 * Scan a single directory (and recursively its children) and add
 * any graphics sets that are found.
 * @param fs              the file scanner to add the files to
 * @param extension       the extension of files to search for.
 * @param path            full path we're currently at
 * @param basepath_length from where in the path are we 'based' on the search path
 * @param recursive       whether to recursively search the sub directories
static uint ScanPath(FileScanner *fs, const char *extension, const char *path, size_t basepath_length, bool recursive)
	extern bool FiosIsValidFile(const char *path, const struct dirent *ent, struct stat *sb);

	uint num = 0;
	struct stat sb;
	struct dirent *dirent;
	DIR *dir;

	if (path == NULL || (dir = ttd_opendir(path)) == NULL) return 0;

	while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
		const char *d_name = FS2OTTD(dirent->d_name);
		char filename[MAX_PATH];

		if (!FiosIsValidFile(path, dirent, &sb)) continue;

		snprintf(filename, lengthof(filename), "%s%s", path, d_name);

		if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
			/* Directory */
			if (!recursive) continue;
			if (strcmp(d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(d_name, "..") == 0) continue;
			if (!AppendPathSeparator(filename, lengthof(filename))) continue;
			num += ScanPath(fs, extension, filename, basepath_length, recursive);
		} else if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {
			/* File */
			if (extension != NULL) {
				char *ext = strrchr(filename, '.');

				/* If no extension or extension isn't .grf, skip the file */
				if (ext == NULL) continue;
				if (strcasecmp(ext, extension) != 0) continue;

			if (fs->AddFile(filename, basepath_length)) num++;


	return num;
Example #2
 * Try to add a fios item set with the given filename.
 * @param filename        the full path to the file to read
 * @param basepath_length amount of characters to chop of before to get a relative filename
 * @return true if the file is added.
bool FiosFileScanner::AddFile(const char *filename, size_t basepath_length, const char *tar_filename)
	const char *ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
	if (ext == NULL) return false;

	char fios_title[64];
	fios_title[0] = '\0'; // reset the title;

	FiosType type = this->callback_proc(this->mode, filename, ext, fios_title, lastof(fios_title));
	if (type == FIOS_TYPE_INVALID) return false;

	for (const FiosItem *fios = _fios_items.Begin(); fios != _fios_items.End(); fios++) {
		if (strcmp(fios->name, filename) == 0) return false;

	FiosItem *fios = _fios_items.Append();
#ifdef WIN32
	struct _stat sb;
	if (_tstat(OTTD2FS(filename), &sb) == 0) {
	struct stat sb;
	if (stat(filename, &sb) == 0) {
		fios->mtime = sb.st_mtime;
	} else {
		fios->mtime = 0;

	fios->type = type;
	strecpy(fios->name, filename, lastof(fios->name));

	/* If the file doesn't have a title, use its filename */
	const char *t = fios_title;
	if (StrEmpty(fios_title)) {
		t = strrchr(filename, PATHSEPCHAR);
		t = (t == NULL) ? filename : (t + 1);
	strecpy(fios->title, t, lastof(fios->title));
	str_validate(fios->title, lastof(fios->title));

	return true;

 * Fill the list of the files in a directory, according to some arbitrary rule.
 *  @param mode The mode we are in. Some modes don't allow 'parent'.
 *  @param callback_proc The function that is called where you need to do the filtering.
 *  @param subdir The directory from where to start (global) searching.
static void FiosGetFileList(SaveLoadDialogMode mode, fios_getlist_callback_proc *callback_proc, Subdirectory subdir)
	struct stat sb;
	struct dirent *dirent;
	DIR *dir;
	FiosItem *fios;
	int sort_start;
	char d_name[sizeof(fios->name)];


	/* A parent directory link exists if we are not in the root directory */
	if (!FiosIsRoot(_fios_path)) {
		fios = _fios_items.Append();
		fios->type = FIOS_TYPE_PARENT;
		fios->mtime = 0;
		strecpy(fios->name, "..", lastof(fios->name));
		strecpy(fios->title, ".. (Parent directory)", lastof(fios->title));

	/* Show subdirectories */
	if ((dir = ttd_opendir(_fios_path)) != NULL) {
		while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
			strecpy(d_name, FS2OTTD(dirent->d_name), lastof(d_name));

			/* found file must be directory, but not '.' or '..' */
			if (FiosIsValidFile(_fios_path, dirent, &sb) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) &&
					(!FiosIsHiddenFile(dirent) || strncasecmp(d_name, PERSONAL_DIR, strlen(d_name)) == 0) &&
					strcmp(d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(d_name, "..") != 0) {
				fios = _fios_items.Append();
				fios->type = FIOS_TYPE_DIR;
				fios->mtime = 0;
				strecpy(fios->name, d_name, lastof(fios->name));
				snprintf(fios->title, lengthof(fios->title), "%s" PATHSEP " (Directory)", d_name);
				str_validate(fios->title, lastof(fios->title));

	/* Sort the subdirs always by name, ascending, remember user-sorting order */
		SortingBits order = _savegame_sort_order;
		_savegame_sort_order = SORT_BY_NAME | SORT_ASCENDING;
		QSortT(_fios_items.Begin(), _fios_items.Length(), CompareFiosItems);
		_savegame_sort_order = order;

	/* This is where to start sorting for the filenames */
	sort_start = _fios_items.Length();

	/* Show files */
	FiosFileScanner scanner(mode, callback_proc);
	if (subdir == NO_DIRECTORY) {
		scanner.Scan(NULL, _fios_path, false);
	} else {
		scanner.Scan(NULL, subdir, true, true);

	QSortT(_fios_items.Get(sort_start), _fios_items.Length() - sort_start, CompareFiosItems);

	/* Show drives */


 * Get the title of a file, which (if exists) is stored in a file named
 * the same as the data file but with '.title' added to it.
 * @param file filename to get the title for
 * @param title the title buffer to fill
 * @param last the last element in the title buffer
 * @param subdir the sub directory to search in
static void GetFileTitle(const char *file, char *title, const char *last, Subdirectory subdir)
	char buf[MAX_PATH];
	strecpy(buf, file, lastof(buf));
	strecat(buf, ".title", lastof(buf));

	FILE *f = FioFOpenFile(buf, "r", subdir);
	if (f == NULL) return;

	size_t read = fread(title, 1, last - title, f);
	assert(title + read <= last);
	title[read] = '\0';
	str_validate(title, last);