Example #1
void Synthesizer::setOffset(control_type_e control, float o)
	if( ! config->enabled )
	switch( control )
	case CT_PITCH:
		float offset = o * config->semiRange;
		int semis = (int) offset;
		int cents = (int) (offset - semis) * 100;
		float freqOffset = config->baseFreq;
		if( semis < 0 )
			semis *= -1;
			cents *= -1;
			if( semis > 0 )	freqOffset *= semif_minus[semis - 1];
			if( cents > 0 ) freqOffset *= centf_minus[cents - 1];
			if( semis > 0 ) freqOffset *= semif_plus[semis - 1];
			if( cents > 0 ) freqOffset *= centf_plus[cents - 1];
	case CT_VOLUME:
Example #2
bool sdrServer::needPacket(mySocket *socket)
    short *i, *q;
    uint8_t *s;
    int count = mSdrPlay.getSamplesPerPacket();
    bool grChanged, rfChanged, fsChanged;

    try {
        if(mFrequencyChanged) updateFrequency();
        if(mSamplerateChanged) updateSampleRate();
        if(mGainChanged) updateGain();

        if(mSdrPlay.readPacket(mI, mQ, &grChanged, &rfChanged, &fsChanged) == 0) {
            for(i=mI, q=mQ, s=mS; i<mI+count; i++, q++) {
                *(s++) = (uint8_t)((*i>>8)+128);
                *(s++) = (uint8_t)((*q>>8)+128);
            socket->send(mS, (size_t) count * 2);
    catch(error *e) {
        printf("%s\n", e->text());
        return false;

    return true;
Example #3
void ratAnalyzer::compression0ToNon0()
    if( _inCycle )
        _frequencyNow = 60000.0 /
                _startCompression.msecsTo( _currentData->time );
        if( _frequencyNow > 10.0 && _frequencyNow < 300.0 )
            _frequencyTotal = (_frequencyTotal*_frequencyCount + _frequencyNow)
                    / (_frequencyCount + 1);
    if( _currentData->compPosition != 0 && _currentData->compDepth > 1 )
        _ppointOkay = false; // pressure for pp  is too low on compDepth 1
    if( _currentData->compDepth == 3 )
        _depthReached = true;
    _inCycle = true;
    _startCompression = _currentData->time;
Example #4
void NotePlayHandle::processMidiTime( const MidiTime& time )
	if( detuning() && time >= songGlobalParentOffset()+pos() )
		const float v = detuning()->automationPattern()->valueAt( time - songGlobalParentOffset() - pos() );
		if( !typeInfo<float>::isEqual( v, m_baseDetuning->value() ) )
			m_baseDetuning->setValue( v );
void ConnectionInfoWirelessTab::updateAccessPoint(const QString &uni)
    Solid::Control::AccessPoint *ap = m_iface->findAccessPoint(uni);

    // drop input from previous AP (if any)
    if (m_ap != 0) {
        disconnect(m_ap, SIGNAL(ssidChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateSsid(QString)));
        disconnect(m_ap, SIGNAL(signalStrengthChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateSignalStrength(int)));
        disconnect(m_ap, SIGNAL(bitRateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateMaxBitRate(int)));
        disconnect(m_ap, SIGNAL(frequencyChanged(uint)), this, SLOT(updateFrequency(uint)));
        disconnect(m_ap, SIGNAL(wpaFlagsChanged(Solid::Control::AccessPoint::WpaFlags)), this, SLOT(updateWpa(Solid::Control::AccessPoint::WpaFlags)));
        disconnect(m_ap, SIGNAL(rsnFlagsChanged(Solid::Control::AccessPoint::WpaFlags)), this, SLOT(updateRsn(Solid::Control::AccessPoint::WpaFlags)));
Example #6
NotePlayHandle::NotePlayHandle( InstrumentTrack* instrumentTrack,
								const f_cnt_t _offset,
								const f_cnt_t _frames,
								const note& n,
								NotePlayHandle *parent,
								int midiEventChannel,
								Origin origin ) :
	PlayHandle( TypeNotePlayHandle, _offset ),
	note( n.length(), n.pos(), n.key(), n.getVolume(), n.getPanning(), n.detuning() ),
	m_pluginData( NULL ),
	m_filter( NULL ),
	m_instrumentTrack( instrumentTrack ),
	m_frames( 0 ),
	m_totalFramesPlayed( 0 ),
	m_framesBeforeRelease( 0 ),
	m_releaseFramesToDo( 0 ),
	m_releaseFramesDone( 0 ),
	m_released( false ),
	m_hasParent( parent != NULL  ),
	m_hadChildren( false ),
	m_muted( false ),
	m_bbTrack( NULL ),
	m_origTempo( engine::getSong()->getTempo() ),
	m_origBaseNote( instrumentTrack->baseNote() ),
	m_frequency( 0 ),
	m_unpitchedFrequency( 0 ),
	m_baseDetuning( NULL ),
	m_songGlobalParentOffset( 0 ),
	m_midiChannel( midiEventChannel >= 0 ? midiEventChannel : instrumentTrack->midiPort()->realOutputChannel() ),
	m_origin( origin )
	if( hasParent() == false )
		m_baseDetuning = new BaseDetuning( detuning() );
		m_instrumentTrack->m_processHandles.push_back( this );
		m_baseDetuning = parent->m_baseDetuning;

		parent->m_subNotes.push_back( this );
		parent->m_hadChildren = true;

		m_bbTrack = parent->m_bbTrack;


	setFrames( _frames );

	// inform attached components about new MIDI note (used for recording in Piano Roll)
	if( m_origin == OriginMidiInput )
		m_instrumentTrack->midiNoteOn( *this );

	if( hasParent() || ! m_instrumentTrack->isArpeggioEnabled() )
		const int baseVelocity = m_instrumentTrack->midiPort()->baseVelocity();

		// send MidiNoteOn event
			MidiEvent( MidiNoteOn, midiChannel(), midiKey(), midiVelocity( baseVelocity ) ),
			MidiTime::fromFrames( offset(), engine::framesPerTick() ), 
			offset() );
void NotePlayHandle::play( sampleFrame * _working_buffer )
	if( m_muted )

	// if the note offset falls over to next period, then don't start playback yet
	if( offset() >= Engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod() )
		setOffset( offset() - Engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod() );

	if( m_frequencyNeedsUpdate )

	// number of frames that can be played this period
	f_cnt_t framesThisPeriod = m_totalFramesPlayed == 0
		? Engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod() - offset()
		: Engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod();

	// check if we start release during this period
	if( m_released == false &&
		instrumentTrack()->isSustainPedalPressed() == false &&
		m_totalFramesPlayed + framesThisPeriod > m_frames )
		noteOff( m_totalFramesPlayed == 0
			? ( m_frames + offset() ) // if we have noteon and noteoff during the same period, take offset in account for release frame
			: ( m_frames - m_totalFramesPlayed ) ); // otherwise, the offset is already negated and can be ignored

	// under some circumstances we're called even if there's nothing to play
	// therefore do an additional check which fixes crash e.g. when
	// decreasing release of an instrument-track while the note is active
	if( framesLeft() > 0 )
		// clear offset frames if we're at the first period
		// skip for single-streamed instruments, because in their case NPH::play() could be called from an IPH without a buffer argument
		// ... also, they don't actually render the sound in NPH's, which is an even better reason to skip...
		if( m_totalFramesPlayed == 0 && ! ( m_instrumentTrack->instrument()->flags() & Instrument::IsSingleStreamed ) )
			memset( _working_buffer, 0, sizeof( sampleFrame ) * offset() );
		// play note!
		m_instrumentTrack->playNote( this, _working_buffer );

	if( m_released )
		f_cnt_t todo = framesThisPeriod;

		// if this note is base-note for arpeggio, always set
		// m_releaseFramesToDo to bigger value than m_releaseFramesDone
		// because we do not allow NotePlayHandle::isFinished() to be true
		// until all sub-notes are completely played and no new ones
		// are inserted by arpAndChordsTabWidget::processNote()
		if( ! m_subNotes.isEmpty() )
			m_releaseFramesToDo = m_releaseFramesDone + 2 * Engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod();
		// look whether we have frames left to be done before release
		if( m_framesBeforeRelease )
			// yes, then look whether these samples can be played
			// within one audio-buffer
			if( m_framesBeforeRelease <= framesThisPeriod )
				// yes, then we did less releaseFramesDone
				todo -= m_framesBeforeRelease;
				m_framesBeforeRelease = 0;
				// no, then just decrease framesBeforeRelease
				// and wait for next loop... (we're not in
				// release-phase yet)
				todo = 0;
				m_framesBeforeRelease -= framesThisPeriod;
		// look whether we're in release-phase
		if( todo && m_releaseFramesDone < m_releaseFramesToDo )
			// check whether we have to do more frames in current
			// loop than left in current loop
			if( m_releaseFramesToDo - m_releaseFramesDone >= todo )
				// yes, then increase number of release-frames
				// done
				m_releaseFramesDone += todo;
				// no, we did all in this loop!
				m_releaseFramesDone = m_releaseFramesToDo;

	// play sub-notes (e.g. chords)
	// handled by mixer now
/*	foreach( NotePlayHandle * n, m_subNotes )
		n->play( _working_buffer );
		if( n->isFinished() )
			NotePlayHandleManager::release( n );

	// update internal data
	m_totalFramesPlayed += framesThisPeriod;
Example #8
void Synthesizer::setSemiRange(uint8_t range)
	config->semiRange = range;
Example #9
void Synthesizer::setBaseFrequency(float f)
	config->baseFreq = f;
Example #10
void FrequencyScene::back(void*)
Example #11
Oscillator::Oscillator() : mCurrentPhase (0)
    updateWave (SINE);
    updateFrequency (440);
Example #12
static enum result tmrInit(void *object, const void *configBase)
  const struct GpTimerConfig * const config = configBase;
  const struct GpTimerBaseConfig baseConfig = {
      .channel = config->channel
  struct GpTimer * const timer = object;
  enum result res;

  assert(config->event < GPTIMER_EVENT_END);

  timer->event = config->event ? config->event : GPTIMER_MATCH0;

  /* Call base class constructor */
  if ((res = GpTimerBase->init(object, &baseConfig)) != E_OK)
    return res;

  timer->base.handler = interruptHandler;
  timer->callback = 0;

  /* Initialize peripheral block */
  LPC_TIMER_Type * const reg = timer->base.reg;

  reg->TCR = TCR_CRES;

  reg->IR = reg->IR; /* Clear pending interrupts */
  reg->CCR = 0;
  reg->CTCR = 0;
  reg->MCR = 0;

  updateFrequency(timer, config->frequency);

  /* Configure prescaler and default match value */
  reg->MR[timer->event] = getMaxValue(timer);
  /* Enable external match to generate signals to other peripherals */
  reg->EMR = EMR_CONTROL(timer->event, CONTROL_TOGGLE);

  if ((res = pmRegister(interface, powerStateHandler)) != E_OK)
    return res;

  /* Timer is disabled by default */
  reg->TCR = 0;

  irqSetPriority(timer->base.irq, config->priority);

  return E_OK;
static void tmrDeinit(void *object)
  struct GpTimer * const timer = object;
  LPC_TIMER_Type * const reg = timer->base.reg;

  reg->TCR = 0;


static void tmrCallback(void *object, void (*callback)(void *), void *argument)
  struct GpTimer * const timer = object;
  LPC_TIMER_Type * const reg = timer->base.reg;

  timer->callbackArgument = argument;
  timer->callback = callback;

  if (callback)
    reg->IR = reg->IR;
    reg->MCR |= MCR_INTERRUPT(timer->event);
    reg->MCR &= ~MCR_INTERRUPT(timer->event);
static void tmrSetEnabled(void *object, bool state)
  struct GpTimer * const timer = object;
  LPC_TIMER_Type * const reg = timer->base.reg;

  /* Stop the timer */
  reg->TCR = 0;
  /* Clear pending interrupt flags and direct memory access requests */
  reg->IR = IR_MATCH_INTERRUPT(timer->event);

  if (state)
    /* Clear match value to avoid undefined output level */
    reg->EMR &= ~EMR_EXTERNAL_MATCH(timer->event);

    reg->TCR = TCR_CEN;
static uint32_t tmrGetFrequency(const void *object)
  const struct GpTimer * const timer = object;
  const LPC_TIMER_Type * const reg = timer->base.reg;
  const uint32_t baseClock = gpTimerGetClock((const struct GpTimerBase *)timer);

  return baseClock / (reg->PR + 1);
static void tmrSetFrequency(void *object, uint32_t frequency)
  updateFrequency(object, frequency);
Example #13
static enum result powerStateHandler(void *object, enum pmState state)
  struct GpTimer * const timer = object;

  return state == PM_ACTIVE ? updateFrequency(timer, timer->frequency) : E_OK;