GridRenderEngine::GridRenderEngine(double _xsize, double _ysize, double _zsize, double _xdist, double _ydist, double _zdist) { mSize << _xsize, _ysize, _zsize; mCellSize << _xdist, _ydist, _zdist; mName = "Grid"; updatePose(); }
/* updatePoseRecursive */ void ArticulatedObject::updatePoseRecursive(const Eigen::Matrix4f &_pose) { updatePose(_pose); for (unsigned i=0; i<subparts.size(); i++) { updatePoseRecursive(pose, *parts[subparts[i]], parts); } }
GridRenderEngine::GridRenderEngine() { mSize << 1000, 1000, 100; mCellSize << 100, 100, 100; mName = "Grid"; updatePose(); }
/************************************** * Definition: Turns the robot as close to the specified theta * as possible. When theta is within the specified * theta error threshold, it returns. * * Parameters: floats specifying theta goal and theta error limit **************************************/ void Robot::turnTo(float thetaGoal, float thetaErrorLimit) { float theta; float thetaError; float turnGain; printf("adjusting theta\n"); do { updatePose(false); theta = _northStar->getTheta(); thetaError = thetaGoal - theta; thetaError = Util::normalizeThetaError(thetaError); turnGain = _turnPID->updatePID(thetaError); if (thetaError < -thetaErrorLimit) { int turnSpeed = (int)(10 - 9 * turnGain); turnSpeed = Util::capSpeed(turnSpeed, 10); turnRight(turnSpeed); } else if(thetaError > thetaErrorLimit){ int turnSpeed = (int)(10 - 9 * turnGain); turnSpeed = Util::capSpeed(turnSpeed, 10); turnLeft(turnSpeed); } } while (fabs(thetaError) > thetaErrorLimit); printf("theta acceptable\n"); }
/************************************** * Definition: Fills sensor filters entirely **************************************/ void Robot::prefillData() { printf("prefilling data\n"); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FILTER_TAPS; i++){ updatePose(true); } printf("sufficient data collected\n"); }
void RobotNode::setJointValue(float q) { RobotPtr r = getRobot(); VR_ASSERT(r); WriteLockPtr lock = r->getWriteLock(); setJointValueNoUpdate(q); updatePose(); }
GroundRenderEngine::GroundRenderEngine(double _xsize, double _zsize, double _xdist, double _zdist) : mXsize(_xsize), mZsize(_zsize), mXdist(_xdist), mZdist(_zdist), mPrimaryRed(0.2), mPrimaryGreen(0.2), mPrimaryBlue(0.2), mSecondaryRed(0.5), mSecondaryGreen(0.5), mSecondaryBlue(0.5) { mName = "ground plate"; updatePose(); }
/************************************** * Definition: Attempts to move the robot to the specified location * in the global coord system, disregarding cells. If * theta error is exceeded, the method returns theta error. * * Parameters: floats specifying x and y in global system, and * a float specifying the theta error limit **************************************/ float Robot::moveToUntil(float x, float y, float distErrorLimit, float thetaErrorLimit) { float yError; float xError; float thetaDesired; float thetaError; float distError; float moveGain; printf("heading toward (%f, %f)\n", x, y); do { updatePose(true); yError = y - _pose->getY(); xError = x - _pose->getX(); switch (_heading) { case DIR_NORTH: thetaDesired = DEGREE_90; distError = fabs(y - _pose->getY()); break; case DIR_SOUTH: thetaDesired = DEGREE_270; distError = fabs(y - _pose->getY()); break; case DIR_EAST: thetaDesired = DEGREE_0; distError = fabs(x - _pose->getX()); break; case DIR_WEST: thetaDesired = DEGREE_180; distError = fabs(x - _pose->getX()); break; } thetaError = thetaDesired - _northStar->getTheta(); thetaError = Util::normalizeThetaError(thetaError); moveGain = _movePID->updatePID(distError); _turnPID->updatePID(thetaError); if (fabs(thetaError) > thetaErrorLimit) { printf("theta error of %f too great\n", thetaError); return thetaError; } int moveSpeed = (int)(10 - 9 * moveGain); moveSpeed = Util::capSpeed(moveSpeed, 10); moveForward(moveSpeed); } while (distError > distErrorLimit); return 0; // no error when we've finished }
void MetaBlock::updatePose(mscene *current_scene, const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose) { updatePose(pose); //pub_obj_moveit->publish(collObj_); std::vector<moveit_msgs::CollisionObject> coll_objects; coll_objects.push_back(collObj_); current_scene->addCollisionObjects(coll_objects); sleep(0.5); }
void ServerDriver::openvr_poseUpdate(uint32_t unWhichDevice, vr::DriverPose_t & newPose, int64_t timestamp) { auto devicePtr = this->m_openvrIdToVirtualDeviceMap[unWhichDevice]; auto now = std::chrono::duration_cast <std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); auto diff = 0.0; if (timestamp < now) { diff = ((double)now - timestamp) / 1000.0; } if (devicePtr) { devicePtr->updatePose(newPose, -diff); } else { if (_openvrIdToDeviceManipulationHandleMap[unWhichDevice] && _openvrIdToDeviceManipulationHandleMap[unWhichDevice]->isValid()) { newPose.poseTimeOffset -= diff; _openvrIdToDeviceManipulationHandleMap[unWhichDevice]->ll_sendPoseUpdate(newPose); } } }
int PSMoveTemplateController::updateSuccess(MoveServerPacket *move_server_packet) { //ROS_ERROR("updateSuccess: %f, %f, %f, %d", move_server_packet->state[0].pos[0], move_server_packet->state[0].pos[1], move_server_packet->state[0].pos[2], move_server_packet->state[0].pad.analog_trigger); //Only update if trigger is pressed and there is an object selected if(move_server_packet->state[0].pad.analog_trigger > 0 && selected_object_topic_ != "") { if(last_analog_trigger_ == 0) first_time_ = true; // create an interactive marker update message using that string vigir_ocs_msgs::OCSInteractiveMarkerUpdate cmd; //Update current pose geometry_msgs::PoseStamped p; p = updatePose(object_pose_, move_server_packet, /*(float)move_server_packet->state[0].pad.analog_trigger/255.0f*/1.0f); //Add to the template_update cmd.client_id = ros::this_node::getName(); cmd.topic = selected_object_topic_; cmd.pose = p; cmd.pose.header.frame_id = "/world"; cmd.pose.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); cmd.update_mode = vigir_ocs_msgs::OCSInteractiveMarkerUpdate::SET_POSE; //Publish the new pose interactive_marker_update_pub_.publish(cmd); cout << "object pose updated and published" << "\n"; } // save last trigger value last_analog_trigger_ = move_server_packet->state[0].pad.analog_trigger; //Save position and orientation old_move_position_.setX(move_server_packet->state[0].handle_pos[0]); old_move_position_.setY(move_server_packet->state[0].handle_pos[1]); old_move_position_.setZ(move_server_packet->state[0].handle_pos[2]); old_move_orientation_.setX(move_server_packet->state[0].quat[0]); old_move_orientation_.setY(move_server_packet->state[0].quat[1]); old_move_orientation_.setZ(move_server_packet->state[0].quat[2]); old_move_orientation_.setScalar(move_server_packet->state[0].quat[3]); return 0; }
void PictogramObject::update(float wall_dt, float ros_dt) { if (text_.empty()) { // not yet setted return; } // update position and orientation if (!context_) { return; } updatePose(wall_dt); if (!need_to_update_) { return; } need_to_update_ = false; ScopedPixelBuffer buffer = texture_object_->getBuffer(); QColor transparent(255, 255, 255, 0); QImage Hud = buffer.getQImage(128, 128, transparent); // should change according to size QPainter painter( &Hud ); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); QColor foreground = rviz::ogreToQt(color_); painter.setPen(QPen(foreground, 5, Qt::SolidLine)); if (isCharacterSupported(text_)) { QFont font = getFont(text_); QString pictogram_text = lookupPictogramText(text_); if (isEntypo(text_)) { font.setPointSize(100); } else if (isFontAwesome(text_)) { font.setPointSize(45); } painter.setFont(font); painter.drawText(0, 0, 128, 128, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, pictogram_text); painter.end(); } else { ROS_WARN("%s is not supported", text_.c_str()); } }
// Class implementation of a spinOnce() type function. // Checks for new data, if both are new then update pose. void ambcap_pros::spinOnce() { if ( newDataRShank && newDataRThigh ) { updatePose(); } }
void KalmanFilter::updateMeasurement(double measurement, double variance, const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 2>& C, double timestamp) { updatePose(timestamp); updateState(measurement, variance, C, predictState(timestamp)); lastMeasurementTimestamp_ = timestamp; }
/************************************** * Definition: Strafes the robot until it is considered centered * between two squares in a corridor **************************************/ void Robot::center() { moveHead(RI_HEAD_MIDDLE); int turnAttempts = 0; Camera::prevTagState = -1; while (true) { bool turn = false; float centerError = _camera->centerError(COLOR_PINK, &turn); if (turn) { if (_centerTurn(centerError)) { break; } turnAttempts++; } else { if (_centerStrafe(centerError)) { break; } } if (turnAttempts > 2) { moveHead(RI_HEAD_DOWN); // make sure we are close to our desired heading, in case we didn't move correctly updatePose(false); float thetaHeading; switch (_heading) { case DIR_NORTH: thetaHeading = DEGREE_90; break; case DIR_SOUTH: thetaHeading = DEGREE_270; break; case DIR_EAST: thetaHeading = DEGREE_0; break; case DIR_WEST: thetaHeading = DEGREE_180; break; } float theta = _pose->getTheta(); float thetaError = thetaHeading - theta; thetaError = Util::normalizeThetaError(thetaError); if (fabs(thetaError) > DEGREE_45) { // if we turned beyond 45 degrees from our // heading, this was a mistake. let's turn // back just enough so we're 45 degrees from // our heading. float thetaGoal = Util::normalizeTheta(theta + (DEGREE_45 + thetaError)); turnTo(thetaGoal, MAX_THETA_ERROR); } turnAttempts = 0; moveHead(RI_HEAD_MIDDLE); } } moveHead(RI_HEAD_DOWN); _centerTurnPID->flushPID(); _centerStrafePID->flushPID(); }
void Mechanism::stepWorld(){ pdController(); // apply pd control dynamicsWorld_->stepSimulation(1/60.f,10); // step simulation updatePose(); // update rbt transform and pose_ }
void DebugAttachmentSystem::onFrameUpdate(const UpdateFrame & updateFrame) { auto & imGuiSystem = world().systemRef<ImGuiSystem>(); if (!imGuiSystem.showView("Debug Attachments")) { m_visibleNode->setVisible(false); m_obscuredNode->setVisible(false); return; } m_visibleNode->setVisible(true); m_obscuredNode->setVisible(false); size_t currentAttachmentIndex = 0; for (const auto & entityEntry : m_entities) { if (! continue; const auto entity = world().entityById(; const auto & equipment = entity.component<Equipment>(); for (const auto & attachment : equipment.attachments()) { auto transform = Transform3D::fromPose(attachment->worldPose()); transform.setScale( entity.component<Transform3DComponent>().transform().scale()); updateSphere( m_visibleNode->sphere(currentAttachmentIndex), attachment, transform); updateSphere( m_obscuredNode->sphere(currentAttachmentIndex), attachment, transform); updatePose( m_visibleNode->pose(currentAttachmentIndex), attachment, transform); updatePose( m_obscuredNode->pose(currentAttachmentIndex), attachment, transform); currentAttachmentIndex++; } } m_numAllocatedPrimitives = std::max(currentAttachmentIndex, m_numAllocatedPrimitives); for (; currentAttachmentIndex < m_numAllocatedPrimitives; currentAttachmentIndex++) { m_visibleNode->pose(currentAttachmentIndex).setVisible(false); m_obscuredNode->pose(currentAttachmentIndex).setVisible(false); m_visibleNode->sphere(currentAttachmentIndex).setVisible(false); m_obscuredNode->sphere(currentAttachmentIndex).setVisible(false); } }
void QArClient::updateNumbersReceived(ArRobotInfo robotInfo) { emit updatePose(robotInfo); }
void QArClient::updateStringsReceived(ArRobotInfo robotInfo) { emit updatePose(robotInfo); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // physx::PxTransform FollowPoseComponent::pose() { _lastPose = updatePose(); return _lastPose; }
//============================================================================= // CLASS FollowPoseComponent //============================================================================= //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void FollowPoseComponent::follow( const GameObjectRef &iGameObject) { _followedGO = iGameObject; updatePose(); }
Robot::Robot(std::string address, int id) { // store the robot's name as an int to be used later _name = Util::nameFrom(address); // initialize movement variables _numCellsTraveled = 0; _turnDirection = 0; _movingForward = true; _speed = 0; _heading = DIR_NORTH; setFailLimit(MAX_UPDATE_FAILS); _robotInterface = new RobotInterface(address, id); printf("robot interface loaded\n"); // initialize camera _camera = new Camera(_robotInterface); // initialize position sensors _wheelEncoders = new WheelEncoders(this); _northStar = new NorthStar(this); // initialize global pose _pose = new Pose(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // bind _pose to the kalman filter _kalmanFilter = new KalmanFilter(_pose); _kalmanFilter->setUncertainty(PROC_X_UNCERTAIN, PROC_Y_UNCERTAIN, PROC_THETA_UNCERTAIN, NS_X_UNCERTAIN, NS_Y_UNCERTAIN, NS_THETA_UNCERTAIN, WE_X_UNCERTAIN, WE_Y_UNCERTAIN, WE_THETA_UNCERTAIN); printf("kalman filter initialized\n"); PIDConstants movePIDConstants = {PID_MOVE_KP, PID_MOVE_KI, PID_MOVE_KD}; PIDConstants turnPIDConstants = {PID_TURN_KP, PID_TURN_KI, PID_TURN_KD}; _movePID = new PID(&movePIDConstants, MIN_MOVE_ERROR, MAX_MOVE_ERROR); _turnPID = new PID(&turnPIDConstants, MIN_TURN_ERROR, MAX_TURN_ERROR); printf("pid controllers initialized\n"); // Put robot head down for NorthStar use moveHead(RI_HEAD_DOWN); printf("collecting initial data\n"); // fill our sensors with data prefillData(); // base the wheel encoder pose off north star to start, // since we might start anywhere in the global system) _wheelEncoders->resetPose(_northStar->getPose()); // now update our pose again so our global pose isn't // some funky value (since it's based off we and ns) updatePose(true); // load the map once we've found our position in the global // system, so we can know what cell we started at int startingX; int startingY; if (_pose->getX() > 150) { startingX = 0; startingY = 2; } else { startingX = 6; startingY = 2; } _map = new Map(_robotInterface, startingX, startingY); _mapStrategy = new MapStrategy(_map); printf("map loaded\n"); }
/************************************** * Definition: Moves the robot in the specified direction * the specified number of cells (65x65 area) * * Parameters: ints specifying direction and number of cells **************************************/ void Robot::move(int direction, int numCells) { _heading = direction; int cellsTraveled = 0; while (cellsTraveled < numCells) { if(_numCellsTraveled != 0) { // make sure we're facing the right direction first if (nsThetaReliable()) { turn(direction); } // center ourselves between the walls center(); // turn once more to fix any odd angling if (nsThetaReliable()) { turn(direction); } } // count how many squares we see down the hall moveHead(RI_HEAD_MIDDLE); float leftSquareCount = _camera->avgSquareCount(COLOR_PINK, IMAGE_LEFT); float rightSquareCount = _camera->avgSquareCount(COLOR_PINK, IMAGE_RIGHT); moveHead(RI_HEAD_DOWN); if (leftSquareCount > 3.0) { leftSquareCount = 3.0; } if (rightSquareCount > 3.0) { rightSquareCount = 3.0; } // update our pose estimates now, ignoring // wheel encoders and setting them to be north star's updatePose(false); _wheelEncoders->resetPose(_northStar->getPose()); // finally, update our pose one more time so kalman isn't wonky updatePose(true); // based on the direction, move in the global coord system float goalX = _pose->getX(); float goalY = _pose->getY(); float distErrorLimit = MAX_DIST_ERROR; switch (direction) { case DIR_NORTH: goalY += CELL_SIZE; break; case DIR_SOUTH: goalY -= CELL_SIZE; break; case DIR_EAST: goalX += CELL_SIZE; if (_map->getCurrentCell()->x == 0 || _map->getCurrentCell()->x == 1) { goalX -= 30.0; } break; case DIR_WEST: goalX -= CELL_SIZE; if (_map->getCurrentCell()->x == 0 || _map->getCurrentCell()->x == 1) { goalX += 30.0; } break; } moveTo(goalX, goalY, distErrorLimit); // make sure we stop once we're there stop(); moveHead(RI_HEAD_MIDDLE); float newLeftSquareCount = _camera->avgSquareCount(COLOR_PINK, IMAGE_LEFT); float newRightSquareCount = _camera->avgSquareCount(COLOR_PINK, IMAGE_RIGHT); if (newLeftSquareCount > 3.0) { newLeftSquareCount = 3.0; } if (newRightSquareCount > 3.0) { newRightSquareCount = 3.0; } int i = 0; while ((newLeftSquareCount + 1.0 < leftSquareCount || newRightSquareCount + 1.0 < rightSquareCount) && i < 5) { moveBackward(10); _robotInterface->reset_state(); newLeftSquareCount = _camera->avgSquareCount(COLOR_PINK, IMAGE_LEFT); newRightSquareCount = _camera->avgSquareCount(COLOR_PINK, IMAGE_RIGHT); if (newLeftSquareCount + 1.0 < leftSquareCount && newRightSquareCount + 1.0 < rightSquareCount) { i++; } i++; } moveHead(RI_HEAD_DOWN); // we made it! cellsTraveled++; printf("Made it to cell %d\n", cellsTraveled); } }
GridRenderEngine::GridRenderEngine(const Vector3d &_size, const Vector3d &_cellSize) : mSize(_size), mCellSize(_cellSize) { mName = "Grid"; updatePose(); }