Example #1
void EventLoopThread::runInLoop(const Functor& cb)
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(mutex_);
Example #2
void QgsGrassRegion::displayRegion()
  QgsPoint ul( mWindow.west, mWindow.north );
  QgsPoint lr( mWindow.east, mWindow.south );

  //mRegionEdit->setRegion( ul, lr );
  mRegionEdit->setSrcRegion( QgsRectangle( ul, lr ) );
TransactionCoordinatorService::_getCatalogAndScheduler(OperationContext* opCtx) {
    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> ul(_mutex);
        ErrorCodes::NotMaster, "Transaction coordinator is not a primary", _catalogAndScheduler);

    return _catalogAndScheduler;
Example #4
_Accum mulkS(_Accum x, _Accum y)
#  define LO 0
#  define HI 1
#  define LO 1
#  define HI 0
  uint16_t xs[2];
  uint16_t ys[2];
  uint32_t mul;
  int8_t positive = ((x < 0 && y < 0) || (y > 0 && x > 0)) ? 1 : 0;
  *((_Accum*)xs) = absk(x);
  *((_Accum*)ys) = absk(y);
  mul = ul(xs[HI]) * ul(ys[HI]);
  if(mul > 32767)
     return (positive ? ACCUM_MAX : ACCUM_MIN);
  mul =   LSHIFT_static(mul, ACCUM_FBIT)
        + ul(xs[HI])*ul(ys[LO])
        + ul(xs[LO])*ul(ys[HI])
        + RSHIFT_static(ul(xs[LO]*ys[LO]), ACCUM_FBIT);
  if(mul & 0x80000000)
     return (positive ? ACCUM_MAX : ACCUM_MIN);
  return (positive ? (int32_t)mul : -(int32_t)mul);
#undef HI
#undef LO
Example #5
    static void an_infinitely_waiting_main_function()
        std::mutex m;
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(m);

        std::condition_variable cv;

std::unique_lock<std::mutex> TaskScheduler::WaitForNewTask(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point const & parWaitUntil)
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(this->_taskListMutex);
	if (parWaitUntil < std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock>::max())
		this->_newTask.wait_until(ul, parWaitUntil);
	return ul;
Example #7
  Color Image::extract_Color(const Point2f &coordinate) const {
    const Point2f scaled(coordinate.x * m_size.x,
                         coordinate.y * m_size.y);

    Point2i ul(int(scaled.x),

    if(m_tileable) {
      if(ul.x < 0)
        ul.x = m_size.x - ((-ul.x) % m_size.x);
      if(ul.x >= m_size.x)
        ul.x = ul.x % m_size.x;
      if(ul.y < 0)
        ul.y = m_size.y - ((-ul.y) % m_size.y);
      if(ul.y >= m_size.y)
        ul.y = ul.y % m_size.y;
    else {
      if(ul.x < 0)
        ul.x = 0;
      else if(ul.x >= m_size.x)
        ul.x = m_size.x - 1;

      if(ul.y < 0)
        ul.y = 0;
      else if(ul.y >= m_size.y)
        ul.y = m_size.y - 1;

    Point2i lr(ul.x + 1,
               ul.y + 1);

    if(m_tileable) {
      lr.x = lr.x % m_size.x;
      lr.y = lr.y % m_size.y;
    else {
      if(lr.x == m_size.x)
      if(lr.y == m_size.y)

    const Color ulc = extract_Color(ul);
    const Color llc = extract_Color(Point2i(ul.x, lr.y));
    const Color lrc = extract_Color(lr);
    const Color urc = extract_Color(Point2i(lr.x, ul.y));

    const float x_rhs_part = scaled.x - float(floor(scaled.x));
    const float y_rhs_part = scaled.y - float(floor(scaled.y));

    const Color uc = ulc.interpolate_to(x_rhs_part, urc);
    const Color lc = llc.interpolate_to(x_rhs_part, lrc);

    return uc.interpolate_to(y_rhs_part, lc);
Example #8
obj global(obj rt){
	if(!env) error("global assign in global env");
	obj gv = search_pair(curr_interp->gl_vars, rt);
	if(!gv) error("no such global");
	list *arg_bind = &(ul(car(env)));
	*arg_bind = cons(retain(gv), *arg_bind);
	return nil;
Example #9
void set_control_bounds(GG::Wnd* control, const place_data_t& place_data)
    if (control) {
        GG::Pt ul(GG::X(left(place_data)), GG::Y(top(place_data)));
                          ul + GG::Pt(GG::X(width(place_data)),
Example #10
		inline void wait() {
			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(lock);
			while (count == 0) {
	bool QtUdpSocketPlugin::waitForMessages(uint32_t messageCount, int32_t timeOut) {
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(_conditionLock);
		while (_messageCounter < messageCount) {
			if (_conditionVariable.wait_for(ul, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeOut)) == std::cv_status::timeout) {
		return _messageCounter == messageCount;
Example #12
void InGameMenu::DoLayout() {
    //size calculation consts and variables
    const GG::X MIN_BUTTON_WIDTH(160);
    const GG::Y MIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT(40);
    const GG::X H_BUTTON_MARGIN(16);    //horizontal empty space
    const GG::Y V_BUTTON_MARGIN(16);    //vertical empty space
    GG::X button_width(0);              //width of the buttons
    GG::Y button_height(0);             //height of the buttons
    const GG::X H_MAINMENU_MARGIN(40);  //horizontal empty space
    const GG::Y V_MAINMENU_MARGIN(40);  //vertical empty space
    GG::X mainmenu_width(0);            //width of the mainmenu
    GG::Y mainmenu_height(0);           //height of the mainmenu

    //calculate necessary button width
    boost::shared_ptr<GG::Font> font = ClientUI::GetFont();
    button_width = std::max(button_width, font->TextExtent(m_save_btn->Text()).x);
    button_width = std::max(button_width, font->TextExtent(m_load_btn->Text()).x);
    button_width = std::max(button_width, font->TextExtent(m_options_btn->Text()).x);
    button_width = std::max(button_width, font->TextExtent(m_exit_btn->Text()).x);
    button_width = std::max(button_width, font->TextExtent(m_done_btn->Text()).x);
    button_width += H_BUTTON_MARGIN;
    button_width = std::max(MIN_BUTTON_WIDTH, button_width);

    //calculate  necessary button height
    button_height = std::max(MIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT, font->Height() + V_BUTTON_MARGIN);
    //culate window width and height
    mainmenu_width  =        button_width  + H_MAINMENU_MARGIN;
    mainmenu_height = 5.75 * button_height + V_MAINMENU_MARGIN; // 8 rows + 0.75 before exit button

    // place buttons
    GG::Pt button_ul(GG::X(15), GG::Y(12));
    GG::Pt button_lr(button_width, ClientUI::GetFont()->Lineskip() + 6);

    button_lr += button_ul;

    m_save_btn->SizeMove(button_ul, button_lr);
    button_ul.y += GG::Y(button_height);
    button_lr.y += GG::Y(button_height);
    m_load_btn->SizeMove(button_ul, button_lr);
    button_ul.y += GG::Y(button_height);
    button_lr.y += GG::Y(button_height);
    m_options_btn->SizeMove(button_ul, button_lr);
    button_ul.y += GG::Y(button_height);
    button_lr.y += GG::Y(button_height);
    m_exit_btn->SizeMove(button_ul, button_lr);
    button_ul.y += GG::Y(button_height) * 1.75;
    button_lr.y += GG::Y(button_height) * 1.75;
    m_done_btn->SizeMove(button_ul, button_lr);

    // position menu window
    GG::Pt ul(GG::GUI::GetGUI()->AppWidth()  * 0.5 - mainmenu_width/2,
              GG::GUI::GetGUI()->AppHeight() * 0.5 - mainmenu_height/2);
    GG::Pt lr(GG::GUI::GetGUI()->AppWidth()  * 0.5 + mainmenu_width/2,
              GG::GUI::GetGUI()->AppHeight() * 0.5 + mainmenu_height/2);

    this->SizeMove(ul, lr);
Example #13
void test_can_lock_upgrade_to_unique_if_currently_locked_upgrade()
    typedef hpx::lcos::local::shared_mutex shared_mutex_type;

    shared_mutex_type mtx;
    boost::upgrade_lock<shared_mutex_type> l(mtx);
    boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock<shared_mutex_type> ul(l);
void MyCEGUIGeometryBuffer::draw() const
	u32 qcnt = m_Quads.size();
	if (!qcnt)
	if (!m_ClipRect.isValid())

	if (!m_MatrixValid)

	core::vector3df ul(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	core::vector3df lr(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	core::rectf clipped_rect_draw;
	core::rectf clipped_rect_tc;

	for (u32 i = 0; i < qcnt; i++)
		RenderQuad &quad = m_Quads[i];

		ul.X = quad.rect_draw.UpperLeftCorner.X;
		ul.Y = quad.rect_draw.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
		lr.X = quad.rect_draw.LowerRightCorner.X;
		lr.Y = quad.rect_draw.LowerRightCorner.Y;

		clipped_rect_draw.set(ul.X, ul.Y, lr.X, lr.Y);
		if (!clipped_rect_draw.isValid())

		f32 rd_w =  quad.rect_draw.getWidth();
		f32 rd_h =  quad.rect_draw.getHeight();

		f32 rtc_w =  quad.rect_tc.getWidth();
		f32 rtc_h =  quad.rect_tc.getHeight();

		f32 clip_ul_x = (clipped_rect_draw.UpperLeftCorner.X - ul.X) / rd_w;
		f32 clip_ul_y = (clipped_rect_draw.UpperLeftCorner.Y - ul.Y) / rd_h;
		f32 clip_lr_x = (clipped_rect_draw.LowerRightCorner.X - lr.X) / rd_w;
		f32 clip_lr_y = (clipped_rect_draw.LowerRightCorner.Y - lr.Y) / rd_h;

			quad.rect_tc.UpperLeftCorner.X + clip_ul_x * rtc_w,
			quad.rect_tc.UpperLeftCorner.Y + clip_ul_y * rtc_h,
			quad.rect_tc.LowerRightCorner.X + clip_lr_x * rtc_w,
			quad.rect_tc.LowerRightCorner.Y + clip_lr_y * rtc_h);

			quad.texture, s_NextZ, clipped_rect_draw, clipped_rect_tc,
			quad.colors[0], quad.colors[1], quad.colors[2], quad.colors[3],

	s_NextZ -= 0.000001f;
Example #15
static bool bind_vars(obj* vars, obj lt, obj rt){
	obj utype;
	case tSymbol:
			if(obj rr = search_assoc(car(macro_env), lt)){
				//macromode = false;
				if(vars) add_assoc(vars, rr, rt);
				//macromode = true;
				return true;
		if(vars) add_assoc(vars, lt, rt);
		return true;
	case tRef:
		let(&(uref(lt)), rt);
		return true;
	case INT:
		return equal(lt, rt);
	case tOp:
		utype = search_assoc(curr_interp->types, ult(lt));
			if(vrInt(utype) != rt->type) return false;
			return bind_vars(vars, urt(lt), uref(rt));
		if(rt->type!=tOp) return false;
		if(! bind_vars(vars, ult(lt), ult(rt))) return false;
		return bind_vars(vars, urt(lt), urt(rt));
	case LIST:
		if(rt->type!=LIST) return false;
		list x=ul(lt), a=ul(rt);
		for(; (x && a); x=rest(x),a=rest(a)){
			if(!bind_vars(vars, first(x), first(a))) return false;
		if(x||a) return false;
		return true;
	return nil;
Example #16
// cases 4-7
void test_disjoint_corner()
    bool all_pass = false;
    rect_list_type cliprects;
    rect_type mainrect(40,40,20,20);
    rect_type ul(35,55,10,10);
    rect_type ur(55,55,10,10);
    rect_type ll(35,35,10,10);
    rect_type lr(55,35,10,10);

    // upper left
    cliprects = disjoint_union(mainrect, ul);
    rect_type ul_1(35, 55, 5, 5);
    rect_type ul_2(35, 60, 10, 5);
    all_pass = (cliprects.size() == 3) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, ul_1) && \
               rect_list_contains(cliprects, ul_2) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, mainrect);
    if (!all_pass)
        printf("Error in test_disjoint_corner()i: upper left\n");

    // lower left
    cliprects = disjoint_union(mainrect, ll);
    rect_type ll_1(35, 35, 10, 5);
    rect_type ll_2(35, 40, 5, 5);
    all_pass = (cliprects.size() == 3) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, ll_1) && \
               rect_list_contains(cliprects, ll_2) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, mainrect);
    if (!all_pass)
        printf("Error in test_disjoint_corner()i: upper left\n");

    // upper right
    cliprects = disjoint_union(mainrect, ur);
    rect_type ur_1(55, 60, 10, 5);
    rect_type ur_2(60, 55, 5, 5);
    all_pass = (cliprects.size() == 3) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, ur_1) && \
               rect_list_contains(cliprects, ur_2) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, mainrect);
    if (!all_pass)
        printf("Error in test_disjoint_corner()i: upper right\n");

    // lower right
    cliprects = disjoint_union(mainrect, lr);
    rect_type lr_1(55, 35, 10, 5);
    rect_type lr_2(60, 40, 5, 5);
    all_pass = (cliprects.size() == 3) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, lr_1) && \
               rect_list_contains(cliprects, lr_2) && rect_list_contains(cliprects, mainrect);
    if (!all_pass)
        printf("Error in test_disjoint_corner()i: lower right\n");
Example #17
        void output(std::uint32_t locality_id, std::uint64_t count,
            detail::buffer const& buf_in, F const& write_f, Mutex& mtx)
            detail::buffer in(buf_in);
            std::unique_lock<Mutex> l(mtx);
            data_type& data = output_data_map_[locality_id]; //-V108

            if (count == data.first)
                // this is the next expected output line
                if (!in.empty())
                    // output the line as requested
                    util::unlock_guard<std::unique_lock<Mutex> > ul(l);
                    in.write(write_f, mtx);

                // print all consecutive pending buffers
                output_data_type::iterator next = data.second.find(++count);
                while (next != data.second.end())
                    buffer next_in = (*next).second;
                    if (!next_in.empty())
                        // output the next line
                        util::unlock_guard<std::unique_lock<Mutex> > ul(l);
                        next_in.write(write_f, mtx);

                    // find next entry in map
                    next = data.second.find(++count);
                HPX_ASSERT(count > data.first);
                data.second.insert(output_data_type::value_type(count, in));
int ElastomericBearingPlasticity2d::getResponse(int responseID, Information &eleInfo)
    double kGeo1, MpDelta1, MpDelta2, MpDelta3;
    switch (responseID)  {
    case 1:  // global forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(this->getResistingForce());
    case 2:  // local forces
        // determine resisting forces in local system
        theVector.addMatrixTransposeVector(0.0, Tlb, qb, 1.0);
        // add P-Delta moments
        kGeo1 = 0.5*qb(0);
        MpDelta1 = kGeo1*(ul(4)-ul(1));
        theVector(2) += MpDelta1;
        theVector(5) += MpDelta1;
        MpDelta2 = kGeo1*shearDistI*L*ul(2);
        theVector(2) += MpDelta2;
        theVector(5) -= MpDelta2;
        MpDelta3 = kGeo1*(1.0 - shearDistI)*L*ul(5);
        theVector(2) -= MpDelta3;
        theVector(5) += MpDelta3;
        return eleInfo.setVector(theVector);
    case 3:  // basic forces
        return eleInfo.setVector(qb);
    case 4:  // local displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ul);
    case 5:  // basic displacements
        return eleInfo.setVector(ub);
    case 6:  // basic stiffness
        return eleInfo.setDouble(kb(1,1));
        return -1;
  void KinectInterfacePrimesense::convertRGBToDepth(const uint32_t start, 
    const uint32_t end) {
    if (!sync_ir_stream_) {
      const uint16_t* d = depth();
      OniStreamHandle dhandle = streams_[DEPTH_STREAM]->_getHandle();
      OniStreamHandle chandle = streams_[RGB_STREAM]->_getHandle();
      int rgb_u;
      int rgb_v;
      uint8_t* rgb = (uint8_t*)frames_[RGB_STREAM]->getData();
      for (uint32_t i = start; i <= end; i++) {
        uint32_t u = i % depth_dim_[0];
        uint32_t v = i / depth_dim_[0];
        // This is the API version (REALLY slow)
        //openni::Status rc = openni::CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToColor(
        //  *streams_[DEPTH_STREAM], *streams_[RGB_IR_STREAM], u, v, d[i], &rgb_u, &rgb_v);
        //if (rc == openni::Status::STATUS_OK) {
        //  int src_index = rgb_v * src_width + rgb_u;
        //  registered_rgb_[i * 3] = rgb[src_index * 3];
        //  registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 1] = rgb[src_index * 3 + 1];
        //  registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 2] = rgb[src_index * 3 + 2];
        //} else {
        //  registered_rgb_[i * 3] = 0;
        //  registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 1] = 0;
        //  registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 2] = 0;

        //  // My version:
        openni_funcs_->TranslateSinglePixel(u, v, d[i], rgb_u, 
          rgb_v, flip_image_);
        if (d[i] != 0 && rgb_u < src_width && rgb_v < src_height && rgb_u >= 0 &&
          rgb_v >= 0) {
            int src_index = rgb_v * src_width + rgb_u;
            registered_rgb_[i * 3] = rgb[src_index * 3];
            registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 1] = rgb[src_index * 3 + 1];
            registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 2] = rgb[src_index * 3 + 2];
        } else {
          registered_rgb_[i * 3] = 0;
          registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 1] = 0;
          registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 2] = 0;
    } else {
      for (uint32_t i = start; i <= end; i++) {
        registered_rgb_[i * 3] = 255;
        registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 1] = 255;
        registered_rgb_[i * 3 + 2] = 255;

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(thread_update_lock_);
    not_finished_.notify_all();  // Signify that all threads might have finished
Example #20
	bool pop(spmsg_t &msg_, bool wait_ = false) {
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(lock);
		if (list.empty() && !wait_)
			return false;
		while (list.empty()) {
		msg_ = list.front();
		return true;
Example #21
void f()
    time_point t0 = Clock::now();
    time_point t1;
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(m);
    t1 = Clock::now();
    ns d = t1 - t0 - ms(250);
    assert(d < ms(50));  // within 50ms
Example #22
void IntroScreen::DoLayout() {
    m_logo->Resize(GG::Pt(this->Width(), this->Height() / 10));
    m_version->MoveTo(GG::Pt(this->Width() - m_version->Width(), this->Height() - m_version->Height()));

    //size calculation consts and variables
    const GG::X MIN_BUTTON_WIDTH(160);
    const GG::Y MIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT(40);
    const GG::X H_BUTTON_MARGIN(16);    //horizontal empty space
    const GG::Y V_BUTTON_MARGIN(16);    //vertical empty space
    GG::X button_width(0);              //width of the buttons
    GG::Y button_height(0);             //height of the buttons
    const GG::X H_MAINMENU_MARGIN(40);  //horizontal empty space
    const GG::Y V_MAINMENU_MARGIN(40);  //vertical empty space
    GG::X mainmenu_width(0);            //width of the mainmenu
    GG::Y mainmenu_height(0);           //height of the mainmenu

    //calculate necessary button width
    boost::shared_ptr<GG::Font> font = ClientUI::GetFont();
    button_width += H_BUTTON_MARGIN;
    button_width = std::max(MIN_BUTTON_WIDTH, button_width);
    //calculate  necessary button height
    button_height = std::max(MIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT, font->Height() + V_BUTTON_MARGIN);
    //culate window width and height
    mainmenu_width  =        button_width  + H_MAINMENU_MARGIN;
    mainmenu_height = 8.75 * button_height + V_MAINMENU_MARGIN; // 8 rows + 0.75 before exit button

    // position menu window
    GG::Pt ul(Width()  * GetOptionsDB().Get<double>("UI.main-menu.x") - mainmenu_width/2,
              Height() * GetOptionsDB().Get<double>("UI.main-menu.y") - mainmenu_height/2);
    GG::Pt lr(Width()  * GetOptionsDB().Get<double>("UI.main-menu.x") + mainmenu_width/2,
              Height() * GetOptionsDB().Get<double>("UI.main-menu.y") + mainmenu_height/2);

    m_menu->SizeMove(ul, lr);

    //create buttons
    GG::Y button_y(12); //relativ buttonlocation
    GG::X button_x(15);
    m_single_player->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
    button_y += button_height;
    m_quick_start->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
    button_y += button_height;
    m_multi_player->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
    button_y += button_height;
    m_load_game->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
    button_y += button_height;
    m_options->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
    button_y += button_height;
    m_about->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
    button_y += button_height;
    m_credits->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
    button_y += 1.75 * button_height;
    m_exit_game->MoveTo(GG::Pt(button_x, button_y));
Example #23
void g()
    time_point t0 = Clock::now();
    time_point t1;
    std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> ul(m);
    t1 = Clock::now();
    ns d = t1 - t0;
    assert(d < ms(50));  // within 50ms
Example #24
void thread2()
    // wait until thread1 is ready (readyFlag is true)
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(readyMutex);
        readyCondVar.wait(ul, []{ return readyFlag; });
    } // release lock

    // do whatever shall happen after thread1 has prepared things
    std::cout << "done" << std::endl;
Example #25
connection_ptr agent_impl::get_connetion(unsigned id)
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(mutex_conn_);
	connection_ptr conn;
	auto iter = conn_map_.find(id);
	if (iter != conn_map_.end())
		conn = iter->second;
	return conn;
Example #26
obj exec(obj v){
	obj rr=nil;
	if(type(v)!=LIST && type(v)!=tExec) return eval(v);
	for(list l = ul(v); l; ){
		if(rr) release(rr);
		rr = eval(fpp(l));
		if(rr && type(rr)==tSigRet) break;
		if(rr && type(rr)==tBreak) break;
	return rr;
Example #27
inline Matrix<_xDim,_uDim> dfdu(Matrix<_xDim> (*f)(const Matrix<_xDim>&, const Matrix<_uDim>&),	const Matrix<_xDim>& x, const Matrix<_uDim>& u) 
	Matrix<_xDim,_uDim> B;
	Matrix<_uDim> ur(u), ul(u);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _uDim; ++i) {
		ur[i] += step; ul[i] -= step;
		B.insert(0,i, (f(x, ur) - f(x, ul)) / (2.0*step));
		ur[i] = ul[i] = u[i];
	return B;
Example #28
				if (!_registered || RETHREAD_LIKELY(try_unregister(_token, _handler)))

				// We need to unlock mutex before unregistering, because canceller thread
				// can get stuck at mutex in cv_cancellation_handler::cancel().
				// When unregister returns, we are sure that canceller has left cancel(), so it is safe to lock mutex back.
				reverse_lock<typename Handler::lock_type> ul(_handler.get_lock());
				unregister(_token, _handler);
Example #29
struct  event_base* EventLoopThread::startLoop()
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(mutex_);
		while (nullptr == base_)
	return base_;
Example #30
	void operator()()
		for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
				booster::unique_lock<MutexType> ul(*mutex_);
				int tmp = variable;
				variable = tmp + 1;