void PhysicsShape::setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY) { if (fabs(_scaleX - scaleX) > FLT_EPSILON || fabs(_scaleY - scaleY) > FLT_EPSILON) { if (_type == Type::CIRCLE && scaleX != scaleY) { CCLOG("PhysicsShapeCircle WARNING: CANNOT support setScale with different x and y"); return; } _newScaleX = scaleX; _newScaleY = scaleY; updateScale(); // re-calculate area and mass _area = calculateArea(); _mass = _material.density * _area; _moment = calculateDefaultMoment(); } }
/** * Respond to mouse move event. If the left button is down change the min or max. */ void ColorMapWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if (!m_dragging) return; double minValue = m_minValueBox->displayText().toDouble(); double maxValue = m_maxValueBox->displayText().toDouble(); if (m_dtype == Bottom) { minValue += double(e->y() - m_y) / height()*(maxValue - minValue); setMinValueText(minValue); } else { maxValue += double(e->y() - m_y) / height()*(maxValue - minValue); setMaxValueText(maxValue); } m_y = e->y(); updateScale(); }
void tick(float dt) { float inverseAR = 1.0f / m_pWindow->getAspectRatio(); vec3<float> aspectFix = vec3<float>(1, inverseAR, 1); if (!instantPositionUpdate) { m_currentPosition += (m_targetPosition() * aspectFix - m_currentPosition) * dt * 5; } else { m_currentPosition = m_targetPosition() * aspectFix; } if (!instantScaleUpdate) { m_currentScale += (m_targetScale() - m_currentScale) * dt * 8; } else { m_currentScale = m_targetScale(); } updatePosition(); updateScale(); if (positionAlign & LEFT) m_worldPosition.x += m_worldScale.x * 0.5f; if (positionAlign & RIGHT) m_worldPosition.x -= m_worldScale.x * 0.5f; if (positionAlign & TOP) m_worldPosition.y -= m_worldScale.y * 0.5f; if (positionAlign & BOTTOM) m_worldPosition.y += m_worldScale.y * 0.5f; update(dt); for (auto child : m_children) { child->tick(dt); } }
void QgsMapCanvas::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * e ) { QGraphicsView::resizeEvent( e ); mResizeTimer->start( 500 ); QSize lastSize = viewport()->size(); mSettings.setOutputSize( lastSize ); mMapRenderer->setOutputSize( lastSize, mSettings.outputDpi() ); mScene->setSceneRect( QRectF( 0, 0, lastSize.width(), lastSize.height() ) ); moveCanvasContents( true ); // notify canvas items of change updateCanvasItemPositions(); updateScale(); //refresh(); emit extentsChanged(); }
void TextItem::loadSprite() { updateScale(); setRenderSize(QSize(qRound(m_scale*width), qRound(m_scale*height))); int w = qRound(m_scale*width); int h = qRound(m_scale*height); QPixmap pixmap(QSize(w, h)); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&pixmap); int fontSize = fontUtils::fontSize(p, m_text, qRound(w*0.8), h, fontUtils::DoNotAllowWordWrap); p.setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 220)); p.setFont(QFont("Helvetica", fontSize, QFont::Bold)); p.drawText(QRectF(0, 0, w, h), Qt::AlignCenter, m_text); m_textPixmap.setPixmap(pixmap); repaint(); }
void GUIWindow::limitWithinMainWindow() {//Prevent window going out of application window //Limit size if (size.y + header->getHeight() > applicationData->getWindowHeight() - upBorder - downBorder) {//Window too high setSize(size.x, applicationData->getWindowHeight() - header->getHeight() - upBorder - downBorder); } if (size.x > applicationData->getWindowWidth() - leftBorder - rightBorder) {//Window too wide setSize(applicationData->getWindowWidth() - leftBorder - rightBorder, size.y); } //////Limit position ////Y if (getYGlobal() > applicationData->getWindowHeight() - size.y - upBorder - header->getHeight()) {//Window too up setPositionGlobal(position.x, applicationData->getWindowHeight() - size.y - upBorder - header->getHeight()); } else if (getYGlobal() < downBorder) {//Window too down setPositionGlobal(position.x, downBorder); } ////X if (getXGlobal() > applicationData->getWindowWidth() - size.x - rightBorder) {//Window too right setPositionGlobal(applicationData->getWindowWidth() - size.x - rightBorder, position.y); } else if (getXGlobal() < leftBorder) {//Window too left setPositionGlobal(leftBorder, position.y); } updateScale(); updatePosition(); }
bool Plot3DDialog::updatePlot() { int axis=-1; if (generalDialog->currentWidget()==(QWidget*)bars) { emit updateBars(boxBarsRad->text().toDouble()); } if (generalDialog->currentWidget()==(QWidget*)points) { if (boxPointStyle->currentItem() == 0) emit updatePoints(boxSize->text().toDouble(), boxSmooth->isChecked()); else if (boxPointStyle->currentItem() == 1) emit updateCross(boxCrossRad->text().toDouble(), boxCrossLinewidth->text().toDouble(), boxCrossSmooth->isChecked(), boxBoxed->isChecked()); else if (boxPointStyle->currentItem() == 2) emit updateCones(boxConesRad->text().toDouble(), boxQuality->value()); } if (generalDialog->currentWidget()==(QWidget*)title) { emit updateTitle(boxTitle->text(),titleColor,titleFont); } if (generalDialog->currentWidget()==(QWidget*)colors) { emit updateTransparency(boxTransparency->value()*0.01); emit updateDataColors(fromColor,toColor); emit updateColors(meshColor,axesColor,numColor,labelColor,bgColor,gridColor); } if (generalDialog->currentWidget()==(QWidget*)general) { emit showColorLegend(boxLegend->isChecked()); emit updateMeshLineWidth(boxMeshLineWidth->value()); emit adjustLabels(boxDistance->value()); emit updateResolution (boxResolution->value()); emit showColorLegend(boxLegend->isChecked()); emit setNumbersFont(numbersFont); emit updateZoom(boxZoom->value()*0.01); emit updateScaling(boxXScale->value()*0.01,boxYScale->value()*0.01, boxZScale->value()*0.01); } if (generalDialog->currentWidget()==(QWidget*)scale) { axis=axesList->currentRow(); QString from=boxFrom->text().toLower(); QString to=boxTo->text().toLower(); double start,end; bool error=false; try { MyParser parser; parser.SetExpr(from.toAscii().constData()); start=parser.Eval(); } catch(mu::ParserError &e) { QMessageBox::critical(0,tr("Start limit error"), QString::fromStdString(e.GetMsg())); boxFrom->setFocus(); error=true; return false; } try { MyParser parser; parser.SetExpr(to.toAscii().constData()); end=parser.Eval(); } catch(mu::ParserError &e) { QMessageBox::critical(0,tr("End limit error"), QString::fromStdString(e.GetMsg())); boxTo->setFocus(); error=true; return false; } if (start>=end) { QMessageBox::critical(0,tr("Input error"), tr("Please enter scale limits that satisfy: from < to!")); boxTo->setFocus(); return false; } if (! error) emit updateScale(axis,scaleOptions(axis, start, end, boxMajors->text(), boxMinors->text())); } if (generalDialog->currentWidget()==(QWidget*)axes) { axis=axesList2->currentRow(); labels[axis] = boxLabel->text(); emit updateLabel(axis, boxLabel->text(),axisFont(axis)); emit updateTickLength(axis,boxMajorLength->text().toDouble(), boxMinorLength->text().toDouble()); } return true; }
//! QwtDoubleRange update hook void QwtDial::rangeChange() { updateScale(); }
void ProxyEntity::onSetScale (ProxyObjectPtr proxy, float32 scale ) { updateScale(scale); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Initialize Artist library, creates window */ art_initSimple(800, 600, 0); /* Initial window settings */ art_setWinTitle("Artist Demo #7"); art_setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0); int exit = 0; // Load image to a layer Art_Layer* image = art_loadImage("media/saturn.jpg"); float scale = 1.0f; float rot = 0.0f; /* Drawing loop */ while (!exit) { art_setRotation(400, 300, rot); art_setColor(255, 255, 255, 255); art_drawLayer(image, 80.0f, 25.0f); rot += 0.005f; /* Update window */ art_update(); /* Check events */ while (art_nextEvent()) { if (art_getEventType() == ART_EVENT_QUIT) { exit = 1; } else if (art_getEventType() == ART_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { if (art_getKeyCode() == ART_KEY_ESCAPE) { exit = 1; } } else if (art_getEventType() == ART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP) { scale += 0.05f; updateScale(scale); } else if (art_getEventType() == ART_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN) { if (scale >= 0.05f) { scale -= 0.05f; updateScale(scale); } } } } /* Close artist libarary before exiting program */ art_close(); return 0; }
void ProxyEntity::onSetScale (ProxyObjectPtr proxy, float32 scale,const SpaceObjectReference& sporef ) { updateScale(scale); getScene()->downloadPlanner()->updateObject(proxy); }
/* * This dialog is designed to unify the old word, view, and graph type dialogs * into a cohesive whole. * */ ViewDimensions::ViewDimensions(MainWindow *parent) : Dialog(parent, "Dimensions", true) { WorldDimProp::add(this); viewXMin = getUnitDoubleSpinBox(); connect(viewXMin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(readjXMax())); viewXMax = getUnitDoubleSpinBox(); connect(viewXMax, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(readjXMin())); viewYMin = getUnitDoubleSpinBox(); connect(viewYMin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(readjYMax())); viewYMax = getUnitDoubleSpinBox(); connect(viewYMax, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(readjYMin())); worldXMin = new QLineEdit(); connect(worldXMin, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(updateScale())); worldXMax = new QLineEdit(); connect(worldXMax, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(updateScale())); worldYMin = new QLineEdit(); connect(worldYMin, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(updateScale())); worldYMax = new QLineEdit(); connect(worldYMax, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(updateScale())); worldType = new QComboBox(); for (int k=0;k<OPTS_LEN;k++) { worldType->addItem(opts[k].iname); } connect(worldType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateScale())); viewSelect = makeButton("Rect Select", SLOT(viewRect())); setButtonBold(viewSelect); rescaleAxes = makeButton("Autoscale", SLOT(rescaleTicks())); setButtonBold(rescaleAxes); autoHook(viewXMin); autoHook(viewXMax); autoHook(viewYMin); autoHook(viewYMax); autoHook(worldXMin); autoHook(worldXMax); autoHook(worldYMin); autoHook(worldYMax); autoHook(worldType); QHBoxLayout* header = new QHBoxLayout(); header->addWidget(makeLabel("Graph Type"), 0); header->addWidget(worldType, 0); header->addStretch(1); QGridLayout* wrldl = new QGridLayout(); addPair(wrldl, 0, makeLabel("X Min"), worldXMin); addPair(wrldl, 1, makeLabel("X Max"), worldXMax); addPair(wrldl, 2, makeLabel("Y Min"), worldYMin); addPair(wrldl, 3, makeLabel("Y Max"), worldYMax); wrldl->setRowMinimumHeight(4, 12); wrldl->addWidget(rescaleAxes, 5, 0, 1, 2, Qt::AlignCenter); wrldl->setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 100); wrldl->setColumnStretch(0, 0); wrldl->setColumnStretch(1, 2); QGroupBox* wrldb = makeGroupBox("World Coords"); wrldb->setLayout(wrldl); QVBoxLayout* wrld = new QVBoxLayout(); wrld->addWidget(wrldb, 0); wrld->addStretch(1); QGridLayout* viewl = new QGridLayout(); addPair(viewl, 0, makeLabel("X Min"), viewXMin); addPair(viewl, 1, makeLabel("X Max"), viewXMax); addPair(viewl, 2, makeLabel("Y Min"), viewYMin); addPair(viewl, 3, makeLabel("Y Max"), viewYMax); viewl->setRowMinimumHeight(4, 12); viewl->addWidget(viewSelect, 5, 0, 1, 2, Qt::AlignCenter); viewl->setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 120); viewl->setColumnStretch(0, 0); viewl->setColumnStretch(1, 2); QGroupBox* viewb = makeGroupBox("View Coords"); viewb->setLayout(viewl); QVBoxLayout* view = new QVBoxLayout(); view->addWidget(viewb, 0); view->addStretch(1); QHBoxLayout* bot = new QHBoxLayout(); bot->addLayout(wrld); bot->addLayout(view); QVBoxLayout* ovr = new QVBoxLayout(); ovr->addLayout(header); ovr->addStrut(12); ovr->addLayout(bot); this->setDialogLayout(ovr); }
ExpoDialog::ExpoDialog(QWidget *parent, ModelData & model, ExpoData *expoData, GeneralSettings & generalSettings, Firmware * firmware, QString & inputName) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::ExpoDialog), model(model), generalSettings(generalSettings), firmware(firmware), ed(expoData), inputName(inputName), modelPrinter(firmware, generalSettings, model) { ui->setupUi(this); QLabel * lb_fp[] = {ui->lb_FP0,ui->lb_FP1,ui->lb_FP2,ui->lb_FP3,ui->lb_FP4,ui->lb_FP5,ui->lb_FP6,ui->lb_FP7,ui->lb_FP8 }; QCheckBox * cb_fp[] = {ui->cb_FP0,ui->cb_FP1,ui->cb_FP2,ui->cb_FP3,ui->cb_FP4,ui->cb_FP5,ui->cb_FP6,ui->cb_FP7,ui->cb_FP8 }; setWindowTitle(tr("Edit %1").arg(modelPrinter.printInputName(ed->chn))); QRegExp rx(CHAR_FOR_NAMES_REGEX); if (IS_TARANIS(GetEepromInterface()->getBoard())) { gvWeightGroup = new GVarGroup(ui->weightGV, ui->weightSB, ui->weightCB, ed->weight, 100, -100, 100); gvOffsetGroup = new GVarGroup(ui->offsetGV, ui->offsetSB, ui->offsetCB, ed->offset, 0, -100, 100); } else { gvWeightGroup = new GVarGroup(ui->weightGV, ui->weightSB, ui->weightCB, ed->weight, 100, 0, 100); gvOffsetGroup = NULL; ui->offsetLabel->hide(); ui->offsetGV->hide(); ui->offsetSB->hide(); ui->offsetCB->hide(); } curveGroup = new CurveGroup(ui->curveTypeCB, ui->curveGVarCB, ui->curveValueCB, ui->curveValueSB, ed->curve, firmware->getCapability(HasInputDiff) ? 0 : (HIDE_DIFF | HIDE_NEGATIVE_CURVES)); populateSwitchCB(ui->switchesCB, ed->swtch, generalSettings, MixesContext); ui->sideCB->setCurrentIndex(ed->mode-1); if (!firmware->getCapability(FlightModes)) { ui->label_phases->hide(); for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { lb_fp[i]->hide(); cb_fp[i]->hide(); } } else { int mask = 1; for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { if ((ed->flightModes & mask) == 0) { cb_fp[i]->setChecked(true); } mask <<= 1; } for (int i=firmware->getCapability(FlightModes); i<9; i++) { lb_fp[i]->hide(); cb_fp[i]->hide(); } } if (firmware->getCapability(VirtualInputs)) { ui->inputName->setMaxLength(4); populateSourceCB(ui->sourceCB, ed->srcRaw, generalSettings, &model, POPULATE_NONE | POPULATE_SOURCES | POPULATE_SWITCHES | POPULATE_TRIMS | POPULATE_TELEMETRY); ui->sourceCB->removeItem(0); ui->inputName->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(rx, this)); ui->inputName->setText(inputName); } else { ui->inputNameLabel->hide(); ui->inputName->hide(); ui->sourceLabel->hide(); ui->sourceCB->hide(); ui->trimLabel->hide(); ui->trimCB->hide(); } for(int i=0; i < NUM_STICKS; i++) { ui->trimCB->addItem(AnalogString(i), i+1); } ui->trimCB->setCurrentIndex(1 - ed->carryTrim); int expolength = firmware->getCapability(HasExpoNames); if (!expolength) { ui->lineNameLabel->hide(); ui->lineName->hide(); } else { ui->lineName->setMaxLength(expolength); } ui->lineName->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(rx, this)); ui->lineName->setText(ed->name); updateScale(); valuesChanged(); connect(ui->lineName, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); connect(ui->sourceCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); connect(ui->scale, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); connect(ui->trimCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); connect(ui->switchesCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); connect(ui->sideCB, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { connect(cb_fp[i], SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); } if (firmware->getCapability(VirtualInputs)) connect(ui->inputName, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(valuesChanged())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(shrink())); }
void SimpleChart::init() { // Set the time to zero time = sf::Time(sf::Time::Zero); // initialize the axis xAxis.setOrigin(xAxis.getLocalBounds().width / 2, xAxis.getLocalBounds().height / 2); yAxis.setOrigin(yAxis.getLocalBounds().width / 2, yAxis.getLocalBounds().height / 2); xAxis.setPosition(WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2); yAxis.setPosition(WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2); yAxis.rotate(90); xAxis.setFillColor(AXIS_COLOR); yAxis.setFillColor(AXIS_COLOR); // Load the fonts quicksandFontBold.loadFromFile(QUICKSAND_BOLD_FONT); quicksandFontRegular.loadFromFile(QUICKSAND_REGULAR_FONT); // Initialize the title title.setString(SIMPLE_TITLE_STRING); title.setFont(quicksandFontBold); title.setPosition(SIMPLE_TITLE_POS_X, SIMPLE_TITLE_POS_Y); title.setCharacterSize((uint)SIMPLE_TITLE_SIZE); // initialize the function name functionName.setString(getFunctionTitle()); functionName.setFont(quicksandFontRegular); functionName.setPosition(SIMPLE_FUNCTION_POS_X, SIMPLE_FUNCTION_POS_Y); functionName.setCharacterSize((uint)SIMPLE_FUNCTION_SIZE); // initialize the variable names for (int i = 0; i < variables.index.size(); i++) { sf::Text newVariableName; variableNames.push_back(newVariableName); variableNames[i].setFont(quicksandFontBold); variableNames[i].setPosition(SIMPLE_OPTION_POS_X[i], SIMPLE_OPTION_POS_Y); variableNames[i].setCharacterSize((uint)SIMPLE_OPTION_SIZE); // Set the string of the variable names variableNames[i].setString(SIMPLE_OPTION[variables.index[i]]); } // initialize the values of the variables for (int i = 0; i < variables.index.size(); i++) { sf::Text newVariableValue; variableValue.push_back(newVariableValue); variableValue[i].setFont(quicksandFontRegular); variableValue[i].setPosition(SIMPLE_OPTION_POS_X[i], SIMPLE_OPTION_VALUE_POS_Y); variableValue[i].setCharacterSize((uint)SIMPLE_OPTION_SIZE); } // nitialize the annotations for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sf::Text newAnnotation; annotation.push_back(newAnnotation); annotation[i].setFont(quicksandFontRegular); annotation[i].setString(ANNOTATION[i]); annotation[i].setPosition(ANNOTATION_POS_X, ANNOTATION_POS_Y[i]); annotation[i].setCharacterSize((uint)ANNOTATION_SIZE); } // Start the axis with the default scale updateScale(); // Start the points with the default variables and scale updatePoints(); // initialize the selected option selected = 0; }
void ElevationProfilePlotAxis::update() { updateTicks(); updateScale(); }
void StackGraph::logic(float t, float dt) { if(paused) return; if(activeNode==0) return; StackNode* clickedNode = mouseOverNode = 0; StackNode* nodeAtMouse = activeNode->mouseOverChildren(mousepos); if(nodeAtMouse != 0 && !nodeAtMouse->isLoading()) { mouseOverNode = nodeAtMouse; if(mouseclicked) clickedNode = nodeAtMouse; } if(clickedNode != 0) { selectNode(clickedNode); } else if(mouseclicked) { vec2f barclick = mousepos - corner; //select parent node if(section_bounds.contains(barclick)) { StackNode* parent = activeNode->getParent(); if(parent != 0) { setActiveNode(parent); resetView(); } } } if(in_transition>0.0) { updateTransition(dt); } else if(alpha < 1.0) { alpha = std::min(1.0f, alpha + dt); } if(last_update > gStackGraphFetchDelay) { last_update = 0.0; // activeNode->fetchBets(); } last_update += dt; //update the scale of the graph updateScale(dt); //update active node bets activeNode->updateBets(dt); //time char datestr[256]; long currtime = time(0); struct tm* timeinfo = localtime ( &currtime ); strftime(datestr, 256, "%d/%m/%Y %X", timeinfo); displaydate = datestr; mouseclicked = false; }
void QgsMapRenderer::adjustExtentToSize() { double myHeight = mSize.height(); double myWidth = mSize.width(); QgsMapToPixel newCoordXForm; if ( !myWidth || !myHeight ) { mScale = 1.0; newCoordXForm.setParameters( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); return; } // calculate the translation and scaling parameters // mapUnitsPerPixel = map units per pixel double mapUnitsPerPixelY = mExtent.height() / myHeight; double mapUnitsPerPixelX = mExtent.width() / myWidth; mMapUnitsPerPixel = mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX ? mapUnitsPerPixelY : mapUnitsPerPixelX; // calculate the actual extent of the mapCanvas double dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax, whitespace; if ( mapUnitsPerPixelY > mapUnitsPerPixelX ) { dymin = mExtent.yMinimum(); dymax = mExtent.yMaximum(); whitespace = (( myWidth * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.width() ) * 0.5; dxmin = mExtent.xMinimum() - whitespace; dxmax = mExtent.xMaximum() + whitespace; } else { dxmin = mExtent.xMinimum(); dxmax = mExtent.xMaximum(); whitespace = (( myHeight * mMapUnitsPerPixel ) - mExtent.height() ) * 0.5; dymin = mExtent.yMinimum() - whitespace; dymax = mExtent.yMaximum() + whitespace; } QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelX ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mapUnitsPerPixelY ) ) ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( myWidth ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( myHeight ) ) ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Extent dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() ) ) ); QgsDebugMsg( mExtent.toString() ); // update extent mExtent.setXMinimum( dxmin ); mExtent.setXMaximum( dxmax ); mExtent.setYMinimum( dymin ); mExtent.setYMaximum( dymax ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Adjusted map units per pixel (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() / myWidth ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() / myHeight ) ) ); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Recalced pixmap dimensions (x,y) : %1, %2" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.width() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ) ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mExtent.height() / mMapUnitsPerPixel ) ) ); // update the scale updateScale(); QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Scale (assuming meters as map units) = 1:%1" ).arg( qgsDoubleToString( mScale ) ) ); newCoordXForm.setParameters( mMapUnitsPerPixel, dxmin, dymin, myHeight ); mRenderContext.setMapToPixel( newCoordXForm ); mRenderContext.setExtent( mExtent ); }
void ControlLayer::zoomOut(CCObject* pSender) { m_pControl->zoomOut(); updateScale(); }