Example #1
/* Check that a UID in a dictionary is equal to an existing, valid UID. */
dict_check_uid_param(const ref * pdict, const gs_uid * puid)
    ref *puniqueid;

    if (uid_is_XUID(puid)) {
        uint size = uid_XUID_size(puid);
        uint i;

        if (dict_find_string(pdict, "XUID", &puniqueid) <= 0)
            return false;
        if (!r_has_type(puniqueid, t_array) ||
            r_size(puniqueid) != size
            return false;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            const ref *pvalue = puniqueid->value.const_refs + i;

            if (!r_has_type(pvalue, t_integer))
                return false;
            if (pvalue->value.intval != uid_XUID_values(puid)[i])
                return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        if (dict_find_string(pdict, "UniqueID", &puniqueid) <= 0)
            return false;
        return (r_has_type(puniqueid, t_integer) &&
                puniqueid->value.intval == puid->id);
Example #2
/* (This is a single-use procedure, for clearer code.) */
static bool
fid_eq(const gs_memory_t *mem, const gs_font *pfont1, const gs_font *pfont2)
    while (pfont1->base != pfont1)
	pfont1 = pfont1->base;
    while (pfont2->base != pfont2)
	pfont2 = pfont2->base;
    if (pfont1 == pfont2)
	return true;
    switch (pfont1->FontType) {
    case 1: case 3:
	if (pfont1->FontType == pfont2->FontType)
	return false;
    /* The following, while peculiar, appears to match CPSI. */
	const gs_uid *puid1 = &((const gs_font_base *)pfont1)->UID;
	const gs_uid *puid2 = &((const gs_font_base *)pfont2)->UID;
    if (uid_is_UniqueID(puid1) || uid_is_UniqueID(puid2) ||
	((uid_is_XUID(puid1) || uid_is_XUID(puid2)) &&
	 !uid_equal(puid1, puid2)))
	return false;
	const font_data *pfd1 = (const font_data *)pfont1->client_data;
	const font_data *pfd2 = (const font_data *)pfont2->client_data;

	if (!(obj_eq(mem, &pfd1->BuildChar, &pfd2->BuildChar) &&
	      obj_eq(mem, &pfd1->BuildGlyph, &pfd2->BuildGlyph) &&
	      obj_eq(mem, &pfd1->Encoding, &pfd2->Encoding) &&
	      obj_eq(mem, &pfd1->CharStrings, &pfd2->CharStrings)))
	    return false;
	if (pfont1->FontType == 1) {
	    ref *ppd1, *ppd2;

	    if (dict_find_string(&pfd1->dict, "Private", &ppd1) > 0 &&
		dict_find_string(&pfd2->dict, "Private", &ppd2) > 0 &&
		!obj_eq(mem, ppd1, ppd2))
		return false;
    return true;	    
Example #3
/* Write a UniqueID and/or XUID. */
static void
write_uid(stream *s, const gs_uid *puid)
    if (uid_is_UniqueID(puid))
	pprintld1(s, "/UniqueID %ld def\n", puid->id);
    else if (uid_is_XUID(puid)) {
	uint i, n = uid_XUID_size(puid);

	stream_puts(s, "/XUID [");
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	    pprintld1(s, "%ld ", uid_XUID_values(puid)[i]);
	stream_puts(s, "] readonly def\n");
Example #4
/* Write a CMap in its standard (source) format. */
psf_write_cmap(const gs_memory_t *mem, 
	       stream *s, const gs_cmap_t *pcmap,
	       psf_put_name_chars_proc_t put_name_chars,
	       const gs_const_string *alt_cmap_name, int font_index_only)
    const gs_const_string *const cmap_name =
	(alt_cmap_name ? alt_cmap_name : &pcmap->CMapName);
    const gs_cid_system_info_t *const pcidsi = pcmap->CIDSystemInfo;

    switch (pcmap->CMapType) {
    case 0: case 1: case 2:

    /* Write the header. */

    if (!pcmap->ToUnicode) {
	stream_puts(s, "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap\n");
	stream_puts(s, "%%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit)\n");
	stream_puts(s, "%%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit)\n");
	pput_string_entry(s, "%%BeginResource: CMap (", cmap_name);
	pput_string_entry(s, ")\n%%Title: (", cmap_name);
	pput_string_entry(s, " ", &pcidsi->Registry);
	pput_string_entry(s, " ", &pcidsi->Ordering);
	pprintd1(s, " %d)\n", pcidsi->Supplement);
	pprintg1(s, "%%%%Version: %g\n", pcmap->CMapVersion);
    stream_puts(s, "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n");
    stream_puts(s, "12 dict begin\nbegincmap\n");

    /* Write the fixed entries. */

    pprintd1(s, "/CMapType %d def\n", pcmap->CMapType);
    stream_puts(s, "/CMapName/");
    put_name_chars(s, cmap_name->data, cmap_name->size);
    stream_puts(s, " def\n");
    if (!pcmap->ToUnicode) {
	pprintg1(s, "/CMapVersion %g def\n", pcmap->CMapVersion);
	stream_puts(s, "/CIDSystemInfo");
	if (font_index_only >= 0 && font_index_only < pcmap->num_fonts) {
	    cmap_put_system_info(s, pcidsi + font_index_only);
	} else if (pcmap->num_fonts == 1) {
	    cmap_put_system_info(s, pcidsi);
	} else {
	    int i;

	    pprintd1(s, " %d array\n", pcmap->num_fonts);
	    for (i = 0; i < pcmap->num_fonts; ++i) {
		pprintd1(s, "dup %d", i);
		cmap_put_system_info(s, pcidsi + i);
		stream_puts(s, "put\n");
	stream_puts(s, " def\n");
	if (uid_is_XUID(&pcmap->uid)) {
	    uint i, n = uid_XUID_size(&pcmap->uid);
	    const long *values = uid_XUID_values(&pcmap->uid);

	    stream_puts(s, "/XUID [");
	    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		pprintld1(s, " %ld", values[i]);
	    stream_puts(s, "] def\n");
	pprintld1(s, "/UIDOffset %ld def\n", pcmap->UIDOffset);
	pprintd1(s, "/WMode %d def\n", pcmap->WMode);

    /* Write the code space ranges. */

	gs_cmap_ranges_enum_t renum;
#define MAX_RANGES 100
	gx_code_space_range_t ranges[MAX_RANGES];
	int code, count = 0;

	for (gs_cmap_ranges_enum_init(pcmap, &renum);
	     (code = gs_cmap_enum_next_range(&renum)) == 0; ) {
	    if (count == MAX_RANGES) {
		cmap_put_ranges(s, ranges, count);
		count = 0;
	    ranges[count++] = renum.range;
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	if (count)
	    cmap_put_ranges(s, ranges, count);

    /* Write the code and notdef data. */

	int code;

	code = cmap_put_code_map(mem, s, 1, pcmap, &cmap_notdef_operators,
			         put_name_chars, font_index_only);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	code = cmap_put_code_map(mem, s, 0, pcmap, &cmap_cid_operators,
			         put_name_chars, font_index_only);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;

    /* Write the trailer. */

    stream_puts(s, "endcmap\n");
    stream_puts(s, "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\nend end\n");
    if (!pcmap->ToUnicode) {
	stream_puts(s, "%%EndResource\n");
	stream_puts(s, "%%EOF\n");

    return 0;
Example #5
/* Remove entries from font and character caches. */
font_restore(const alloc_save_t * save)

    gs_memory_t *smem = gs_save_any_memory(save);
    gs_font_dir *pdir = smem->gs_lib_ctx->font_dir;
    const gs_memory_t *mem = 0;
    int code;

    if (pdir == 0)		/* not initialized yet */
        return 0;

    /* Purge original (unscaled) fonts. */

        gs_font *pfont;

        for (pfont = pdir->orig_fonts; pfont != 0;
             pfont = pfont->next
            ) {
            mem = pfont->memory;
            if (alloc_is_since_save((char *)pfont, save)) {
                code = gs_purge_font(pfont);
                if (code < 0)
                    return code;
                goto otop;

    /* Purge cached scaled fonts. */

        gs_font *pfont;

        for (pfont = pdir->scaled_fonts; pfont != 0;
             pfont = pfont->next
            ) {
            if (alloc_is_since_save((char *)pfont, save)) {
                code = gs_purge_font(pfont);
                if (code < 0)
                    return code;
                goto top;

    /* Purge xfonts and uncached scaled fonts. */

        cached_fm_pair *pair;
        uint n;

        for (pair = pdir->fmcache.mdata, n = pdir->fmcache.mmax;
             n > 0; pair++, n--
            if (!fm_pair_is_free(pair)) {
#if 0
                /* We disabled this code portion because
                   gx_add_fm_pair now copied xvalues
                   into a stable memory.
                if ((uid_is_XUID(&pair->UID) &&
                     alloc_is_since_save((char *)pair->UID.xvalues,
                    ) {
                    code = gs_purge_fm_pair(pdir, pair, 0);
                    if (code < 0)
                        return code;
                if (pair->font != 0 &&
                    alloc_is_since_save((char *)pair->font, save)
                    ) {
                    if (!uid_is_valid(&pair->UID))
                        gs_clean_fm_pair(pdir, pair);
                    /* Don't discard pairs with a surviving UID. */
                    pair->font = 0;
                if (pair->xfont != 0 &&
                    alloc_is_since_save((char *)pair->xfont, save)
                    ) {
                    code = gs_purge_fm_pair(pdir, pair, 1);
                    if (code < 0)
                        return code;

    /* Purge characters with names about to be removed. */
    /* We only need to do this if any new names have been created */
    /* since the save. */

    if (alloc_any_names_since_save(save))
        gx_purge_selected_cached_chars(pdir, purge_if_name_removed,
                                       (void *)save);
    return 0;