Example #1
	/* 2015.05.14 This script demonstrates Implement of four different techniques to recognize objects in four different action files within the same script- as part of the TruClient Hands-on Guide. */
	truclient_step("2", "Evaluate JavaScript code // Run conditions: var j....net/*', false);", "snapshot=Init_2.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "If ( false )", "snapshot=Init_3.inf");
		truclient_step("3.1", "Navigate to 'C:\\WM\\HPSR1_website\\...ite\\links.html'", "snapshot=Init_3.1.inf");
	truclient_step("4", "Navigate to 'http://stormhelp.saas.h...html/links.html'", "snapshot=Init_4.inf");
Example #2
	truclient_step("1", "Navigate to 'http://stormhelp.saas.h...tml/table1.html'", "snapshot=Action_1.inf");
	truclient_step("2", "For ( var i = 1 ; i < 4 ; i++ )", "snapshot=Action_2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Click on Refresh button", "snapshot=Action_2.1.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "Evaluate JavaScript object.checked = !object.checked;  on onTable Cell gridcell", "snapshot=Action_3.inf");
Example #3
	/* //Created by:Anil Mainali //Create Date: 2015.05.19 //Title: Demonstration TruClient script  //Description: This script demostrates as how to manupulate the script automatically which updates the rows with a status of "Open" to "Close" using object identification to find an object and perform an action if a condition exists using object identification methods - as part of the TruClient Hands-on Tutorial. */
	truclient_step("2", "Evaluate JavaScript code // Run conditions: var j....net/*', false);", "snapshot=Init_2.inf");

	return 0;
Example #4
	/* Created by: Anil Mainali Create Date: 2015.05.19 Title: Demonstration TruClient script  Description:  This script demonstrates as how to  manipulates dynamic data when a page generates dynamic table when pressing the 'Refresh' button - as part of the TruClient Hands-on Tutorial. */
	truclient_step("2", "Evaluate JavaScript code // Run conditions: var j....net/*', false);", "snapshot=Init_2.inf");

	return 0;
Example #5
	/* Title: Demonstration TruClient script  Description: Correlation Challenge on MyLoadTest using TruClient scripting  Protocol: TruClient Date: 2015.05.11  Author: Wei Chien Yau  Website: https://weichienyau.com Reviewed by Anil Mainali Fixed verification for the final step. */
	truclient_step("2", "Evaluate JavaScript code // Run conditions: var j...net/*', false);", "snapshot=Init_2.inf");

	return 0;
Example #6
	/* This adds then deletes 100 shares of item4 using the Lightstreamer Basic Portfolio Demo (BPD). Scripted by Wilson.mar. */
	truclient_step("2", "Evaluate JavaScript code jActionIterations = jActionIterations + 1;", "snapshot=Action_2.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "Navigate to ''", "snapshot=Action_3.inf");
	truclient_step("5", "Select 'item4' from listbox (1) listbox", "snapshot=Action_5.inf");
	truclient_step("6", "Type '100' in textbox (1) textbox", "snapshot=Action_6.inf");
	truclient_step("7", "Evaluate JavaScript code var jTransInstance=jActi...jTransInstance);", "snapshot=Action_7.inf");
	truclient_step("8", "Click on Sell button", "snapshot=Action_8.inf");
	truclient_step("9", "Evaluate JavaScript code var jTransInstance='buy_...e client script.", "snapshot=Action_9.inf");
	truclient_step("10", "Click on Buy button", "snapshot=Action_10.inf");
Example #7
	truclient_step("1", "Navigate to 'http://stormhelp.saas.h...html/links.html'", "snapshot=A1_EvalXPathMatchParam_1.inf");
	truclient_step("2", "For ( var i = 1 ; i < 9 ; i++ )", "snapshot=A1_EvalXPathMatchParam_2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Click on Link 1 this is an examp... link", "snapshot=A1_EvalXPathMatchParam_2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.2", "Evaluate JavaScript code LR.advanceParam('LinkText');", "snapshot=A1_EvalXPathMatchParam_2.2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.3", "Click on Back to Links page link", "snapshot=A1_EvalXPathMatchParam_2.3.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "Click on Link 1 this is an examp... link", "snapshot=A1_EvalXPathMatchParam_3.inf");
	truclient_step("4", "Click on Back to Links page link", "snapshot=A1_EvalXPathMatchParam_4.inf");
Example #8
	truclient_step("1", "Navigate to 'http://stormhelp.saas.h...html/links.html'", "snapshot=A4_Descriptors_Editor_1.inf");
	truclient_step("2", "For ( var i = 1 ; i < 9 ; i++ )", "snapshot=A4_Descriptors_Editor_2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Click on Link 1 this is an examp... link", "snapshot=A4_Descriptors_Editor_2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.2", "Click on Back to Links page link", "snapshot=A4_Descriptors_Editor_2.2.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "Click on Link 1 this is an examp... link", "snapshot=A4_Descriptors_Editor_3.inf");
	truclient_step("4", "Click on Back to Links page link", "snapshot=A4_Descriptors_Editor_4.inf");
Example #9
	truclient_step("1", "Navigate to 'http://stormhelp.saas.h...html/links.html'", "snapshot=A3_EvalXPath_DOM_ArgsContext_1.inf");
	truclient_step("2", "For ( var i = 1 ; i < 9 ; i++ )", "snapshot=A3_EvalXPath_DOM_ArgsContext_2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Click on Link 1 this is an examp... link", "snapshot=A3_EvalXPath_DOM_ArgsContext_2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.2", "Click on Back to Links page link", "snapshot=A3_EvalXPath_DOM_ArgsContext_2.2.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "Click on Link 1 this is an examp... link", "snapshot=A3_EvalXPath_DOM_ArgsContext_3.inf");
	truclient_step("4", "Click on Back to Links page link", "snapshot=A3_EvalXPath_DOM_ArgsContext_4.inf");
Example #10
	truclient_step("1", "Navigate to 'http://stormhelp.saas.h...tml/table2.html'", "snapshot=Action_1.inf");
	truclient_step("2", "Evaluate JavaScript var rows = object.rows.length; on element (1)", "snapshot=Action_2.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "For ( var i = 1 ; i <= rows ; i++ )", "snapshot=Action_3.inf");
		truclient_step("3.1", "If Open gridcell exists", "snapshot=Action_3.1.inf");
			truclient_step("3.1.1", "Evaluate JavaScript var theOpenText = object; on Open gridcell", "snapshot=Action_3.1.1.inf");
			truclient_step("3.1.2", "Evaluate JavaScript code var clickOn = theOpenTex...clickOn.click();", "snapshot=Action_3.1.2.inf");
			truclient_step("3.1.1", "Break", "snapshot=Action_3.1.1.inf");

	return 0;
Example #11
	truclient_step("1", "If ( true )", "snapshot=Action_1.inf");
		truclient_step("1.1", "Navigate to 'http://jqueryui.com/slider/'", "snapshot=Action_1.1.inf");
		truclient_step("1.2", "Drag focusable (1) 205px right", "snapshot=Action_1.2.inf");
		/* // No discernable way to get the value dragged to. */
	truclient_step("2", "If ( true )", "snapshot=Action_2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Navigate to 'http://www.jqwidgets.co...lider/index.htm'", "snapshot=Action_2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.3", "Drag 0 131px right", "snapshot=Action_2.3.inf");
		truclient_step("2.5", "Verify #8E00FF 's 'Visible Text' contains '#8E00FF'", "snapshot=Action_2.5.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "If ( true )", "snapshot=Action_3.inf");
		truclient_step("3.1", "Navigate to 'http://yuilibrary.com/y...ider-basic.html'", "snapshot=Action_3.1.inf");
		truclient_step("3.3", "Set Slider thumb slider to 50", "snapshot=Action_3.3.inf");
		truclient_step("3.4", "Verify Value 's 'Visible Text' contains '50'", "snapshot=Action_3.4.inf");
		truclient_step("3.5", "Set Slider thumb slider to 83", "snapshot=Action_3.5.inf");
		truclient_step("3.6", "Verify Value 's 'Visible Text' contains '83'", "snapshot=Action_3.6.inf");
	truclient_step("4", "If ( false )", "snapshot=Action_4.inf");
		truclient_step("4.1", "Navigate to 'http://demos.telerik.co...ider/index.html'", "snapshot=Action_4.1.inf");
		/* TODO: Verify slider */
		truclient_step("4.4", "Set Drag slider to 10", "snapshot=Action_4.4.inf");
		truclient_step("4.6", "Set Drag slider to -10", "snapshot=Action_4.6.inf");
		truclient_step("4.8", "Click on Kendo jQuery Slider Control...", "snapshot=Action_4.8.inf");
	truclient_step("7", "If ( true )", "snapshot=Action_7.inf");
		truclient_step("7.1", "Navigate to 'http://zinoui.com/demos/slider'", "snapshot=Action_7.1.inf");
		truclient_step("7.2", "Drag focusable (2) 105px right", "snapshot=Action_7.2.inf");
		truclient_step("7.3", "Verify Remote Demo 's 'Visible Text' contains '68'", "snapshot=Action_7.3.inf");
Example #12
	/* This script demonstrates tool tip recording across various UI libraries. Created by [email protected] 2014.04.12. */
	truclient_step("2", "If ( true )", "snapshot=Action_2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Navigate to 'http://www.jqwidgets.co...oltip/index.htm'", "snapshot=Action_2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.2", "Mouse Over", "snapshot=Action_2.2.inf");
			truclient_step("2.2.1", "Move mouse over element (1)", "snapshot=Action_2.2.1.inf");
			truclient_step("2.2.2", "Move mouse over image (1) image", "snapshot=Action_2.2.2.inf");
	truclient_step("3", "If ( true )", "snapshot=Action_3.inf");
		truclient_step("3.1", "Navigate to 'http://jqueryui.com/tooltip/'", "snapshot=Action_3.1.inf");
		/* Why were these captured? */
		truclient_step("3.3", "Mouse Over", "snapshot=Action_3.3.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.1", "Move mouse over But as it's not a native...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.1.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.2", "Move mouse over Tooltips are also useful...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.2.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.3", "Move mouse over Tooltips can be attached...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.3.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.4", "Move mouse over Tooltips are also useful...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.4.inf");
Example #13
	/* This script demonstrates menu recording across various UI libraries. Created by [email protected] 2014.04.12. */
	truclient_step("2", "If ( false )", "snapshot=Action_2.inf");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Navigate to 'http://jqueryui.com/menu/'", "snapshot=Action_2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.2", "Mouse Over", "snapshot=Action_2.2.inf");
			truclient_step("2.2.1", "Move mouse over Delphi menuitem", "snapshot=Action_2.2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.3", "Click on Saarland menuitem", "snapshot=Action_2.3.inf");
		/* How to verify result of selection? */
	truclient_step("3", "If ( false )", "snapshot=Action_3.inf");
		truclient_step("3.1", "Navigate to 'http://www.jqwidgets.co...xmenu/index.htm'", "snapshot=Action_3.1.inf");
		/* TODO: Exra Mouse Overs need clean-up: */
		truclient_step("3.3", "Mouse Over", "snapshot=Action_3.3.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.1", "Move mouse over jqxPasswordInput", "snapshot=Action_3.3.1.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.2", "Move mouse over jqxColorPicker link", "snapshot=Action_3.3.2.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.3", "Move mouse over Introduction The jQuery...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.3.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.4", "Move mouse over Vertical Menu listitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.4.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.5", "Move mouse over Search Engine Friendly... heading", "snapshot=Action_3.3.5.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.6", "Move mouse over jquery context menu image", "snapshot=Action_3.3.6.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.7", "Move mouse over Introduction The jQuery...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.7.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.8", "Move mouse over jqxMenu has a rich set...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.8.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.9", "Move mouse over jquery context menu image", "snapshot=Action_3.3.9.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.10", "Move mouse over jquery horizontal menu image", "snapshot=Action_3.3.10.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.11", "Move mouse over jquery menu touch image", "snapshot=Action_3.3.11.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.12", "Move mouse over This is the default display...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.12.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.13", "Move mouse over Horizontal Menu heading", "snapshot=Action_3.3.13.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.14", "Move mouse over jquery context menu image", "snapshot=Action_3.3.14.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.15", "Move mouse over You can easily turn the...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.15.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.16", "Move mouse over Introduction The jQuery...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.16.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.17", "Move mouse over Search Engine Friendly... listitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.17.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.18", "Move mouse over Features heading", "snapshot=Action_3.3.18.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.19", "Move mouse over Introduction The jQuery...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.19.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.20", "Move mouse over jqxColorPicker link", "snapshot=Action_3.3.20.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.21", "Move mouse over Introduction The jQuery...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.21.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.22", "Move mouse over Deleted Items menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.22.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.23", "Move mouse over Inbox menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.23.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.24", "Move mouse over Calendar menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.24.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.25", "Move mouse over Mail menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.25.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.26", "Move mouse over Introduction The jQuery...", "snapshot=Action_3.3.26.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.27", "Move mouse over Mail menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.27.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.28", "Move mouse over Contacts", "snapshot=Action_3.3.28.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.29", "Move mouse over Inbox menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.29.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.30", "Move mouse over Personal menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.30.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.31", "Move mouse over jQWidgets menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.31.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.32", "Move mouse over jQWidgets", "snapshot=Action_3.3.32.inf");
			truclient_step("3.3.33", "Move mouse over jQWidgets menuitem", "snapshot=Action_3.3.33.inf");
		truclient_step("3.4", "Click on Admin", "snapshot=Action_3.4.inf");
	truclient_step("4", "If ( false )", "snapshot=Action_4.inf");
		truclient_step("4.1", "Navigate to 'http://demos.telerik.co...menu/index.html'", "snapshot=Action_4.1.inf");
		/* TODO: During mouse over Products, list does not persist on screen. */
		truclient_step("4.3", "Mouse Over", "snapshot=Action_4.3.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.1", "Move mouse over UI Widgets AutoComplete...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.1.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.2", "Move mouse over UI Widgets heading", "snapshot=Action_4.3.2.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.3", "Move mouse over UI Widgets AutoComplete...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.3.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.4", "Move mouse over Products Stores Blog...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.4.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.5", "Move mouse over Menu listbox", "snapshot=Action_4.3.5.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.6", "Move mouse over Menu / Basic usage Products...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.6.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.7", "Move mouse over Products Stores Blog...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.7.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.8", "Move mouse over UI Widgets AutoComplete...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.8.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.9", "Move mouse over Choose theme:Silver Documentation...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.9.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.10", "Move mouse over Products Stores Blog...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.10.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.11", "Move mouse over Products", "snapshot=Action_4.3.11.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.12", "Move mouse over Menu / Basic usage", "snapshot=Action_4.3.12.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.13", "Move mouse over Products", "snapshot=Action_4.3.13.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.14", "Move mouse over Products Stores Blog...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.14.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.15", "Move mouse over Menu / Basic usage", "snapshot=Action_4.3.15.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.16", "Move mouse over Products", "snapshot=Action_4.3.16.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.17", "Move mouse over Menu listbox", "snapshot=Action_4.3.17.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.18", "Move mouse over Products Stores Blog...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.18.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.19", "Move mouse over Products", "snapshot=Action_4.3.19.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.20", "Move mouse over Menu / Basic usage", "snapshot=Action_4.3.20.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.21", "Move mouse over Stores", "snapshot=Action_4.3.21.inf");
			truclient_step("4.3.22", "Move mouse over Products Stores Blog...", "snapshot=Action_4.3.22.inf");
	truclient_step("5", "If ( false )", "snapshot=Action_5.inf");
		truclient_step("5.1", "Navigate to 'http://zinoui.com/demos/menu'", "snapshot=Action_5.1.inf");
		truclient_step("5.2", "Mouse Over", "snapshot=Action_5.2.inf");
			truclient_step("5.2.1", "Move mouse over Southwest Division", "snapshot=Action_5.2.1.inf");
			truclient_step("5.2.2", "Move mouse over Pasific Division", "snapshot=Action_5.2.2.inf");
			truclient_step("5.2.3", "Move mouse over Northwest Division", "snapshot=Action_5.2.3.inf");
			truclient_step("5.2.4", "Move mouse over Atlantic division", "snapshot=Action_5.2.4.inf");
		truclient_step("5.3", "Click on New York Knicks", "snapshot=Action_5.3.inf");
	truclient_step("6", "If ( false )", "snapshot=Action_6.inf");
		/* TODO: ERROR: Recognition needed after replay of File > Open. */
		truclient_step("6.2", "Navigate to 'http://dhtmlx.com/docs/...enu/index.shtml'", "snapshot=Action_6.2.inf");
		truclient_step("6.3", "Click on File", "snapshot=Action_6.3.inf");
		truclient_step("6.4", "Mouse Over", "snapshot=Action_6.4.inf");
			truclient_step("6.4.1", "Move mouse over File", "snapshot=Action_6.4.1.inf");
			truclient_step("6.4.2", "Move mouse over Sub Icon image", "snapshot=Action_6.4.2.inf");
			truclient_step("6.4.3", "Move mouse over Open", "snapshot=Action_6.4.3.inf");
		truclient_step("6.5", "Click on New", "snapshot=Action_6.5.inf");
		truclient_step("6.6", "Click on Like other DHTMLX components,...", "snapshot=Action_6.6.inf");
	truclient_step("7", "If ( true )", "snapshot=Action_7.inf");
		truclient_step("7.1", "Navigate to 'http://www.primefaces.o...imeui/menu.html'", "snapshot=Action_7.1.inf");
		truclient_step("7.2", "Move mouse over New", "snapshot=Action_7.2.inf");
		truclient_step("7.3", "Click on New", "snapshot=Action_7.3.inf");
		/* Verification: New appears highlighted. */

	return 0;
Example #14
	truclient_step("1", "Evaluate JavaScript code var jActionIterations = 0;", "snapshot=Init_1.inf");
Example #15
	truclient_step("1", "Initial Correlation Challenge landing page", "snapshot=Action_1.inf");
		lr_start_transaction("Initial Correlation Challenge Load");
		truclient_step("1.1", "Navigate to 'http://www.myloadtest.c...tion-challenge/'", "snapshot=Action_1.1.inf");
		truclient_step("1.2", "Verify Correlation Challenge 's 'Visible Text' Contain Correlation Challenge", "snapshot=Action_1.2.inf");
		lr_end_transaction("Initial Correlation Challenge Load",0);
	truclient_step("2", "Step 0 - Begin Correlation Challenge", "snapshot=Action_2.inf");
		lr_start_transaction("Step 0 - Begin by clicking next");
		truclient_step("2.1", "Click on Next button", "snapshot=Action_2.1.inf");
		truclient_step("2.2", "Verify Step 1 's 'Visible Text' Contain Step 1", "snapshot=Action_2.2.inf");
		lr_end_transaction("Step 0 - Begin by clicking next",0);
	truclient_step("5", "Step 1 - Enter the random number", "snapshot=Action_5.inf");
		truclient_step("5.1", "Evaluate JavaScript code var content = document.g...lue',array[1]);", "snapshot=Action_5.1.inf");
		truclient_step("5.2", "Click on Step 1 Here is a simple... textbox", "snapshot=Action_5.2.inf");
		truclient_step("5.3", "Type TC.getParam('Step1Value');  in Step 1 Here is a simple... textbox", "snapshot=Action_5.3.inf");
		lr_start_transaction("Step 1 - Enter the random number");
		truclient_step("5.4", "Click on Next button", "snapshot=Action_5.4.inf");
		truclient_step("5.5", "Verify Step 1 's 'Visible Text' Contain Step 2", "snapshot=Action_5.5.inf");
		lr_end_transaction("Step 1 - Enter the random number",0);
	truclient_step("6", "Step 2 - Select the default colour", "snapshot=Action_6.inf");
		lr_start_transaction("Step 2 - Select the default colour");
		truclient_step("6.1", "Click on Next button", "snapshot=Action_6.1.inf");
		truclient_step("6.2", "Verify Step 1 's 'Visible Text' Contain Step 3", "snapshot=Action_6.2.inf");
		lr_end_transaction("Step 2 - Select the default colour",0);
	truclient_step("8", "Step 3 - Select the in-stock items", "snapshot=Action_8.inf");
		truclient_step("8.1", "Evaluate JavaScript code var re = /<td>In S...ount',counter);", "snapshot=Action_8.1.inf");
		truclient_step("8.3", "For ( var i = 1 ; i < eval(TC.getParam(...p3Value_count')) ; i++ )", "snapshot=Action_8.3.inf");
			truclient_step("8.3.1", "Evaluate JavaScript code Step3Value=window.Step3V...'+i.toString())", "snapshot=Action_8.3.1.inf");
			truclient_step("8.3.2", "Click on Step3Value checkbox", "snapshot=Action_8.3.2.inf");
		lr_start_transaction("Step 3 - Select the in-stock items");
		truclient_step("8.5", "Click on Next button", "snapshot=Action_8.5.inf");
		truclient_step("8.6", "Verify Step 1 's 'Visible Text' Contain Step 4", "snapshot=Action_8.6.inf");
		lr_end_transaction("Step 3 - Select the in-stock items",0);
	truclient_step("9", "Step 4 - Final step", "snapshot=Action_9.inf");
		lr_start_transaction("Step 4 - Final step");
		truclient_step("9.1", "Click on Next button", "snapshot=Action_9.1.inf");
		truclient_step("9.2", "Verify Correlation Challenge 's 'Visible Text' Contain Correlation Challenge", "snapshot=Action_9.2.inf");
		lr_end_transaction("Step 4 - Final step",0);

	return 0;