Example #1
/// find an intersection point in the XY-plane between two lines
/// first line:   p1 + v*(p2-p1)
/// second line:  p3 + t*(p4-p3)
/// sets (v,t) to the intersection point and returns true if an intersection was found 
bool xy_line_line_intersection( const Point& p1, const Point& p2, double& v,
                                const Point& p3, const Point& p4, double& t) {
    // p1 + v*(p2-p1) = p3 + t*(p4-p3)
    // =>
    // [ (p2-p1).x  -(p4-p3).x ] [ v ]  = [ (p3-p1).x ]
    // [ (p2-p1).y  -(p4-p3).y ] [ t ]  = [ (p3-p1).y ]
    return two_by_two_solver( (p2-p1).x , -(p4-p3).x , (p2-p1).y , -(p4-p3).y,  (p3-p1).x, (p3-p1).y, v, t);
Example #2
// general purpose facetPush
bool MillingCutter::generalFacetPush(double normal_length,
                                     double center_height,
                                     double xy_normal_length,
                                     const Fiber& fib, 
                                     Interval& i,  
                                     const Triangle& t) 
                                     const {
    bool result = false;
    Point normal = t.upNormal(); // facet surface normal, pointing up 
    if ( normal.zParallel() ) // normal points in z-dir   
        return result; //can't push against horizontal plane, stop here.
    Point xy_normal = normal;
    xy_normal.z = 0;
    //   find a point on the plane from which radius2*normal+radius1*xy_normal lands on the fiber+radius2*Point(0,0,1) 
    //   (u,v) locates a point on the triangle facet    v0+ u*(v1-v0)+v*(v2-v0)    u,v in [0,1]
    //   t locates a point along the fiber:             p1 + t*(p2-p1)             t in [0,1]
    //   facet-point + r2 * n + r1* xy_n = fiber-point + r2*Point(0,0,1)
    //   =>
    //   v0+ u*(v1-v0)+v*(v2-v0) + r2 * n + r1* xy_n  = p1 + t*(p2-p1) + r2*Point(0,0,1)
    //   v0x + u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x) + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x  = p1x + t*(p2x-p1x)          p2x-p1x==0 for Y-fiber
    //   v0y + u*(v1y-v0y) + v*(v2y-v0y) + r2*ny + r1*xy_n.y  = p1y + t*(p2y-p1y)          p2y-p1y==0 for X-fiber
    //   v0z + u*(v1z-v0z) + v*(v2z-v0z) + r2*nz              = p1z + t*(p2z-p1z) + r2    (p2z-p1z)==0 for XY-fibers!!
    //   X-fiber:
    //   v0x + u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x) + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x  = p1x + t*(p2x-p1x)         
    //   v0y + u*(v1y-v0y) + v*(v2y-v0y) + r2*ny + r1*xy_n.y  = p1y                    solve these  two for (u,v)
    //   v0z + u*(v1z-v0z) + v*(v2z-v0z) + r2*nz              = p1z + r2               and substitute above for t
    //   or
    //   [ (v1y-v0y)    (v2y-v0y) ] [ u ] = [ -v0y - r2*ny - r1*xy_n.y + p1y     ]
    //   [ (v1z-v0z)    (v2z-v0z) ] [ v ] = [ -v0z - r2*nz + p1z + r2            ]
    //   Y-fiber:
    //   [ (v1x-v0x)    (v2x-v0x) ] [ u ] = [ -v0x - r2*nx - r1*xy_n.x + p1x     ]
    double a;
    double b;
    double c = t.p[1].z - t.p[0].z;
    double d = t.p[2].z - t.p[0].z;
    double e;
    double f = -t.p[0].z - normal_length*normal.z + fib.p1.z + center_height; 
    // note: the xy_normal does not have a z-component, so omitted here.
    double u, v; // u and v are coordinates of the cc-point within the triangle facet
    // a,b,e depend on the fiber:
    if ( fib.p1.y == fib.p2.y ) { // XFIBER
        a = t.p[1].y - t.p[0].y;
        b = t.p[2].y - t.p[0].y;
        e = -t.p[0].y - normal_length*normal.y - xy_normal_length*xy_normal.y + fib.p1.y;
        if (!two_by_two_solver(a,b,c,d,e,f,u,v))
            return result;
        CCPoint cc = t.p[0] + u*(t.p[1]-t.p[0]) + v*(t.p[2]-t.p[0]);
        cc.type = FACET;
        if ( ! cc.isInside( t ) ) 
            return result;
        // v0x + u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x) + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x = p1x + t*(p2x-p1x) 
        // =>
        // t = 1/(p2x-p1x) * ( v0x + r2*nx + r1*xy_n.x - p1x +  u*(v1x-v0x) + v*(v2x-v0x)       )
        assert( !isZero_tol( fib.p2.x - fib.p1.x )  ); // guard against division by zero
        double tval = (1.0/( fib.p2.x - fib.p1.x )) * ( t.p[0].x + normal_length*normal.x + xy_normal_length*xy_normal.x - fib.p1.x 
                                                        + u*(t.p[1].x-t.p[0].x)+v*(t.p[2].x-t.p[0].x) );
        if ( tval < 0.0 || tval > 1.0  ) {
            std::cout << "MillingCutter::facetPush() tval= " << tval << " error!?\n";
            //std::cout << " cutter: " << *this << "\n";
            std::cout << " triangle: " << t << "\n";
            std::cout << " fiber: " << fib << "\n";
        assert( tval > 0.0 && tval < 1.0 );
        i.update( tval, cc );
        result = true;
    } else if (fib.p1.x == fib.p2.x) { // YFIBER
        a = t.p[1].x - t.p[0].x;
        b = t.p[2].x - t.p[0].x;
        e = -t.p[0].x - normal_length*normal.x - xy_normal_length*xy_normal.x + fib.p1.x;
        if (!two_by_two_solver(a,b,c,d,e,f,u,v))
            return result;
        CCPoint cc = t.p[0] + u*(t.p[1]-t.p[0]) + v*(t.p[2]-t.p[0]);
        cc.type = FACET;
        if ( ! cc.isInside( t ) ) 
            return result;
        assert( !isZero_tol( fib.p2.y - fib.p1.y )  );
        double tval = (1.0/( fib.p2.y - fib.p1.y )) * ( t.p[0].y + normal_length*normal.y + xy_normal_length*xy_normal.y - fib.p1.y 
                                                        + u*(t.p[1].y-t.p[0].y)+v*(t.p[2].y-t.p[0].y) );
        if ( tval < 0.0 || tval > 1.0  ) {
            std::cout << "MillingCutter::facetPush() tval= " << tval << " error!?\n";
            std::cout << " (most probably a user error, the fiber is too short compared to the STL model?)\n";
        assert( tval > 0.0 && tval < 1.0 );
        i.update( tval, cc );
        result = true;    
    } else {
    return result;