void TaskBarExtension::updateBackground(const QPixmap& bgImage) { unsetPalette(); setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(bgImage); m_container->unsetPalette(); m_container->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(bgImage); }
void dmsBox::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent *e ) { KLineEdit::focusInEvent( e ); if ( EmptyFlag ) { clear(); unsetPalette(); EmptyFlag = false; } }
void dmsBox::slotTextChanged( const QString &t ) { if ( ! hasFocus() ) { if ( EmptyFlag && ! t.isEmpty() ) { unsetPalette(); EmptyFlag = false; } if ( ! EmptyFlag && t.isEmpty() ) { setEmptyText(); } } }
void dmsBox::setDegType( bool t ) { deg = t; if ( deg ) { QToolTip::add( this, i18n( "Angle value in degrees. You may enter a simple integer \nor a floating-point value, or space- or colon-delimited values \nspecifying degrees, arcminutes and arcseconds." ) ); QWhatsThis::add( this, i18n( "Enter an angle value in degrees. The angle can be expressed as a simple integer (\"45\") or floating-point (\"45.333\") value, or as space- or colon-delimited values specifying degrees, arcminutes and arcseconds (\"45:20\", \"45:20:00\", \"45:20\", \"45 20.0\", etc.)." ) ); } else { QToolTip::add( this, i18n( "Angle value in hours. You may enter a simple integer \nor floating-point value, or space- or colon-delimited values \nspecifying hours, minutes and seconds." ) ); QWhatsThis::add( this, i18n( "Enter an angle value in hours. The angle can be expressed as a simple integer (\"12\") or floating-point (\"12.333\") value, or as space- or colon-delimited values specifying hours, minutes and seconds (\"12:20\", \"12:20:00\", \"12:20\", \"12 20.0\", etc.)." ) ); } clear(); unsetPalette(); EmptyFlag = false; setEmptyText(); }
void VCWidget::resetBackgroundColor() { QColor fg; m_hasCustomBackgroundColor = false; m_backgroundImage = QString::null; /* Store foreground color */ if (m_hasCustomForegroundColor == true) fg = paletteForegroundColor(); /* Reset the whole palette */ unsetPalette(); /* Restore foreground color */ if (fg.isValid() == true) setPaletteForegroundColor(fg); _app->doc()->setModified(); }
void VCWidget::resetForegroundColor() { QColor bg; m_hasCustomForegroundColor = false; /* Store background color */ if (m_hasCustomBackgroundColor == true) bg = paletteBackgroundColor(); /* Reset the whole palette */ unsetPalette(); /* Restore foreground color */ if (bg.isValid() == true) setPaletteBackgroundColor(bg); else if (m_backgroundImage.isEmpty() == false) setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(QPixmap(m_backgroundImage)); _app->doc()->setModified(); }
void TaskBarExtension::setBackgroundTheme() { if (KickerSettings::transparent()) { if (!m_rootPixmap) { m_rootPixmap = new KRootPixmap(this); m_rootPixmap->setCustomPainting(true); connect(m_rootPixmap, SIGNAL(backgroundUpdated(const QPixmap&)), SLOT(updateBackground(const QPixmap&))); } else { m_rootPixmap->repaint(true); } double tint = double(KickerSettings::tintValue()) / 100; m_rootPixmap->setFadeEffect(tint, KickerSettings::tintColor()); m_rootPixmap->start(); return; } else if (m_rootPixmap) { delete m_rootPixmap; m_rootPixmap = 0; } unsetPalette(); m_container->unsetPalette(); if (KickerSettings::useBackgroundTheme()) { QString bgFilename = locate("appdata", KickerSettings::backgroundTheme()); if (m_bgFilename != bgFilename) { m_bgFilename = bgFilename; m_bgImage.load(m_bgFilename); } if (!m_bgImage.isNull()) { QImage bgImage = m_bgImage; if (orientation() == Vertical) { if (KickerSettings::rotateBackground()) { QWMatrix matrix; matrix.rotate(position() == KPanelExtension::Left ? 90: 270); bgImage = bgImage.xForm(matrix); } bgImage = bgImage.scaleWidth(size().width()); } else { if (position() == KPanelExtension::Top && KickerSettings::rotateBackground()) { QWMatrix matrix; matrix.rotate(180); bgImage = bgImage.xForm(matrix); } bgImage = bgImage.scaleHeight(size().height()); } if (KickerSettings::colorizeBackground()) { KickerLib::colorize(bgImage); } setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(bgImage); m_container->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(bgImage); } } }
// // Create this slider's contents from list // void VCDockSlider::createContents(QPtrList <QString> &list) { QRect rect(0, 0, 60, 200); for (QString* s = list.next(); s != NULL; s = list.next()) { if (*s == QString("Entry")) { s = list.prev(); break; } else if (*s == QString("Name")) { setCaption(*(list.next())); } else if (*s == QString("Parent")) { VCFrame* parent = _app->virtualConsole()->getFrame(list.next()->toInt()); if (parent != NULL) { reparent((QFrame*)parent, 0, QPoint(0, 0), true); } } else if (*s == QString("X")) { rect.setX(list.next()->toInt()); } else if (*s == QString("Y")) { rect.setY(list.next()->toInt()); } else if (*s == QString("Width")) { rect.setWidth(list.next()->toInt()); } else if (*s == QString("Height")) { rect.setHeight(list.next()->toInt()); } else if (*s == QString("Textcolor")) { QColor qc; qc.setRgb(list.next()->toUInt()); setPaletteForegroundColor(qc); } else if (*s == QString("Backgroundcolor")) { QColor qc; qc.setRgb(list.next()->toUInt()); setPaletteBackgroundColor(qc); } else if (*s == QString("Color")) { // Backwards compatibility for slider background color QString t = *(list.next()); int i = t.find(QString(",")); int r = t.left(i).toInt(); int j = t.find(QString(","), i + 1); int g = t.mid(i+1, j-i-1).toInt(); int b = t.mid(j+1).toInt(); QColor qc(r, g, b); setPaletteBackgroundColor(qc); } else if (*s == QString("Pixmap")) { QString t; t = *(list.next()); QPixmap pm(t); if (pm.isNull() == false) { setIconText(t); unsetPalette(); setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(pm); m_valueLabel->setBackgroundOrigin(ParentOrigin); m_slider->setBackgroundOrigin(ParentOrigin); } } else if (*s == QString("Frame")) { if (*(list.next()) == Settings::trueValue()) { setFrameStyle(KFrameStyle); } else { setFrameStyle(NoFrame); } } else if (*s == QString("Font")) { QFont f = font(); QString q = *(list.next()); f.fromString(q); setFont(f); } else if (*s == QString("Bus")) { QString t = *(list.next()); t_bus_value value; if (Bus::value(t.toInt(), value)) { setBusID(t.toInt()); } } else if (*s == QString("BusLowLimit")) { m_busLowLimit = list.next()->toInt(); } else if (*s == QString("BusHighLimit")) { m_busHighLimit = list.next()->toInt(); } else if (*s == QString("Channels")) { QString t; unsigned int i = 0; int j = 0; s = list.next(); while (i < s->length()) { j = s->find(QChar(' '), i, false); if (j == -1) { j = s->length(); } t = s->mid(i, j-i); // Check for duplicates if (m_channels.find(t.toInt()) == m_channels.end()) { m_channels.append(t.toInt()); } i = j + 1; } } else if (*s == QString("LevelLowLimit")) { m_levelLowLimit = list.next()->toInt(); } else if (*s == QString("LevelHighLimit")) { m_levelHighLimit = list.next()->toInt(); } else if (*s == QString("Mode")) { QString t = *list.next(); if (t == modeString(Speed)) { m_mode = Speed; } else if (t == modeString(Level)) { m_mode = Level; } else { m_mode = Submaster; } } else if (*s == QString("Value")) { m_slider->setValue(list.next()->toInt()); } else { // Unknown keyword, ignore *list.next(); } } setLevelRange(m_levelLowLimit, m_levelHighLimit); setBusRange(m_busLowLimit, m_busHighLimit); setGeometry(rect); if (m_mode == Submaster) { assignSubmasters(true); } setMode(m_mode); }