void LinksDialog::changedSortTop( int index ) { /* update */ if (!rsRanks) return; std::list<std::string> peers; /* translate */ switch (index) { default: case 0: mStart = 0; break; case 1: mStart = 1 * ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK; break; case 2: mStart = 2 * ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK; break; case 3: mStart = 3 * ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK; break; case 4: mStart = 4 * ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK; break; case 5: mStart = -1; break; } updateLinks(); }
void LinksDialog::changedSortPeriod( int index ) { /* update */ if (!rsRanks) return; /* translate */ uint32_t period = 0; switch (index) { case 1: period = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; /* WEEK */ break; case 2: period = 60 * 60 * 24; /* DAY */ break; default: case 0: period = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; /* MONTH */ break; } if (period) { rsRanks->setSortPeriod(period); } updateLinks(); }
void LinksDialog::changedSortFrom( int index ) { /* update */ if (!rsRanks) return; std::list<std::string> peers; /* translate */ switch (index) { default: case 0: break; case 1: peers.push_back(mPeers->getOwnId()); break; } if (peers.size() < 1) { rsRanks->clearPeerFilter(); } else { rsRanks->setPeerFilter(peers); } updateLinks(); }
void CScreensLinks::init(HWND hwnd) { // get initial config m_scratchConfig = *m_mainConfig; // fill side list box (in EDirection order) HWND child = getItem(hwnd, IDC_SCREENS_SRC_SIDE); SendMessage(child, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)TEXT("---")); SendMessage(child, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)getString(IDS_EDGE_LEFT).c_str()); SendMessage(child, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)getString(IDS_EDGE_RIGHT).c_str()); SendMessage(child, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)getString(IDS_EDGE_TOP).c_str()); SendMessage(child, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)getString(IDS_EDGE_BOTTOM).c_str()); // create error boxes m_srcSideError = createErrorBox(hwnd); m_srcScreenError = createErrorBox(hwnd); m_dstScreenError = createErrorBox(hwnd); resizeErrorBoxes(); m_selectedLink = -1; m_editedLink = CEdgeLink(); m_edgeLinks.clear(); updateScreens(hwnd, ""); updateScreensControls(hwnd); updateLinks(hwnd); updateLinksControls(hwnd); }
void LinksDialog::changedSortRank( int index ) { /* update */ if (!rsRanks) return; /* translate */ uint32_t type = 0; switch (index) { case 1: type = RS_RANK_TIME; break; case 2: type = RS_RANK_SCORE; break; default: case 0: type = RS_RANK_ALG; break; } if (type) { rsRanks->setSortMethod(type); } updateLinks(); }
void CScreensLinks::removeLink(HWND hwnd) { if (m_editedLink.disconnect(m_config)) { updateLinks(hwnd); updateLinksControls(hwnd); } }
void CScreensLinks::addLink(HWND hwnd) { if (m_editedLink.connect(m_config)) { m_editedLink = CEdgeLink(); updateLinks(hwnd); updateLinksControls(hwnd); } }
// This method insures that context is never NULL (using BaseContext::getDefault() instead) // and that all slaves of an object share its context void BaseObject::changeContextLink(BaseContext* before, BaseContext*& after) { if (!after) after = BaseContext::getDefault(); if (before == after) return; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < l_slaves.size(); ++i) l_slaves.get(i)->l_context.set(after); if (after != BaseContext::getDefault()) { // update links updateLinks(false); } }
void CScreensLinks::addScreen(HWND hwnd) { CAddScreen dialog(hwnd, m_config, ""); if (dialog.doModal()) { updateScreens(hwnd, dialog.getName()); updateScreensControls(hwnd); updateLinks(hwnd); updateLinksControls(hwnd); } }
void CScreensLinks::removeScreen(HWND hwnd) { // remove screen from config (this also removes aliases) m_config->removeScreen(getSelectedScreen(hwnd)); // update dialog updateScreens(hwnd, ""); updateScreensControls(hwnd); updateLinks(hwnd); updateLinksControls(hwnd); }
void LinksDialog::checkUpdate() { std::cerr << "In linksDialog::checkUpdate()" << std::endl; /* update */ if (!rsRanks) { std::cerr << " rsRanks = 0 !!!!" << std::endl; return; } if (rsRanks->updated()) { std::cerr << " rsRanks was updated -> redraw()" << std::endl; updateLinks(); } return; }
void SceneGraphEditor::updateGraph() { int xpos = 50; int ypos = 50; clearGraph(); std::vector<int> uids; // disabled selection as root for testing //feather::qml::command::get_selected_nodes(uids); uids.push_back(0); std::cout << uids.size() << " nodes are selected\n"; std::for_each(uids.begin(),uids.end(),[](int& n){ std::cout << n << ","; }); updateNode(nullptr,0,xpos,ypos); for(auto n : m_nodes) updateLinks(n->uid()); }
void CScreensLinks::editScreen(HWND hwnd) { CString oldName = getSelectedScreen(hwnd); CAddScreen dialog(hwnd, m_config, oldName); if (dialog.doModal()) { CString newName = dialog.getName(); // rename screens in the edge list if (newName != oldName) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_edgeLinks.size(); ++i) { m_edgeLinks[i].rename(oldName, newName); } m_editedLink.rename(oldName, newName); } updateScreens(hwnd, newName); updateScreensControls(hwnd); updateLinks(hwnd); updateLinksControls(hwnd); } }
void CScreensLinks::updateLink(HWND hwnd) { updateLinkValid(hwnd, m_editedLink); // update link in config if (m_selectedLink != -1 && m_editedLinkIsValid) { // editing an existing link and entry is valid if (m_edgeLinks[m_selectedLink].disconnect(m_config)) { // successfully removed old link if (!m_editedLink.connect(m_config)) { // couldn't set new link so restore old link m_edgeLinks[m_selectedLink].connect(m_config); } else { m_edgeLinks[m_selectedLink] = m_editedLink; updateLinks(hwnd); updateLinkEditControls(hwnd, m_editedLink); } } } updateLinkView(hwnd); }
void LinksDialog::addLinkComment( void ) { /* get the title / link / comment */ QString title = ui.titleLineEdit->text(); QString link = ui.linkLineEdit->text(); QString comment = ui.linkTextEdit->toPlainText(); int32_t score = IndexToScore(ui.scoreBox->currentIndex()); if ((mLinkId == "") || (ui.anonBox->isChecked())) { if ((link == "") || (title == "")) { QMessageBox::warning ( NULL, tr("Add Link Failure"), tr("Missing Link and/or Title"), QMessageBox::Ok); /* can't do anything */ return; } /* add it either way */ if (ui.anonBox->isChecked()) { rsRanks->anonRankMsg("", link.toStdWString(), title.toStdWString()); } else { rsRanks->newRankMsg( link.toStdWString(), title.toStdWString(), comment.toStdWString(), score); } updateLinks(); return; } /* get existing details */ RsRankDetails detail; if (!rsRanks->getRankDetails(mLinkId, detail)) { /* strange error! */ QMessageBox::warning ( NULL, tr("Add Link Failure"), tr("Missing Link Data"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } if (link.toStdWString() == detail.link) /* same link! - we can add a comment */ { if (comment == "") /* no comment! */ { QMessageBox::warning ( NULL, tr("Add Link Failure"), tr("Missing Comment"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } rsRanks->updateComment(mLinkId, comment.toStdWString(), score); } else { QMessageBox::StandardButton sb = QMessageBox::Yes; if ((title.toStdWString() == detail.title) /* same title! - wrong */ || (title == "")) { sb = QMessageBox::question ( NULL, tr("Link Title Not Changed"), tr("Do you want to continue?"), (QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No)); } /* add Link! */ if (sb == QMessageBox::Yes) { rsRanks->newRankMsg( link.toStdWString(), title.toStdWString(), comment.toStdWString(), score); } } updateLinks(); return; }
void Canvas::rotateCCW() { int linkNum = getAxis() - 1; updateLinks(links[linkNum], -1*BASE_ANGLE); }