Example #1
				/* out, own: update vector of differing
				fields */
	dict_index_t*	index,	/* in: index */
	dtuple_t*	entry,	/* in: entry to insert */
	rec_t*		rec,	/* in: secondary index record */
	mem_heap_t*	heap)	/* in: memory heap from which allocated */
	upd_field_t*	upd_field;
	dfield_t*	dfield;
	byte*		data;
	ulint		len;
	upd_t*		update;
	ulint		n_diff;
	ulint		i;

	/* This function is used only for a secondary index */
	ut_ad(0 == (index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED));

	update = upd_create(dtuple_get_n_fields(entry), heap);

	n_diff = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < dtuple_get_n_fields(entry); i++) {

		data = rec_get_nth_field(rec, i, &len);

		dfield = dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, i);

		ut_a(len == dfield_get_len(dfield));

		/* NOTE: we compare the fields as binary strings!
		(No collation) */

		if (!dfield_data_is_binary_equal(dfield, len, data)) {

			upd_field = upd_get_nth_field(update, n_diff);

			dfield_copy(&(upd_field->new_val), dfield);

			upd_field_set_field_no(upd_field, i, index);

			upd_field->extern_storage = FALSE;


	update->n_fields = n_diff;

Example #2
Builds an update vector based on a remaining part of an undo log record.
@return remaining part of the record, NULL if an error detected, which
means that the record is corrupted */
	byte*		ptr,	/*!< in: remaining part in update undo log
				record, after reading the row reference
				NOTE that this copy of the undo log record must
				be preserved as long as the update vector is
				used, as we do NOT copy the data in the
				record! */
	dict_index_t*	index,	/*!< in: clustered index */
	ulint		type,	/*!< in: TRX_UNDO_UPD_EXIST_REC,
				TRX_UNDO_DEL_MARK_REC; in the last case,
				only trx id and roll ptr fields are added to
				the update vector */
	trx_id_t	trx_id,	/*!< in: transaction id from this undo record */
	roll_ptr_t	roll_ptr,/*!< in: roll pointer from this undo record */
	ulint		info_bits,/*!< in: info bits from this undo record */
	trx_t*		trx,	/*!< in: transaction */
	mem_heap_t*	heap,	/*!< in: memory heap from which the memory
				needed is allocated */
	upd_t**		upd)	/*!< out, own: update vector */
	upd_field_t*	upd_field;
	upd_t*		update;
	ulint		n_fields;
	byte*		buf;
	ulint		i;


	if (type != TRX_UNDO_DEL_MARK_REC) {
		ptr = trx_undo_update_rec_get_n_upd_fields(ptr, &n_fields);
	} else {
		n_fields = 0;

	update = upd_create(n_fields + 2, heap);

	update->info_bits = info_bits;

	/* Store first trx id and roll ptr to update vector */

	upd_field = upd_get_nth_field(update, n_fields);
	buf = mem_heap_alloc(heap, DATA_TRX_ID_LEN);
	trx_write_trx_id(buf, trx_id);

			       dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(index, DATA_TRX_ID),
			       index, trx);
	dfield_set_data(&(upd_field->new_val), buf, DATA_TRX_ID_LEN);

	upd_field = upd_get_nth_field(update, n_fields + 1);
	buf = mem_heap_alloc(heap, DATA_ROLL_PTR_LEN);
	trx_write_roll_ptr(buf, roll_ptr);

		upd_field, dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(index, DATA_ROLL_PTR),
		index, trx);
	dfield_set_data(&(upd_field->new_val), buf, DATA_ROLL_PTR_LEN);

	/* Store then the updated ordinary columns to the update vector */

	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {

		byte*	field;
		ulint	len;
		ulint	field_no;
		ulint	orig_len;

		ptr = trx_undo_update_rec_get_field_no(ptr, &field_no);

		if (field_no >= dict_index_get_n_fields(index)) {
				"InnoDB: Error: trying to access"
				" update undo rec field %lu in ",
				(ulong) field_no);
			dict_index_name_print(stderr, trx, index);
			fprintf(stderr, "\n"
				"InnoDB: but index has only %lu fields\n"
				"InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report"
				" to http://bugs.mysql.com\n"
				"InnoDB: Run also CHECK TABLE ",
				(ulong) dict_index_get_n_fields(index));
			ut_print_name(stderr, trx, TRUE, index->table_name);
			fprintf(stderr, "\n"
				"InnoDB: n_fields = %lu, i = %lu, ptr %p\n",
				(ulong) n_fields, (ulong) i, ptr);
			*upd = NULL;

		upd_field = upd_get_nth_field(update, i);

		upd_field_set_field_no(upd_field, field_no, index, trx);

		ptr = trx_undo_rec_get_col_val(ptr, &field, &len, &orig_len);

		upd_field->orig_len = orig_len;

		if (len == UNIV_SQL_NULL) {
		} else if (len < UNIV_EXTERN_STORAGE_FIELD) {
			dfield_set_data(&upd_field->new_val, field, len);
		} else {

			dfield_set_data(&upd_field->new_val, field, len);

	*upd = update;

Example #3
				/* out, own: update vector of differing
				fields, excluding roll ptr and trx id */
	dict_index_t*	index,	/* in: clustered index */
	dtuple_t*	entry,	/* in: entry to insert */
	ulint*		ext_vec,/* in: array containing field numbers of
				externally stored fields in entry, or NULL */
	ulint		n_ext_vec,/* in: number of fields in ext_vec */
	rec_t*		rec,	/* in: clustered index record */
	mem_heap_t*	heap)	/* in: memory heap from which allocated */
	upd_field_t*	upd_field;
	dfield_t*	dfield;
	byte*		data;
	ulint		len;
	upd_t*		update;
	ulint		n_diff;
	ulint		roll_ptr_pos;
	ulint		trx_id_pos;
	ulint		i;

	/* This function is used only for a clustered index */
	ut_a(index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED);

	update = upd_create(dtuple_get_n_fields(entry), heap);

	n_diff = 0;

	roll_ptr_pos = dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(index, DATA_ROLL_PTR);
	trx_id_pos = dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(index, DATA_TRX_ID);

	for (i = 0; i < dtuple_get_n_fields(entry); i++) {

		data = rec_get_nth_field(rec, i, &len);

		dfield = dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, i);

		/* NOTE: we compare the fields as binary strings!
		(No collation) */

		if (i == trx_id_pos || i == roll_ptr_pos) {

			goto skip_compare;
		if (rec_get_nth_field_extern_bit(rec, i)
		    != upd_ext_vec_contains(ext_vec, n_ext_vec, i)
		    || !dfield_data_is_binary_equal(dfield, len, data)) {

			upd_field = upd_get_nth_field(update, n_diff);

			dfield_copy(&(upd_field->new_val), dfield);

			upd_field_set_field_no(upd_field, i, index);

			if (upd_ext_vec_contains(ext_vec, n_ext_vec, i)) {
				upd_field->extern_storage = TRUE;
			} else {
				upd_field->extern_storage = FALSE;

	update->n_fields = n_diff;
