task main()
{    																	//Program begins, insert code within curly braces
	untilSonarLessThan(20, sonar);			//waits for the sonar sensor todetect an object within 20cm
	startMotor(leftMotor, 63);					//turns on left motor
	startMotor(rightMotor, 63);					//turns on right motor
	untilSonarGreaterThan(25, sonar);		//waits for the object to move to a distance greater than 25cm
	stopMotor(leftMotor);								//Stops left motor
	stopMotor(rightMotor);							//Stops right motor
task main()
  robotType(recbot);        // We are using the recbot.

  wait(2.0);                // Wait 2.0 seconds to initialize the sonar sensor and position robot.

  forward(63);              // Move forward at speed 63.
  untilSonarLessThan(20);   // Wait until the sonar sees an object 20cm away. (in default sonar ports)
  stop();                   // Stop.
task main()
  forward(75);                // move forward at speed 75
  untilSonarLessThan(40);     // continue until the sonar reads a value less than 40
  stop();                     // stop the robot