bool apply_move (Game *g, int from, int to, char promote_in) { if (g->result != IN_PROGRESS) return FALSE; Board *board = current_board (g); Board *new_board = NEW_BOARD; char capture = 0; char *move_done = castling (board, castling_type (board, from, to), new_board); if (!move_done) // If move is not a castling { if (!try_move (board, from, to, promote_in, new_board, &move_done, &capture)) { free (new_board); return FALSE; } } // Ok move is legal, update the game update_castling (new_board, from); update_en_passant (new_board, from, to); if (new_board->active_color) new_board->fullmove_number++; new_board->active_color = !new_board->active_color; if (capture || toupper (board->placement[from]) == 'P') new_board->halfmove_clock = 0; else new_board->halfmove_clock++; g->boards[g->current] = new_board; g->moves[g->current] = move_done; g->coord_moves[g->current] = ft_to_coord_move (from, to, promote_in); g->current++; // Test check or checkmate of opponent king if (king_in_check (new_board, new_board->active_color)) { if (king_in_checkmate (new_board, new_board->active_color)) { strcat (move_done, "#"); g->result = !new_board->active_color; } else strcat (move_done, "+"); } // Test insufficient material else if (insufficient_material (new_board)) g->result = DRAW; // Test stalemate else if (stalemate (new_board, new_board->active_color)) g->result = DRAW; return TRUE; }
void* tram_ep(void *arg){ task_context_t * ctx = arg; int start = rand() % 4; int stop = rand() % 3; ctx->posX = from_to[start][0][0]; ctx->posY = from_to[start][0][1]; while (!place_at(ctx->posX, ctx->posY)) { sleep(1); } int destX = from_to[start][stop+1][0]; int destY = from_to[start][stop+1][1]; //printf("going from %d %d to %d %d\n", ctx->posX, ctx->posY, destX, destY); while (destX != ctx->posX || destY != ctx->posY) { if (destX > ctx->posX && ctx->posY == TRAM_LANE_BOTTOM) { try_move(ctx, +1, 0); } else if (destX < ctx->posX && ctx->posY == TRAM_LANE_TOP) { try_move(ctx, -1, 0); } else if (destY > ctx->posY && ctx->posX == TRAM_LANE_LEFT) { try_move(ctx, 0, 1); } else if (destY < ctx->posY && ctx->posX == TRAM_LANE_RIGHT) { try_move(ctx, 0, -1); } sleep(1); } remove_from(ctx->posX, ctx->posY); ctx->alive = 0; return NULL; }
bool seek_party(short i,location l1,location l2) { bool acted_yet = false; short m,n; if ((l1.x > l2.x) && (l1.y > l2.y)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,-1,-1); if ((l1.x < l2.x) & (l1.y < l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,1,1); if ((l1.x > l2.x) & (l1.y < l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,-1,1); if ((l1.x < l2.x) & (l1.y > l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,1,-1); if ((l1.x > l2.x) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,-1,0); if ((l1.x < l2.x) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,1,0); if ( (l1.y < l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,0,1); if ( (l1.y > l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,0,-1); if (acted_yet == false) { futzing++; m = get_ran(1,0,2) - 1; n = get_ran(1,0,2) - 1; acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,m,n); } return acted_yet; }
bool flee_party(short i,location l1,location l2) { bool acted_yet = false; if ((l1.x > l2.x) & (l1.y > l2.y)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,1,1); if ((l1.x < l2.x) & (l1.y < l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,-1,-1); if ((l1.x > l2.x) & (l1.y < l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,1,-1); if ((l1.x < l2.x) & (l1.y > l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,-1,+1); if ((l1.x > l2.x) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,1,0); if ((l1.x < l2.x) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,-1,0); if ( (l1.y < l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,0,-1); if ( (l1.y > l2.y) & (acted_yet == false)) acted_yet = try_move(i,l1,0,1); if (acted_yet == false) { futzing++; acted_yet = rand_move(i); } return acted_yet; }
void creature_t::step_toward(int px, int py, creature_t* exclude) { TCODMap* map = new TCODMap(current_dungeon->width, current_dungeon->height); for (int y = 0; y < current_dungeon->height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < current_dungeon->width; x++) { tile_t* tile = get_tile_at(current_dungeon, x, y); bool walkable = tile_is_walkable_by(*tile, this); if (flag & CF_INTELLIGENT) { // Intelligent monsters know how to open doors. if (tile->id == TILE_DOOR_CLOSED) { walkable = true; } } map->setProperties(x, y, tile->properties & TILE_PROP_TRANSPARENT, walkable); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < current_dungeon->creatures.size(); i++) { creature_t* c = current_dungeon->; if (c == this || c == exclude) continue; if (sees(c)) { // If this creature can see another creature, then consider that // square as unwalkable. map->setProperties(c->pos.x, c->pos.y, 1, 0); } } TCODPath* path = new TCODPath(map, 1.0f); if (path->compute(pos.x, pos.y, px, py)) { if (path->size() > 0) { int move_x, move_y; path->get(0, &move_x, &move_y); try_move(move_x, move_y); } else { // No path found, walk around confused. random_walk(); } } else { // No path found, walk around confused. random_walk(); } delete map; delete path; }
int SpriteEx::update() { IComponent::update(); list<Sprite*>::iterator i; list<Sprite*> sprites = parent->getSprites(); if (gravity) { dy += GRAVITY_ACC; if (dy > MAX_Y) dy = MAX_Y; if (dy < -MAX_Y) dy = -MAX_Y; } int block = try_move(dx, dy); if ((block & Y_BLOCK) > 0) { onCol(ST_TILE, NULL, DIR_VERTICAL); air = false; dy = 0; } else { air = true; } if ((block & X_BLOCK) > 0) { onCol(ST_TILE, NULL, DIR_HORIZONTAL); } if (y > FLOOR) { onCol(ST_FLOOR, NULL, DIR_VERTICAL); } if (y < CEIL) { y = CEIL; onCol(ST_BOUNDS, NULL, DIR_VERTICAL); } if (x < 0) { x = 0; onCol(ST_BOUNDS, NULL, DIR_HORIZONTAL); } int mapw = teg_pixelw(parent->getMap()); if ((x + w) >= mapw) { x = mapw - w; onCol(ST_BOUNDS, NULL, DIR_HORIZONTAL); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *err; struct game g = { 0 }; long w, h, p; if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: boxes height width playercount [filename]\n"); exit(1); } h = strtol(argv[1], &err, 10); if (*err != '\0' || h < 2 || h > 999) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid grid dimensions\n"); exit(2); } w = strtol(argv[2], &err, 10); if (*err != '\0' || w < 2 || w > 999) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid grid dimensions\n"); exit(2); } p = strtol(argv[3], &err, 10); if (*err != '\0' || p < 2 || p > 100) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid player count\n"); exit(3); } g.width = w; g.height = h; g.num_players = p; g.possible_closures = w * h; allocate_empty_grid(&g); if (argc == 5) { read_grid_file(argv[4], &g); } while (1) { print_grid(stdout, &g); if (g.close_count == g.possible_closures) { pick_winner(&g); } while (try_move(&g)); g.current_player = (g.current_player + 1) % g.num_players; } return 0; }
void creature_t::random_walk() { int move_x = pos.x; int move_y = pos.y; int dir = random(0, 7); if (dir == 0) { move_x++; } else if (dir == 1) { move_x--; } else if (dir == 2) { move_y++; } else if (dir == 3) { move_y--; } else if (dir == 4) { move_x++; move_y++; } else if (dir == 5) { move_x++; move_y--; } else if (dir == 6) { move_x--; move_y++; } else if (dir == 7) { move_x--; move_y--; } try_move(move_x, move_y); }
int find_solution(int **tab, int row, int col, int is_reverse) { if (!(row < 9 && col < 9)) return (1); if (tab[row][col] != 0) { if ((col + 1) < 9) return (find_solution(tab, row, col + 1, is_reverse)); else if ((row + 1) < 9) return (find_solution(tab, row + 1, 0, is_reverse)); else return (1); } else { if (is_reverse) return (try_move_rev(tab, row, col, is_reverse)); else return (try_move(tab, row, col, is_reverse)); } return (0); }
void Game::message_handler(Server& server, int player, std::string msg) { std::vector<std::string> words; boost::trim(msg); boost::split(words, msg, boost::is_any_of("\t "), boost::token_compress_on); if (words.empty()) { error(server, player); return; } if (words[0] == "ready") { if (ready(player)) { error(server, player); return; } ready(player) = true; player_color(player) = ready(other(player)) ? BLACK : WHITE; server.send(player, "color " + show(player_color(player))); if (ready1 && ready2) { reset_playing(); server.broadcast("start"); } } else if (words[0] == "say") { std::stringstream ss; ss << "say" << player; for (size_t i = 1; i < words.size(); ++i) { ss << " " << words[i]; } server.broadcast(ss.str()); } else if (words[0] == "move") { if (!playing || current_color != player_color(player) || words.size() != 3) { server.send(player, "error move"); return; } boost::optional<Square> maybe_from = read_square(words[1]); boost::optional<Square> maybe_to = read_square(words[2]); if (!maybe_from || !maybe_to) { error(server, player); return; } boost::optional<MoveResult> maybe_move_result = try_move(board, player_color(player), *maybe_from, *maybe_to); if (!maybe_move_result) { server.send(player, "error move"); return; } current_color = current_color == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE; if (maybe_move_result->opponent_cannot_move) { reset_waiting(); } server.broadcast(show(*maybe_move_result)); } else if (words[0] == "resign") { if (!playing || current_color != player_color(player)) { error(server, player); return; } reset_waiting(); server.broadcast("resign"); } else { error(server, player); } }