Example #1
** COMMAND: configuration*
** Usage: %vcs configuration METHOD ... ?OPTIONS?
** Where METHOD is one of: export import merge pull push reset.  All methods
** accept the -R or --repository option to specific a repository.
**    %vcs configuration export AREA FILENAME
**         Write to FILENAME exported configuraton information for AREA.
**         AREA can be one of:  all email project shun skin ticket user
**    %vcs configuration import FILENAME
**         Read a configuration from FILENAME, overwriting the current
**         configuration.
**    %vcs configuration merge FILENAME
**         Read a configuration from FILENAME and merge its values into
**         the current configuration.  Existing values take priority over
**         values read from FILENAME.
**    %vcs configuration pull AREA ?URL?
**         Pull and install the configuration from a different server
**         identified by URL.  If no URL is specified, then the default
**         server is used. Use the --legacy option for the older protocol
**         (when talking to servers compiled prior to 2011-04-27.)  Use
**         the --overwrite flag to completely replace local settings with
**         content received from URL.
**    %vcs configuration push AREA ?URL?
**         Push the local configuration into the remote server identified
**         by URL.  Admin privilege is required on the remote server for
**         this to work.  When the same record exists both locally and on
**         the remote end, the one that was most recently changed wins.
**         Use the --legacy flag when talking to holder servers.
**    %vcs configuration reset AREA
**         Restore the configuration to the default.  AREA as above.
**    %vcs configuration sync AREA ?URL?
**         Synchronize configuration changes in the local repository with
**         the remote repository at URL.
** Options:
**    -R|--repository FILE       Extract info from repository FILE
** See also: settings, unset
void configuration_cmd(void) {
    int n;
    const char *zMethod;
    if( g.argc<3 ) {
        usage("export|import|merge|pull|reset ...");
    db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
    zMethod = g.argv[2];
    n = strlen(zMethod);
    if( strncmp(zMethod, "export", n)==0 ) {
        int mask;
        const char *zSince = find_option("since",0,1);
        sqlite3_int64 iStart;
        if( g.argc!=5 ) {
            usage("export AREA FILENAME");
        mask = configure_name_to_mask(g.argv[3], 1);
        if( zSince ) {
            iStart = db_multi_exec(
                         "SELECT coalesce(strftime('%%s',%Q),strftime('%%s','now',%Q))+0",
                         zSince, zSince
        } else {
            iStart = 0;
        export_config(mask, g.argv[3], iStart, g.argv[4]);
    } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "import", n)==0
               || strncmp(zMethod, "merge", n)==0 ) {
        Blob in;
        int groupMask;
        if( g.argc!=4 ) usage(mprintf("%s FILENAME",zMethod));
        blob_read_from_file(&in, g.argv[3]);
        if( zMethod[0]=='i' ) {
        } else {
            groupMask = CONFIGSET_ALL;
        configure_receive_all(&in, groupMask);
    } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "pull", n)==0
               || strncmp(zMethod, "push", n)==0
               || strncmp(zMethod, "sync", n)==0
             ) {
        int mask;
        const char *zServer;
        const char *zPw;
        int legacyFlag = 0;
        int overwriteFlag = 0;
        if( zMethod[0]!='s' ) legacyFlag = find_option("legacy",0,0)!=0;
        if( strncmp(zMethod,"pull",n)==0 ) {
            overwriteFlag = find_option("overwrite",0,0)!=0;
        if( g.argc!=4 && g.argc!=5 ) {
            usage("pull AREA ?URL?");
        mask = configure_name_to_mask(g.argv[3], 1);
        if( g.argc==5 ) {
            zServer = g.argv[4];
            zPw = 0;
            g.dontKeepUrl = 1;
        } else {
            zServer = db_get("last-sync-url", 0);
            if( zServer==0 ) {
                vcs_fatal("no server specified");
            zPw = unobscure(db_get("last-sync-pw", 0));
        if( g.urlPasswd==0 && zPw ) g.urlPasswd = mprintf("%s", zPw);
        url_enable_proxy("via proxy: ");
        if( legacyFlag ) mask |= CONFIGSET_OLDFORMAT;
        if( overwriteFlag ) mask |= CONFIGSET_OVERWRITE;
        if( strncmp(zMethod, "push", n)==0 ) {
        } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "pull", n)==0 ) {
        } else {
    } else if( strncmp(zMethod, "reset", n)==0 ) {
        int mask, i;
        char *zBackup;
        if( g.argc!=4 ) usage("reset AREA");
        mask = configure_name_to_mask(g.argv[3], 1);
        zBackup = db_text(0,
                          "SELECT strftime('config-backup-%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%f','now')");
        export_config(mask, g.argv[3], 0, zBackup);
        for(i=0; i<count(aConfig); i++) {
            const char *zName = aConfig[i].zName;
            if( (aConfig[i].groupMask & mask)==0 ) continue;
            if( zName[0]!='@' ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM config WHERE name=%Q", zName);
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@user")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM user");
                db_create_default_users(0, 0);
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@concealed")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM concealed");
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@shun")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM shun");
            } else if( vcs_strcmp(zName,"@reportfmt")==0 ) {
                db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM reportfmt");
        vcs_print("Configuration reset to factory defaults.\n");
        vcs_print("To recover, use:  %s %s import %s\n",
                  vcs_nameofexe(), g.argv[1], zBackup);
    } else
        vcs_fatal("METHOD should be one of:"
                  " export import merge pull push reset");
Example #2
** Parse the given URL.  Populate members of the provided UrlData structure
** as follows:
**      isFile      True if FILE:
**      isHttps     True if HTTPS:
**      isSsh       True if SSH:
**      protocol    "http" or "https" or "file"
**      name        Hostname for HTTP:, HTTPS:, SSH:.  Filename for FILE:
**      port        TCP port number for HTTP or HTTPS.
**      dfltPort    Default TCP port number (80 or 443).
**      path        Path name for HTTP or HTTPS.
**      user        Userid.
**      passwd      Password.
**      hostname    HOST:PORT or just HOST if port is the default.
**      canonical   The URL in canonical form, omitting the password
void url_parse_local(
  const char *zUrl,
  unsigned int urlFlags,
  UrlData *pUrlData
  int i, j, c;
  char *zFile = 0;

  if( zUrl==0 ){
    zUrl = db_get("last-sync-url", 0);
    if( zUrl==0 ) return;
    if( pUrlData->passwd==0 ){
      pUrlData->passwd = unobscure(db_get("last-sync-pw", 0));

  if( strncmp(zUrl, "http://", 7)==0
   || strncmp(zUrl, "https://", 8)==0
   || strncmp(zUrl, "ssh://", 6)==0
    int iStart;
    char *zLogin;
    char *zExe;
    char cQuerySep = '?';

    pUrlData->isFile = 0;
    pUrlData->useProxy = 0;
    if( zUrl[4]=='s' ){
      pUrlData->isHttps = 1;
      pUrlData->protocol = "https";
      pUrlData->dfltPort = 443;
      iStart = 8;
    }else if( zUrl[0]=='s' ){
      pUrlData->isSsh = 1;
      pUrlData->protocol = "ssh";
      pUrlData->dfltPort = 22;
      pUrlData->fossil = "fossil";
      iStart = 6;
      pUrlData->isHttps = 0;
      pUrlData->protocol = "http";
      pUrlData->dfltPort = 80;
      iStart = 7;
    for(i=iStart; (c=zUrl[i])!=0 && c!='/' && c!='@'; i++){}
    if( c=='@' ){
      /* Parse up the user-id and password */
      for(j=iStart; j<i && zUrl[j]!=':'; j++){}
      pUrlData->user = mprintf("%.*s", j-iStart, &zUrl[iStart]);
      if( j<i ){
        if( ( urlFlags & URL_REMEMBER ) && pUrlData->isSsh==0 ){
          urlFlags |= URL_ASK_REMEMBER_PW;
        pUrlData->passwd = mprintf("%.*s", i-j-1, &zUrl[j+1]);
      if( pUrlData->isSsh ){
        urlFlags &= ~URL_ASK_REMEMBER_PW;
      zLogin = mprintf("%t@", pUrlData->user);
      for(j=i+1; (c=zUrl[j])!=0 && c!='/' && c!=':'; j++){}
      pUrlData->name = mprintf("%.*s", j-i-1, &zUrl[i+1]);
      i = j;
      int inSquare = 0;
      int n;
      for(i=iStart; (c=zUrl[i])!=0 && c!='/' && (inSquare || c!=':'); i++){
        if( c=='[' ) inSquare = 1;
        if( c==']' ) inSquare = 0;
      pUrlData->name = mprintf("%.*s", i-iStart, &zUrl[iStart]);
      n = strlen(pUrlData->name);
      if( pUrlData->name[0]=='[' && n>2 && pUrlData->name[n-1]==']' ){
        pUrlData->name[n-2] = 0;
      zLogin = mprintf("");
    if( c==':' ){
      pUrlData->port = 0;
      while( (c = zUrl[i])!=0 && fossil_isdigit(c) ){
        pUrlData->port = pUrlData->port*10 + c - '0';
      pUrlData->hostname = mprintf("%s:%d", pUrlData->name, pUrlData->port);
      pUrlData->port = pUrlData->dfltPort;
      pUrlData->hostname = pUrlData->name;
    pUrlData->path = mprintf("%s", &zUrl[i]);
    for(i=0; pUrlData->path[i] && pUrlData->path[i]!='?'; i++){}
    if( pUrlData->path[i] ){
      pUrlData->path[i] = 0;
    zExe = mprintf("");
    while( pUrlData->path[i]!=0 ){
      char *zName, *zValue;
      zName = &pUrlData->path[i];
      zValue = zName;
      while( pUrlData->path[i] && pUrlData->path[i]!='=' ){ i++; }
      if( pUrlData->path[i]=='=' ){
        pUrlData->path[i] = 0;
        zValue = &pUrlData->path[i];
        while( pUrlData->path[i] && pUrlData->path[i]!='&' ){ i++; }
      if( pUrlData->path[i] ){
        pUrlData->path[i] = 0;
      if( fossil_strcmp(zName,"fossil")==0 ){
        pUrlData->fossil = zValue;
        zExe = mprintf("%cfossil=%T", cQuerySep, pUrlData->fossil);
        cQuerySep = '&';

    if( pUrlData->dfltPort==pUrlData->port ){
      pUrlData->canonical = mprintf(
        pUrlData->protocol, zLogin, pUrlData->name, pUrlData->path, zExe
      pUrlData->canonical = mprintf(
        pUrlData->protocol, zLogin, pUrlData->name, pUrlData->port,
        pUrlData->path, zExe
    if( pUrlData->isSsh && pUrlData->path[1] ) pUrlData->path++;
  }else if( strncmp(zUrl, "file:", 5)==0 ){
    pUrlData->isFile = 1;
    if( zUrl[5]=='/' && zUrl[6]=='/' ){
      i = 7;
      i = 5;
    zFile = mprintf("%s", &zUrl[i]);
  }else if( file_isfile(zUrl) ){
    pUrlData->isFile = 1;
    zFile = mprintf("%s", zUrl);
  }else if( file_isdir(zUrl)==1 ){
    zFile = mprintf("%s/FOSSIL", zUrl);
    if( file_isfile(zFile) ){
      pUrlData->isFile = 1;
      zFile = 0;
      fossil_fatal("unknown repository: %s", zUrl);
    fossil_fatal("unknown repository: %s", zUrl);
  if( urlFlags ) pUrlData->flags = urlFlags;
  if( pUrlData->isFile ){
    Blob cfile;
    file_canonical_name(zFile, &cfile, 0);
    zFile = 0;
    pUrlData->protocol = "file";
    pUrlData->path = "";
    pUrlData->name = mprintf("%b", &cfile);
    pUrlData->canonical = mprintf("file://%T", pUrlData->name);
  }else if( pUrlData->user!=0 && pUrlData->passwd==0 && (urlFlags & URL_PROMPT_PW) ){
  }else if( pUrlData->user!=0 && ( urlFlags & URL_ASK_REMEMBER_PW ) ){
    if( isatty(fileno(stdin)) ){
      if( save_password_prompt(pUrlData->passwd) ){
        pUrlData->flags = urlFlags |= URL_REMEMBER_PW;
        pUrlData->flags = urlFlags &= ~URL_REMEMBER_PW;