && strncmp(rpv->rkey.s, "value", 5)==0) { rpv->rkeyid = 1; } else if(rpv->rkey.len>=4 && strncmp(rpv->rkey.s, "type", 4)==0) { rpv->rkeyid = 0; } else if(rpv->rkey.len==4 && strncmp(rpv->rkey.s, "info", 4)==0) { rpv->rkeyid = 2; } else if(rpv->rkey.len==4 && strncmp(rpv->rkey.s, "size", 4)==0) { rpv->rkeyid = 3; } else { goto error_key; } sp->pvp.pvn.u.dname = (void*)rpv; sp->pvp.pvn.type = PV_NAME_OTHER; return 0; error_var: LM_ERR("invalid var spec [%.*s]\n", in->len, in->s); pkg_free(rpv); return -1; error_key: LM_ERR("invalid key spec in [%.*s]\n", in->len, in->s); pkg_free(rpv); return -1; }
int32_t init_sidtab(void) { FILE *fp = open_config_file(cs_sidt); if(!fp) { return 1; } int32_t nr, nro, nrr; char *value, *token; if(!cs_malloc(&token, MAXLINESIZE)) { return 1; } struct s_sidtab *ptr; struct s_sidtab *sidtab = (struct s_sidtab *)0; for(nro = 0, ptr = cfg.sidtab; ptr; nro++) { struct s_sidtab *ptr_next; ptr_next = ptr->next; free_sidtab(ptr); ptr = ptr_next; } nr = 0; nrr = 0; while(fgets(token, MAXLINESIZE, fp)) { int32_t l; if((l = strlen(trim(token))) < 3) { continue; } if((token[0] == '[') && (token[l - 1] == ']')) { token[l - 1] = 0; if(nr > MAX_SIDBITS) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Service No.%d - '%s' ignored. Max allowed Services %d\n", nr, strtolower(token + 1), MAX_SIDBITS); nr++; nrr++; } else { if(!cs_malloc(&ptr, sizeof(struct s_sidtab))) { NULLFREE(token); return (1); } if(sidtab) { sidtab->next = ptr; } else { cfg.sidtab = ptr; } sidtab = ptr; nr++; cs_strncpy(sidtab->label, strtolower(token + 1), sizeof(sidtab->label)); continue; } } if(!sidtab) { continue; } if(!(value = strchr(token, '='))) { continue; } *value++ = '\0'; chk_sidtab(trim(strtolower(token)), trim(strtolower(value)), sidtab); } NULLFREE(token); fclose(fp); show_sidtab(cfg.sidtab); ++cfg_sidtab_generation; cs_log("services reloaded: %d services freed, %d services loaded, rejected %d", nro, nr, nrr); return (0); }
void selsub(int argc, char *argv[]) { char ans1[100], *cp; static char ans2[30]; static char subname[20]; if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') { direct = argv[1] + 1; argc--; argv++; } chknam(direct); if (chdir(direct) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't cd to %s\n", direct); exit(1); } sname = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : 0; if (argc > 2) strlcpy(level = ans2, argv[2], sizeof ans2); else level = 0; if (argc > 3 ) speed = atoi(argv[3]); if (!sname) { printf("These are the available courses:\n"); list("Linfo"); printf("If you want more information about the courses,\n"); printf("or if you have never used 'learn' before,\n"); printf("type 'return'; otherwise type the name of\n"); printf("the course you want, followed by 'return'.\n"); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(sname = subname, sizeof subname, stdin) == NULL) errx(1, "could not read input"); trim(sname); if (sname[0] == '\0') { list("Xinfo"); do { printf("\nWhich subject? "); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(sname = subname, sizeof subname, stdin) == NULL) errx(1, "could not read input"); trim(sname); } while (sname[0] == '\0'); } } chknam(sname); if (!level) { printf("If you were in the middle of this subject\n"); printf("and want to start where you left off, type\n"); printf("the last lesson number the computer printed.\n"); printf("To start at the beginning, just hit return.\n"); fflush(stdout); if (fgets(ans2, sizeof ans2, stdin) == NULL) errx(1, "could not read input"); trim(ans2); if (ans2[0] == 0) strlcpy(ans2, "0", sizeof ans2); for (cp = ans2; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '(' || *cp == ' ') *cp = 0; } level = ans2; } /* make new directory for user to play in */ if ((playdir = mkdtemp(strdup("/tmp/plXXXXXX"))) == NULL || chdir(playdir) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create playpen directory %s.\n", playdir); fprintf(stderr, "Bye.\n"); exit(1); } /* * after this point, we have a working directory. * have to call wrapup to clean up */ snprintf(ans1, sizeof ans1, "%s/%s/Init", direct, sname); if (access(ans1, R_OK) == 0) { snprintf(ans1, sizeof ans1, "%s/%s/Init %s", direct, sname, level); if (system(ans1) != 0) { printf("Leaving learn.\n"); wrapup(1); } } if (level[0] == '-') /* no lesson names start with - */ ask = 1; start(level); }
int32_t init_provid(void) { FILE *fp = open_config_file(cs_provid); if(!fp) { return 0; } int32_t nr; char *payload, *saveptr1 = NULL, *token; if(!cs_malloc(&token, MAXLINESIZE)) { return 0; } struct s_provid *provid_ptr = NULL; struct s_provid *new_cfg_provid = NULL, *last_provid; nr = 0; while(fgets(token, MAXLINESIZE, fp)) { int32_t i, l; struct s_provid *new_provid = NULL; char *tmp, *ptr1; tmp = trim(token); if(tmp[0] == '#') { continue; } if((l = strlen(tmp)) < 11) { continue; } if(!(payload = strchr(token, '|'))) { continue; } *payload++ = '\0'; if(!cs_malloc(&new_provid, sizeof(struct s_provid))) { NULLFREE(token); fclose(fp); return (1); } new_provid->nprovid = 0; for(i = 0, ptr1 = strtok_r(token, ":@", &saveptr1); ptr1; ptr1 = strtok_r(NULL, ":@", &saveptr1), i++) { if(i==0) { new_provid->caid = a2i(ptr1, 3); continue; } new_provid->nprovid++; } if(!cs_malloc(&new_provid->provid, sizeof(uint32_t) * new_provid->nprovid)) { NULLFREE(new_provid); NULLFREE(token); fclose(fp); return (1); } ptr1 = token + strlen(token) + 1; for(i = 0; i < new_provid->nprovid ; i++) { new_provid->provid[i] = a2i(ptr1, 3); ptr1 = ptr1 + strlen(ptr1) + 1; } for(i = 0, ptr1 = strtok_r(payload, "|", &saveptr1); ptr1; ptr1 = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &saveptr1), i++) { switch(i) { case 0: cs_strncpy(new_provid->prov, trim(ptr1), sizeof(new_provid->prov)); break; case 1: cs_strncpy(new_provid->sat, trim(ptr1), sizeof(new_provid->sat)); break; case 2: cs_strncpy(new_provid->lang, trim(ptr1), sizeof(new_provid->lang)); break; } } if(strlen(new_provid->prov) == 0) { NULLFREE(new_provid->provid); NULLFREE(new_provid); continue; } nr++; if(provid_ptr) { provid_ptr->next = new_provid; } else { new_cfg_provid = new_provid; } provid_ptr = new_provid; } NULLFREE(token); fclose(fp); if(nr > 0) { cs_log("%d provid's loaded", nr); } if(new_cfg_provid == NULL) { if(!cs_malloc(&new_cfg_provid, sizeof(struct s_provid))) { return (1); } } cs_writelock(__func__, &config_lock); //this allows reloading of provids, so cleanup of old data is needed: last_provid = cfg.provid; //old data cfg.provid = new_cfg_provid; //assign after loading, so everything is in memory cs_writeunlock(__func__, &config_lock); struct s_client *cl; for(cl = first_client->next; cl ; cl = cl->next) { cl->last_providptr = NULL; } struct s_provid *ptr, *nptr; if(last_provid) { ptr = last_provid; while(ptr) //cleanup old data: { add_garbage(ptr->provid); nptr = ptr->next; add_garbage(ptr); ptr = nptr; } } return (0); }
void CApplication::PrintError(const tstring& sText) { tstring sTrimmedText = trim(sText); GetConsole()->PrintConsole(tstring("[color=FF0000]ERROR: ") + sTrimmedText + "[/color]" + (sText.endswith("\n")?"\n":"")); }
int32_t init_srvid(void) { int8_t new_syntax = 1; FILE *fp = open_config_file("oscam.srvid2"); if(!fp) { fp = open_config_file(cs_srid); if(fp) { new_syntax = 0; } } if(!fp) { fp = create_config_file("oscam.srvid2"); if(fp) { flush_config_file(fp, "oscam.srvid2"); } return 0; } int32_t nr = 0, i, j; char *payload, *saveptr1 = NULL, *saveptr2 = NULL, *token; const char *tmp; if(!cs_malloc(&token, MAXLINESIZE)) { return 0; } struct s_srvid *srvid = NULL, *new_cfg_srvid[16], *last_srvid[16]; // A cache for strings within srvids. A checksum is calculated which is the start point in the array (some kind of primitive hash algo). // From this point, a sequential search is done. This greatly reduces the amount of string comparisons. const char **stringcache[1024]; int32_t allocated[1024] = { 0 }; int32_t used[1024] = { 0 }; struct timeb ts, te; cs_ftime(&ts); memset(last_srvid, 0, sizeof(last_srvid)); memset(new_cfg_srvid, 0, sizeof(new_cfg_srvid)); while(fgets(token, MAXLINESIZE, fp)) { int32_t l, len = 0, len2, srvidtmp; uint32_t k; uint32_t pos; char *srvidasc, *prov; tmp = trim(token); if(tmp[0] == '#') { continue; } if((l = strlen(tmp)) < 6) { continue; } if(!(srvidasc = strchr(token, ':'))) { continue; } if(!(payload = strchr(token, '|'))) { continue; } *payload++ = '\0'; if(!cs_malloc(&srvid, sizeof(struct s_srvid))) { NULLFREE(token); fclose(fp); return (1); } char tmptxt[128]; int32_t offset[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; char *ptr1 = NULL, *ptr2 = NULL; const char *searchptr[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; const char **ptrs[4] = { &srvid->prov, &srvid->name, &srvid->type, &srvid->desc }; uint32_t max_payload_length = MAXLINESIZE - (payload - token); if(new_syntax) { ptrs[0] = &srvid->name; ptrs[1] = &srvid->type; ptrs[2] = &srvid->desc; ptrs[3] = &srvid->prov; } // allow empty strings as "||" if(payload[0] == '|' && (strlen(payload)+2 < max_payload_length)) { memmove(payload+1, payload, strlen(payload)+1); payload[0] = ' '; } for(k=1; ((k < max_payload_length) && (payload[k] != '\0')); k++) { if(payload[k-1] == '|' && payload[k] == '|') { if(strlen(payload+k)+2 < max_payload_length-k) { memmove(payload+k+1, payload+k, strlen(payload+k)+1); payload[k] = ' '; } else { break; } } } for(i = 0, ptr1 = strtok_r(payload, "|", &saveptr1); ptr1 && (i < 4) ; ptr1 = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &saveptr1), ++i) { // check if string is in cache len2 = strlen(ptr1); pos = 0; for(j = 0; j < len2; ++j) { pos += (uint8_t)ptr1[j]; } pos = pos % 1024; for(j = 0; j < used[pos]; ++j) { if(!strcmp(stringcache[pos][j], ptr1)) { searchptr[i] = stringcache[pos][j]; break; } } if(searchptr[i]) { continue; } offset[i] = len; cs_strncpy(tmptxt + len, trim(ptr1), sizeof(tmptxt) - len); len += strlen(ptr1) + 1; } char *tmpptr = NULL; if(len > 0 && !cs_malloc(&tmpptr, len)) { continue; } srvid->data = tmpptr; if(len > 0) { memcpy(tmpptr, tmptxt, len); } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(searchptr[i]) { *ptrs[i] = searchptr[i]; continue; } if(offset[i] > -1) { *ptrs[i] = tmpptr + offset[i]; // store string in stringcache tmp = *ptrs[i]; len2 = strlen(tmp); pos = 0; for(j = 0; j < len2; ++j) { pos += (uint8_t)tmp[j]; } pos = pos % 1024; if(used[pos] >= allocated[pos]) { if(allocated[pos] == 0) { if(!cs_malloc(&stringcache[pos], 16 * sizeof(char *))) { break; } } else { if(!cs_realloc(&stringcache[pos], (allocated[pos] + 16) * sizeof(char *))) { break; } } allocated[pos] += 16; } stringcache[pos][used[pos]] = tmp; used[pos] += 1; } } *srvidasc++ = '\0'; if(new_syntax) { srvidtmp = dyn_word_atob(token) & 0xFFFF; } else { srvidtmp = dyn_word_atob(srvidasc) & 0xFFFF; } if(srvidtmp < 0) { NULLFREE(tmpptr); NULLFREE(srvid); continue; } else { srvid->srvid = srvidtmp; } srvid->ncaid = 0; for(i = 0, ptr1 = strtok_r(new_syntax ? srvidasc : token, ",", &saveptr1); (ptr1); ptr1 = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saveptr1), i++) { srvid->ncaid++; } if(!cs_malloc(&srvid->caid, sizeof(struct s_srvid_caid) * srvid->ncaid)) { NULLFREE(tmpptr); NULLFREE(srvid); return 0; } ptr1 = new_syntax ? srvidasc : token; for(i = 0; i < srvid->ncaid; i++) { prov = strchr(ptr1,'@'); srvid->caid[i].nprovid = 0; if(prov) { if(prov[1] != '\0') { for(j = 0, ptr2 = strtok_r(prov+1, "@", &saveptr2); (ptr2); ptr2 = strtok_r(NULL, "@", &saveptr2), j++) { srvid->caid[i].nprovid++; } if(!cs_malloc(&srvid->caid[i].provid, sizeof(uint32_t) * srvid->caid[i].nprovid)) { for(j = 0; j < i; j++) { NULLFREE(srvid->caid[j].provid); } NULLFREE(srvid->caid); NULLFREE(tmpptr); NULLFREE(srvid); return 0; } ptr2 = prov+1; for(j = 0; j < srvid->caid[i].nprovid; j++) { srvid->caid[i].provid[j] = dyn_word_atob(ptr2) & 0xFFFFFF; ptr2 = ptr2 + strlen(ptr2) + 1; } } else { ptr2 = prov+2; } prov[0] = '\0'; } srvid->caid[i].caid = dyn_word_atob(ptr1) & 0xFFFF; if(prov) { ptr1 = ptr2; } else { ptr1 = ptr1 + strlen(ptr1) + 1; } } nr++; if(new_cfg_srvid[srvid->srvid >> 12]) { last_srvid[srvid->srvid >> 12]->next = srvid; } else { new_cfg_srvid[srvid->srvid >> 12] = srvid; } last_srvid[srvid->srvid >> 12] = srvid; }
void GetMcdBlockInfo(int mcd, int block, McdBlock *Info) { unsigned char *data = NULL, *ptr, *str, *sstr; unsigned short clut[16]; unsigned short c; int i, x; memset(Info, 0, sizeof(McdBlock)); if (mcd == 1) data = Mcd1Data; if (mcd == 2) data = Mcd2Data; ptr = data + block * 8192 + 2; Info->IconCount = *ptr & 0x3; ptr += 2; x = 0; str = Info->Title; sstr = Info->sTitle; for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) { c = *(ptr) << 8; c |= *(ptr + 1); if (!c) break; // Convert ASCII characters to half-width if (c >= 0x8281 && c <= 0x829A) c = (c - 0x8281) + 'a'; else if (c >= 0x824F && c <= 0x827A) c = (c - 0x824F) + '0'; else if (c == 0x8140) c = ' '; else if (c == 0x8143) c = ','; else if (c == 0x8144) c = '.'; else if (c == 0x8146) c = ':'; else if (c == 0x8147) c = ';'; else if (c == 0x8148) c = '?'; else if (c == 0x8149) c = '!'; else if (c == 0x815E) c = '/'; else if (c == 0x8168) c = '"'; else if (c == 0x8169) c = '('; else if (c == 0x816A) c = ')'; else if (c == 0x816D) c = '['; else if (c == 0x816E) c = ']'; else if (c == 0x817C) c = '-'; else { str[i] = ' '; sstr[x++] = *ptr++; sstr[x++] = *ptr++; continue; } str[i] = sstr[x++] = c; ptr += 2; } trim(str); trim(sstr); ptr = data + block * 8192 + 0x60; // icon palette data for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { clut[i] = *((unsigned short *)ptr); ptr += 2; } for (i = 0; i < Info->IconCount; i++) { short *icon = &Info->Icon[i * 16 * 16]; ptr = data + block * 8192 + 128 + 128 * i; // icon data for (x = 0; x < 16 * 16; x++) { icon[x++] = clut[*ptr & 0xf]; icon[x] = clut[*ptr >> 4]; ptr++; } } ptr = data + block * 128; Info->Flags = *ptr; ptr += 0xa; strncpy(Info->ID, ptr, 12); ptr += 12; strncpy(Info->Name, ptr, 16); }
/** Read data from clients @param data data to be read */ void* ReadClient(void *data) { TuxLogger_Debug("Start ReadClient()",NULL); if (data == NULL) return NULL; tux_client client = (tux_client) data; if (client == NULL) { return NULL; } char *buff = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 2048); int iResult; int isAlive = 0; TuxLogger_Debug("ReadClient() varible are initialized",NULL); TuxLogger_Debug("Start reading data from the client %d", client->id); do { TuxLogger_Debug("Reading looping for client %d", client->id); iResult = recv(client->sock, buff, 2048, 0); if (iResult > 0) { TuxLogger_Debug("Receiving data !",NULL); isAlive = 1; TuxLogger_Debug( "Allocating memory for the command",NULL); char *cmd = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (iResult + 1)); TuxLogger_Debug( "Allocation OK",NULL); TuxLogger_Debug( "Copy data in cmd",NULL); snprintf(cmd, iResult + 1, "%s", buff); TuxLogger_Debug( "Raw data received: %s", cmd); if (buff != NULL) { /*free(buff); buff=NULL;*/ } ParseCommand(client, trim(cmd)); if (cmd != NULL) { /*free(cmd); cmd=NULL;*/ } } else isAlive = 0; break; } while (iResult > 0); if (isAlive == 1) { TuxLogger_Debug( "Client is still alive. Keep watching data coming from him",NULL); ReadClient(data); } else { TuxLogger_Debug( "Connection with the client %d has been closed by him. Closing the socket..", client->id); removeUniqueID(client->pID); close(client->sock); TuxLogger_Debug( "Socket closed", client->id); int i; for(i = 0; i < plugins->count; i++) { if(plugins->plugins[i]->delClient != NULL) plugins->plugins[i]->delClient(client); } } if (client->uKey != NULL) { /*free(client->uKey); client->uKey = NULL;*/ } if (client->username != NULL) { /*free(client->username); client->username=NULL;*/ } if (client != NULL) { /*free(client); client=NULL;*/ } if (data != NULL) { /*free(data); data=NULL;*/ } return 0; }
int F847124(TRUSERID *handle,int iRequest,ST_PACK *rPack,int *pRetCode,char *szMsg) { int hi_custid = 0; //客户ID int hi_custtype = 0; //客户类型 int i=0; int ret = 0; int len = 0; char h_showcardid[11] = ""; //显示卡号 char h_password[7] = ""; //卡密码 double h_temp_Card_id = 0; //卡号 char seed_key[17] = ""; //种子密钥 char card_endtime[8 + 1] = ""; //卡的有效截至日期 char logicdate[11]=""; //业务日期 char sysdate[11]=""; char systime[9]=""; char sMsg[256]=""; char sMaxCardBalance[20]=""; double dMaxCardBalance=0; int type=0; //充值类型 T_t_card tCard; T_t_customer tCustomer; T_t_aif_account tAccount; T_t_tif_tradeserial tradeserial; T_t_tif_savdtl tSavdtl; T_t_spefee tSpeFee; double h_temp_Serial_no = 0; InAcc IA; ST_CPACK aPack; ST_PACK *out_pack = &(aPack.pack); memset(&IA,0,sizeof(IA)); memset(&tCard, 0, sizeof(tCard)); memset(&tAccount,0,sizeof(tAccount)); memset(&tradeserial,0,sizeof(tradeserial)); memset(&tSpeFee,0,sizeof(tSpeFee)); memset(&tCustomer,0,sizeof(tCustomer)); memset(&tSavdtl,0,sizeof(tSavdtl)); #ifdef DEBUG writelog(LOG_DEBUG,"rPack->scust_auth2[%s]",rPack->scust_auth2); #endif ResetNormalCPack(&aPack,0,1); SetCol(handle,F_LVOL0,F_LVOL1,F_LVOL5, F_SCUST_NO, F_SCUST_NO2,F_SCUST_AUTH,F_SCUST_AUTH2, F_SDATE0,F_SNAME,F_SNAME2, F_SOPEN_EMP,F_SSTATUS0, F_DAMT2,F_LSERIAL1,F_VSMESS,0); hi_custid = rPack->lvol0; //客户ID hi_custtype = rPack->lvol3; //客户类别 des2src(h_showcardid,rPack->scust_no); //显示卡号 getsysdate(sysdate); getsystime(systime); ret=GetLogicDate(logicdate); //业务日期 if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } //检查客户信息,判断是否可以发行卡 des2src(tCard.cardphyid, rPack->sbank_acc); //物理卡号 trim(h_showcardid); if(strlen(h_showcardid)) { ret=IsExistShowCardNo(h_showcardid); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } } ret=IsExistCardByPhyCardNo(tCard.cardphyid); if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret=IsExistCardByCustomId(hi_custid); if (ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } ret=DB_t_customer_read_lock_by_cur_and_custid(hi_custid, &tCustomer); if(ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"custid[%d]",hi_custid); if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode= E_CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode= E_DB_CUSTOMER_R; goto L_RETU; } //得到收费类别 if(tCustomer.feetype<1) { ret=DB_t_spefee_read_by_deptcode_and_custtype(tCustomer.deptcode, tCustomer.custtype,&tSpeFee); if(ret) { if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) { tCustomer.feetype=tCustomer.custtype; } else { DB_t_customer_free_lock_cur(); *pRetCode=E_DB_SPEFEE_R; goto L_RETU; } } else { tCustomer.feetype=tSpeFee.feetype; } //更新客户表的收费类别字段 ret=DB_t_customer_update_lock_by_cur(&tCustomer); if(ret) { if(DB_NOTFOUND==ret) *pRetCode= E_CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST; else *pRetCode= E_DB_CUSTOMER_U; goto L_RETU; } } DB_t_customer_free_lock_cur(); tradeserial.trade_fee =rPack->damt0; //检查金额是否超过最大额度 ret=GetParameter(GLOBE_MAXCARDBALANCE,sMaxCardBalance); if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; goto L_RETU; } dMaxCardBalance=atof(sMaxCardBalance); if(amtcmp(tradeserial.trade_fee,dMaxCardBalance)>0) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"tradeserial.trade_fee[%lf]",tradeserial.trade_fee); *pRetCode=E_AMT_EXCEED_MAX; goto L_RETU; } // 准备数据插入卡信息表 memcpy(seed_key,STATIC_SEED_KEY,sizeof(seed_key)); //读种子密钥 ret=IsInvalidDateTime(rPack->sdate0,"YYYYMMDD"); if(ret) { *pRetCode = E_INPUT_DATE; goto L_RETU; } if(strncmp(rPack->sdate0,sysdate,8)<=0) { *pRetCode=E_INPUT_DATE; goto L_RETU; } des2src(card_endtime,rPack->sdate0); /* ret = GetCardValiddate(hi_custtype,logicdate,card_endtime); //计算卡的有效期 if (ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } */ // 默认密码, 初始取身份证的后6位, 没有身份证号用默认密码 trim(rPack->sname2); len=strlen(rPack->sname2) ; if (len >= 6) { strncpy(h_password,&(rPack->sname2[len-6]),6); if(h_password[5]>'9'||h_password[5]<'0') h_password[5]='0'; } else { strcpy(h_password,DEFAULT_CUST_PWD); } ret = getNewUniqNo(KEYTYPE_CARD_ID,&h_temp_Card_id); //获取最大卡号 if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } tCard.cardno = D2I(h_temp_Card_id); //卡号 des2src(tCard.showid,h_showcardid); //显示卡号 des2src(tCard.is_main,TYPE_YES); //是否为主卡 des2src(tCard.cardattr,CARDSTAT_REG); //卡状态 tCard.type_id = CT_TEMP_NAME; //卡类别 EncodePwd(seed_key,h_password,tCard.password,0); //卡密码 tCard.custid = hi_custid; //客户标识 tCard.account_count = ACCOUNT_COUNT_ONE; //卡对应帐户个数 des2src(tCard.begintime,logicdate); //注册时间 des2src(tCard.endtime, card_endtime); //截至时间 tCard.phytype = PHYTYPE_NO_ONE; //设备物理型号;默认为1 // 插入卡信息 ret = DB_t_card_add(&tCard); if (ret) { if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_CARD_I; goto L_RETU; } // 准备数据插入帐户信息表 ret = getNewActno(tAccount.account_id); //获得最大帐号 if (ret) { *pRetCode = ret; goto L_RETU; } des2src(tAccount.open_date,sysdate); //开户时间 des2src(tAccount.open_time,systime); tAccount.current_state = ACCOUNTSTAT_REGIST; //当前状态 tAccount.act_type = ACCTYPE_PERMAIN; //帐号类别 tAccount.custid = rPack->lvol0; //客户号 des2src(tAccount.custname,rPack->sname); //客户名称 tAccount.custtype = hi_custtype; //客户类别 des2src(tAccount.stuempno,rPack->scust_auth2); //客户学号或员工号 tAccount.cardno = tCard.cardno; //关联卡号 tAccount.purseno = PURSE_NO_ONE; //关联卡钱包号 tAccount.card_type = CT_TEMP_NAME; //卡类别 des2src(tAccount.subno,SUBJECT_INDIVIDUALSAVING); //所属科目 des2src(tAccount.isautotra,TYPE_NO); //是否自动转帐 // 插入帐户信息表 ret = DB_t_aif_account_add(&tAccount); if (ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"ret [%d]",ret); if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_ACCOUNT_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_ACCOUNT_I; goto L_RETU; } ret = getNewUniqNo(KEYTYPE_TRADESERIAL,&h_temp_Serial_no); //获得最大流水号 if(ret) { *pRetCode = ret; writelog(LOG_ERR,"ret [%d]",ret); goto L_RETU; } tradeserial.serial_no = D2I(h_temp_Serial_no); //流水号 tradeserial.other_seri_no = 0; //上传端流水号 tradeserial.serial_type=TXCODE_CARD_OPEN_TMP_CASH; //交易码 tradeserial.serial_state = SERISTAT_DEBT; //流水状态 des2src(tradeserial.operate_date,sysdate); //发生日期 des2src(tradeserial.operate_time,systime); //发生时间 des2src(tradeserial.collect_date,sysdate); //采集日期 des2src(tradeserial.collect_time,systime); //采集时间 des2src(tradeserial.enteract_date,logicdate); //处理日期 des2src(tradeserial.enteract_time,systime); //处理时间 tradeserial.maindeviceid = rPack->lvol6; //上传工作站标识 tradeserial.deviceid = rPack->lvol7; //采集设备标识 tradeserial.cardno = tCard.cardno; //卡号 des2src(tradeserial.showid,tCard.showid); //显示卡号 tradeserial.purseno = PURSE_NO_ONE; //钱包号 tradeserial.custid = hi_custid; //客户标识 des2src(tradeserial.opercode , rPack->scust_limit); //操作员代码 tradeserial.sys_id = 0; //外部系统标识 tradeserial.trade_count=1; //当前卡交易次数 type=rPack->lvol4; //交易类型 IA.dArrInAmt[0]=tradeserial.trade_fee; switch(type) { case TYPE_CASH: //现金 IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[1]=1; break; case TYPE_BILL: //支票 IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[2]=1; break; case TYPE_FUNDBOOK: //经费本 IA.iArrInFeeSwitch[3]=1; break; default: *pRetCode=E_INPUT_DEPOSIT_TYPE; goto L_RETU; } switch(type) { case TYPE_CASH: //现金 break; case TYPE_BILL: //支票 case TYPE_FUNDBOOK: //经费本 tSavdtl.amount=rPack->damt0; //发生额 if(amtcmp(tSavdtl.amount,0)<=0) break; des2src(tSavdtl.billno,rPack->sphone); //票据号码 if(strlen(tSavdtl.billno)<1) { *pRetCode=E_INPUT_BILLNO; goto L_RETU; } tSavdtl.cardno=tCard.cardno; //卡号 des2src(tSavdtl.oper_no,rPack->scust_limit); //操作员 tSavdtl.seqno=tradeserial.serial_no; //流水号 des2src(tSavdtl.tx_date,logicdate); //发生日期 des2src(tSavdtl.tx_time,systime); //发生时间 tSavdtl.cnt=1; //票据数量 tSavdtl.billtype=type; //票据类型 tSavdtl.tx_code=tradeserial.serial_type; //交易码 ret=DB_t_tif_savdtl_add(&tSavdtl); if(ret) { if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_SAVDTL_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_SAVDTL_I; goto L_RETU; } break; default: *pRetCode=E_TXCODE_NOT_EXIST; goto L_RETU; } des2src(IA.sArrInActno[0],tAccount.account_id); //帐户 IA.iCardNo=tCard.cardno; IA.iFeeType=tCustomer.feetype; //调用入账子模块 ret=process(&IA,&tradeserial); if(ret) { *pRetCode=ret; writelog(LOG_ERR,"process ret[%d]",ret); goto L_RETU; } sprintf(out_pack->vsmess,"流水号:%d 卡号:%d ",IA.iSerialNo,IA.iCardNo); for(i=1;i<=IA.iOutTxTypeCnt;i++) { switch(IA.iArrOutTxType[i]) { case TXTYPE_TOLL_DEPOSIT: case TXTYPE_TOLL_DEPOSIT_BILL: case TXTYPE_TOLL_DEPOSIT_FUNDBOOK: case TXTYPE_DEDUCT_DEPOSIT: case TXTYPE_RETURN_DEPOSIT: tradeserial.depositfee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_PRE_TOLL_BOARD: case TXTYPE_PRE_TOLL_BOARD_BILL: case TXTYPE_PRE_TOLL_BOARD_FUNDBOOK: case TXTYPE_TOLL_BOARD: case TXTYPE_DEDUCT_BOARD: case TXTYPE_RETURN_BOARD: case TXTYPE_RETURN_BOARD_BILL: case TXTYPE_RETURN_BOARD_FUNDBOOK: tradeserial.managefee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_TOLL_CHARGE: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CHARGE_BILL: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CHARGE_FUNDBOOK: tradeserial.in_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; case TXTYPE_TOLL_CARDCOST: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CARDCOST_BILL: case TXTYPE_TOLL_CARDCOST_FUNDBOOK: tradeserial.cost_fee=IA.dArrOutAmt[i]; break; default: break; } if(amtcmp(IA.dArrOutAmt[i],0)!=0) { sprintf(sMsg,"%s:%.2lf元 ",IA.sArrOutTxName[i],IA.dArrOutAmt[i]); strcat(out_pack->vsmess,sMsg); } } sprintf(sMsg,"卡当前余额:%.2lf元",tradeserial.out_balance); strcat(out_pack->vsmess,sMsg); writelog(LOG_DEBUG,out_pack->vsmess); // 插入交易流水表 ret = DB_t_tif_tradeserial_add(&tradeserial); if (ret) { writelog(LOG_ERR,"ret[%d]",ret); if(DB_REPEAT==ret) *pRetCode = E_DB_TRADESERIAL_E; else *pRetCode = E_DB_TRADESERIAL_I; goto L_RETU; } if(amtcmp(tradeserial.out_balance,0)<0) { *pRetCode=E_ENTER_ACCOUNT; goto L_RETU; } // 返回卡号\密码\显示卡号\客户类型\图书证号\有效截至日期 out_pack->lvol0 = (int)h_temp_Card_id; //交易卡号 out_pack->lvol1 = tCustomer.custtype; //客户类别 out_pack->lvol5 = tCustomer.feetype; //收费类别 des2src(out_pack->scust_no,h_showcardid); //显示卡号 des2src(out_pack->scust_no2,tCustomer.deptcode); //部门号 des2src(out_pack->scust_auth,tCustomer.stuempno); //学号 des2src(out_pack->scust_auth2,tCustomer.man_id); //身份证号 des2src(out_pack->sname,tCustomer.custname); //客户姓名 des2src(out_pack->sname2,tCustomer.lib_cardid); //图书证号 des2src(out_pack->sstatus0,; //性别 des2src(out_pack->sopen_emp,h_password); //卡密码 des2src(out_pack->sdate0,card_endtime); //有效截至日期 out_pack->damt2=tradeserial.out_balance; //出卡值 out_pack->lserial1=tradeserial.serial_no; //流水号 PutRow(handle,out_pack,pRetCode,szMsg); return 0; L_RETU: return -1; }
/** Read item group data * Structure: GroupID,ItemID,Rate{,Amount,isMust,isAnnounced,Duration,GUID,isBound,isNamed} */ static void itemdb_read_itemgroup_sub(const char* filename, bool silent) { FILE *fp; int ln = 0, entries = 0; char line[1024]; if ((fp=fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) { if(silent == 0) ShowError("Can't read %s\n", filename); return; } while (fgets(line,sizeof(line),fp)) { DBData data; int group_id = -1; unsigned int j, prob = 1; uint8 rand_group = 1; char *str[10], *p; struct s_item_group_random *random = NULL; struct s_item_group_db *group = NULL; struct s_item_group_entry entry; bool found = false; ln++; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; if (strstr(line,"import")) { char w1[16], w2[64]; if (sscanf(line,"%15[^:]: %63[^\r\n]",w1,w2) == 2 && strcmpi(w1,"import") == 0) { itemdb_read_itemgroup_sub(w2, 0); continue; } } memset(str,0,sizeof(str)); for (j = 0, p = line; j < 9 && p;j++) { str[j] = p; p = strchr(p,','); if (p) *p++=0; } if (str[0] == NULL) //Empty Group ID continue; if (j < 3) { if (j > 1) // Or else it barks on blank lines... ShowWarning("itemdb_read_itemgroup: Insufficient fields for entry at %s:%d\n", filename, ln); continue; } memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); entry.amount = 1; entry.bound = BOUND_NONE; // Checking group_id trim(str[0]); if (ISDIGIT(str[0][0])) group_id = atoi(str[0]); else // Try reads group id by const script_get_constant(trim(str[0]), &group_id); if (group_id < 0) { ShowWarning("itemdb_read_itemgroup: Invalid Group ID '%s' (%s:%d)\n", str[0], filename, ln); continue; } // Remove from DB if (strcmpi(str[1], "clear") == 0 && itemdb_group->remove(itemdb_group, db_ui2key(group_id), &data)) { itemdb_group_free(db_ui2key(group_id), &data, 0); ShowNotice("Item Group '%s' has been cleared.\n", str[0]); continue; } // Checking sub group prob = atoi(str[2]); if (str[4] != NULL) rand_group = atoi(str[4]); if (rand_group < 0 || rand_group > MAX_ITEMGROUP_RANDGROUP) { ShowWarning("itemdb_read_itemgroup: Invalid sub group '%d' for group '%s' in %s:%d\n", rand_group, str[0], filename, ln); continue; } if (rand_group != 0 && prob < 1) { ShowWarning("itemdb_read_itemgroup: Random item must has probability. Group '%s' in %s:%d\n", str[0], filename, ln); continue; } // Checking item trim(str[1]); if (ISDIGIT(str[1][0]) && ISDIGIT(str[1][1]) && itemdb_exists((entry.nameid = atoi(str[1])))) found = true; else { struct item_data *id = itemdb_searchname(str[1]); if (id) { entry.nameid = id->nameid; found = true; } } if (!found) { ShowWarning("itemdb_read_itemgroup: Non-existant item '%s' in %s:%d\n", str[1], filename, ln); continue; } if (str[3] != NULL) entry.amount = cap_value(atoi(str[3]),1,MAX_AMOUNT); if (str[5] != NULL) entry.isAnnounced= atoi(str[5]); if (str[6] != NULL) entry.duration = cap_value(atoi(str[6]),0,UINT16_MAX); if (str[7] != NULL) entry.GUID = atoi(str[7]); if (str[8] != NULL) entry.bound = cap_value(atoi(str[8]),BOUND_NONE,BOUND_MAX-1); if (str[9] != NULL) entry.isNamed = atoi(str[9]); if (!(group = (struct s_item_group_db *) uidb_get(itemdb_group, group_id))) { CREATE(group, struct s_item_group_db, 1); group->id = group_id; uidb_put(itemdb_group, group->id, group); } // Must item (rand_group == 0), place it here if (!rand_group) { RECREATE(group->must, struct s_item_group_entry, group->must_qty+1); group->must[group->must_qty++] = entry; // If 'must' item isn't set as random item, skip the next process if (!prob) { entries++; continue; } rand_group = 0; }
void MsgEdit::makeMessage() { if (msg == NULL) return; switch (msg->Type()){ case ICQ_MSGxMSG:{ ICQMsg *m = static_cast<ICQMsg*>(msg); m->Message = edit->text().local8Bit(); if (edit->colorChanged()){ m->BackColor = (edit->background().rgb() & 0xFFFFFF); m->ForeColor = (edit->foreground().rgb() & 0xFFFFFF); pMain->MessageBgColor = m->BackColor(); pMain->MessageFgColor = m->ForeColor(); } break; } case ICQ_MSGxURL:{ ICQUrl *m = static_cast<ICQUrl*>(msg); m->Message = edit->text().local8Bit(); m->URL = urlEdit->text().local8Bit(); break; } case ICQ_MSGxFILE:{ ICQFile *m = static_cast<ICQFile*>(msg); m->Description = edit->text().local8Bit(); m->Name = fileEdit->text().local8Bit(); break; } case ICQ_MSGxCHAT:{ ICQChat *m = static_cast<ICQChat*>(msg); m->Reason = edit->text().local8Bit(); break; } case ICQ_MSGxSMS:{ ICQSMS *m = static_cast<ICQSMS*>(msg); string s; s = edit->text().local8Bit(); s = pClient->clearHTML(s.c_str()); msgTail = trim(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s.c_str())); m->Message = smsChunk(); m->Phone = phoneEdit->lineEdit()->text().local8Bit(); break; } case ICQ_MSGxCONTACTxLIST:{ ICQContacts *m = static_cast<ICQContacts*>(msg); users->fillList(m->Contacts); break; } case ICQ_MSGxAUTHxREQUEST:{ ICQAuthRequest *m = static_cast<ICQAuthRequest*>(msg); m->Message = edit->text().local8Bit(); break; } case ICQ_MSGxAUTHxREFUSED:{ ICQAuthRefused *m = static_cast<ICQAuthRefused*>(msg); m->Message = edit->text().local8Bit(); break; } case ICQ_MSGxAUTHxGRANTED: break; default: log(L_WARN, "Bad message type %u", msg->Type()); return; } if (bMultiply){ msg->Uin.clear(); UserBox *box = static_cast<UserBox*>(topLevelWidget()); if (box->users){ UserView *users = box->users; if (users) users->fillChecked(msg); } } realSend(); }
/*! * \brief Create a new dialog from a sip message * * Create a new dialog from a SIP message, register a callback * to keep track of the dialog with help of the tm module. * This function is either called from the request callback, or * from the dlg_manage function in the configuration script. * \see dlg_onreq * \see w_dlg_manage * \param msg SIP message * \param t transaction * \return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int dlg_new_dialog(struct sip_msg *req, struct cell *t, const int run_initial_cbs) { struct dlg_cell *dlg; str s; str callid; str ftag; str ttag; str req_uri; unsigned int dir; LM_DBG("starting dlg_new_dialog and method is [%.*s]\n", req->first_line.u.request.method.len, req->first_line.u.request.method.s); if (current_dlg_pointer != NULL) return -1; if (req->first_line.u.request.method_value == METHOD_CANCEL) return -1; if (pre_match_parse(req, &callid, &ftag, &ttag, 0) < 0) { LM_WARN("pre-matching failed\n"); return -1; } if (ttag.s != 0 && ttag.len != 0) return -1; if (pv_printf_s(req, ruri_param_model, &req_uri) < 0) { LM_ERR("error - cannot print the r-uri format\n"); return -1; } trim(&req_uri); if (detect_spirals) { if (spiral_detected == 1) return 0; dir = DLG_DIR_NONE; dlg = get_dlg(&callid, &ftag, &ttag, &dir); if (dlg) { LM_DBG("Callid '%.*s' found, must be a spiraled request\n", callid.len, callid.s); spiral_detected = 1; if (run_initial_cbs) run_dlg_callbacks(DLGCB_SPIRALED, dlg, req, NULL, DLG_DIR_DOWNSTREAM, 0); //Add did to rr header for all spiralled requested INVITEs if (req->first_line.u.request.method_value == METHOD_INVITE) { if (add_dlg_rr_param(dlg, req, dlg->h_entry, dlg->h_id) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to add RR param\n"); } } // get_dlg has incremented the ref count by 1 unref_dlg(dlg, 1); goto finish; } } spiral_detected = 0; LM_DBG("Building new Dialog for call-id %.*s\n", callid.len, callid.s); LM_DBG("SIP Method: %.*s \n", req->first_line.u.request.method.len, req->first_line.u.request.method.s); dlg = build_new_dlg(&callid /*callid*/, &(get_from(req)->uri) /*from uri*/, &ftag/*from_tag*/, &req_uri /*r-uri*/); if (dlg == 0) { LM_ERR("failed to create new dialog\n"); return -1; } /* save caller's tag, cseq, contact and record route*/ if (populate_leg_info(dlg, req, t, DLG_CALLER_LEG, &(get_from(req)->tag_value)) != 0) { LM_ERR("could not add further info to the dialog\n"); shm_free(dlg); lock_destroy(dlg->dlg_out_entries_lock); lock_dealloc(dlg->dlg_out_entries_lock); return -1; } dlg->transaction = t; /* Populate initial varlist: */ dlg->vars = get_local_varlist_pointer(req, 1); link_dlg(dlg, 0); if (run_initial_cbs) run_create_callbacks(dlg, req); //Dialog will *always* use DID cookie so no need for match mode anymore if (add_dlg_rr_param(dlg, req, dlg->h_entry, dlg->h_id) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to add RR param\n"); goto error; } if (d_tmb.register_tmcb(req, t, TMCB_RESPONSE_READY | TMCB_RESPONSE_FWDED | TMCB_RESPONSE_OUT, dlg_onreply, (void*) dlg, unref_new_dialog) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to register TMCB\n"); goto error; } // increase reference counter because of registered callback ref_dlg(dlg, 1); dlg->lifetime = get_dlg_timeout(req); s.s = _dlg_ctx.to_route_name; s.len = strlen(s.s); dlg_set_toroute(dlg, &s); dlg->sflags |= _dlg_ctx.flags; if (_dlg_ctx.to_bye != 0) dlg->dflags |= DLG_FLAG_TOBYE; finish: if (t) { // transaction exists ==> keep ref counter large enough to // avoid premature cleanup and ensure proper dialog referencing if (store_dlg_in_tm(req, t, dlg) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to store dialog in transaction\n"); goto error; } } else { // no transaction exists ==> postpone work until we see the // request being forwarded statefully if (d_tmb.register_tmcb(req, NULL, TMCB_REQUEST_FWDED, store_dlg_in_tm_cb, (void*) dlg, NULL) < 0) { LM_ERR("failed to register callback for storing dialog in transaction\n"); goto error; } } LM_DBG("Setting current dialog\n"); set_current_dialog(req, dlg); _dlg_ctx.dlg = dlg; ref_dlg(dlg, 1); return 0; error: LM_DBG("Error in build_new_dlg"); if (!spiral_detected) unref_dlg(dlg, 1); // undo ref regarding linking return -1; }
void InteractiveSMTPServerWindow::slotReadyRead() { while ( mSocket->canReadLine() ) slotDisplayClient( trim( mSocket->readLine() ) ); }
static int b_not (lua_State *L) { lua_Unsigned r = ~checkunsigned(L, 1); pushunsigned(L, trim(r)); return 1; }