Example #1
File: fselect.c Project: dyne/MuSE
 * This destroys the file selector.
void destroyCDKFselect (CDKFSELECT *fselect)
   /* Erase the file selector. */
   eraseCDKFselect (fselect);

   /* Free up the character pointers. */
   freeChar (fselect->pwd);
   freeChar (fselect->pathname);
   freeChar (fselect->dirAttribute);
   freeChar (fselect->fileAttribute);
   freeChar (fselect->linkAttribute);
   freeChar (fselect->sockAttribute);
   freeCharList (fselect->dirContents, fselect->fileCounter);

   /* Destroy the other Cdk objects. */
   destroyCDKScroll (fselect->scrollField);
   destroyCDKEntry (fselect->entryField);

   /* Free up the window pointers. */
   deleteCursesWindow (fselect->shadowWin);
   deleteCursesWindow (fselect->win);

   /* Unregister the object. */
   unregisterCDKObject (vFSELECT, fselect);

   /* Free up the object pointer. */
   free (fselect);
Example #2
File: dialog.c Project: dyne/MuSE
 * This function destroys the dialog widget.
void destroyCDKDialog (CDKDIALOG *dialog)
   /* Declare local variables. */
   int x = 0;

   /* Erase the object. */
   eraseCDKDialog (dialog);

   /* Clean up the char pointers. */
   for (x=0; x < dialog->messageRows ; x++)
      freeChtype (dialog->info[x]);
   for (x=0; x < dialog->buttonCount; x++)
      freeChtype (dialog->buttonLabel[x]);

   /* Clean up the windows. */
   deleteCursesWindow (dialog->win);
   deleteCursesWindow (dialog->shadowWin);

   /* Unregister this object. */
   unregisterCDKObject (vDIALOG, dialog);

   /* Finish cleaning up. */
   free (dialog);
Example #3
File: fscale.c Project: dyne/MuSE
 * This function destroys the scale widget.
void destroyCDKFScale (CDKFSCALE *scale)
   int x;

   /* Erase the object. */
   eraseCDKFScale (scale);

   /* Clean up the char pointers. */
   freeChtype (scale->label);
   for (x=0; x < scale->titleLines; x++)
      freeChtype (scale->title[x]);

   /* Clean up the windows. */
   deleteCursesWindow (scale->fieldWin);
   deleteCursesWindow (scale->labelWin);
   deleteCursesWindow (scale->shadowWin);
   deleteCursesWindow (scale->win);

   /* Unregister this object. */
   unregisterCDKObject (vFSCALE, scale);

   /* Finish cleaning up. */
   free (scale);
Example #4
 * This destroys the widget.
static void _destroyCDKMarquee (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKMARQUEE *widget = (CDKMARQUEE *)object;

      /* Clean up the windows. */
      deleteCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (widget->win);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vMARQUEE, widget);

      /* Unregister this object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vMARQUEE, widget);
Example #5
 * This destroys the button object pointer.
static void _destroyCDKButton (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKBUTTON *button = (CDKBUTTON *)object;

      /* Free up the character pointers. */
      freeChtype (button->info);

      /* Free up the window pointers. */
      deleteCursesWindow (button->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (button->win);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vBUTTON, button);

      /* Unregister the object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vBUTTON, button);
Example #6
 * This destroys the file selector.	
void destroyCDKAlphalist (CDKALPHALIST *alphalist)
   /* Erase the file selector. */
   eraseCDKAlphalist (alphalist);

   freeCharList (alphalist->list, alphalist->listSize);

   /* Destroy the other Cdk objects. */
   destroyCDKEntry (alphalist->entryField);
   destroyCDKScroll (alphalist->scrollField);
   /* Free up the window pointers. */
   deleteCursesWindow (alphalist->shadowWin);
   deleteCursesWindow (alphalist->win);

   /* Unregister the object. */
   unregisterCDKObject (vALPHALIST, alphalist);

   /* Free up the object pointer. */
   free (alphalist);
Example #7
 * This destroys the file selector.
static void _destroyCDKAlphalist (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKALPHALIST *alphalist = (CDKALPHALIST *)object;

      destroyInfo (alphalist);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vALPHALIST, alphalist);

      destroyCDKEntry (alphalist->entryField);
      destroyCDKScroll (alphalist->scrollField);

      /* Free up the window pointers. */
      deleteCursesWindow (alphalist->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (alphalist->win);

      /* Unregister the object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vALPHALIST, alphalist);
Example #8
 * This function destroys the widget.
static void _destroyCDKUScale (CDKOBJS *object)
    if (object != 0)
        CDKUSCALE *widget = (CDKUSCALE *)object;

        cleanCdkTitle (object);
        freeChtype (widget->label);

        /* Clean up the windows. */
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->fieldWin);
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->labelWin);
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->shadowWin);
        deleteCursesWindow (widget->win);

        /* Clean the key bindings. */
        cleanCDKObjectBindings (vUSCALE, widget);

        /* Unregister this object. */
        unregisterCDKObject (vUSCALE, widget);
Example #9
 * This function destroys
static void _destroyCDKScroll (CDKOBJS *object)
   if (object != 0)
      CDKSCROLL *scrollp = (CDKSCROLL *)object;

      cleanCdkTitle (object);
      CDKfreeChtypes (scrollp->item);
      freeChecked (scrollp->itemPos);
      freeChecked (scrollp->itemLen);

      /* Clean up the windows. */
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->scrollbarWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->shadowWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->listWin);
      deleteCursesWindow (scrollp->win);

      /* Clean the key bindings. */
      cleanCDKObjectBindings (vSCROLL, scrollp);

      /* Unregister this object. */
      unregisterCDKObject (vSCROLL, scrollp);
Example #10
void CDKSlider::unreg (void)
	unregisterCDKObject (vSLIDER, slider);
Example #11
void CDKScroll::unreg (void)
    unregisterCDKObject (vSCROLL, scroll);
Example #12
void PlayInfoBox::unreg (void)
	func ("PlayInfoBox::unreg() screen=%p",cdkscreen);
	unregisterCDKObject (vLABEL, infobox);
	func ("end PlayInfoBox::unreg()");
Example #13
void CDKEntry::unreg (void)
	unregisterCDKObject (vENTRY, entry);