PanelPaletteManager::PanelPaletteManager(Unity2dPanel* panel) : QObject(panel), m_panel(panel) { connect(DashClient::instance(), SIGNAL(activeChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePalette())); connect(DashClient::instance(), SIGNAL(dashDisconnected()), this, SLOT(updatePalette())); connect(HUDClient::instance(), SIGNAL(activeChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePalette())); connect(DashClient::instance(), SIGNAL(screenChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updatePalette())); connect(HUDClient::instance(), SIGNAL(screenChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updatePalette())); connect(&unity2dConfiguration(), SIGNAL(averageBgColorChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updatePalette())); m_gConnector.connect(gtk_settings_get_default(), "notify::gtk-theme-name", G_CALLBACK(onThemeChanged), this); updatePalette(); }
void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::resolvePalette(uint inheritedMask) { inheritedPaletteResolveMask = inheritedMask; QPalette naturalPalette = naturalWidgetPalette(); QPalette resolvedPalette = palette.resolve(naturalPalette); updatePalette(resolvedPalette); }
void Utility::updateShader() { if(config->video.shader == "None") { video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)""); video.set(Video::Filter, Video::FilterNearest); } else if(config->video.shader == "Blur") { video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)""); video.set(Video::Filter, Video::FilterLinear); } else if(config->video.shader == "Display Emulation" && config->video.driver != "OpenGL") { video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)""); video.set(Video::Filter, Video::FilterLinear); } else if(config->video.shader == "Display Emulation") { if(program->active) { string pathname = program->path("Video Shaders/"); pathname.append("Display Emulation/"); pathname.append(presentation->systemName, ".shader/"); if(directory::exists(pathname)) { video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)pathname); } else { video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)""); video.set(Video::Filter, Video::FilterLinear); } } else { video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)""); video.set(Video::Filter, Video::FilterLinear); } } else { video.set(Video::Shader, (const char*)config->video.shader); } updatePalette(); }
void SmackerPlayer::updateFrame() { if (!_smackerDecoder || !_smackerSurface) return; const Graphics::Surface *smackerFrame = _smackerDecoder->decodeNextFrame(); if (_smackerFirst) { _smackerSurface->setSmackerFrame(smackerFrame); if (_drawX < 0 || _drawY < 0) { if (_doubleSurface) { _drawX = 320 - _smackerDecoder->getWidth(); _drawY = 240 - _smackerDecoder->getHeight(); } else { _drawX = (640 - _smackerDecoder->getWidth()) / 2; _drawY = (480 - _smackerDecoder->getHeight()) / 2; } } _smackerSurface->getDrawRect().x = _drawX; _smackerSurface->getDrawRect().y = _drawY; _smackerFirst = false; } if (_smackerDecoder->hasDirtyPalette()) updatePalette(); }
K3ActiveLabelPrivate::K3ActiveLabelPrivate(K3ActiveLabel *qq) : q(qq) { q->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); q->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); q->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); q->setFocusPolicy(Qt::TabFocus); updatePalette(); }
void Screen::update() { _ticks = _vm->_system->getMillis(); updatePalette(); if (_fullRefresh) { // NOTE When playing a fullscreen/doubled Smacker video usually a full screen refresh is needed _vm->_system->copyRectToScreen((const byte*)_backScreen->getPixels(), _backScreen->pitch, 0, 0, 640, 480); _fullRefresh = false; return; } _microTiles->clear(); for (RenderQueue::iterator it = _renderQueue->begin(); it != _renderQueue->end(); ++it) { RenderItem &renderItem = (*it); renderItem._refresh = true; for (RenderQueue::iterator jt = _prevRenderQueue->begin(); jt != _prevRenderQueue->end(); ++jt) { RenderItem &prevRenderItem = (*jt); if (prevRenderItem == renderItem) { prevRenderItem._refresh = false; renderItem._refresh = false; } } } for (RenderQueue::iterator jt = _prevRenderQueue->begin(); jt != _prevRenderQueue->end(); ++jt) { RenderItem &prevRenderItem = (*jt); if (prevRenderItem._refresh) _microTiles->addRect(Common::Rect(prevRenderItem._destX, prevRenderItem._destY, prevRenderItem._destX + prevRenderItem._width, prevRenderItem._destY + prevRenderItem._height)); } for (RenderQueue::iterator it = _renderQueue->begin(); it != _renderQueue->end(); ++it) { RenderItem &renderItem = (*it); if (renderItem._refresh) _microTiles->addRect(Common::Rect(renderItem._destX, renderItem._destY, renderItem._destX + renderItem._width, renderItem._destY + renderItem._height)); renderItem._refresh = true; } RectangleList *updateRects = _microTiles->getRectangles(); for (RenderQueue::iterator it = _renderQueue->begin(); it != _renderQueue->end(); ++it) { RenderItem &renderItem = (*it); for (RectangleList::iterator ri = updateRects->begin(); ri != updateRects->end(); ++ri) blitRenderItem(renderItem, *ri); } SWAP(_renderQueue, _prevRenderQueue); _renderQueue->clear(); for (RectangleList::iterator ri = updateRects->begin(); ri != updateRects->end(); ++ri) { Common::Rect &r = *ri; _vm->_system->copyRectToScreen((const byte*)_backScreen->getBasePtr(r.left,, _backScreen->pitch, r.left,, r.width(), r.height()); } delete updateRects; }
void KdmItem::setWidgetAttribs(QWidget *widget) { widget->setStyle(style.guistyle); widget->setPalette(style.palette); ::setWidgetAttribs(widget, style, style.frame); widget->installEventFilter(this); updatePalette(widget); }
void PaletteViewControl::refresh() { updatePalette(); int sw = w/16; int sh = h/16; for(int i = 0; i < colors; i++) { render(palette[i], i & (sw-1), i/sw); } InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE); }
TrackView::TrackView(SyncPage *page, QWidget *parent) : QAbstractScrollArea(parent), page(page), windowRows(0), readOnly(false), dragging(false) { Q_ASSERT(page); lineEdit = new QLineEdit(this); lineEdit->setAutoFillBackground(true); lineEdit->hide(); QDoubleValidator *lineEditValidator = new QDoubleValidator(); lineEditValidator->setNotation(QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation); lineEditValidator->setLocale(QLocale::c()); lineEdit->setValidator(lineEditValidator); QObject::connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(onEditingFinished())); viewport()->setAutoFillBackground(false); setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); scrollPosX = 0; scrollPosY = 0; editRow = 0; editTrack = 0; selectionStart = selectionEnd = QPoint(0, 0); updateFont(fontMetrics()); updatePalette(); stepPen = QPen(); lerpPen = QPen(QBrush(Qt::red), 2); smoothPen = QPen(QBrush(Qt::green), 2); rampPen = QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), 2); editBrush = Qt::yellow; bookmarkBrush = QColor(128, 128, 255); handCursor = QCursor(Qt::OpenHandCursor); setMouseTracking(true); setupScrollBars(); QObject::connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onHScroll(int))); QObject::connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onVScroll(int))); QObject::connect(page, SIGNAL(trackHeaderChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onTrackHeaderChanged(int))); QObject::connect(page, SIGNAL(trackDataChanged(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(onTrackDataChanged(int, int, int))); }
void PlayQueueView::readConfig() { int origOpacity=backgroundOpacity; int origBlur=backgroundBlur; QString origCustomBackgroundFile=customBackgroundFile; BackgroundImage origType=backgroundImageType; setAutoExpand(Settings::self()->playQueueAutoExpand()); setStartClosed(Settings::self()->playQueueStartClosed()); backgroundImageType=(BackgroundImage)Settings::self()->playQueueBackground(); backgroundOpacity=Settings::self()->playQueueBackgroundOpacity(); backgroundBlur=Settings::self()->playQueueBackgroundBlur(); customBackgroundFile=Settings::self()->playQueueBackgroundFile(); setMode((ItemView::Mode)Settings::self()->playQueueView()); switch (backgroundImageType) { case BI_None: if (origType!=backgroundImageType) { updatePalette(); previousBackground=QPixmap(); curentCover=QImage(); curentBackground=QPixmap(); view()->viewport()->update(); setImage(QImage()); } break; case BI_Cover: if (BI_None==origType) { updatePalette(); } if ((origType!=backgroundImageType || backgroundOpacity!=origOpacity || backgroundBlur!=origBlur)) { setImage(CurrentCover::self()->isValid() ? CurrentCover::self()->image() : QImage()); } break; case BI_Custom: if (BI_None==origType) { updatePalette(); } if (origType!=backgroundImageType || backgroundOpacity!=origOpacity || backgroundBlur!=origBlur || origCustomBackgroundFile!=customBackgroundFile) { setImage(QImage(customBackgroundFile)); } break; } }
MapDisplay::MapDisplay() : Display() , manual_object_( NULL ) , loaded_( false ) , resolution_( 0.0f ) , width_( 0 ) , height_( 0 ) { connect(this, SIGNAL( mapUpdated() ), this, SLOT( showMap() )); topic_property_ = new RosTopicProperty( "Topic", "", QString::fromStdString( ros::message_traits::datatype<nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid>() ), "nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid topic to subscribe to.", this, SLOT( updateTopic() )); alpha_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Alpha", 0.7, "Amount of transparency to apply to the map.", this, SLOT( updateAlpha() )); alpha_property_->setMin( 0 ); alpha_property_->setMax( 1 ); color_scheme_property_ = new EnumProperty( "Color Scheme", "map", "How to color the occupancy values.", this, SLOT( updatePalette() )); // Option values here must correspond to indices in palette_textures_ array in onInitialize() below. color_scheme_property_->addOption( "map", 0 ); color_scheme_property_->addOption( "costmap", 1 ); draw_under_property_ = new Property( "Draw Behind", false, "Rendering option, controls whether or not the map is always" " drawn behind everything else.", this, SLOT( updateDrawUnder() )); resolution_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Resolution", 0, "Resolution of the map. (not editable)", this ); resolution_property_->setReadOnly( true ); width_property_ = new IntProperty( "Width", 0, "Width of the map, in meters. (not editable)", this ); width_property_->setReadOnly( true ); height_property_ = new IntProperty( "Height", 0, "Height of the map, in meters. (not editable)", this ); height_property_->setReadOnly( true ); position_property_ = new VectorProperty( "Position", Ogre::Vector3::ZERO, "Position of the bottom left corner of the map, in meters. (not editable)", this ); position_property_->setReadOnly( true ); orientation_property_ = new QuaternionProperty( "Orientation", Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY, "Orientation of the map. (not editable)", this ); orientation_property_->setReadOnly( true ); }
bool KdmItem::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::WindowActivate || e->type() == QEvent::WindowDeactivate || e->type() == QEvent::EnabledChange) { updatePalette((QWidget *)o); } else if (e->type() == QEvent::ChildAdded) { ::setWidgetAttribs(myWidget, style, style.frame); } return false; }
static void updateWidget(EditorWidget *my_widget,QWidget *widget){ QPalette pal(widget->palette()); updatePalette(my_widget,widget,pal); if(override_default_qt_colors) widget->setPalette(pal); else widget->setPalette(sys_palette); //QFont font=QFont("Bitstream Vera Sans Mono",4); //widget->setFont(QApplication::font()); }
void TrackView::changeEvent(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::FontChange: updateFont(fontMetrics()); update(); break; case QEvent::PaletteChange: updatePalette(); break; default: ; } }
EffectsListWidget::EffectsListWidget(QWidget *parent) : QTreeWidget(parent) { setColumnCount(1); setDragEnabled(true); setAcceptDrops(false); setHeaderHidden(true); setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); setAutoFillBackground(false); setRootIsDecorated(true); setIndentation(10); //setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragOnly); updatePalette(); connect(this, &EffectsListWidget::activated, this, &EffectsListWidget::slotExpandItem); }
void ToucheEngine::res_loadRoom(int num) { debugC(9, kDebugResource, "ToucheEngine::res_loadRoom() num=%d flag115=%d", num, _flagsTable[115]); debug(0, "Setting up room %d", num); const uint32 offsInfo = res_getDataOffset(kResourceTypeRoomInfo, num);; _fData.skip(2); const int roomImageNum = _fData.readUint16LE(); _fData.skip(2); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {[i * 4], 3); _paletteBuffer[i * 4 + 3] = 0; } const uint32 offsImage = res_getDataOffset(kResourceTypeRoomImage, roomImageNum);; res_loadBackdrop(); bool updateScreenPalette = _flagsTable[115] == 0; // Workaround to what appears to be a scripting bug. Scripts 27 and 100 triggers // a palette fading just after loading a room. Catch this, so that only *one* // palette refresh occurs. if ((_currentEpisodeNum == 27 && _currentRoomNum == 56 && num == 34) || (_currentEpisodeNum == 100 && _currentRoomNum == 2 && num == 1)) { updateScreenPalette = false; } if (updateScreenPalette) { updatePalette(); } else { setPalette(0, 255, 0, 0, 0); } _currentRoomNum = num; _updatedRoomAreasTable[0] = 1; _fullRedrawCounter = 1; _roomNeedRedraw = true; _sequenceEntryTable[5].sprNum = -1; _sequenceEntryTable[5].seqNum = -1; _sequenceEntryTable[6].sprNum = -1; _sequenceEntryTable[6].seqNum = -1; }
void Screen::forceFadeOut() { const int FADE_AMOUNT = 2; bool repeatFlag; byte *srcP; int count; do { repeatFlag = false; for (srcP = &_tempPalette[0], count = 0; count < PALETTE_SIZE; ++count, ++srcP) { int v = *srcP; if (v) { repeatFlag = true; *srcP = MAX((int)*srcP - FADE_AMOUNT, 0); } } updatePalette(); _vm->_events->pollEventsAndWait(); } while (repeatFlag && !_vm->shouldQuit()); }
void Screen::forceFadeIn() { Common::fill(&_tempPalette[0], &_tempPalette[PALETTE_SIZE], 0); const int FADE_AMOUNT = 2; bool repeatFlag; do { repeatFlag = false; const byte *srcP = &_rawPalette[0]; byte *destP = &_tempPalette[0]; for (int idx = 0; idx < PALETTE_SIZE; ++idx, ++srcP, ++destP) { if (*destP != *srcP) { repeatFlag = true; *destP = MIN((int)*destP + FADE_AMOUNT, (int)*srcP); } } updatePalette(); _vm->_events->pollEventsAndWait(); } while (repeatFlag); }
MainWindow::MainWindow() : QWidget() , _positionUpdatedTimer(this) , _body(this) , _icon(CreateIcon()) , _titleText(qsl("Telegram")) { subscribe(Theme::Background(), [this](const Theme::BackgroundUpdate &data) { if (data.paletteChanged()) { if (_title) { _title->update(); } updatePalette(); } }); subscribe(Global::RefUnreadCounterUpdate(), [this] { updateUnreadCounter(); }); subscribe(Global::RefWorkMode(), [this](DBIWorkMode mode) { workmodeUpdated(mode); }); subscribe(Messenger::Instance().authSessionChanged(), [this] { checkAuthSession(); }); checkAuthSession(); _isActiveTimer.setCallback([this] { updateIsActive(0); }); _inactivePressTimer.setCallback([this] { setInactivePress(false); }); }
void MainWindow::init() { Expects(!windowHandle()); createWinId(); initHook(); updateWindowIcon(); connect(windowHandle(), &QWindow::activeChanged, this, [this] { handleActiveChanged(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(windowHandle(), &QWindow::windowStateChanged, this, [this](Qt::WindowState state) { handleStateChanged(state); }); _positionUpdatedTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_positionUpdatedTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(savePositionByTimer())); updatePalette(); if ((_title = Platform::CreateTitleWidget(this))) { _title->init(); } initSize(); updateUnreadCounter(); }
void PlayQueueView::setMode(ItemView::Mode m) { if (m==mode || (ItemView::Mode_GroupedTree!=m && ItemView::Mode_Table!=m)) { return; } if (ItemView::Mode_Table==mode) { treeView->saveHeader(); } switch (m) { case ItemView::Mode_GroupedTree: if (!groupedView) { groupedView=new PlayQueueGroupedView(this); groupedView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); groupedView->setIndentation(0); groupedView->setItemsExpandable(false); groupedView->setExpandsOnDoubleClick(false); groupedView->installFilter(new KeyEventHandler(groupedView, removeFromAction)); addWidget(groupedView); connect(groupedView, SIGNAL(itemsSelected(bool)), SIGNAL(itemsSelected(bool))); connect(groupedView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &))); updatePalette(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC groupedView->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0); #endif groupedView->setProperty(ProxyStyle::constModifyFrameProp, ProxyStyle::VF_Top); } break; case ItemView::Mode_Table: if (!treeView) { treeView=new PlayQueueTreeView(this); treeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); treeView->installFilter(new KeyEventHandler(treeView, removeFromAction)); treeView->initHeader(); addWidget(treeView); connect(treeView, SIGNAL(itemsSelected(bool)), SIGNAL(itemsSelected(bool))); connect(treeView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &))); updatePalette(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC treeView->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0); #endif treeView->setProperty(ProxyStyle::constModifyFrameProp, ProxyStyle::VF_Top); } default: break; } QAbstractItemModel *model=0; QList<QAction *> actions; if (ItemView::Mode_Count!=mode) { QAbstractItemView *v=view(); model=v->model(); v->setModel(0); actions=v->actions(); } mode=m; QAbstractItemView *v=view(); v->setModel(model); if (!actions.isEmpty() && v->actions().isEmpty()) { v->addActions(actions); } if (ItemView::Mode_Table==mode) { treeView->initHeader(); } setCurrentWidget(static_cast<QWidget *>(view())); if (spinner) { spinner->setWidget(view()); if (spinner->isActive()) { spinner->start(); } } if (msgOverlay) { msgOverlay->setWidget(view()); } }
static void updateApplication(EditorWidget *my_widget,QApplication *app){ QPalette pal(app->palette()); updatePalette(my_widget,NULL,pal); app->setPalette(pal); }
Highlighter::Highlighter(QTextDocument* parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) , m_Palette(std::make_shared<PythonPalette>(PythonPaletteManager::instance().palette())) { updatePalette(); }
void MapDisplay::showMap() { if ( { return; } if( !validateFloats( current_map_ )) { setStatus( StatusProperty::Error, "Map", "Message contained invalid floating point values (nans or infs)" ); return; } if( * == 0 ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Map is zero-sized (" << << "x" << << ")"; setStatus( StatusProperty::Error, "Map", QString::fromStdString( ss.str() )); return; } setStatus( StatusProperty::Ok, "Message", "Map received" ); ROS_DEBUG( "Received a %d X %d map @ %.3f m/pix\n",,, ); float resolution =; int width =; int height =; Ogre::Vector3 position(,, ); Ogre::Quaternion orientation(,,, ); frame_ = current_map_.header.frame_id; if (frame_.empty()) { frame_ = "/map"; } unsigned int pixels_size = width * height; unsigned char* pixels = new unsigned char[pixels_size]; memset(pixels, 255, pixels_size); bool map_status_set = false; unsigned int num_pixels_to_copy = pixels_size; if( pixels_size != ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Data size doesn't match width*height: width = " << width << ", height = " << height << ", data size = " <<; setStatus( StatusProperty::Error, "Map", QString::fromStdString( ss.str() )); map_status_set = true; // Keep going, but don't read past the end of the data. if( < pixels_size ) { num_pixels_to_copy =; } } memcpy( pixels, ¤[0], num_pixels_to_copy ); Ogre::DataStreamPtr pixel_stream; pixel_stream.bind( new Ogre::MemoryDataStream( pixels, pixels_size )); if( !texture_.isNull() ) { Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().remove( texture_->getName() ); texture_.setNull(); } static int tex_count = 0; std::stringstream ss; ss << "MapTexture" << tex_count++; try { texture_ = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().loadRawData( ss.str(), Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, pixel_stream, width, height, Ogre::PF_L8, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, 0); if( !map_status_set ) { setStatus( StatusProperty::Ok, "Map", "Map OK" ); } } catch(Ogre::RenderingAPIException&) { Ogre::Image image; pixel_stream->seek(0); float fwidth = width; float fheight = height; if( width > height ) { float aspect = fheight / fwidth; fwidth = 2048; fheight = fwidth * aspect; } else { float aspect = fwidth / fheight; fheight = 2048; fwidth = fheight * aspect; } { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Map is larger than your graphics card supports. Downsampled from [" << width << "x" << height << "] to [" << fwidth << "x" << fheight << "]"; setStatus(StatusProperty::Ok, "Map", QString::fromStdString( ss.str() )); } ROS_WARN("Failed to create full-size map texture, likely because your graphics card does not support textures of size > 2048. Downsampling to [%d x %d]...", (int)fwidth, (int)fheight); //ROS_INFO("Stream size [%d], width [%f], height [%f], w * h [%f]", pixel_stream->size(), width, height, width * height); image.loadRawData(pixel_stream, width, height, Ogre::PF_L8); image.resize(fwidth, fheight, Ogre::Image::FILTER_NEAREST); ss << "Downsampled"; texture_ = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().loadImage(ss.str(), Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, image); } delete [] pixels; Ogre::Pass* pass = material_->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0); Ogre::TextureUnitState* tex_unit = NULL; if (pass->getNumTextureUnitStates() > 0) { tex_unit = pass->getTextureUnitState(0); } else { tex_unit = pass->createTextureUnitState(); } tex_unit->setTextureName(texture_->getName()); tex_unit->setTextureFiltering( Ogre::TFO_NONE ); updatePalette(); resolution_property_->setValue( resolution ); width_property_->setValue( width ); height_property_->setValue( height ); position_property_->setVector( position ); orientation_property_->setQuaternion( orientation ); transformMap(); manual_object_->setVisible( true ); scene_node_->setScale( resolution * width, resolution * height, 1.0 ); context_->queueRender(); }
void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::setPalette_helper(const QPalette &palette) { if (this->palette == palette && this->palette.resolve() == palette.resolve()) return; updatePalette(palette); }