Example #1
struct dnaSeq *dnaLoadSingle(char *fileName, int *retStart, int *retEnd, int *retParentSize)
/* Return sequence if it's a nib file or 2bit part, NULL otherwise. */
struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL;
unsigned start = 0, end = 0;
int parentSize = 0;
if (nibIsFile(fileName))
    /* Save offset out of fileName for auto-lifting */
    char filePath[PATH_LEN];
    char name[PATH_LEN];
    nibParseName(0, fileName, filePath, name, &start, &end);

    if (end != 0)	/* It's just a range. */
	FILE *f;
	int size;
	nibOpenVerify(filePath, &f, &size);
	parentSize = size;
    seq =  nibLoadAllMasked(NIB_MASK_MIXED, fileName);
    if (end == 0)
         parentSize = end = seq->size;
    seq->name = cloneString(name);
else if (twoBitIsRange(fileName))
    /* Save offset out of fileName for auto-lifting */
    char *rangeSpec = cloneString(fileName);
    int start, end;
    char *file, *seqName;
    twoBitParseRange(rangeSpec, &file, &seqName, &start, &end);

    /* Load sequence. */
	struct twoBitFile *tbf = twoBitOpen(file);
	parentSize = twoBitSeqSize(tbf, seqName);
	seq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(tbf, seqName, start, end);
    if (end == 0)
        end = seq->size;
if (retStart != NULL)
    *retStart = start;
if (retEnd != NULL)
    *retEnd = end;
if (retParentSize != NULL)
    *retParentSize = parentSize;
return seq;
Example #2
void twoBitInfo(char *inName, char *outName)
/* twoBitInfo - get information about sequences in a .2bit file. */
struct twoBitFile *tbf;
FILE *outFile;
char *seqName = NULL;

twoBitParseRange(inName, &inName, &seqName, NULL, NULL);
tbf = twoBitOpen(inName);
outFile = mustOpen(outName, "w");

if (seqName != NULL)
    char *seqArray[1023];
    int i;
    int seqCount = chopString(seqName, ",", seqArray, ArraySize(seqArray));
    for (i = 0 ; i < seqCount ; i++)
	if (optionExists("maskBed"))
	    twoBitOutMaskBeds(tbf, seqArray[i], outFile);
	else if (optionExists("nBed"))
	    twoBitOutNBeds(tbf, seqArray[i], outFile);
	else if(optionExists("noNs"))
	    fprintf(outFile, "%s\t%d\n", seqArray[i], twoBitSeqSizeNoNs(tbf, seqArray[i]));
	    fprintf(outFile, "%s\t%d\n", seqArray[i], twoBitSeqSize(tbf, seqArray[i]));
    struct twoBitIndex *index;
    for (index = tbf->indexList; index != NULL; index = index->next)
	if (optionExists("maskBed"))
	    twoBitOutMaskBeds(tbf, index->name, outFile);
	else if (optionExists("nBed"))
	    twoBitOutNBeds(tbf, index->name, outFile);
	else if(optionExists("noNs"))
	    fprintf(outFile, "%s\t%d\n", index->name, twoBitSeqSizeNoNs(tbf, index->name));
	    fprintf(outFile, "%s\t%d\n", index->name, twoBitSeqSize(tbf, index->name));