int Interval::complementary(Interval& c1, Interval& c2) const { if (is_empty() || is_degenerated()) { // x.is_empty() should not happen if called from compl() c1=Interval::ALL_REALS; c2=Interval::EMPTY_SET; return 1; } else { if (lb()>NEG_INFINITY) { c1=Interval(NEG_INFINITY,lb()); if (ub()<POS_INFINITY) { c2=Interval(ub(),POS_INFINITY); return 2; } else { c2=Interval::EMPTY_SET; return 1; } } else if (ub()<POS_INFINITY) { c1=Interval(ub(),POS_INFINITY); c2=Interval::EMPTY_SET; return 1; } else { c1=c2=Interval::EMPTY_SET; return 0; } } }
double TRAC_IK::manipPenalty(const KDL::JntArray& arr) { double penalty = 1.0; for (uint i=0; i<; i++) { if (types[i] == KDL::BasicJointType::Continuous) continue; double range = ub(i)-lb(i); penalty *= ((arr(i)-lb(i))*(ub(i)-arr(i))/(range*range)); } return std::max(0.0,1.0 - exp(-1*penalty)); }
void TRAC_IK::normalize_limits(const KDL::JntArray& seed, KDL::JntArray& solution) { // Make sure rotational joint values are within 1 revolution of middle of // limits; then ensure joint limits are met. bool improved = false; for (uint i=0; i<; i++) { if (types[i] == KDL::BasicJointType::TransJoint) continue; double target = seed(i); if (types[i] == KDL::BasicJointType::RotJoint && types[i]!=KDL::BasicJointType::Continuous) target = (ub(i)+lb(i))/2.0; double val = solution(i); if (val > target+M_PI) { //Find actual angle offset double diffangle = fmod(val-target,2*M_PI); // Add that to upper bound and go back a full rotation val = target + diffangle - 2*M_PI; } if (val < target-M_PI) { //Find actual angle offset double diffangle = fmod(target-val,2*M_PI); // Add that to upper bound and go back a full rotation val = target - diffangle + 2*M_PI; } if (types[i]==KDL::BasicJointType::Continuous) { solution(i) = val; continue; } if (val > ub(i)) { //Find actual angle offset double diffangle = fmod(val-ub(i),2*M_PI); // Add that to upper bound and go back a full rotation val = ub(i) + diffangle - 2*M_PI; } if (val < lb(i)) { //Find actual angle offset double diffangle = fmod(lb(i)-val,2*M_PI); // Add that to upper bound and go back a full rotation val = lb(i) - diffangle + 2*M_PI; } solution(i) = val; } }
Key sample_key(const std::unordered_map<Key, T>& map, Generator& rng) { assert(!map.empty()); std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t> ub(0, map.bucket_count() - 1); while (true) { std::size_t bucket = ub(rng); std::size_t bsize = map.bucket_size(bucket); if (bsize > 0) { std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t> ui(0, bsize - 1); return std::next(map.begin(bucket), ui(rng))->first; } } }
bool OsiRowCut::infeasible(const OsiSolverInterface &) const { if (lb() > ub()) return true; return false; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------*/ int NOMAD::TGP_Model::filter_and_sort_X (const std::vector<const NOMAD::Eval_Point *> &X , const NOMAD::Point *center , std::list<const NOMAD::Eval_Point *> &filtered_X) const { NOMAD::Point alt_center; const NOMAD::Eval_Point *cur = NULL; int p0 = X.size() , i; // alternate center if center==NULL: if (!center) { int j; NOMAD::Point lb(_n0) , ub(_n0); for (i = 0 ; i < p0 ; ++i) { cur = X[i]; if (test_interpolation_point(cur)) { for (j = 0 ; j < _n0 ; ++j) { if (!lb[j].is_defined() || (*cur)[j] < lb[j]) lb[j] = (*cur)[j]; if (!ub[j].is_defined() || (*cur)[j] > ub[j]) ub[j] = (*cur)[j]; } } } alt_center = NOMAD::Point(_n0); for (j = 0 ; j < _n0 ; ++j) alt_center[j] = (lb[j] + ub[j]) / 2.0; } // X_tmp is used to sort the points: std::multiset<NOMAD::Model_Sorted_Point> tmp_X; for (i = 0 ; i < p0 ; ++i) { cur = X[i]; // test if the interpolation point is valid for interpolation: if (test_interpolation_point(cur)) { NOMAD::Model_Sorted_Point sorted_pt (&NOMAD::Cache::get_modifiable_point(*cur) , (center) ? *center : alt_center); tmp_X.insert(sorted_pt); } } // copy the set X_tmp to filtered_X: std::multiset<NOMAD::Model_Sorted_Point>::const_iterator it , end = tmp_X.end(); for (it = tmp_X.begin() ; it != end ; ++it) filtered_X.push_back(static_cast<NOMAD::Eval_Point *>(it->get_point())); return filtered_X.size(); }
void TRAC_IK::initialize() { assert(chain.getNrOfJoints(); assert(chain.getNrOfJoints(); jacsolver.reset(new KDL::ChainJntToJacSolver(chain)); nl_solver.reset(new NLOPT_IK::NLOPT_IK(chain,lb,ub,maxtime,eps,NLOPT_IK::SumSq)); iksolver.reset(new KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_TL(chain,lb,ub,maxtime,eps,true,true)); for (uint i=0; i<chain.segments.size(); i++) { std::string type = chain.segments[i].getJoint().getTypeName(); if (type.find("Rot")!=std::string::npos) { if (ub(types.size())>=std::numeric_limits<float>::max() && lb(types.size())<=std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()) types.push_back(KDL::BasicJointType::Continuous); else types.push_back(KDL::BasicJointType::RotJoint); } else if (type.find("Trans")!=std::string::npos) types.push_back(KDL::BasicJointType::TransJoint); } assert(types.size(); threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service)); threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &io_service)); initialized = true; }
void ADMMCut::CalculateX() { // Construct Hessian Matrix for D-Qp problem SpMat Q; CalculateQ(D_, Q); SpMat H2 = Q.transpose() * Q; SpMat H = 2 * H1_ + penalty_ * H2; // Construct Linear coefficient for x-Qp problem a_ = Q.transpose() * lambda_; // Inequality constraints A*x <= b SpMat A(6 * Fd_, 6 * Fd_); A.setZero(); VX b(6 * Fd_); b.setZero(); // Variable constraints x >= lb, x <= ub VX lb(Nd_), ub(Nd_); lb.setZero(); ub.setOnes(); qp_->solve(H, a_, A, b, W_, d_, lb, ub, x_, NULL, NULL, debug_); }
ModEvent SetVarImp::excludeI_full(Space& home, int mi, int ma, I& iterator) { Iter::Ranges::SingletonAppend<I> si(mi,ma,iterator); if (lub.excludeI(home, si)) { BndSetRanges ub(lub); BndSetRanges lb(glb); if (!Iter::Ranges::subset(lb,ub)) { glb.become(home, lub); glb.card(glb.size()); lub.card(glb.size()); return ME_SET_FAILED; } ModEvent me = ME_SET_LUB; if (cardMax() > lub.size()) { lub.card(lub.size()); if (cardMin() > cardMax()) { glb.become(home, lub); glb.card(glb.size()); lub.card(glb.size()); return ME_SET_FAILED; } me = ME_SET_CLUB; } if (cardMax() == lub.size() && cardMin() == cardMax()) { glb.become(home, lub); me = ME_SET_VAL; } SetDelta d; return notify(home, me, d); } return ME_SET_NONE; }
mga_target_event::mga_target_event( const kep_toolbox::plantes::planet_ptr start, const kep_toolbox::planet::planet_ptr end, const kep_toolbox::epoch t_end, double T_max, bool discount_launcher ):base(6), m_start(start), m_end(end), m_t_end(t_end), m_T_max(T_max), m_discount_launcher(discount_launcher) { // We check that all planets have equal central body if (start->get_mu_central_body() != end->get_mu_central_body()) { pagmo_throw(value_error,"The planets do not all have the same mu_central_body"); } // We check that T_max is positive if (T_max <= 0) { pagmo_throw(value_error,"T_max must be larger than zero"); } // Now setting the problem bounds decision_vector lb(6,0.0), ub(6,1.0); lb[0] = 1.; lb[5] = 1e-5; ub[0] = T_max; ub[2] = 12000.0; ub[5] = 1-1e-5; set_bounds(lb,ub); }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if(nrhs!=3 || nlhs != 8) { mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:testMultipleTimeLinearPostureConstrainttmex:BadInputs","Usage [num_cnst,cnst_val,iAfun,jAvar,A,cnst_name,lb,ub] = testMultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraintmex(kinCnst,q,t)"); } MultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraint* cnst = (MultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraint*) getDrakeMexPointer(prhs[0]); int n_breaks = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]); double* t_ptr = new double[n_breaks]; memcpy(t_ptr,mxGetPrSafe(prhs[2]),sizeof(double)*n_breaks); int nq = cnst->getRobotPointer()->num_positions; MatrixXd q(nq,n_breaks); if(mxGetM(prhs[1]) != nq || mxGetN(prhs[1]) != n_breaks) { mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:testMultipleTimeLinearPostureConstraintmex:BadInputs","Argument 2 must be of size nq*n_breaks"); } memcpy(,mxGetPrSafe(prhs[1]),sizeof(double)*nq*n_breaks); int num_cnst = cnst->getNumConstraint(t_ptr,n_breaks); VectorXd c(num_cnst); cnst->feval(t_ptr,n_breaks,q,c); VectorXi iAfun; VectorXi jAvar; VectorXd A; cnst->geval(t_ptr,n_breaks,iAfun,jAvar,A); std::vector<std::string> cnst_names; cnst->name(t_ptr,n_breaks,cnst_names); VectorXd lb(num_cnst); VectorXd ub(num_cnst); cnst->bounds(t_ptr,n_breaks,lb,ub); VectorXd iAfun_tmp(iAfun.size()); VectorXd jAvar_tmp(jAvar.size()); for(int i = 0;i<iAfun.size();i++) { iAfun_tmp(i) = (double) iAfun(i)+1; jAvar_tmp(i) = (double) jAvar(i)+1; } plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar((double) num_cnst); plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_cnst,1,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[1]),,sizeof(double)*num_cnst); plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(iAfun_tmp.size(),1,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[2]),,sizeof(double)*iAfun_tmp.size()); plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(jAvar_tmp.size(),1,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[3]),,sizeof(double)*jAvar_tmp.size()); plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(A.size(),1,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[4]),,sizeof(double)*A.size()); int name_ndim = 1; mwSize name_dims[] = {(mwSize) num_cnst}; plhs[5] = mxCreateCellArray(name_ndim,name_dims); mxArray *name_ptr; for(int i = 0;i<num_cnst;i++) { name_ptr = mxCreateString(cnst_names[i].c_str()); mxSetCell(plhs[5],i,name_ptr); } plhs[6] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_cnst,1,mxREAL); plhs[7] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_cnst,1,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[6]),,sizeof(double)*num_cnst); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[7]),,sizeof(double)*num_cnst); delete[] t_ptr; }
void glpk_wrapper::set_domain(box const & b) { assert(!b.is_empty()); changed = true; domain = b; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) { auto interval = b[i]; double lb =; double ub = interval.ub(); if (lb == NEG_INFINITY) { if (ub == POS_INFINITY) { glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_FR, lb, ub); } else { glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_UP, lb, ub); } } else { if (ub == POS_INFINITY) { glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_LO, lb, ub); } else { if (lb == ub) { glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_FX, lb, ub); } else { glp_set_col_bnds(lp, i+1, GLP_DB, lb, ub); } } } } }
bool raycast(game* g, vec2 from, vec2 to) { ivec2 cur(fast_floor(from.x), fast_floor(from.y)); ivec2 end(fast_floor(to.x), fast_floor(to.y)); ivec2 sign(sign(to.x - from.x), sign(to.y - from.y)); vec2 abs_delta(abs(to.x - from.x), abs(to.y - from.y)); vec2 delta_t(vec2(1.0f) / abs_delta); vec2 lb(to_vec2(cur)); vec2 ub(lb + vec2(1.0f)); vec2 t(vec2((from.x > to.x) ? (from.x - lb.x) : (ub.x - from.x), (from.y > to.y) ? (from.y - lb.y) : (ub.y - from.y)) / abs_delta); for(;;) { if (g->is_raycast_solid(cur.x, cur.y)) return true; if (t.x <= t.y) { if (cur.x == end.x) break; t.x += delta_t.x; cur.x += sign.x; } else { if (cur.y == end.y) break; t.y += delta_t.y; cur.y += sign.y; } } return false; }
double Interval::delta(const Interval& x) const { if (is_empty()) return 0; if (x.is_empty()) return diam(); // ** warning ** // checking if *this or x is infinite by // testing if the lower/upper bounds are -oo/+oo // is not enough because diam() may return +oo even // with finite bounds (e.g, very large intervals like [-DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX]). // ("almost-unboundedness") volatile double d=diam(); volatile double dx=x.diam(); // furthermore, if these variables are not declared volatile // conditions like d==POS_INFINITY are evaluated // to FALSE for intervals like [-DBL_MAX,DBL_MAX] (with -O3 option) // while the returned expression (d-dx) evaluates to +oo (instead of 0). if (d==POS_INFINITY) { //cout << "d=" << d << " dx=" << dx << endl; if (dx==POS_INFINITY) { double left=( 0 :; double right=(x.ub()==POS_INFINITY? 0 : ub()-x.ub()); //cout << "left=" << left << " right=" << right << endl; return left+right; } else return POS_INFINITY; } else return d-dx; }
int TwoNodeLink::update() { int errCode = 0; // get global trial response const Vector &dsp1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialDisp(); const Vector &dsp2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialDisp(); const Vector &vel1 = theNodes[0]->getTrialVel(); const Vector &vel2 = theNodes[1]->getTrialVel(); int numDOF2 = numDOF/2; Vector ug(numDOF), ugdot(numDOF), uldot(numDOF); for (int i=0; i<numDOF2; i++) { ug(i) = dsp1(i); ugdot(i) = vel1(i); ug(i+numDOF2) = dsp2(i); ugdot(i+numDOF2) = vel2(i); } // transform response from the global to the local system ul.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tgl, ug, 1.0); uldot.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tgl, ugdot, 1.0); // transform response from the local to the basic system ub.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tlb, ul, 1.0); ubdot.addMatrixVector(0.0, Tlb, uldot, 1.0); //ub = (Tlb*Tgl)*ug; //ubdot = (Tlb*Tgl)*ugdot; // set trial response for material models for (int i=0; i<numDir; i++) errCode += theMaterials[i]->setTrialStrain(ub(i),ubdot(i)); return errCode; }
TEST(BoundingBox, Intersection){ Point lb(1,2,0); Point ub(2,4,0); BoundingBox bb1(lb, ub); BoundingBox bb2(lb, ub); // Intersection should return an bounding box equal to bb2 and bb1, // they are the same bb BoundingBox bbIntersection = bb2.intersection(bb1); EXPECT_TRUE( bbIntersection.getLb().getX() == bb2.getLb().getX() && bbIntersection.getLb().getY() == bb2.getLb().getY() && bbIntersection.getLb().getZ() == bb2.getLb().getZ()); EXPECT_TRUE( bbIntersection.getUb().getX() == bb2.getUb().getX() && bbIntersection.getUb().getY() == bb2.getUb().getY() && bbIntersection.getUb().getZ() == bb2.getUb().getZ()); Point lb3(2,3,0); Point ub3(2,4,0); BoundingBox bb3(lb3, ub3); bbIntersection = bb2.intersection(bb3); // lower bound is the value of of bb3 EXPECT_TRUE( bbIntersection.getLb().getX() == lb3.getX() && bbIntersection.getLb().getY() == lb3.getY() && bbIntersection.getLb().getZ() == lb3.getZ()); // upper bound should not change EXPECT_TRUE( bbIntersection.getUb().getX() == bb2.getUb().getX() && bbIntersection.getUb().getY() == bb2.getUb().getY() && bbIntersection.getUb().getZ() == bb2.getUb().getZ()); }
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[]) { if(nrhs!=3 || nlhs != 7) { mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:testMultipleTimeKinCnstmex:BadInputs","Usage [type,num_cnst,cnst_val,dcnst_val,cnst_name,lb,ub] = testMultipleTimeKinCnstmex(kinCnst,q,t)"); } MultipleTimeKinematicConstraint* cnst = (MultipleTimeKinematicConstraint*) getDrakeMexPointer(prhs[0]); int n_breaks = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]); double* t_ptr = new double[n_breaks]; memcpy(t_ptr,mxGetPrSafe(prhs[2]),sizeof(double)*n_breaks); int nq = cnst->getRobotPointer()->num_positions; MatrixXd q(nq,n_breaks); if(mxGetM(prhs[1]) != nq || mxGetN(prhs[1]) != n_breaks) { mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:testMultipleTimeKinCnstmex:BadInputs","Argument 2 must be of size nq*n_breaks"); } memcpy(,mxGetPrSafe(prhs[1]),sizeof(double)*nq*n_breaks); int type = cnst->getType(); int num_cnst = cnst->getNumConstraint(t_ptr,n_breaks); VectorXd c(num_cnst); MatrixXd dc(num_cnst,nq*n_breaks); cnst->eval(t_ptr,n_breaks,q,c,dc); VectorXd lb(num_cnst); VectorXd ub(num_cnst); cnst->bounds(t_ptr,n_breaks,lb,ub); std::vector<std::string> cnst_names; cnst->name(t_ptr,n_breaks,cnst_names); int retvec_size; if(num_cnst == 0) { retvec_size = 0; } else { retvec_size = 1; } plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar((double) type); plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleScalar((double) num_cnst); plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_cnst,retvec_size,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[2]),,sizeof(double)*num_cnst); plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_cnst,nq*n_breaks,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[3]),,sizeof(double)*num_cnst*nq*n_breaks); int name_ndim = 1; mwSize name_dims[] = {(mwSize) num_cnst}; plhs[4] = mxCreateCellArray(name_ndim,name_dims); mxArray *name_ptr; for(int i = 0;i<num_cnst;i++) { name_ptr = mxCreateString(cnst_names[i].c_str()); mxSetCell(plhs[4],i,name_ptr); } plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_cnst,retvec_size,mxREAL); plhs[6] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(num_cnst,retvec_size,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[5]),,sizeof(double)*num_cnst); memcpy(mxGetPrSafe(plhs[6]),,sizeof(double)*num_cnst); delete[] t_ptr; }
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os, const ConstSetView& x) { std::basic_ostringstream<Char,Traits> s; s.copyfmt(os); s.width(0); LubRanges<ConstSetView> ub(x); printBound(s, ub); s << "#(" << x.cardMin() << ")"; return os << s.str(); }
std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& operator <<(std::basic_ostream<Char,Traits>& os, const SetView& x) { std::basic_ostringstream<Char,Traits> s; s.copyfmt(os); s.width(0); LubRanges<SetView> ub(x); GlbRanges<SetView> lb(x); print(s, x.assigned(), lb, ub, x.cardMin(), x.cardMax()) ; return os << s.str(); }
forceinline int ComplementView<View>::glbMin(void) const { LubRanges<View> ub(x); RangesCompl<LubRanges<View> > ubc(ub); if (ubc()) { return ubc.min(); } else { return BndSet::MIN_OF_EMPTY; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // == operator //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool OsiRowCut::operator==(const OsiRowCut& rhs) const { if ( this->OsiCut::operator!=(rhs) ) return false; if ( row() != rhs.row() ) return false; if ( lb() != ) return false; if ( ub() != rhs.ub() ) return false; return true; }
/// is this expression integer? virtual inline bool isInteger () { if (isDefinedInteger ()) return true; register CouNumber l = lb (); return ((l == ub ()) && (COUENNE_round (l) == l)); //CouNumber l = (*(Lb ())) (); //return (::isInteger (l) && (fabs (l - (*(Ub ())) ()) < COUENNE_EPS)); }
forceinline int ComplementView<View>::glbMax(void) const { LubRanges<View> ub(x); RangesCompl<LubRanges<View> > ubc(ub); if (ubc()) { while (ubc()) ++ubc; return ubc.max(); } else { return BndSet::MAX_OF_EMPTY; } }
void ObjectInspector::ObjectInspectorPrivate::setFormWindow(QDesignerFormWindowInterface *fwi) { const bool blocked = m_treeView->selectionModel()->blockSignals(true); { UpdateBlocker ub(m_treeView); setFormWindowBlocked(fwi); } m_treeView->update(); m_treeView->selectionModel()->blockSignals(blocked); }
/** * Constructs a global optimization problem (box-bounded, continuous) representing an interplanetary trajectory modelled * as a Multiple Gravity Assist trajectory that allows one only Deep Space Manouvre between each leg. * * @param[in] seq std::vector of kep_toolbox::planet_ptr containing the encounter sequence for the trajectoty (including the initial planet) * @param[in] t0_l kep_toolbox::epoch representing the lower bound for the launch epoch * @param[in] t0_u kep_toolbox::epoch representing the upper bound for the launch epoch * @param[in] tof time-of-flight vector containing lower and upper bounds (in days) for the various legs time of flights * @param[in] Tmax maximum time of flight * @param[in] Dmin minimum distance from Jupiter (for radiation protection) * * @throws value_error if the planets in seq do not all have the same central body gravitational constant * @throws value_error if tof has a size different from seq.size() */ mga_incipit_cstrs::mga_incipit_cstrs( const std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr> seq, const kep_toolbox::epoch t0_l, const kep_toolbox::epoch t0_u, const std::vector<std::vector<double> > tof, double Tmax, double Dmin) : base(4*seq.size(),0,1,2,2,1E-3), m_tof(tof), m_tmax(Tmax), m_dmin(Dmin) { // We check that all planets have equal central body std::vector<double> mus(seq.size()); for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 0; i< seq.size(); ++i) { mus[i] = seq[i]->get_mu_central_body(); } if ((unsigned int)std::count(mus.begin(), mus.end(), mus[0]) != mus.size()) { pagmo_throw(value_error,"The planets do not all have the same mu_central_body"); } // We check the consistency of the time of flights if (tof.size() != seq.size()) { pagmo_throw(value_error,"The time-of-flight vector (tof) has the wrong length"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < tof.size(); ++i) { if (tof[i].size()!=2) pagmo_throw(value_error,"Each element of the time-of-flight vector (tof) needs to have dimension 2 (lower and upper bound)"); } // Filling in the planetary sequence data member. This requires to construct the polymorphic planets via their clone method for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 0; i < seq.size(); ++i) { m_seq.push_back(seq[i]->clone()); } // Now setting the problem bounds size_type dim(4*m_tof.size()); decision_vector lb(dim), ub(dim); // First leg lb[0] = t0_l.mjd2000(); ub[0] = t0_u.mjd2000(); lb[1] = 0; lb[2] = 0; ub[1] = 1; ub[2] = 1; lb[3] = m_tof[0][0]; ub[3] = m_tof[0][1]; // Successive legs for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 1; i < m_tof.size(); ++i) { lb[4*i] = - 2 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>(); ub[4*i] = 2 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>(); lb[4*i+1] = 1.1; ub[4*i+1] = 30; lb[4*i+2] = 1e-5; ub[4*i+2] = 1-1e-5; lb[4*i+3] = m_tof[i][0]; ub[4*i+3] = m_tof[i][1]; } // Adjusting the minimum and maximum allowed fly-by rp to the one defined in the kep_toolbox::planet class for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 0; i < m_tof.size()-1; ++i) { lb[4*i+5] = m_seq[i]->get_safe_radius() / m_seq[i]->get_radius(); ub[4*i+5] = (m_seq[i]->get_radius() + 2000000) / m_seq[i]->get_radius(); //from gtoc6 problem description } set_bounds(lb,ub); }
unsigned int One::runUnweighted() { trace_msg( weakconstraints, 1, "Starting algorithm ONE" ); computeAssumptions(); initInUnsatCore(); solver.setComputeUnsatCores( true ); solver.turnOffSimplifications(); while( solver.solve( assumptions ) == INCOHERENT ) { if( !foundUnsat() ) return INCOHERENT; assumptions.clear(); computeAssumptions(); } assert_msg( lb() == ub(), lb() << " != " << ub() ); return OPTIMUM_FOUND; }
/** * Description not yet available. * \param */ dmatrix_position::dmatrix_position(int min,int max) : lb(min,max), ub(min,max), ptr(min,max) { row_min=min; row_max=max; for (int i=row_min;i<=row_max;i++) { lb(i)=0; ub(i)=-1; ptr(i)=0; } }
vector<vector<int> > fourSum(vector<int> &num, int target) { int n=num.size(); s.clear(); ans.clear(); node t; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++) { t.val=num[i]+num[j]; t.i1=i; t.i2=j; s.push_back(t); } sort(s.begin(),s.end()); for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { int begin, end, mid; int val = target - s[i].val; begin = lb(i+1, s.size() -1, val); end = ub(i+1, s.size() -1, val); for (int j = begin; j <=end; j++) { if (s[j].i1 == s[i].i1) continue; if (s[j].i2 == s[i].i1) continue; if (s[j].i1 == s[i].i2) continue; if (s[j].i2 == s[i].i2) continue; vector<int> tmp; tmp.push_back( num[ s[i].i1] ); tmp.push_back( num[ s[i].i2] ); tmp.push_back( num[ s[j].i1] ); tmp.push_back( num[ s[j].i2] ); sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); if ( find(ans.begin(), ans.end(), tmp) == ans.end() ) ans.push_back( tmp ); } } return ans; }
/** * Description not yet available. * \param */ dmatrix_position::dmatrix_position(const dmatrix& m) : lb(m.rowmin(),m.rowmax()), ub(m.rowmin(),m.rowmax()), ptr(m.rowmin(),m.rowmax()) { row_min=m.rowmin(); row_max=m.rowmax(); for (int i=row_min;i<=row_max;i++) { lb(i)=m(i).indexmin(); ub(i)=m(i).indexmax(); ptr(i)=m(i).get_v(); } }
unsigned int One::run() { if( disjCoresPreprocessing && !disjointCorePreprocessing() ) return INCOHERENT; if( ub() == lb() ) return OPTIMUM_FOUND; if( wasp::Options::stratification && solver.isWeighted( level() ) ) return runWeighted(); return runUnweighted(); }