*				---showResult---
* prints the complex number result in the form: 
*			result.real + result.imag(*)i 
* to the command line
* results are truncated to a maximum of 3 rhs
* digits
* @param result	the result of a mathematical operation
void showResult(complexNumber result)
	char r_str[30];
	char i_str[30];
	_snprintf_s(r_str, 30, "%lf", result.real);
	_snprintf_s(i_str, 30, "%lf", result.imag);

	truncateString(r_str, MAXFLOATINGPOINT);
	truncateString(i_str, MAXFLOATINGPOINT);

	printf_s("%s + %si", r_str, i_str);
	//printf_s("\n\n%.4g + %.4gi", result.real, result.imag);
Example #2
void TrayMenu::changeName(QString name)
	RTorrent * torrent = dynamic_cast<RTorrent *>(sender());
	if(!torrent) return;
void TestTruncationOfComplexResultString()
	double testTruncate = 6.4502000;
	char str[15];

	sprintf(str, "%lf", testTruncate);
	assert(str[4] = '0');
	truncateString(str, 3);
	//printf_s("%s\n", str);
	/*for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
		printf_s("%c", str[i]);*/

	//printf_s("%d", str[4]);
	assert(str[5] = '0');
   struct stringMaxLength {
      char* str;
      size_t max;
   } stringList[] = {{ m_name, MAX_SIZE_NAME },
                     { m_shortName, MAX_SIZE_SHORTNAME },
                     { m_description, MAX_SIZE_DESCRIPTION },
                     { m_category, MAX_SIZE_CATEGORY },
                     { m_mapIconName, MAX_SIZE_MAPICONPATH }};

   bool truncated = false;
   for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(stringList)/sizeof(*stringList); ++i){
      truncated = 
         truncateString(stringList[i].str, stringList[i].max) && truncated;
   return truncated;
} // Favorite::truncateStrings
Example #5
QVariant ProfilePrintModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
	const int row = index.row();
	const int col = index.column();

	switch (role) {
	case Qt::DisplayRole: {
		struct DiveItem di;
		di.dive = dive;
		char buf[80];

		const QString unknown = tr("unknown");

		// dive# + date, depth, location, duration
		if (row == 0) {
			if (col == 0)
				return tr("Dive #%1 - %2").arg(dive->number).arg(di.displayDate());
			if (col == 5) {
				QString unit = (get_units()->length == units::METERS) ? "m" : "ft";
				return tr("Max depth: %1 %2").arg(di.displayDepth()).arg(unit);
		if (row == 1) {
			if (col == 0)
				return truncateString(dive->location, 32);
			if (col == 5)
				return QString(tr("Duration: %1 min")).arg(di.displayDuration());
		// cylinder headings
		if (row == 2) {
			if (col == 0)
				return tr("Cylinder");
			if (col == 1)
				return tr("Gasmix");
			if (col == 2)
				return tr("Gas Used");
		// cylinder data
		if (row > 2 && row < 10 && row - 3 < MAX_CYLINDERS) {
			cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[row - 3];
			if (cyl->type.description) { // how do we check if a cylinder is added?
				if (col == 0) {
					if (cyl->type.description[0] != '\0')
						return QString(cyl->type.description);
					return unknown;
				if (col == 1) {
					get_gas_string(cyl->gasmix.o2.permille, cyl->gasmix.he.permille, buf, sizeof(buf));
					return QString(buf);
				if (col == 2) {
					return get_cylinder_used_gas_string(cyl, true);
		// dive notes
		if (row == 10 && col == 0)
			return truncateString(dive->notes, 640);
		// sac, cns, otu - headings
		if (col == 3) {
			if (row == 2)
				return tr("SAC");
			if (row == 4)
				return tr("Max. CNS");
			if (row == 6)
				return tr("OTU");
		// sac, cns, otu - data
		if (col == 4) {
			if (row == 2)
				return di.displaySac();
			if (row == 4)
				return QString::number(dive->maxcns);
			if (row == 6)
				return QString::number(dive->otu);
		// weights heading
		if (row == 2 && col == 5)
			return tr("Weights");
		// total weight
		if (row == 9) {
			weight_t tw = { total_weight(dive) };
			if (tw.grams) {
				if (col == 5)
					return tr("Total weight");
				if (col == 6)
					return get_weight_string(tw, true);
		// weight data
		if (row > 2 && row < 10 && row - 3 < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS) {
			weightsystem_t *ws = &dive->weightsystem[row - 3];
			if (ws->weight.grams) {
				if (col == 5) {
					if (ws->description && ws->description[0] != '\0')
						return QString(ws->description);
					return unknown;
				if (col == 6) {
					return get_weight_string(ws->weight, true);
		return QString();
	case Qt::FontRole: {
		QFont font;
		const int baseSize = 9;
		// dive #
		if (row == 0 && col == 0) {
			font.setPixelSize(baseSize + 1);
			return QVariant::fromValue(font);
		// dive location
		if (row == 1 && col == 0) {
			return QVariant::fromValue(font);
		// depth/duration
		if ((row == 0 || row == 1) && col == 5) {
			return QVariant::fromValue(font);
		// notes
		if (row == 9 && col == 0) {
			font.setPixelSize(baseSize + 1);
			return QVariant::fromValue(font);
		return QVariant::fromValue(font);
	case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: {
		unsigned int align = Qt::AlignCenter;
		// dive #, location, notes
		if ((row < 2 || row == 10) && col == 0)
			align = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter;
		// depth, duration
		if (row < 2 && col == 5)
			align = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter;
		return QVariant::fromValue(align);
	} // switch (role)
	return QVariant();
String StringTruncator::rightTruncate(const String& string, float maxWidth, const Font& font, bool disableRoundingHacks)
    return truncateString(string, maxWidth, font, rightTruncateToBuffer, disableRoundingHacks);
Example #7
** Clean up after the execution of a shell command sub-process and present
** the output/errors to the user as requested in the initial issueCommand
** call.  If "terminatedOnError" is true, don't bother trying to read the
** output, just close the i/o descriptors, free the memory, and restore the
** user interface state.
static void finishCmdExecution(WindowInfo *window, int terminatedOnError)
    shellCmdInfo *cmdData = window->shellCmdData;
    textBuffer *buf;
    int status, failure, errorReport, reselectStart, outTextLen, errTextLen;
    int resp, cancel = False, fromMacro = cmdData->fromMacro;
    char *outText, *errText = NULL;

    /* Cancel any pending i/o on the file descriptors */
    if (cmdData->stdoutInputID != 0)
    if (cmdData->stdinInputID != 0)
    if (cmdData->stderrInputID != 0)

    /* Close any file descriptors remaining open */
    if (cmdData->flags & ERROR_DIALOGS)
    if (cmdData->inPtr != NULL)

    /* Free the provided input text */
    if (cmdData->input != NULL)
    /* Cancel pending timeouts */
    if (cmdData->flushTimeoutID != 0)
    if (cmdData->bannerTimeoutID != 0)
    /* Clean up waiting-for-shell-command-to-complete mode */
    if (!cmdData->fromMacro) {
	SetSensitive(window, window->cancelShellItem, False);
	if (cmdData->bannerIsUp)
    /* If the process was killed or became inaccessable, give up */
    if (terminatedOnError) {
    	waitpid(cmdData->childPid, &status, 0);
	goto cmdDone;

    /* Assemble the output from the process' stderr and stdout streams into
       null terminated strings, and free the buffer lists used to collect it */
    outText = coalesceOutput(&cmdData->outBufs, &outTextLen);
    if (cmdData->flags & ERROR_DIALOGS)
    	errText = coalesceOutput(&cmdData->errBufs, &errTextLen);

    /* Wait for the child process to complete and get its return status */
    waitpid(cmdData->childPid, &status, 0);
    /* Present error and stderr-information dialogs.  If a command returned
       error output, or if the process' exit status indicated failure,
       present the information to the user. */
    if (cmdData->flags & ERROR_DIALOGS)
        failure = WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0;
        errorReport = *errText != '\0';

        if (failure && errorReport)
            truncateString(errText, DF_MAX_MSG_LENGTH);
            resp = DialogF(DF_WARN, window->shell, 2, "Warning", "%s", "Cancel",
                    "Proceed", errText);
            cancel = resp == 1;
        } else if (failure)
            truncateString(outText, DF_MAX_MSG_LENGTH-70);
            resp = DialogF(DF_WARN, window->shell, 2, "Command Failure",
                    "Command reported failed exit status.\n"
                    "Output from command:\n%s", "Cancel", "Proceed", outText);
            cancel = resp == 1;
        } else if (errorReport)
            truncateString(errText, DF_MAX_MSG_LENGTH);
            resp = DialogF(DF_INF, window->shell, 2, "Information", "%s",
                    "Proceed", "Cancel", errText);
            cancel = resp == 2;

        if (cancel)
            goto cmdDone;
    /* If output is to a dialog, present the dialog.  Otherwise insert the
       (remaining) output in the text widget as requested, and move the
       insert point to the end */
    if (cmdData->flags & OUTPUT_TO_DIALOG) {
	if (*outText != '\0')
    	    createOutputDialog(window->shell, outText);
    } else if (cmdData->flags & OUTPUT_TO_STRING) {
    	ReturnShellCommandOutput(window,outText, WEXITSTATUS(status));
    } else {
	buf = TextGetBuffer(cmdData->textW);
	if (!BufSubstituteNullChars(outText, outTextLen, buf)) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"NEdit: Too much binary data in shell cmd output\n");
	    outText[0] = '\0';
	if (cmdData->flags & REPLACE_SELECTION) {
	    reselectStart = buf->primary.rectangular ? -1 : buf->primary.start;
	    BufReplaceSelected(buf, outText);
	    TextSetCursorPos(cmdData->textW, buf->cursorPosHint);
	    if (reselectStart != -1)
	    	BufSelect(buf, reselectStart, reselectStart + strlen(outText));
	} else {
	    safeBufReplace(buf, &cmdData->leftPos, &cmdData->rightPos, outText);
	    TextSetCursorPos(cmdData->textW, cmdData->leftPos+strlen(outText));

    /* If the command requires the file to be reloaded afterward, reload it */
    if (cmdData->flags & RELOAD_FILE_AFTER)

    /* Command is complete, free data structure and continue macro execution */
    XtFree((char *)cmdData);
    window->shellCmdData = NULL;
    if (fromMacro)
String StringTruncator::rightTruncate(const String& string, float maxWidth, const Font& font)
    return truncateString(string, maxWidth, font, rightTruncateToBuffer);
String StringTruncator::centerTruncate(const String& string, float maxWidth, const Font& font, EnableRoundingHacksOrNot enableRoundingHacks)
    return truncateString(string, maxWidth, font, centerTruncateToBuffer, !enableRoundingHacks);
Example #10
String StringTruncator::rightClipToWord(const String& string, float maxWidth, const FontCascade& font, EnableRoundingHacksOrNot enableRoundingHacks, float& resultWidth, bool shouldInsertEllipsis,  float customTruncationElementWidth, bool alwaysTruncate)
    return truncateString(string, maxWidth, font, rightClipToWordBuffer, !enableRoundingHacks, &resultWidth, shouldInsertEllipsis, customTruncationElementWidth, alwaysTruncate);
Example #11
String StringTruncator::leftTruncate(const String& string, float maxWidth, const FontCascade& font, EnableRoundingHacksOrNot enableRoundingHacks, float& resultWidth, bool shouldInsertEllipsis, float customTruncationElementWidth)
    return truncateString(string, maxWidth, font, leftTruncateToBuffer, !enableRoundingHacks, &resultWidth, shouldInsertEllipsis, customTruncationElementWidth);
Example #12
String StringTruncator::rightTruncate(const String& string, float maxWidth, const FontCascade& font, EnableRoundingHacksOrNot enableRoundingHacks)
    return truncateString(string, maxWidth, font, rightTruncateToBuffer, !enableRoundingHacks);