Example #1
 * @function connectGoal
bool JG_RRT::connectGoal()
    Eigen::MatrixXd J(3,7);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Jinv(7,3);
    Eigen::MatrixXd delta_x;
    Eigen::MatrixXd delta_q;
    Eigen::MatrixXd q_new;
    JG_RRT::StepResult result;
    double dist_new;
    double dist_old;

    result = STEP_PROGRESS;
    dist_new = 0;
    dist_old = DBL_MAX;

    int i = 0;
    while( result == STEP_PROGRESS && (dist_new < dist_old) )
    {   //-- Get the closest node to the goal ( workspace metric )
        int NNidx = pop_Ranking();
        if( NNidx == -1 )
        Eigen::VectorXd q_closest = configVector[NNidx];
        dist_old = wsDistance( q_closest );

        //-- Get the Jacobian
        robinaLeftArm_j( q_closest, TWBase, Tee, J );

        //-- Get the pseudo-inverse (easy way)
        pseudoInv( 3, 7, J, Jinv );

        //-- Get the workspace
        delta_x = wsDiff( q_closest );

        delta_q = Jinv*delta_x;
        //-- Scale -- with this 2 actually result will always be in PROGRESS, if not COLLISION
        double scal = 2*stepSize/delta_q.norm();
        delta_q = delta_q*scal;

        //-- Get q_new
        q_new = q_closest + delta_q;

        //-- Attempt a new step towards J
        result = tryStep( q_new, NNidx );
        //-- Check
        if( result == STEP_PROGRESS )
        {   dist_new = wsDistance( configVector[configVector.size() - 1] );
            if( dist_new < distanceThresh )
                result = STEP_REACHED;

    return( result == STEP_REACHED );
Example #2
 * @function plan
 * @brief
bool JG_RRT::plan( const Eigen::VectorXd &_startConfig,
                   const Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> &_goalPose,
                   const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &_guidingNodes,
                   std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> &path )
    /** Store information */
    this->startConfig = _startConfig;
    this->goalPose = _goalPose;
    this->goalPosition = _goalPose.translation();

    //-- Initialize the search tree
    addNode( startConfig, -1 );

    //-- Add the guiding nodes
    addGuidingNodes( _guidingNodes );

    double p;
    while( goalDistVector[activeNode] > distanceThresh )
        //-- Generate the probability
        p = RANDNM( 0.0, 1.0 );

        //-- Apply either extension to goal (J) or random connection
        if( p < p_goal )
            if( extendGoal() == true )
            tryStep(); /*extendRandom();*/

        // Check if we are still inside
        if( configVector.size() > maxNodes )
        {   cout<<"-- Exceeded "<<maxNodes<<" allowed - ws_dist: "<<goalDistVector[rankingVector[0]]<<endl;

    //-- If a path is found
    if( goalDistVector[activeNode] < distanceThresh )
    {   tracePath( activeNode, path );
        cout<<"JG - Got a path! - nodes: "<<path.size()<<" tree size: "<<configVector.size()<<endl;
        return true;
    {   cout<<"--(!) JG :No successful path found! "<<endl;
        return false;
Example #3
 * @function connect
 * @brief
bool JG_RRT::connect( const Eigen::VectorXd &target )
    int NNidx = getNearestNeighbor(target);
    StepResult result = STEP_PROGRESS;
    int i = 0;
    while(result == STEP_PROGRESS)
        result = tryStep(target, NNidx);
        NNidx = configVector.size() - 1;

    return (result == STEP_REACHED);
Example #4
void PropagationCK::process(Candidate *candidate) const {
	// save the new previous particle state
	ParticleState &current = candidate->current;
	candidate->previous = current;

	double step = clip(candidate->getNextStep(), minStep, maxStep);

	// rectilinear propagation for neutral particles
	if (current.getCharge() == 0) {
		Vector3d pos = current.getPosition();
		Vector3d dir = current.getDirection();
		current.setPosition(pos + dir * step);

	Y yIn(current.getPosition(), current.getDirection());
	Y yOut, yErr;
	double h = step / c_light;
	double hTry, r;
	double z = candidate->getRedshift();

	// try performing a step until the relative error is less than the desired
	// tolerance or the minimum step size has been reached
	do {
		hTry = h;
		tryStep(yIn, yOut, yErr, hTry, current, z);

		// determine absolute direction error relative to tolerance
		r = yErr.u.getR() / tolerance;
		// new step size to keep the error close to the tolerance
		h *= 0.95 * pow(r, -0.2);
		// limit change of new step size
		h = clip(h, 0.1 * hTry, 5 * hTry);

	} while (r > 1 && h > minStep / c_light);

	candidate->setCurrentStep(hTry * c_light);
	candidate->setNextStep(h * c_light);
Example #5
 * @function tryStep
JG_RRT::StepResult JG_RRT::tryStep( const Eigen::VectorXd &qtry )
    int NNidx = getNearestNeighbor( qtry );
    return tryStep( qtry, NNidx );
Example #6
 * @function tryStep
JG_RRT::StepResult JG_RRT::tryStep()
    Eigen::VectorXd qtry = getRandomConfig();
    return tryStep(qtry);
Example #7
/* ********************************************************************************************* */
RRT::StepResult RRT::tryStep() {
	VectorXd qtry = getRandomConfig();
	return tryStep(qtry);
Example #8
void rayCast(Vector2i src, Vector2i dst, RAY_CALLBACK callback, void *data)
	if (!callback(src, 0, data) || src == dst)  // Start at src.
		return;  // Callback gave up after the first point, or there are no other points.

	Vector2i srcM = map_coord(src);
	Vector2i dstM = map_coord(dst);

	Vector2i step, tile, cur, end;
	initSteps(srcM.x, dstM.x, tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x);
	initSteps(srcM.y, dstM.y, tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y);

	Vector2i prev(0, 0);  // Dummy initialisation.
	bool first = true;
	Vector2i nextX(0, 0), nextY(0, 0);  // Dummy initialisations.
	bool canX = tryStep(tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x, nextX.x, nextX.y, src.x, src.y, dst.x, dst.y);
	bool canY = tryStep(tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y, nextY.y, nextY.x, src.y, src.x, dst.y, dst.x);
	while (canX || canY)
		int32_t xDist = abs(nextX.x - src.x) + abs(nextX.y - src.y);
		int32_t yDist = abs(nextY.x - src.x) + abs(nextY.y - src.y);
		Vector2i sel;
		Vector2i selTile;
		if (canX && (!canY || xDist < yDist))  // The line crosses a vertical grid line next.
			sel = nextX;
			selTile = tile;
			canX = tryStep(tile.x, step.x, cur.x, end.x, nextX.x, nextX.y, src.x, src.y, dst.x, dst.y);
		else  // The line crosses a horizontal grid line next.
			sel = nextY;
			selTile = tile;
			canY = tryStep(tile.y, step.y, cur.y, end.y, nextY.y, nextY.x, src.y, src.x, dst.y, dst.x);
		if (!first)
			// Find midpoint.
			Vector2i avg = (prev + sel) / 2;
			// But make sure it's on the right tile, since it could be off-by-one if the line passes exactly through a grid intersection.
			avg.x = std::min(std::max(avg.x, world_coord(selTile.x)), world_coord(selTile.x + 1) - 1);
			avg.y = std::min(std::max(avg.y, world_coord(selTile.y)), world_coord(selTile.y + 1) - 1);
			if (!worldOnMap(avg) || !callback(avg, iHypot(avg), data))
				return;  // Callback doesn't want any more points, or we reached the edge of the map, so return.
		prev = sel;
		first = false;

	// Include the endpoint.
	if (!worldOnMap(dst))
		return;  // Stop, since reached the edge of the map.
	callback(dst, iHypot(dst), data);