//updates the vertex buffer containing the per instance data
	size_t InstanceBatchHW_VTF::updateInstanceDataBuffer(bool isFirstTime, Camera* currentCamera)
		size_t visibleEntityCount = 0;
		bool useMatrixLookup = useBoneMatrixLookup();
		if (isFirstTime ^ useMatrixLookup)
			//update the mTransformLookupNumber value in the entities if needed 

			const float texWidth  = static_cast<float>(mMatrixTexture->getWidth());
			const float texHeight = static_cast<float>(mMatrixTexture->getHeight());

			//Calculate the texel offsets to correct them offline
			//Awkwardly enough, the offset is needed in OpenGL too
			Vector2 texelOffsets;
			//RenderSystem *renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
			texelOffsets.x = /*renderSystem->getHorizontalTexelOffset()*/ -0.5f / texWidth;
			texelOffsets.y = /*renderSystem->getHorizontalTexelOffset()*/ -0.5f / texHeight;

			float *thisVec = static_cast<float*>(mInstanceVertexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

			const size_t maxPixelsPerLine = std::min( mMatrixTexture->getWidth(), mMaxFloatsPerLine >> 2 );

			//Calculate UV offsets, which change per instance
			for( size_t i=0; i<mInstancesPerBatch; ++i )
				InstancedEntity* entity = useMatrixLookup ? mInstancedEntities[i] : NULL;
				if  //Update if we are not using a lookup bone matrix method. In this case the function will 
					//be called only once
					(!useMatrixLookup || 
					//Update if we are in the visible range of the camera (for look up bone matrix method
					//and static mode).
					size_t matrixIndex = useMatrixLookup ? entity->mTransformLookupNumber : i;
					size_t instanceIdx = matrixIndex * mMatricesPerInstance * mRowLength;
					*thisVec = ((instanceIdx % maxPixelsPerLine) / texWidth) - (float)(texelOffsets.x);
					*(thisVec + 1) = ((instanceIdx / maxPixelsPerLine) / texHeight) - (float)(texelOffsets.y);
					thisVec += 2;

					if (useMatrixLookup)
						const Matrix4& mat =  entity->_getParentNodeFullTransform();
						*(thisVec)     = static_cast<float>( mat[0][0] );
						*(thisVec + 1) = static_cast<float>( mat[0][1] );
						*(thisVec + 2) = static_cast<float>( mat[0][2] );
						*(thisVec + 3) = static_cast<float>( mat[0][3] );
						*(thisVec + 4) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][0] );
						*(thisVec + 5) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][1] );
						*(thisVec + 6) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][2] );
						*(thisVec + 7) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][3] );
						*(thisVec + 8) = static_cast<float>( mat[2][0] );
						*(thisVec + 9) = static_cast<float>( mat[2][1] );
						*(thisVec + 10)= static_cast<float>( mat[2][2] );
						*(thisVec + 11)= static_cast<float>( mat[2][3] );
						if(currentCamera && mManager->getCameraRelativeRendering()) // && useMatrixLookup
							const Vector3 &cameraRelativePosition = currentCamera->getDerivedPosition();
							*(thisVec + 3) -= static_cast<float>( cameraRelativePosition.x );
							*(thisVec + 7) -= static_cast<float>( cameraRelativePosition.y );
							*(thisVec + 11) -=  static_cast<float>( cameraRelativePosition.z );
						thisVec += 12;

    void InstanceBatchHW_VTF::fillVertexBufferLUT( const MovableObjectArray *culledInstances )
        //update the mTransformLookupNumber value in the entities if needed 

        const float texWidth  = static_cast<float>(mMatrixTexture->getWidth());
        const float texHeight = static_cast<float>(mMatrixTexture->getHeight());

        //Calculate the texel offsets to correct them offline
        //Awkwardly enough, the offset is needed in OpenGL too
        Vector2 texelOffsets;
        //RenderSystem *renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
        texelOffsets.x = /*renderSystem->getHorizontalTexelOffset()*/ -0.5f / texWidth;
        texelOffsets.y = /*renderSystem->getHorizontalTexelOffset()*/ -0.5f / texHeight;

        float *thisVec = static_cast<float*>(mInstanceVertexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));

        const size_t maxPixelsPerLine = std::min( mMatrixTexture->getWidth(), static_cast<uint32>(mMaxFloatsPerLine >> 2) );

        MovableObjectArray::const_iterator itor = culledInstances->begin();
        MovableObjectArray::const_iterator end  = culledInstances->end();

        while( itor != end )
            assert( dynamic_cast<InstancedEntity*>(*itor) );
            const InstancedEntity *entity = static_cast<InstancedEntity*>(*itor);
            size_t matrixIndex = entity->mTransformLookupNumber;
            size_t instanceIdx = matrixIndex * mMatricesPerInstance * mRowLength;
            *thisVec = ((instanceIdx % maxPixelsPerLine) / texWidth) - (float)(texelOffsets.x);
            *(thisVec + 1) = ((instanceIdx / maxPixelsPerLine) / texHeight) - (float)(texelOffsets.y);
            thisVec += 2;

            const Matrix4& mat =  entity->_getParentNodeFullTransform();
            *(thisVec)     = static_cast<float>( mat[0][0] );
            *(thisVec + 1) = static_cast<float>( mat[0][1] );
            *(thisVec + 2) = static_cast<float>( mat[0][2] );
            *(thisVec + 3) = static_cast<float>( mat[0][3] );
            *(thisVec + 4) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][0] );
            *(thisVec + 5) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][1] );
            *(thisVec + 6) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][2] );
            *(thisVec + 7) = static_cast<float>( mat[1][3] );
            *(thisVec + 8) = static_cast<float>( mat[2][0] );
            *(thisVec + 9) = static_cast<float>( mat[2][1] );
            *(thisVec + 10)= static_cast<float>( mat[2][2] );
            *(thisVec + 11)= static_cast<float>( mat[2][3] );

            //TODO: This hurts my eyes (reading back from write-combining memory)
            /*if(currentCamera && mManager->getCameraRelativeRendering()) // && useMatrixLookup
                const Vector3 &cameraRelativePosition = currentCamera->getDerivedPosition();
                *(thisVec + 3) -= static_cast<float>( cameraRelativePosition.x );
                *(thisVec + 7) -= static_cast<float>( cameraRelativePosition.y );
                *(thisVec + 11) -=  static_cast<float>( cameraRelativePosition.z );
            thisVec += 12;

